
F9M5 SAP transaction code

Condition Settings

The SAP transaction code F9M5 refers to the SAP report MENUF9M5. The SAP short description for transaction code F9M5 is "Condition Settings".

Information about the SAP transaction code
transaction codeF9M5
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descriptionCondition Settings

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F9C0 Current Account Groupings F9C1 BCA: Blocking Reasons for Checks F9C10 Maintain Business Transaction Code F9C11 Maintain Reports End of Day Process. F9C12 Scheduling Reports End of Day Proc. F9C2 Position Types Maintenance F9C3 Number Range Maintenance: BCA_PAORN F9C4 Authorization types F9C6 BCA: Field Modification Account Type F9C7 BCA: Field Modification Activity F9C9 Condition Groups Per Account Type F9C= Create Transaction Type Category F9C? Change Transaction Type Category F9CA Account Status Enhancements F9CAA Create Transaction Type Category 2 F9CAB Change Transaction Type Category 2 F9CAC Display Transaction Type Category 2 F9CAD Create Trans. Type Category 2 Assgmt F9CAE Change Trans. Type Category 2 Assgmt F9CAF Display Trans. Type Category 2Assgmt F9CB Old:Allowed Acct.Types per Bank Area F9CC1 Authorizations for Field Groups F9CC2 Screen Configuration F9CD Crete Cond.Cat.<->Diff. Type F9CE Display Cond.Cat.<-> Diff.Type F9CF Change Cond Type<->Diff Type F9CG Create Bank Condition Categories F9CH Change Bank Condition Categories F9CI Display Bank Condition Categories F9CICC Change Compensation Methods F9CICD Change Compensation Methods F9CJ Create Differentiation Types F9CK Change Differentiation Types F9CL Display Differentiation Types F9CL1 Create Creditor Limit F9CL2 Change Creditor Limit F9CL3 Display Creditor Limit F9CL4 Delete Creditor Limit F9CM Create Condition Group F9CN Change Condition Groups F9CO Display Condition Groups F9COL1 Correction of SubFinPayt Balance F9CP Create Limit Categories F9CPP Settings for Parallel Processing F9CQ Change Limit Categories F9CR Display Limit Categories F9CS Create reference limits F9CSA BCA Ref. Interest Rate Maintenance F9CSO1 SO Control: Applications F9CSO2 SO Control: Field Groups F9CSO3 SO Control: Views F9CSO4 SO Control: Sections F9CSO5 SO Control: Screens F9CSO6 SO Control: Screen Sequence F9CSO7 SO Control: Events F9CSO8 SO Control: CUA Standard Functions F9CSO9 SO Control: CUA Additional Functions F9CSOB SO Ctrl: Assig. ScrnFld->DBfld F9CSOC SO Control: Field Modificat.Criteria F9CSOD SO Control: Products F9CSOE SO Control: Product Group F9CSOF SO Control: Applic. Transactions F9CSOH SO Control: Tables F9CSOI SO Control: Activities F9CSOJ SO Control: FM per Activity F9CT Change reference limits F9CU Display reference limits F9CV Principle of Dual Control Limits F9CX Field Control - Conditions F9CZ BCA: Guarant. Amounts for Posit.Type F9C[ Authorization Types for Condiitons F9C] Position: Authorization Types F9C` Display Transaction Type Category F9C{ Authorization Types Payment Items F9C} Authorization Types Payment Orders F9D1 Messages F9DDCC Currency Conversion Dir. Debit Order F9FOCC Forward Order Currency Changeover F9G1 Create acct holder F9G2 Change acct holder F9G3 Display Account Holder F9G4 Create Authorized Drawer F9G5 Change Authorized Drawer F9G6 Display Authorized Drawer F9G7 Create Account Holder F9G8 Change Account Holder F9G9 Display Account Holder F9GA Create Bank Statement Recipient F9GB Change Bank Statement Recipient F9GC Dispaly Bank Statement Recipient F9GL Display All BP Roles F9GML Global Mandate Locks F9H0 Account Hierarchy Change History F9H1 Create Account Hierarchy F9H2 Change Account Hierarchy F9H3 Display Account Hierarchy F9H4 Cash Concentration: Single Run F9H5 Cash Concentration: Restart F9H6 Cash Concentration: Mass Run F9H7 Number Range Maintenance: BKK_HYRAR
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