UCF07 SAP transaction code

Currency Translation Timeframes

The SAP transaction code UCF07 refers to the SAP report . The SAP short description for transaction code UCF07 is "Currency Translation Timeframes".

Information about the SAP transaction code
transaction codeUCF07
relevance medium relevance
descriptionCurrency Translation Timeframes

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UC00 SEM-BCS: Configuration Menu UC01 BP: Convert Forms of Address UC03 BP: Convert Marital Stat. TP03 TBO27 UC08 BP: Convert Legal Forms UC09 BP: Conversion of Legal Entities UC14 BP: Conversion of Address TP14 tb009 UC15 BP: Conversion of Functions UC16 BP: Conversion of Department UC17 BP: Convert industry T016 tB023 UC17A Convert industries UCBPUM Select tables to be converted UCC0 Initialize Control Tables UCC1 BP conversion: Initial CBP Customiz. UCC2 BP conversion: Cutomizing UCCC0 SAP Cons: Customizing Comparison UCCC1 SAP Cons: Display Cust.Comparison UCCP0 Copy Cons Area UCD01 Custom Data Types UCD02 List of All Generated Models UCD1 Delete converted partners UCD3 Delete matched partner UCDL0 Delete Cons Area-dependent Settings UCF01 Applications UCF02 Method Categories UCF03 List of Method Settings/Cons UCF04 List of Method Settings/Plan UCF05 Flexible Upload: Method Categories UCF06 Currency Translation Keys UCF07 Currency Translation Timeframes UCF08 Currency Translation Procedure UCF09 Exchange Rate Periods Used UCF10 Procedure for E/R Determination UCGEN Select tables to be converted UCH01 Integr.of References in Cust. Tables UCH02 List Customizing Settings UCH1 Display logs UCH2_1 Determine data elements UCH2_2 Determine tables UCH2_3 Usage of Fields to be Converted UCL21 Log Types UCM01 Data Basis: Change RFC Destination UCMON Consolidation Monitor UCMP0 Set Cons Area in Perm. Parameters UCMP2 Set Cons Area for All Users UCMP3 Set Permanent Parameters UCNOTA BP: Convert general memos UCNOTR BP: Convert role category-dep. memos UCNOTZ BP: Conversion of Role-Dep. Memos UCNUM1 Maintain Number Range Intervals UCON0 Contact Management UCON1 Administration of Distribution Lists UCP1 Convert TR Partner to CBP UCP11 General code conversion UCP2 Convert Relationships UCP2_3 Conversion FI fields to relatships UCP3 Match: Selection without partner UCP3_2 Match selected partners UCP4 Structure partner-obj. relationship UCP6 Convert Memos UCP7 Display log UCP8 Conversion of partner-object rel. UCP9 Generate Coding UCPP Change Permanent Parameters UCRLST List of Totals Records UCRRFC Virtual Cubes: Destination BW->SEM UCS01 Task Categories UCSL1 Information Messages in Logs UCSSG0 Generate Selection Screen UCSTC Correct Task Status UCSTI Information for Status Management UCU1 Conversion: Project definition UCU2 Conversion: Module > Time period UCU3 Conversion: Definition time period UCU4 Conversion: Control UCU5 Conversion: Sequence definition UCU6 Conversion: Def. fields for conv. UCUS0 Customizing UCUST BP: Business partner - applic.Cust. UCWB Consolidation Workbench UCWB01 SAP Cons: Data Basis UCWB02 SAP Cons: Consolidation Area UCZ11 BP: Conversion of relationship type UCZ12 BP: Conversion of applications UCZ2 BP: Convert grouping TPZ2 TB001 UCZ3 BP: Conversion of role categories UCZ7 BP: Conv. of relationship categories

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