N1SW SAP transaction code

IS-H*MED: Maintain med.ext.srvc.cat

The SAP transaction code N1SW refers to the SAP report RN1VWSTR. The SAP short description for transaction code N1SW is "IS-H*MED: Maintain med.ext.srvc.cat".

Information about the SAP transaction code
transaction codeN1SW
relevance medium relevance
descriptionIS-H*MED: Maintain med.ext.srvc.cat

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N10B IS-H*MED: Maintain work station org. N10C IS-H*MED: Maint. asnmt WrkCntr-TMkr N10D IS-H*MED: Maint. plan.object classes N10E IS-H*MED: Maint. svc-based resources N10F IS-H*MED: Displ. svc-based resources N10G IS-H*MED: Display table N1NURSHIFT N10H IS-H*MED: Maintain table N1NURSHIFT N10I IS-H*MED: Maintain roll assignment N10J IS-H*MED: Maintain OR-service split N10K IS-H*MED: Display proc. instructions N10L IS-H*MED: Maintain proc.instructions N10M IS-H*MED: Maintain transfer times N10N IS-H*MED: Display transfer times N10O IS-H: Maintain Symbols for WP IDs N10V IS-H: Display Work Env-to-User Asgmt N10W IS-H: Maintain Work Env-to-User Asgt N1A0 IS-H*MED: Create position/task N1A1 IS-H*MED: Change position/task N1A2 IS-H*MED: Display position/task N1A3 IS-H*MED: Create collective entry N1A4 IS-H*MED: Change collective entry N1A5 IS-H*MED: Display collective entry N1A6 IS-H*MED: Maintain employees inv. N1A7 IS-H*MED: Display employees inv. N1AA IS-H*MED: Service Details N1AB IS-H*MED: Service Details N1AC IS-H*MED: Change service code N1AD IS-H*MED: Display service code N1AE IS-H*MED: Create Request Category N1AEN IS-H*MED: Create Request Category N1AF IS-H*MED: Change Request Category N1AFN IS-H*MED: Change Request Category N1AG IS-H*MED: Display Request Category N1AGN IS-H*MED: Display Request Category N1AT IS-H*MED: No.range req. categories N1AU IS-H*MED: Request Overview N1B0 IS-H*MED: Create Visit Sequence N1B1 IS-H*MED: Change org.assignment N1B2 IS-H*MED: Display org.assignment N1B4 IS-H*MED: Create task qualification N1B5 IS-H*MED: Change task qualification N1B6 IS-H*MED: Display task qualification N1B7 IS-H*MED: Maintain nurs.profile N1B8 IS-H*MED: Display nurs.profile N1BA IS-H*MED: Create service request N1BB IS-H*MED: Change service request N1BC IS-H*MED: Display service request N1BE IS-H*MED: Enter requests received N1C0 IS-H*MED: Create employee position N1C1 IS-H*MED: Change employee position N1C2 IS-H*MED: Display employee position N1C4 IS-H*MED: Maintain mat. consumption N1C5 IS-H*MED: Display mat. consumption N1CORD IS-H: Create Clinical Order N1COT IS-H: Set Up Clinical Order Types N1CT IS-H: Define Context Types N1D1 IS-H*MED: Maint.printer f.each inst. N1D2 IS-H*MED: Dsply.printer f.each inst. N1DI IS-H*MED: Pat.Transport - Dispatcher N1E0 IS-H*MED: Create nursing cycle N1E1 IS-H*MED: Change nursing cycle N1E2 IS-H*MED: Display nursing cycle N1E3 IS-H*MED: Cycle Prioritization N1E4 IS-H*MED: Cycle Prioritization N1EC IS-H*Med: Extra services N1G1 IS-H*MED: Menu Service facility mgmt N1GS IS-H*MED: Menu care unit mgmt N1IS1 IS-H*MED: Internet Service N1K1 IS-H*MED: Maintain quota planning N1K2 IS-H*MED: Display quota planning N1K3 IS-H*MED: Display OUs involved N1K4 IS-H*MED: Maintain OUs involved N1K7 IS-H*MED: Display day sched/svc.quot N1K8 IS-H*MED: Display day sched/svc.quot N1KA IS-H*MED: Medical Record Management N1KH IS-H*MED: hsptl structure N1L1 IS-H*MED: Task by position N1L2 IS-H*MED: Qualifications by task N1L3 IS-H*MED: List task by service N1L4 IS-H*MED: Qualifications by person N1L5 IS-H*MED: List employee position N1L6 IS-H*MED: Requestable org. unit N1L7 IS-H*MED: Service range list N1L8 IS-H*MED: Qualif.-task-employee N1LA IS-H*MED: Material proposal N1LP IS-H*MED: Nursing Worklist N1LU IS-H*MED: Worklist N1LU01 IS-H*MED: Standard Worklist N1LU02 IS-H*MED: Worklist Variant Selection N1LUT1 IS-H*MED: Worklist w/o init. scrn. N1LUT2 IS-H*MED: Worklist w/ Initial Screen N1LUV1 IS-H*MED: Worklist w/o In.Scrn N1LUV2 IS-H*MED: Work list w/ init. screen N1M0 IS-H*MED: Maintain subseq.srvc entry N1M1 IS-H*MED: Display subseq.srvc entry N1M2 IS-H*MED: Maintain subseq.srvc entry N1M3 IS-H*MED: Maintain subseq.srvc entry N1MA IS-H*MED: Maintain Material Asgnmnt. N1MATV IS-H*MED: Maintain mat. consumption N1ME Medication Evaluations
