O4NM SAP transaction code

Maintain Nomination

The SAP transaction code O4NM refers to the SAP report ROIJ_NOM_GUI. The SAP short description for transaction code O4NM is "Maintain Nomination".

Information about the SAP transaction code
transaction codeO4NM
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descriptionMaintain Nomination

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O4N0 Bulk Replenishment (IS-Oil BDRP) O4N2 Maintain General Meter O4N3 Display General Meter O4N8 Maintain plant site control parms O4N9 Maintain SOC type data O4NA Assign Storage Objects O4NC Create Nomination O4NCN Create Nomination O4ND Display Assigned Storage Objects O4NI Enter customer stock data O4NJ Customer stock overview O4NM Maintain Nomination O4NR OIL-TSW Recover Nomination O4NS Display Nomination O4NSN Display Nomination O4NV Change Nomination O4NVN Change Nomination O4O1 Create output: Bulk Tran. Scheduling O4O2 Change Output:Bulk Tran. Scheduling O4O3 Display Output:Bulk Tran. Scheduling O4O4 Create output: Bulk Tran. Loading O4O5 Change Output:Bulk Tran. Loading O4O6 Display Output:Bulk Tran. Loading O4O7 Create output: Bulk Tran. Del. Conf. O4O8 Change Output:Bulk Tran. Del. Conf. O4O9 Display Output:Bulk Tran. Del. Conf. O4OA Modify Output Det. - Scheduling O4OB Modify Output Det.-Sch. (Detailed) O4OC Modify Output Det. - Loading O4OD Modify Output Det.-Del. Confirmation O4OE TD Output from deliveries O4P0 Terminal Automation Interface O4P1 Create LID Master Data O4P2 Change LID Master Data O4P3 Display LID Master Data O4P4 Delete Load ID O4P5 Display released LIDs O4P7 Release LIDs O4P8 Revise LIDs O4P9 Transport Planning System Interface O4PDCC Change DCP data O4PDCL List DCP history O4PDCR Delete DCP status entries O4PDCT Delivery Confirmation Frontend O4PH Display Load information O4PI Show LID-Details O4PJ Display LID to SD-Document O4PK Load data pickup O4PL Transfer Location Master Data to TPS O4PM Call Flowlogic Control O4PMN TPI History Information O4PN Skip shipment inbound process O4PO Change order and plant O4PP Shipment planning O4PQ Distribute orders O4PR Selection without LID Type O4PS Load data shipment O4PV Driver Vehicle Assignment O4PW IDOC via Changepointer for OILDVA O4PX Shipment Planning Workbench O4PZ Display / Delete log table entries O4R1 TD Create Rack Meter O4R2 TD Change Rack Meter O4R3 TD Display Rack Meter O4R4 TD Delete Rack Meter O4R5 Rack Meter Reconciliation O4R6 Distribute Rack Meter O4RP1 Create release profile O4RP2 Change release profile O4RP3 Display release profile O4S0 Transport and Distribution O4S1 TD Master Data O4T0 IS-OIL TSW (Traders & Schedulers W O4T3WP 3 way pegging O4T5 Create records in cond table - NOM O4T6 Change records in cond table - NOM O4T7 Display records in cond table - NOM O4T8 Display of archived nominations O4TAPN Automatically process nominations O4TB Stock Projection Worksheet O4TBB Stock Projection Worksheet O4TC Generate Stock Projection O4TCB Generate Stock Projection for batch O4TCN Generate Stock Projection New O4TD Generate worklist entries O4TDG OIL TSW: Maintain deal groups O4TDL OIL-TSW Delete Location O4TE OIL-TSW: Enter movement ticket O4TEN Ticket create new O4TF OIL-TSW: Change ticket O4TFN Change ticket O4TG OIL-TSW: Display Ticket O4TGN Display Ticket O4TH OIL-TSW: Delete movement ticket O4THN Delete Ticket O4TI TSW archiving - Tickets O4TJ Display archived tickets O4TK TSW archiving - Nomination O4TL TSW Delete Transport System O4TM OIL-TSW: Safety stock calc. engine
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