
OM22 SAP transaction code

Field Selection Control Cycle Data

The SAP transaction code OM22 refers to the SAP report . The SAP short description for transaction code OM22 is "Field Selection Control Cycle Data".

Information about the SAP transaction code
transaction codeOM22
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descriptionField Selection Control Cycle Data

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OM00 Customizing KANBAN OM01 MRP at client level OM0A Storage Mode for MRP Lists OM0C Requirements Grouping OM0D Period Profile for Safety Time OM0E Define Scope of Planning OM0F Convert MDVM/MDVL for MRP Areas OM0H MRP User Settings U444B OM0I Declaration Selection Rule OM0J Declaration Display Filter OM0K Define Navigation Profile OM0L Texts for Exception Groups OM0M Define MRP Views OM0N Activate Parallel Reading of SRL OM0O Evaln Profile Ranges of Coverage OM0P Define Extraction Mode OM0R Activate Material Groupings OM11 Control Key; In-House Production OM12 Control Key; External Procurement OM13 Control Profile: Stock Transfer OM14 No.Range Maintenance: PKHD OM15 Maintain Status Short Text - Kanban OM16 Maintain Kanban Status Sequences OM17 Define Actions for Status Switching OM18 Number Range Maintenance: PKKEY OM19 Kanban Calculation Profile OM1R Maint. Periodic Invoicing Plan Types OM20 Adjust Control Cycle OM22 Field Selection Control Cycle Data OM23 Display of Kanbans OM24 Quick Info for Kanbans OM25 Alternative Error Handling KANBAN OM27 Automatic Deletion of Kanbans OM28 LE: Storage Location Control OM29 Authorization Status Change Kanban OM2R Maint. partial invoicing plan types OM31 Addl Functions for Control Cycles OM3R Maintain Date IDs OM4R Maint. Date Cat. for Invoicing Plan OM5R Default Date Category for Inv. Plan OM6R Maintain Dates OM7R Rule Table for Date Determination OM8R Invoicing Plan: Blocking Reasons OM9R Purch. Order: Reasons for Rejection OMA0 Conditions: V_T681F for H ME OMA1 Create Cond. Table: Batches in MM OMA2 Change Cond.Table: Batches in MM OMA3 Display Cond. Table: Batches in MM OMA4 Field catalog V_T681f free goods (M) OMA5 Field catalog V_T681 free goods (SD) OMA6 Condition Table: Listing/Exclusion D OMA7 Condition Table: Add Index OMA8 Condition table: Change Index OMAB Definition Initial Status Batch OMAC Definition Initial Status Batch OMAD Number Ranges for Batch Numbers OMAE Number ranges of strategy records OMAG View Maintenance OMB0 List of document types OMB1 Dynamic Availability Check OMB2 Create SLoc. Automatically (GI) OMB3 Create SLoc. Automatically (GR) OMB4 Maintain Print Indicator (GI) OMB5 Maintain Print Indicator (GR) OMB6 Change Manual Account Assgt. OMB7 Test Data: Init.Entry of Stock Balcs OMB8 Test Data: Reservations Transfer OMB9 Change Document Lives OMBA Number Assgmt. for Accounting Docs. OMBB Batch Where-Used List OMBC Set Missing Parts Check OMBD Business Area from MM View OMBF Control BTCI Sessions for Goods Mvmt OMBG Set Stock Balance Display OMBH Phys. Inventory Settings in Plant OMBI Suggest Items Preselected GR OMBJ Suggest Items Preselected GI OMBK Suggest Items Preselected: Reservtn OMBM Control BTCI Sessions for Reserv. OMBN Defaults for Reservation OMBO Assign Forms and Programs OMBP Freeze Book Inventory Balance OMBR General Print Settings OMBS Reasons for Movements OMBT No. Ranges: Mat. Doc./Phys.Inventory OMBU Allocate Layout Sets to Reports OMBV Control BTCI Sessions for Phys. Inv. OMBW Set Screen Layout for Goods Movement OMBX Stock Balance Display OMBZ Rev. GR Despite Invoice OMC0 Tolerance Limits for Goods Receipt OMC1 Goods Receipt/Issue Slip Number OMC2 Number Assignment for Reservations OMC3 Suggest Items Preselected: Phys.Inv. OMC4 BTCI Data Transfer: Inventory Count OMC6 Test Data Transfer: Phys. Inventory OMC7 BTCI Data Transfer: Inv.Count + Diff OMC8 BTCI Data Tranfer: Inv. Doc./Count OMC9 BTCI Data Tfr.: Inv.Doc./Count/Diff. OMCB Service Lists
