COMPDAT SAP transaction code

BRE: Determine Planned Billing Date

The SAP transaction code COMPDAT refers to the SAP report REA_GET_ABRDATS. The SAP short description for transaction code COMPDAT is "BRE: Determine Planned Billing Date".

Information about the SAP transaction code
transaction codeCOMPDAT
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descriptionBRE: Determine Planned Billing Date
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CO01 Create production order CO02 Change Production Order CO03 Display Production Order CO01S Adding simulation order CO02S Change simulation order CO03S Display simulation order CO04 Print Production Orders CO04N Print Production Orders CO05 Collective Release of Prod. Orders CO05N Release Production Orders CO06 Backorder Processing CO07 Create order without a material CO08 Production order with sales order CO09 Availability Overview CO0DS Delete Simulation Order CO10 Production order with project CO11 Enter Time Ticket CO11N Single Screen Entry of Confirmations CO12 Collective Entry of Confirmations CO13 Cancel confirmation of prod. order CO14 Display confirmation of prod. order CO15 Enter Production order Confirmation CO16 Conf.: Postprocessing error records CO16N Postprocessing Confirmation CO17 Enter confirmation with reference CO19 Enter Time Event CO1F Create confirmation of prod. order CO1L Confirmation: List of requests CO1P Predefined confirmation processes CO1V Confirmation: Fast entry of time tkt CO20 Orders acc. to Order Numbers CO21 Orders for Material CO22 Orders for MRP Controller CO23 Orders for the production scheduler CO24 MissingPartsInfoSyst CO26 Order information system CO27 Picking list CO28 Choose indiv. object lists CO30 Standard trigger points CO31 Create standard trigger point CO32 Change standard trigger point CO33 Display standard trigger point CO40 Converting Planned Order CO41 Coll. Conversion of Planned Orders CO42 Act. Overhead: Prod.Ordr Ind.Pro. CO43 Act. Overhead: Prod.Ordr Col.Pro. CO44 Mass processing of orders CO46 Order progress report CO47 Change comparison CO48 prod.ord.part.redct CO51 Send Process Messages CO52 Evaluate Process Data CO53 Control Recipe Monitor CO53XT Monitor Control Instructions/Recipes CO54 Message Monitor CO54XT Monitor for Process Messages CO55 Worklist for Maintaining PI Sheets CO56 Display PI Sheet CO57 Create Message Manually CO58 Maintain PI Sheet CO59 Delete PI Sheet CO60 Find PI Sheet CO60D PI Sheet: Display CO60E PI Sheet: Change CO60XT Find Work Instructions CO62 Delete Process Messages CO63 Evaluate Deletion Logs CO64 Worklist for Completing PI Sheets CO67 Worklist for Checking PI Sheets CO68 MiniApp PI Sheet Mon -> List CO69 Create Message Automatically CO78 Archiving orders CO80 Number range maintenance: AUF_RUECK CO81 Number assignment: routing to order CO82 Number ranges for orders CO83 Number range maintenance: RESB CO84 No. Range for ReqmtsTrackgNo. (KBED) CO86 Field Selection for PP Confirmations CO88 Act. Settlment: Prod./Process Orders CO8A Presett. Co-Products, Postprocessing CO8B Presett. Co-Products, Postprocessing CO99 Set Status Closed COA1 PP: Archiving orders - preparation COA2 PP: Archiving orders COA3 PP: Archiving orders - retrieval COA4 PP: Archiving order - administration COA5 Proc.Order: Archiving Prep. Program COA6 Process Order: Archiving COA7 Process Order: Retrieval - Archive COA8 Process Order: Archive Management COA9 PP: Archiving delete orders COAA Simulate Order Record COAC Process Order: Archive Database COAD Process Order: Delete Archiving COAL Read Order Record from Archive COAT COAT COATE COAT: Extract COATR COAT: Repository COB1 Create batch search strategy - prod. COB2 Change batch search strategy - prod.
