FMD1 SAP transaction code

FM: Change Carryforward Rules

The SAP transaction code FMD1 refers to the SAP report SAPMFM10. The SAP short description for transaction code FMD1 is "FM: Change Carryforward Rules".

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descriptionFM: Change Carryforward Rules

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FM+0 Display FM Main Role Definition FM+1 Maintain FM Main Role Definition FM+2 Display FM Amount Groups FM+3 Maintain FM Amount Groups FM+4 Display FM Budget Line Groups FM+5 Maintain FM Budget Line Groups FM+6 Display FM Document Classes FM+7 Maintain FM Document Classes FM+8 Display FM Activity Categories FM+9 Maintain FM Activity Categories FM+A Display Doc.Class->Doc.Cat. Assgmt FM+B Maintain Doc.Clase->Doc.Cat.Assgmt FM03 Display FM Document FM03A Display FM Document with Archive FM2E FM: Change Budget Document FM2F FM: Display Budget Document FM2G Field Contents in Funds Centers FM2M Index of Funds Centers FM30 NULL FM3G Commitment Item Hierarchy FM3M Index of Commitment Items FM3N Commitment Items for G/L Accounts FM48 Change Financial Budget: Initial Scn FM48_1 PS-CM: Create Planning Layout FM48_2 PS-CM: Change Planning Layout FM48_3 PS-CM: Display Planning Layout FM49 Display Financial Budget: Init.Scrn FM4G Budget Structure Element Hierarchy FM4M Directory of Functional Areas FM5I FIFM: Create Fund FM5M Index of Funds FM5S FIFM: Display Fund FM5U FIFM: Change Fund FM6I FIFM: Create Application of Funds FM6M Index of Application of Funds FM6S FIFM: Display Application of Funds FM6U FIFM: Change Application of Funds FM71 Maintain Cover Pool FM72 Assign FM Acct Asst to Cover Pool FM73 Create Cust. for Distr.inCollec.Exp. FM78 Charact.Groups for Cover Pools FM79 Grouping Chars for Cover Pool FM7A Indiv. Processing of CE Rules FM7B Flag FMAA as Eligible for Cover FM7C Generate Cover Pools from Rules FM7G Edit rules FM7K Copy Cover Eligibility Rules FM7K_N Copy Cover Pools with Funds Centers FM7L Delete Cover Eligibility Rules FM7M Directory of Funded Programs FM7P Indiv. Processing of Assgt to Cvr E. FM7S MassMaintenac. Rules-CoverEligibilty FM7U Multiple Processing of Assgts to CE FM80 Budget Incr. Rev. Maint. - Display FM81 Budget Incr. Rev. Maint. - Update FM9B FM: Copy Budget Version FM9C Plan Data Transfer from CO FM9D FM: Block Budget Version FM9E FM: Unblock Budget Version FM9K FIFM: Change Budget Structure FM9L FM: Display Budget Structure FM9M FM: Delete Budget Structure FM9N FM: Generate Budget Object FM9O Copy Supplement Budget FM9P Reconstruct Budget Distrbtd Values FM9Q FM: Total Up Budget FM9R Loc.Auth.: Change Budget Structure FM9S HHM: Generate Net Vote Objects FM9T Check Assignment Object FM9U FM: Checking Budget Consistency FM9W Adjust Funds Management Budget FM9X FM: Delete Budget 1 Commitment Item FM9Y FM: Copy BS - Year-Dependent StD. FM9Z FM: Transfer Budget Structure FMA1 Matching: Totals and Balances (CBM) FMA2 Matching: CBM Line Items and Totals FMA3 Matching: FI Line Items (CBM) FMA4 Matching: FI Bank Line Items (CBM) FMAA Matching: Line Items and Totals (FM) FMAB Matching: FI FM Line Items FMAD Leveling: FI-FM Totals Records FMAF Level Line Items and Totals Items FMAO Requests Journal FMARC Initial Archiving Run FMAVC1 Prepare Cross Assignments Clearing FMB0 CO Document Transfer FMBA NULL FMBB Budgeting Workbench FMBBC Create Entry Document FMBELI Processing list FMBG1 Input tax adjustmnt(monthly) for PCO FMBG2 Input tax adjustmnt (yearly) for PCO FMBG3 Display input tax adjustments FMBGCP Copy acc. assignment allocations FMBGD Cash Dis. and Backdated Tax Calculn FMBGJ Execute Annual Adjustments FMBGM Execute Monthly Adjustments FMBGU Reset Input Tax Adjustment FMBGUL Sales Tax List PCOs FMBGV Calculate Input Tax Deduction Rate
