"remove all unicode characters from lv_string
replace all occurrences of regex '[[:unicode:]]' in lv_string with ''.
Here are more regular expressions for specific character groups:
[[:alnum:]] | Alphanumeric characters |
[[:alpha:]] | Letters |
[[:blank:]] | Spaces and horizontal tabs |
[[:cntrl:]] | Control character |
[[:digit:]] | Digits |
[[:graph:]] | Graphic special characters |
[[:lower:]] strong> | Lowercase |
[[:print:]] | Displayable characters |
[[:punct:]] | Punctuation marks |
[[:space:]] | Spaces, tabs and feeds |
[[:unicode:]] | Unicode character (code greater than 255) |
[[:upper:]] | Capital letters |
[[:word:]] | Alphanumeric characters and _ (underscore) |
[[:xdigit:]] | Hexadecimal digits |
Source: help.sap.com - Regex