N1ME SAP transaction code

Medication Evaluations

The SAP transaction code N1ME refers to the SAP report RNREPORT. The SAP short description for transaction code N1ME is "Medication Evaluations".

Information about the SAP transaction code
transaction codeN1ME
relevance medium relevance
descriptionMedication Evaluations

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N10B IS-H*MED: Maintain work station org. N10C IS-H*MED: Maint. asnmt WrkCntr-TMkr N10D IS-H*MED: Maint. plan.object classes N10E IS-H*MED: Maint. svc-based resources N10F IS-H*MED: Displ. svc-based resources N10G IS-H*MED: Display table N1NURSHIFT N10H IS-H*MED: Maintain table N1NURSHIFT N10I IS-H*MED: Maintain roll assignment N10J IS-H*MED: Maintain OR-service split N10K IS-H*MED: Display proc. instructions N10L IS-H*MED: Maintain proc.instructions N10M IS-H*MED: Maintain transfer times N10N IS-H*MED: Display transfer times N10O IS-H: Maintain Symbols for WP IDs N10V IS-H: Display Work Env-to-User Asgmt N10W IS-H: Maintain Work Env-to-User Asgt N1A0 IS-H*MED: Create position/task N1A1 IS-H*MED: Change position/task N1A2 IS-H*MED: Display position/task N1A3 IS-H*MED: Create collective entry N1A4 IS-H*MED: Change collective entry N1A5 IS-H*MED: Display collective entry N1A6 IS-H*MED: Maintain employees inv. N1A7 IS-H*MED: Display employees inv. N1AA IS-H*MED: Service Details N1AB IS-H*MED: Service Details N1AC IS-H*MED: Change service code N1AD IS-H*MED: Display service code N1AE IS-H*MED: Create Request Category N1AEN IS-H*MED: Create Request Category N1AF IS-H*MED: Change Request Category N1AFN IS-H*MED: Change Request Category N1AG IS-H*MED: Display Request Category N1AGN IS-H*MED: Display Request Category N1AT IS-H*MED: No.range req. categories N1AU IS-H*MED: Request Overview N1B0 IS-H*MED: Create Visit Sequence N1B1 IS-H*MED: Change org.assignment N1B2 IS-H*MED: Display org.assignment N1B4 IS-H*MED: Create task qualification N1B5 IS-H*MED: Change task qualification N1B6 IS-H*MED: Display task qualification N1B7 IS-H*MED: Maintain nurs.profile N1B8 IS-H*MED: Display nurs.profile N1BA IS-H*MED: Create service request N1BB IS-H*MED: Change service request N1BC IS-H*MED: Display service request N1BE IS-H*MED: Enter requests received N1C0 IS-H*MED: Create employee position N1C1 IS-H*MED: Change employee position N1C2 IS-H*MED: Display employee position N1C4 IS-H*MED: Maintain mat. consumption N1C5 IS-H*MED: Display mat. consumption N1CORD IS-H: Create Clinical Order N1COT IS-H: Set Up Clinical Order Types N1CT IS-H: Define Context Types N1D1 IS-H*MED: Maint.printer f.each inst. N1D2 IS-H*MED: Dsply.printer f.each inst. N1DI IS-H*MED: Pat.Transport - Dispatcher N1E0 IS-H*MED: Create nursing cycle N1E1 IS-H*MED: Change nursing cycle N1E2 IS-H*MED: Display nursing cycle N1E3 IS-H*MED: Cycle Prioritization N1E4 IS-H*MED: Cycle Prioritization N1EC IS-H*Med: Extra services N1G1 IS-H*MED: Menu Service facility mgmt N1GS IS-H*MED: Menu care unit mgmt N1IS1 IS-H*MED: Internet Service N1K1 IS-H*MED: Maintain quota planning N1K2 IS-H*MED: Display quota planning N1K3 IS-H*MED: Display OUs involved N1K4 IS-H*MED: Maintain OUs involved N1K7 IS-H*MED: Display day sched/svc.quot N1K8 IS-H*MED: Display day sched/svc.quot N1KA IS-H*MED: Medical Record Management N1KH IS-H*MED: hsptl structure N1L1 IS-H*MED: Task by position N1L2 IS-H*MED: Qualifications by task N1L3 IS-H*MED: List task by service N1L4 IS-H*MED: Qualifications by person N1L5 IS-H*MED: List employee position N1L6 IS-H*MED: Requestable org. unit N1L7 IS-H*MED: Service range list N1L8 IS-H*MED: Qualif.-task-employee N1LA IS-H*MED: Material proposal N1LP IS-H*MED: Nursing Worklist N1LU IS-H*MED: Worklist N1LU01 IS-H*MED: Standard Worklist N1LU02 IS-H*MED: Worklist Variant Selection N1LUT1 IS-H*MED: Worklist w/o init. scrn. N1LUT2 IS-H*MED: Worklist w/ Initial Screen N1LUV1 IS-H*MED: Worklist w/o In.Scrn N1LUV2 IS-H*MED: Work list w/ init. screen N1M0 IS-H*MED: Maintain subseq.srvc entry N1M1 IS-H*MED: Display subseq.srvc entry N1M2 IS-H*MED: Maintain subseq.srvc entry N1M3 IS-H*MED: Maintain subseq.srvc entry N1MA IS-H*MED: Maintain Material Asgnmnt. N1MATV IS-H*MED: Maintain mat. consumption N1ME Medication Evaluations
