
MI23 SAP transaction code

Disp. Phys. Inv. Data for Material

The SAP transaction code MI23 refers to the SAP report RM07IINV. The SAP short description for transaction code MI23 is "Disp. Phys. Inv. Data for Material".

Information about the SAP transaction code
transaction codeMI23
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descriptionDisp. Phys. Inv. Data for Material
Screenshots of SAP transaction code MI23

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MIGO Goods Movement MI01 Create Physical Inventory Document MI02 Change Physical Inventory Document MI03 Display Physical Inventory Document MI04 Enter Inventory Count with Document MI05 Change Inventory Count MI06 Display Inventory Count MI07 Process List of Differences MI08 Create List of Differences with Doc. MI09 Enter Inventory Count w/o Document MI10 Create List of Differences w/o Doc. MI11 Recount Physical Inventory Document MI12 Display changes MI20 Print List of Differences MI21 Print physical inventory document MI22 Display Phys. Inv. Docs. f. Material MI23 Disp. Phys. Inv. Data for Material MI24 Physical Inventory List MI31 Batch Input: Create Phys. Inv. Doc. MI32 Batch Input: Block Material MI33 Batch Input: Freeze Book Inv.Balance MI34 Batch Input: Enter Count MI35 Batch Input: Post Zero Stock Balance MI37 Batch Input: Post Differences MI38 Batch Input: Count and Differences MI39 Batch Input: Document and Count MI40 Batch Input: Doc., Count and Diff. MI9A Analyze archived phy. inv. docs MIAD Delete Phys. Inv. Documents MIAL Inventory Documents: Read Archive MIAR Archive Phys. Inv. Documents MIAV Manage Phys. Inv. Doc. Archive MIBC ABC Analysis for Cycle Counting MICN Btch Inpt:Ph.Inv.Docs.for Cycle Ctng MIDO Physical Inventory Overview MIE1 Batch Input: Phys.Inv.Doc. Sales Ord MIGR1 KW: Conversion of enh./rel. (global) MIGR2 KW: Conver. of Enh/Rel/Origin (sel.) MIK1 Batch Input: Ph.Inv.Doc.Vendor Cons. MIM1 Batch Input: Create Ph.Inv.Docs RTP MIMD Tansfer PDC Physical Inventory Data MIO1 Batch Input: Ph.Inv.Doc.:Stck w.Subc MIQ1 Batch Input: PhInvDoc. Project Stock MIR4 Call MIRO - Change Status MIR5 Display List of Invoice Documents MIR6 Invoice Overview MIR7 Park Invoice MIRA Fast Invoice Entry MIRCMR Material Reconciliation MIRO Enter Incoming Invoice MIS1 Create Sample-Based Phys. Inv. - ERP MIS2 Change Inventory Sampling MIS3 Display Inventory Sampling MIS4 Create Inventory Sampling - R/2 MIS5 Create Inventory Sampling - Other MISS Extract: Check Solution Paths MIV1 Batch I.:PhInDoc f.Ret.Pack.at Cust. MIW1 Batch I.;PhInDoc f. Consigt at Cust. MI_MCD MI:Process Mobile Component MI_MSD MI:Process Mobile Component

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