
F862 SAP transaction code

Revenue Types/Commitment Items

The SAP transaction code F862 refers to the SAP report . The SAP short description for transaction code F862 is "Revenue Types/Commitment Items".

Information about the SAP transaction code
transaction codeF862
relevance medium relevance
descriptionRevenue Types/Commitment Items

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F8+0 Display FI Main Role Definition F8+1 Maintain FI Main Role Definition F8+2 Display FI Amount Groups F8+3 Maintain FI Amount Groups F8+4 Maintain Account Assignment Groups F8+5 Maintain General Role Definition F801 Create Payment Request F802 Change Payment Request F803 Display Payment Request F804 Changes to Payment Requests F805 Delete Payment Request F806 Create Payment Request F807 Change Posted Payment Request F808 Post Payment Request F809 Post exchange rate differences F810 Number Ranges Payment Request F811 Create Collective Payment Request F812 Change Collective Payment Request F813 Delete Collective Payment Request F814 Reverse Collective Payment Request F815 Display Collective Payment Request F816 Reset Reversal Coll. Payt Request F817 Release Collective Payment Request F820 Coll. Payment Request Number Ranges F821 Default Doc. Type for Request Type F822 Set Automatic Payment Block F823 Revenue Type/Object Class Assignment F824 Print Request F831 Create Recovery Request F832 Change Recovery Request F833 Display Recovery Request F835 Delete Recovery Request F836 Create Recovery Request F837 Change Posted Recovery Request F838 Account Grp/Revenue Type Assignment F839 Number Range Maintenance: PSOOB F840 Display Object F841 Change Object F842 Create Object F843 Object Classes F844 Define Summary Keys F845 Close Posting Day F846 Target and Actual Daily Closg Bals F847 Define Permitted Posting Days F848 Define Posting Day F849 Group Responsibility F850 G/L Account Determination (FM) F851 Fiscal Year Identification (FM) F852 Assign Fiscal Year Identification FM F853 Posting Variants (FM) F854 Assign Company Code Groups (FM) F855 Acct Determination Characteristcs FM F856 Posting Key According to D/C, etc. F857 Accounts to be Proposed: Requests F858 Number Range Maintenance: LOTNO F859 Assign Request Cat. to Number Range F860 Revenue Types F861 Revenue Types/Company Code F862 Revenue Types/Commitment Items F863 Functions F864 Processor F865 Main and Secondary Revenue Types F866 Activate Check Digits (Cust./Vend.) F867 Deduction reasons F868 Define Regions F869 Where-used list F870 Posting a Parked Request F871 Create Payment Request (Local Auth.) F872 Change Payment Request F873 Display Payment Request F874 Release Payment Request F875 Delete Payment Request F879 Create Payment Deduction Request F880 Reverse Deferral F881 Create Acceptance Request F882 Change Acceptance Request F883 Display Acceptance Request F884 Release Acceptance Request F885 Delete Acceptance Request F886 Defer Acceptance Request F887 Waive Acceptance Order Temporarily F888 Waive Acceptance Request F889 Create Acceptance Deduction Request F890 Reverse Temporary Waiver F891 Create Clearing Request F892 Change Clearing Request F893 Display Clearing Request F894 Release Clearing Request F895 Delete Clearing Request F896 Create Blanket Remainder Clean Up F899 Bundle Requests F899R Bundle FI Documents to Request F8B1 C FI Maintain Table TBKBC F8B2 C FI Maintain Table TBKCB F8B3 C FI Maintain Table TBKCR F8B4 C FI Maintain Table TBKDC F8B5 C FI Maintain Table TBKLA F8B6 C FI Maintain Table TBKPD F8B6N C FI Maintain Table TBKPV F8B7 C FI Maintain Table TBKSP
F8B8 C FI Maintain Table TBKSR F8B9 C FI Maintain Tables TBKRL, TBKRLT F8BA C FI Maintain Append to Table BNKA F8BB C FI Maintain Include to Table T012K F8BC C FI Maintain Table TBKFK F8BD C FI Maintain Table TBKZW F8BE FI Table Maintenance TBKS, TBKST F8BF C FI Maintain Table T042Y F8BG Maintain Global Data for F111 F8BH Inconsistencies T042I and T042Y F8BI C FI Maintain Table T012-VPAST F8BI1 Create Variant for RFBIBLK0 F8BJ Maintain Clearing Accts (Rec.Bank) F8BK Maintain ALE-Compatible Pmnt Methods F8BL C FI Maintain Table TBKWT F8BM Maintain numb.range: Payment request F8BN Corr.Acctg Documents Payment Block F8BO Payment request archiving F8BR Levels for Payment Requests F8BS Detail display of payment requests F8BT Display Payment Requests F8BU Create payment runs automatically F8BV Reversal of Bank-to-Bank Transfers F8BW Reset Cleared Items: Payt Requests F8BX Online Payment F8BZ F111 Customizing F8M1 Calculate Penalty Surcharge F8O0 Delete Assignment Cust./Obj/Rev.Type F8O1 Master Data Objects: Delete Data F8O2 Control Different Functions F8O3 Assignment Rounding Units CoCd Var. F8O4 Document Type/Request Type Assgt F8O5 Automatic Approval/Posting Control F8O7 Prepare Archiving of Temp. Waiver F8O8 Define Workflow Variant AO F8O9 Assign Workflow Variant F8P0 Spplt Dnng Proc. Assgt to Dnng Area F8P1 Change Dnng Proc. Asst to Dnng Area F8P2 Dunning Block in Customer Line Items F8P3 Delete Assignment Cust./Rev.Type F8P4 Delete Customer Execution Data F8P5 Delete Subldgr Account Preprocessing F8P6 Assign SL acct to SL prep. program F8Q1 Create Recurring Payment Request F8Q2 Create Recurring Acceptance Request F8Q3 Change Standing Request F8Q4 Display Standing Request F8Q5 Release Standing Request F8Q6 Delete Standing Request F8Q7 Post Standing Request F8Q8 Create Posting Documents F8Q9 Requests from Down Payments F8R1 Additional Setting Dunn.Procd.for FM F8R2 Assgmt Dnng Procedure/Dunning Area F8R3 Display Addtl Sttng Dnnn Prd. FM F8REL Release of Payment Requests F8REV Cancellation of Payment Requests F8V1 Export execution data F8XX Payment Request No. Ranges KI3-F8BM
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