FMBI Posting Line-Based Budget Increase FMBO NULL FMBODP NULL FMBPNO Number Range Maintenance: FM_BPREPBW FMBPQV Create Query Variant FMBSBO Change Budget Addresses FMBSPO Change Posting Addresses FMBTB Transfer Budget Totals to FI-BL FMBV FM: Activate Availability Control FMC2 Customizing in Day-to-Day Business FMCABP B. Partner Asset w. Duplicate Search FMCAC1 Create Contract Partner & Customer FMCAC2 Change Contract Partner & Customer FMCAC3 Display Contract Partner & Customer FMCAM1 Generate Inbound Correspondences FMCAM2 Generate Invoices FMCAV1 Create Contract Partner & Vendor FMCAV2 Change Contract Partner & Vendor FMCAV3 Display Contract Partner & Vendor FMCB Reassignment: Document Selection FMCC Reassignment: FM-CO Assignment FMCCA Def. of FM CC - Address based FMCCD Def. of FM CC - Document based FMCD Reassignment: Delete Work List FMCERG Strategy for Generating CE Rules FMCG Reassignment: Overall Assignment FMCIA Edit Commitment Item FMCIC Display commitment item FMCID Change Commitment Item: Hierarchy FMCIE Display Commitment Item: Hierarchy FMCIH Commt Items: Alternative Hierarchy FMCJ Maintain cash journal FMCN Reassignment: Supplement.Acct Assgt FMCR Reassignment: Display Work List FMCT Reassignment: Transfer FMD0 NULL FMD1 FM: Change Carryforward Rules FMD2 FM: Display Carryforward Rules FMD7 FM: Change Supplement Budget Plan FMD8 FM: Display Supplement Budget Plan FMD9 FM: Change Suppl. Coll. Expend. Plan FMDA FM: Change Budget Plan FMDB FM: Display Budget Plan FMDC FM: Change Collect. Expend. Planning FMDD FM: Display Collect. Expnd. planning FMDE FM: Loc. Auth.: Change Fin. Result FMDF FM: Loc. Auth.: Display Fin. Result FMDG FM: Loc. Auth.: Change FR in CE FMDH FM: Loc. Auth.: Display FR in CE FMDI FM Loc. Auth.: Copy Budget Version FMDI01 Data Transfer in Direct Input FMDJ FM: Transfer Financial Result FMDK FM Loc. Auth.: Change Net Voting FMDL FM Loc. Auth.: Display Net Voting FMDM Monitor Closing Operations FMDMR1 Display Assignment Rules for Process FMDMR2 Display Assignmt. Rules for Val.Type FMDN FM: Integration in Balance Hierarchy FMDO FM: Loc. Auth.: Transfer Bdgt Values FMDO0 NULL FMDO1 FM: Revaluate Original Budget FMDO2 FM: Revaluation of Supplement FMDS Copy Carryforward Rules FMDT Display Carryforward Rules FMDV FM: Residual Budget Data Transfer FMDW FM: Financ. Result CE Data Transfer FMDX FM: Coll. Expend. Plan Data Transfer FMDY FM: Financial Result Data Transfer FMDZ FM: Budget Planning Data Transfer FME1 Import Forms from Client 000 FME2 Import Reports from Client 000 FME3 Transport Forms FME4 Transport Reports FME5 Reorganize Forms FME6 Reorganize Drilldown Reports FME7 Reorganize Report Data FME8 Maintain Batch Variants FME9 Translation Tool - Drilldown FMEB Structure Report Backgrnd Processing FMEDD Display Entry Document FMEDDH Display Budget Documents FMEDDW Drilldown for Budget Entry Documents FMEDNR FM entry document number ranges FMEG NULL FMEH SAP-EIS: Hierarchy maintenance FMEK FMCA: Create Drilldown Report FMEL FMCA: Change Drilldown Report FMEM FMCA: Display Drilldown Report FMEN FMCA: Create Form FMEO FMCA: Change Form FMEP FMCA: Display Form FMEQ FMCA: Run Drilldown Report FMER FMCA: Drilldown Tool Test Monitor FMEV Maintain Global Variable FMF0 Payment Selection FMF1 Revenue Transfer FMFI Execute program RFFMCJFI FMFU NULL FMFV NULL FMG1 Create Budget Structure Template
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