FKT3 SAP transaction code


The SAP transaction code FKT3 refers to the SAP report RFVZWPD2. The SAP short description for transaction code FKT3 is "NULL".

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FK01 Create Vendor (Accounting) FK02 Change Vendor (Accounting) FK03 Display Vendor (Accounting) FK04 Vendor Changes (Accounting) FK05 Block Vendor (Accounting) FK06 Mark Vendor for Deletion (Acctng) FK08 Confirm Vendor Individually (Acctng) FK09 Confirm Vendor List (Accounting) FK10 Vendor Account Balance FK10N Vendor Balance Display FK10NA Vendor Balance Display FK15 Transfer vendor changes: receive FK16 Transfer vendor changes: receive FK20 NULL FK22 NULL FK59 C FI-CA Table maintenance TFK044A FKCB FI-CA Dunning - Customizing FKCJ BP Control: Activities FKEXMA Monitor Tax Exemptions FKI0 Execute Report FKI1 Create Report FKI2 Change Report FKI3 Display Report FKI4 Create Form FKI5 Formular ändern FKI6 Display Form FKIB Background Processing FKIC Maintain Currency Translation Type FKIK Maintain Key Figures FKIM Report Monitor FKIO Transport Reports FKIP Transport Forms FKIQ Import Reports from Client 000 FKIR Import Forms from Client 000 FKIT Translation Tool - Drilldown Report. FKIV Maintain Global Variable FKIX Reorganize Drilldown Reports FKIY Reorganize Report Data FKIZ Reorganize Forms FKKS Contract A/R + A/P FKMT FI Acct Assignment Model Management FKPC Payment card processing FKR1 Vendor FKR2 Rate Types / Vendor FKR3 Conversion Exchange FKR4 Currency Conversion FKR5 Rate Code Conversion FKR6 NULL FKR7 Product Type Maintenance FKR8 Report: Stock Transfer Tax FKR9 Initializing STT Position FKT1 NULL FKT2 NULL FKT3 NULL FKT4 NULL FKTB Shareholding Forms FKTC NULL FKTF Finan. Mrkt Supervisory Board Mess. FKTM NULL FKTN NULL FKTNS NULL FKTNU NULL FKTP NULL FKTQ NULL FKTR NULL FKTS NULL FKTSV NULL FKTT NULL FKTU NULL FKTVS Val. Simul.for Data Trfr Super.Board FKUM NULL

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