N1MEAM IS-H*MED: Maintain Agents N1MEFM Maintain Formulary N1MEPI IS-H*MED: Fill List - Pick List N1ML IS-H*MED: Medical unit list N1MO IS-H*MED Basic Data: Surgery System N1MP IS-H*MED: Nursing N1MS IS-H*MED: Basic data srvc processing N1MZ IS-H*MED: Display Material Assignmnt N1N1 IS-H: Display scoring table NASCO N1N2 IS-H: Maintain scoring table NASCO N1NK IS-H*MED: Number Ranges N1OT IS-H: Define Object Types N1P0 IS-H*MED: Maintain service entry N1P1 IS-H*MED: Display service entry N1P2 IS-H*MED: Maintain service entry N1P3 IS-H*MED: Display service entry N1P4 IS-H*MED: Specify treatment:Maintain N1P5 IS-H*MED: Specify treatment:Display N1P6 IS-H*MED: Create req. profile N1P7 IS-H*MED: Change req. profile N1P8 IS-H*MED: Display req. profile N1PA IS-H*MED: Display Nrs.Pln.Prfl.Asnmt N1PC IS-H: File transfers PC - SAP N1PDN NULL N1PDNK Number Range Interval Births N1PE IS-H: File Transfer PC --> R3 N1PF IS-H*MED: Call nursing plan N1PG IS-H*MED: OR Schedule N1PH IS-H*MED: Patient History N1PK IS-H*MED: Worklist f. Nursing Svcs. N1PM PERINAT: Perinatal monitor N1PN IS-H*MED: OR Planning List N1PP IS-H*MED: Nurs.ac.evaluat. N1PR IS-H*MED: Maint. Nrs.Pln.Prfl.Asnmt N1PRPH NULL N1RB IS-H*MED: Evaluation of visits N1RK IS-H*MED: Patient Transport Service N1RL IS-H*MED: Service management N1RS IS-H*MED: Basic medical data N1S1 IS-H*MED: Display task N1S2 IS-H*MED: Maintain task N1S3 IS-H*MED: Display position N1S4 IS-H*MED: Maintain position N1S5 IS-H*MED: Display qualifications N1S6 IS-H*MED: Maintain qualifications N1S7 IS-H*MED: Display srvc facility type N1S8 IS-H*MED: Maintain srvc facil. type N1S9 IS-H*MED: Display srvc grouping type N1SA IS-H*MED: Maintain srvc.gr.types N1SB IS-H*MED: Display service status N1SC IS-H*MED: Maintain service status N1SD IS-H*MED: Display srvc task asgnmt N1SE IS-H*MED: Maintain srvc task asgnmt N1SF IS-H*MED: Display cancel. reasons N1SG IS-H*MED: Maintain cancel. reasons N1SH IS-H*MED: Display request status N1SI IS-H*MED: Maintain request status N1SJ IS-H*MED: Display request priority N1SK IS-H*MED: Maintain request priority N1SL IS-H*MED: Display Req. Type Usage N1SM IS-H*MED: Maintain Req. Type Usage N1SN IS-H*MED: Display transport types N1SO IS-H*MED: Maintain transport types N1SP IS-H*MED: Display OU-rel.Customizing N1SQ IS-H*MED: Maint. OU-Rel. Customizing N1SR IS-H*MED: Display date interpretatn N1SS IS-H*MED: Maint. date interpretatn N1ST IS-H*MED: Display deg. of infection N1SU IS-H*MED: Maint. deg. of infection N1SV IS-H*MED: Display med.ext.srvc.cat N1SW IS-H*MED: Maintain med.ext.srvc.cat N1SX IS-H*MED: Maintain planned beds N1TB IS-H*MED: Table-Utility INT.USE ONLY N1TR IS-H*MED: Transport List N1TX IS-H*MED: Messages for Closed OU N1TX1 IS-H*MED: Messages for Closed OU N1US IS-H*MED: Update Desktop Components N1VE IS-H: Set Up Preregistration Types N1VK IS-H*MED: Preregistration List N1VL Insur.Verification/Extension Request N1VM IS-H*MED Pre-registration list N1VPP1 IS-H*MED: Display Vital Parameters N1VPP2 IS-H*MED: Maintain Vital Parameters N1W1 IS-H*MED: Task-rel.employeeSrvcList N1W2 IS-H*MED: Diagnosis-rel.srvc.eval N1W3 IS-H*MED: List Srvc.-patient-employ. N1W4 IS-H*MED: Patient-rel.srvc.list N1WA IS-H*MED: Waiting list info. funct. N1WL IS-H*MED: Follow-up visit list N1WR IS-H*MED: Waiting List
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