WB2INDN SAP transaction code

Recompilation of Document Index

The SAP transaction code WB2INDN refers to the SAP report RWB2M01N. The SAP short description for transaction code WB2INDN is "Recompilation of Document Index".

Information about the SAP transaction code
transaction codeWB2INDN
relevance medium relevance
descriptionRecompilation of Document Index

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WB/0 Assignment partner / mess. promotion WB/1 Sub. cond.,cr. tab, promo announ. WB/2 Sub.cond.,change tbl, promo ann. WB/3 Sub. cond., disp. tab, promo ann. WB/4 Maintain sequence (mes.) promotion WB/5 Maintain message types,promotion WB/6 Maintain Message Deter.Schema,Promo. WB/7 Assignment promotion type / schema WB/8 Ass. mess.type/pr.proc. promotions WB/9 Message requirements, promotion WB/A Message deter. promo:create cond.rec WB/B Mess.deter.Promo: chng conditon rec WB/C Mess.deter.promo: display cond. rec. WB/D Maintain output types promotion grp WB/E Assmnt mess.type/progr.group promo. WB00 Subsequent settlement WB01 Create plant WB02 Change plant WB03 Display plant WB06 Archiving flag, plant WB07 Change plant/customer assignment WB08 Change plant/vendor assignment WB20 Global Trade WB21 Trading contract: Create WB22 Trading contract: Change WB23 Trading contract: Display WB24 Trading contract: Coll. status proc. WB25 Trad. contract list: Contracts lists WB26 Trading Contract: Document Flow WB27 Trading contract: Standard analysis WB28 Trading contract: Change history WB2C Messages - Target Group: Customer WB2CM1 Reconstruction of Credit Mgmt Data WB2DI1 Generate Differential Invoices WB2DI2 Relvt Billg Docs for Diffrntl Invs WB2DI3 Complete Billng Docs for Difftl Invs WB2DI4 Open Billing Docs for Diffrntl Invs WB2IND Automatic Document Adjustment WB2L Long Short Analysis WB2M Messages for Management WB2MAP Mappings in Global Trade WB2R Global Trade General Control WB2V Messages for Vendor WB2_CS Trading Contract Settlement WB30 Mass maintenance MG to plant WB31 Trading Contract: Fincl Documents WB35 Layout overview WB40 List analysis for classes WB50 Plant group, create alloc tbl WB51 Plant group, change alloc tbl WB52 Plant group, display alloc table WB53 Plant group, delete alloc tbl WB54 PG Maintain allocTbl, plant to class WB55 PG AllocTbl, maintain class to class WB56 PG AllTbl, maintain plants in class WB57 PG AllocTbl display plants in class WB58 PG Alloc tbl display class to class WB59 PG AllocTbl display plants in class WB5N Stock in Transit (Consignment) WB60 Plant group, create promotions WB61 Plant group, change promotions WB62 Plant group, display promotions WB63 Plant group, delete promotions WB64 PG Promotion, maint. plants to class WB65 PG Promotion, maint. class to class WB66 PG Promotion, maint. plants to class WB67 PG Promotion, maint. plants to class WB68 PG Promotion, displ. class to class WB69 PG Promotion, displ. plants in class WB70 Create assortment class WB71 Change assortment class WB72 Display assortment class WB73 Delete assortment class WB74 Maintain assortments to classes WB75 Maintain classes to classes WB76 Maintain assortments in class WB77 Display assortments to classes WB78 Display Class for Classes WB79 Display assortments in class WB80 Create plant group Other WB81 Change plant group Other WB82 Display plant group Other WB83 Delete plant group Other WB84 PG Other, maint. plant to classes WB85 PG Other, maint. class to classes WB86 PG Other, maint. plant in class WB87 PG Other, displ.plant to classes WB88 PG Other, class to class WB89 PG Other, displ. plants in class WBB0 Assortment list applicatiom menu WBBA Assortment List: Analyze Dates WBBR Reorganize Assort. List Versions WBBS Display Assortment List Versions WBDEMO Workbench Demo: Template Interface WBF1 IS-R: Stock Overview, Empties WBF2 Display GI/GR Diff. for Stck Trans. WBG1 Maintenance WBL1 Create posting list manually WBL2 Change posting list WBL3 Display posting list more transactions

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