OMCC Generate Phys.Inv.Doc.for Goods Mvmt OMCD Suggest Del. Completed Indicator OMCDB Activate Documentary Batch OMCE Define Batch Level OMCF Print Label OMCG Search Procedures: Batch Determ. MM OMCH Set Manual Account Assignment (GR) OMCI Scope of List: Service Lists OMCJ Screen Layout: Goods Receipt OMCK Inventory Sampling Profile OMCL Inventory Sampling: St. Mgmt Levels OMCM Dynamic Availability Check: GR OMCN Control BTCI Sessions for Phys. Inv. OMCO Set Cycle Counting OMCP Dynamic Availability Check: GI OMCQ Settings for System Messages OMCR Inventory Sampling: St.Mgmt Lvl: WM OMCS Activate Batch Status Management OMCT Batch Definition OMCU Batch Status Management in Plant OMCV Classify Batches OMCW Strategy Types: Batch Determin.MM OMCWB Activate WIP Batch OMCX Access Seq. Batch Determination MM OMCY Search Procedures: Batch Determ. MM OMCZ Activate batch number allocation OMD0 C RM-MAT MRP Controllers OMD1 C RM-MAT MD Mat.type/MRP procedure OMD2 C RM-MAT MD Weighting Groups OMD3 C RM-MAT MD Exception Message T458A OMD5 C MM MRP Element Description T457 OMD6 C RM-MAT MD Rqmts Plng Active T001W OMD7 C RM-MAT MD Schedul.Parameters T399D OMD8 C RM-MAT MD Control Parameters T438M OMD9 C RM-MAT MD Spec.Procurmt.Key T460A OMDA C RM-MAT MD Period Split T449A OMDB Marking Material for MRP Termination OMDB01 Create application ID OMDC C RM-MAT MD Planned Orders T436A OMDD C RM-MAT MD Planned Ord. Types T460C OMDE C RM-MAT MD Lot Sizes T439A OMDF C RM-MAT MD StgeCosts Lot Size T439L OMDG C RM-MAT MD Ord.ForecastRequmt T439P OMDH C RM-MAT MD Plnned Order Types T460D OMDI C RM-MAT MD Lot Size Texts OMDJ C RM.MAT MD Corr.Factors for Forcast OMDK C RM-MAT MD Error Allocation OMDL C MM-MRP User Maintenance OMDN C MM-MRP No.RangeInterval - PurReq. OMDO Create Planning File OMDP Check Consistency for Planning File OMDQ C RM-MAT MRP Types T438A OMDR C MD Run Time Statistics OMDS C MD Number of Planned Orders OMDT C MM-MRP External Procurement OMDU C MD Activate MRP OMDV C MD Convert Planning Run OMDW C MD Rescheduling OMDX C MD Planning Horizon OMDY C MD Planning Run Abend OMDZ C MD MRP Creation Indicator OME1 C MM-PUR Purchasing Value Keys OME2 C MM-PUR Terms of Payment OME4 C MM-PUR Purchasing Groups OME5 C MM-PUR Activate Plant: Source List OME9 C MM-PUR Acct. Assignment Categories OMEC Copying Control Maintenance OMEE C MM-PUR Reorganization RFQ OMEH C MM-PUR User Maintenance OMEI C MM-PUR User Profiles OMEL C MM-PUR Certificate Categories OMEN C MM-PUR Reorg. Sched. Agrmnt Time OMEO C MM-PUR Number Ranges: Info Record OMEP C MM-PUR Number Ranges: Source List OMEQ C MM-PUR Quota Arrangement Rules OMES C MM-PUR Comments on Quotation OMESCJ Activate chargeable info records OMET Settings for Function Authorizations OMEV Determine Consgt. Valuation Prices OMEW C MM-PUR Requisition Processing Time OMEX C MM-PUR Reorganization: Requisition OMEY C MM-PUR Reorganization PO OMEZ C MM-PUR Reorg. Contract Time OMF0 C MM-PUR Activate Cond. for Plant OMFH C MM-PUR Find Calc. Schema - Rebate OMFI Settings for Default Values OMFJ C MM-PUR Rec. Layout for Batch Input OMFK C MM-PUR Field Selection: Vendor OMFL C MM-PUR Transfer of Info Rec. Data OMFM C MM-PUR Schema Groups: Purch. Org. OMFN C MM-PUR Schema Groups: Vendor OMFO C MM-PUR Find Calculation Schema OMFP C MM-PUR Schema Group <-> Pur. Org. OMFQ C MM-PUR Scope of List: Conditions OMFR C MM-PUR Mkt. Price Schema: P. Org. OMFS CC-MM-PUR Chge.-Notice-Relev. Fields OMFT Message Determination Requirements OMFZ C MM-PUR: Stock Transfer Schema OMG0 CS MM-PUR Item Cat./Acc. Assgt. Cat. OMG1 C MM-PUR Commodity Code
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