KCPD SAP transaction code

Delete plan data with key fig. sel.

The SAP transaction code KCPD refers to the SAP report SAPMKCPD. The SAP short description for transaction code KCPD is "Delete plan data with key fig. sel.".

Information about the SAP transaction code
transaction codeKCPD
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descriptionDelete plan data with key fig. sel.

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KCP1 Validation logs data entry KCP2 Automatic Planning: Forecast KCP22 Automatic Planning: Forecast KCP3 Currency translation key entry/main. KCP4 Create entry form KCP5 Change entry form KCP6 Display entry form KCP7 Create planning layout KCP8 Change planning layout KCP9 Display planning layout KCPA Automatic Planning: Copy KCPA2 Copy KCPB Batch jobs aut. planning KCPD Delete plan data with key fig. sel. KCPE EC-BP: object-dependent revaluation KCPF EC-BP: object-dependent distribution KCPG EC-BP: object-dependent forecast KCPL Automatic Planning: Change KCPL2 Automatic Planning: Change KCPT Automatic planning: top-down distr. KCPT2 Automatic Planning: Top-Down KCPU Display Forecast Profile EC KCPV EC: Change forecast profile KCPW EC: Display weighting groups KCPX Change Weighting Groups KCPZ Segment-Specific Planning Functions KCR0 Run Drilldown Report KCR1 Create Drilldown Report KCR2 Change drilldown report KCR3 Display Drilldown Report KCR4 Create form KCR5 Change form KCR6 Display form KCR7 Maintain authorization obj. present. KCR8 Display authorization obj.presentatn KCRA Maintain variant table KCRB Maintain variable groups KCRC Print/actualize reports KCRD Maintain Variants RKCBATCH KCRE Maintain Global Variables KCRF Maintain Char.Grps for SAP-EIS Rep. KCRG Maint.view for curr.transl./fld cat. KCRH Maint.view for curr.transl./key fig. KCRP Maintain variant groups KCRQ Maintain Variants KCRR Report selection KCRS Schedule Variant Group KCRT Define Variant Group KCRU Convert drilldown reports KCS0 Maintain master data KCS2 SAP-EIS: Delete char. values KCS3 SAP-EIS: Maintain character. values KCS4 SAP-EIS: Display character. values KCS5 Maintain characteristics (view) KCS6 Display characteristics (view) KCS7 Maintain fiscal year KCSA Send structure output fields default KCSE Sending structure output fields KCT0 EC-EIS/EC-BP: Comment management KCT1 EC-EIS/EC-BP: Reorganize comments KCUA Display Transfer Log KCUU Report Data Reorganization KCV0 Maintain Distribution Keys KCV1 Create Distribution Key KCV2 Change distribution key KCV3 Display distribution key KCV4 Delete distribution key KCVA EIS/BP: Maintain validations/rules KCVC EIS/BP: Copy validations/rules KCVD Overview of Reports KCVL Variable list element in basic rep. KCVV Reorganization Reports KCW0 Testmonitor reporting SAP-EIS KCW1 Generations SAP-EIS KCW2 Logs SAP-EIS KCWA Maintain Currency Translation Type KCWW Reorganize forms KCXX Reorganization of Variant Groups KCZ1 EC-EIS/BP: Archive transaction data
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