IW3D SAP transaction code

Print Order

The SAP transaction code IW3D refers to the SAP report SAPLCOIH. The SAP short description for transaction code IW3D is "Print Order".

Information about the SAP transaction code
transaction codeIW3D
relevance medium relevance
descriptionPrint Order

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IW12 Document flow list IW13 Material Where-used List IW20 Quality Notification No. Assignment IW21 Create PM Notification - General IW22 Change PM Notification IW23 Display PM Notification IW24 Create PM Malfunction Report IW25 Create PM Activity Report IW26 Create Maintenance Request IW27 Set deletion flag f. PM notification IW28 Change Notifications IW29 Display Notifications IW29WP IW29 - Call from Workplace/MiniApp IW30 Notification List (Multi-Level) IW31 Create Order IW32 CHANGE ORDER IW33 Display PM Order IW34 PM Order for PM Notification IW36 Create PM Sub-Order IW37 Change Operations IW37N Change Orders and Operations IW38 Change PM Orders IW39 Display PM orders IW3D Print Order IW3K Change order component list IW3L Display Order Component List IW3M List of Goods Movements for Order IW40 Display Orders (Multi-Level) IW40N Operation Cost Overview IW41 Enter PM Order Confirmation IW42 Overall Completion Confirmation IW43 Display PM Order Confirmation IW44 PM Order Collective Confirmation IW45 Cancel PM Order Confirmation IW46 Postprocessing of PDC Error Records IW47 Confirmation List IW48 Confirmation using operation list IW49 Display Operations IW49N Display Orders and Operations IW51 Create Service Notification-General IW52 Change Service Notification IW53 Display Service Notification IW54 Create Service Notification-Malfn. IW55 Create Activity Report IW56 Create service request IW57 Set Deletion Flag For Notification IW58 Change Service Notifications IW59 Display Service Notifications IW61 Create Historical PM Order IW62 Change Historical Order IW63 Display Historical PM Order IW64 Change Activities IW65 Display activities IW66 Change Tasks IW67 Display Tasks IW68 Change Notification Items IW69 Display Notification Items IW70 Orders Overall Network Scheduling IW72 Change Service Order IW73 Display Service Order IW74 Change Contract for Serviceable Item IW75 Display Serviceable Item Contract IW81 Create Refurbishment Order IW8W Goods Receipt f. Refurbishment Order IWBK Material availability information IWP01 Audit Package Handling IWR1 Create / Change Revision IWR2 Display Revision IWWW Create Service Notification (WWW)

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