
MF68 SAP transaction code

Log for Pull List

The SAP transaction code MF68 refers to the SAP report RMPU_DISPLAY_LOG. The SAP short description for transaction code MF68 is "Log for Pull List".

Information about the SAP transaction code
transaction codeMF68
relevance medium relevance
descriptionLog for Pull List

Similar transactions

MF02 Change Run Schedule Header MF03 Display Run Schedule Header MF12 Display Document Log (With ALV) MF20 REM Cost Controlling MF22 Versions: Overview MF23 Linking Versions Graphically MF26 Display Reporting Point Quantity MF27 Update Stats for Planned Quantities MF30 Create PrelimCostEst - ProdCostColl. MF36 C RM-MAT MD Create Planning IDs MF37 C RM-MAT MD Linking Versions MF3A Document Archiving MF3D Delete Archived Document MF3E Evaluate Archived Document MF3M Manage Archived Documents MF3R Reload Archived Document MF41 Reverse Backflush (With ALV) MF42 Collective Backflush MF42N New Collective Entry MF45 Reprocessing Components: Rep.Manuf. MF46 Collective Reprocessing, Backflush MF47 Open Reprocessing Records / Pr.Line MF4R Resetting Reporting Points MF50 Planning Table - Change MF51 Print Production Quantities MF52 Planning Table - Display MF53 Maintaining Variants-Production List MF57 Planning Table - By MRP Lists MF60 Pull List MF63 Staging Situation MF65 Stock Transfer for Reservation MF68 Log for Pull List MF70 Aggregate Collective Backflush MFBF Backflushing In Repetitive Mfg MFHU Backflushing In Repetitive Mfg MFI2 Actual Overhead: Run Schedule Header MFN1 Actual Reval.: PrCstCol. Ind.Pro. MFN2 Actual Reval.: PrCstCol. Col.Pro. MFP1 REM: Plan HUs - General MFP11 REM: Plan HUs Without Order MFP12 REM: Plan HUs for Order MFP13 Rep. Manuf.: Plan HUs for Delivery MFP14 Rep. Man.: Plan HUs for Purch. Order MFP2 REM: Pack HUs - General MFP21 REM: Pack HUs Without Order MFP22 REM: Pack HUs for Order MFP23 Rep. Manuf.: Pack HUs for Delivery MFP24 Rep. Man.: Pack HUs for Purch. Order MFPP1 PackDemandMgt Repetitive Mfg: Plan MFPP2 PackDemandMgt Repetitive Mfg: Pack MFPR Process Inspection Lot for Versions MFS0 LFP: Change Master Plan

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