COB3 Display batch search strategy- prod. COCB Process Management COCM OCM - Initiating object COCM1 OCM - Procurement COCM2 OCM - Picking COCS Batch Record: Signature Strategy COCT Tab.transfer Tab.contents Confirm COCU1 Batch Record: Document Profile COCU2 Batch Record: L-Profile, Dev.Anal. COCU3 Batch Record: Signature Strategy COCU4 Batch Record: Cover Page CODC Change Documents for Network COEBR Batch Record COF1 Filter prof. - maintain prod. order COF4 Maintain filter profs.for proc.order COFC Reprocessing Errors Actual Costs COFI Command File Creation COGI Postprocess Faulty Goods Movements COHV Mass Processing Production Orders COHVPI Mass Processing: Process Orders COIB As-Built for Serialized Material COID Select Object Detail Lists in PP-PI COIF Production Notes COIK Picking list COIO Order Info System for PP-PI COIS Order info system: customizing COISC Editable Fields Mass Processing COISF Field Settings in Info System COISL List Types in Information System COISN Order info system: customizing COMAC Collective Availability Check COMLI Post WIP Closing for Activities COMP Customizing Missing Parts Info Syst. CON1 Actual Reval.: Prod.Ordr Ind.Pro. CON2 Actual Reval.: Prod.Ordr Col.Pro. CONC No.Range for CtrlRecipes: COCB_CRID CONM No.Range for Proc.Messages:COCB_MSID CONV01 Converter: Display application log CONV02 Convert document CONV03 Convert a BOM assembly CONV04 Convert Document Structure CONV12 Conversion: Location Dependency CONV20 Reset Converter(s) Status(es) COOIS Production Order Information System COOPC OPC Test Environment COOPC1 Define Settings for SAP ODA COOPCI Define OPC Items COOPCS Define OPC Servers COP1 Plan HUs - General COP11 Plan HUs Without Sales Order COP12 Plan HUs for Sales Order COP13 Plan HUs for Delivery COP14 Plan HUs for Purchase Order COP2 Pack HUs - General COP21 Pack HUs - Without Sales Order COP22 Pack HUs for Sales Order COP23 Pack HUs for Delivery COP24 Pack HUs for Purchase Order COPA Archive Order Record COPAWA Pack components for order COPD Print Process Order COPI Print Process Order ShopFloor Papers COPOC Process Manufacturing Cockpit COPP1 PackDemandMgt for ProdOrd. : Plan COPP2 PackDemandMgt for ProdOrd. : Pack COR1 Create Process Order COR2 Change Process Order COR3 Display Process Order COR4 Customizing Process Order RecTypePar COR5 Collective Process Order Release COR6 Single Process Order Confirmation COR6N Single Screen Entry of Confirmations COR7 Convert Planned Order to Proc. Order COR8 Coll.Conv.: Plnned Ord. to Proc.Ord. COR9 Material Types for Master Recipe CORA Process Order: Schedule Ext. Relshps CORC Search Proc. for Batch Determ. PP-PI CORD Batch Record: Type of DMS Used CORK Process Order Confirmations (Total) CORM Mass Processing CORN Order Types Process Order CORO Create Process Order w/o Material CORP Control Parameters for Proc. Orders CORR Collective Entry of Confirmations CORS Cancel Process Order Confirmation CORT Display Process Order Confirmation CORU Maintain prod. scheduler group CORW Prod. Scheduling Profiles/Batches CORX Cust.:Scheduling Type Process Orders CORY Cust.:Production Scheduling Profiles CORZ Process Order: Time Event Confirmat. COS1 Sort profiles - maintain prod. order COS4 Sort profiles - maintain proc. order COSS Transport of C Tables COTB Transport table contents SFC COTF Comm. File Missing Parts Info System COW1 Production Order Workplace COWF1 Task Customizing (Production Order) COX1 Create Order (Internally)
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