N1MEAM IS-H*MED: Maintain Agents N1MEFM Maintain Formulary N1MEPI IS-H*MED: Fill List - Pick List N1ML IS-H*MED: Medical unit list N1MO IS-H*MED Basic Data: Surgery System N1MP IS-H*MED: Nursing N1MS IS-H*MED: Basic data srvc processing N1MZ IS-H*MED: Display Material Assignmnt N1N1 IS-H: Display scoring table NASCO N1N2 IS-H: Maintain scoring table NASCO N1NK IS-H*MED: Number Ranges N1OT IS-H: Define Object Types N1P0 IS-H*MED: Maintain service entry N1P1 IS-H*MED: Display service entry N1P2 IS-H*MED: Maintain service entry N1P3 IS-H*MED: Display service entry N1P4 IS-H*MED: Specify treatment:Maintain N1P5 IS-H*MED: Specify treatment:Display N1P6 IS-H*MED: Create req. profile N1P7 IS-H*MED: Change req. profile N1P8 IS-H*MED: Display req. profile N1PA IS-H*MED: Display Nrs.Pln.Prfl.Asnmt N1PC IS-H: File transfers PC - SAP N1PDN NULL N1PDNK Number Range Interval Births N1PE IS-H: File Transfer PC --> R3 N1PF IS-H*MED: Call nursing plan N1PG IS-H*MED: OR Schedule N1PH IS-H*MED: Patient History N1PK IS-H*MED: Worklist f. Nursing Svcs. N1PM PERINAT: Perinatal monitor N1PN IS-H*MED: OR Planning List N1PP IS-H*MED: Nurs.ac.evaluat. N1PR IS-H*MED: Maint. Nrs.Pln.Prfl.Asnmt N1PRPH NULL N1RB IS-H*MED: Evaluation of visits N1RK IS-H*MED: Patient Transport Service N1RL IS-H*MED: Service management N1RS IS-H*MED: Basic medical data N1S1 IS-H*MED: Display task N1S2 IS-H*MED: Maintain task N1S3 IS-H*MED: Display position N1S4 IS-H*MED: Maintain position N1S5 IS-H*MED: Display qualifications N1S6 IS-H*MED: Maintain qualifications N1S7 IS-H*MED: Display srvc facility type N1S8 IS-H*MED: Maintain srvc facil. type N1S9 IS-H*MED: Display srvc grouping type N1SA IS-H*MED: Maintain srvc.gr.types N1SB IS-H*MED: Display service status N1SC IS-H*MED: Maintain service status N1SD IS-H*MED: Display srvc task asgnmt N1SE IS-H*MED: Maintain srvc task asgnmt N1SF IS-H*MED: Display cancel. reasons N1SG IS-H*MED: Maintain cancel. reasons N1SH IS-H*MED: Display request status N1SI IS-H*MED: Maintain request status N1SJ IS-H*MED: Display request priority N1SK IS-H*MED: Maintain request priority N1SL IS-H*MED: Display Req. Type Usage N1SM IS-H*MED: Maintain Req. Type Usage N1SN IS-H*MED: Display transport types N1SO IS-H*MED: Maintain transport types N1SP IS-H*MED: Display OU-rel.Customizing N1SQ IS-H*MED: Maint. OU-Rel. Customizing N1SR IS-H*MED: Display date interpretatn N1SS IS-H*MED: Maint. date interpretatn N1ST IS-H*MED: Display deg. of infection N1SU IS-H*MED: Maint. deg. of infection N1SV IS-H*MED: Display med.ext.srvc.cat N1SW IS-H*MED: Maintain med.ext.srvc.cat N1SX IS-H*MED: Maintain planned beds N1TB IS-H*MED: Table-Utility INT.USE ONLY N1TR IS-H*MED: Transport List N1TX IS-H*MED: Messages for Closed OU N1TX1 IS-H*MED: Messages for Closed OU N1US IS-H*MED: Update Desktop Components N1VE IS-H: Set Up Preregistration Types N1VK IS-H*MED: Preregistration List N1VL Insur.Verification/Extension Request N1VM IS-H*MED Pre-registration list N1VPP1 IS-H*MED: Display Vital Parameters N1VPP2 IS-H*MED: Maintain Vital Parameters N1W1 IS-H*MED: Task-rel.employeeSrvcList N1W2 IS-H*MED: Diagnosis-rel.srvc.eval N1W3 IS-H*MED: List Srvc.-patient-employ. N1W4 IS-H*MED: Patient-rel.srvc.list N1WA IS-H*MED: Waiting list info. funct. N1WL IS-H*MED: Follow-up visit list N1WR IS-H*MED: Waiting List
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