SAP tables starting with D

Here you will find a list of all SAP tables with the initial letter D.

Here you will find a list of all SAP tables.

1735 SAP tables were found!
table name description
SAP tables starting with DR
DRAW Document Info Record
SAP tables starting with D0
D000 Condition Table for Material Determination $
D010B Generated Table for View D010B
D010CONFL Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
D010INC Where-Used Table for ABAP INCLUDEs
D010LINF Generated Table for View D010LINF
D010SINF Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
D010SWST Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
D010TAB Table for Use Report<->Tables
D010TINF Generated Table for View D010TINF
D020S System table D020S (screen sources)
D020T Screen Short Description
D020V Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
D021T Screen Key Word Texts
D0GEN Control table for generation mode
SAP tables starting with D1
D1GEN Import Status for APG (Anticipatory Program Generation)
SAP tables starting with D3
D301T Texts for Program Functions and Menu Bars
D342L Table for long CUA objects
D344L Header for language load of master language
D345T Table for Long GUI Objects (Texts)
D346T Table for Long GUI Objects (Texts)
D347T GUI Title
SAP tables starting with DA
DARTEOL_LOG Lock object for log file
DARTT DD: Data Class in Technical Settings: Texts
SAP tables starting with DB
DB2BPTUNE DB2/390: Buffer Pool Tuning Settings
DB2CCACCOR Parameters of Control Center stored procedure DSNACCOR
DB2CCDAILY List of TS/IXS needing utility treatment (DSNACCOR Daily)
DB2CCDL_OUTTS DSNACCDL: History of output table
DB2CCDL_PARMS DSNACCDL: History of execution parameters for DB13 jobs
DB2CCDS_IN DSNACCDS: History of input table for DB13 jobs
DB2CCDS_PARMS DSNACCDS: History of execution parameters for DB13 jobs
DB2CCHOUR List of TS/IXS needing utility treatment (DSNACCOR Hourly)
DB2CCMO_ERROR DSNACCMO: History of error info with length > 255 CHAR
DB2CCMO_IN1 History of input table 1 for DB13 jobs executed via DSNACCMO
DB2CCMO_IN2 History of input table 2 for DB13 jobs executed via DSNACCMO
DB2CCMO_OUTTS History of output table for DB13 jobs executed via DSNACCMO
DB2CCMO_PARMS History of execution parameters for DB13 jobs via DSNACCMO
DB2COPYI DB2 copy information from SYSIBM.SYSCOPY
DB2DB02CONTROL Control table for information in DB02
DB2DB02EXTENTS Tx DB02: Data for DB02s Extent Monitor
DB2DB02IXSIZE Tx DB02: List of indexspace datasets
DB2DB02IX_SUM Tx DB02: Summary of Index info. Partitions are summed up
DB2DB02MISSOBJ Tx DB02: Missing objects
DB2DB02SUMMARY Tx DB02: Summary information on first screenincl. size histo
DB2DB02TBDYN Tx DB02: Dynamics of the size of tables
DB2DB02TBSIZE Transaction DB02: List of tables and tablespace (Details)
DB2DB02TSDYN Tx DB02: Dynamics of the size of tablespaces
DB2DB02TSSIZE Transaction DB02: List of tablespace datasets
DB2DB02TS_HIS Tx DB02: Short history of TS info
DB2DB02TS_SUM Tx DB02: Summary of TS info. Partitions are summed up
DB2DB02VOLFREE Tx DB02: Volume freespace list
DB2IREORG Information for Database Reorgcheck: Indexes
DB2IXBACK List of indexes that need a backup
DB2JOB JCL Jobs for OS/390
DB2JOBIDMAP Maps JCL Job ID for backwards compatibility with FTP JES ID
DB2JSINF Header Table of JCL Administration
DB2JSTATUS Status of Submitted JCL Jobs
DB2JU TSO User on OS/390
DB2LODLK RFC - Deadlock Table
DB2LODRS RFC - Deadlock Resources
DB2LOGS RFC - Active Log Shortage
DB2LOTHW RFC - Timeout Waiter and Holder
DB2LOTRS RFC - Timeout Resources
DB2LRUR RFC - Long Running URs
DB2MISC Miscellaneous CCMS on DB2 for z/OS settings and properties
DB2MON DB2/390 Monitor Table
DB2NETSTATS Contains network statistics collected by DB2 Connect
DB2NORUN Exclude table spaces from RUNSTATS ALL
DB2REOTS REORG of Tablespaces
DB2RFCCONN RFC - Connection
DB2SAPSYS SAP systems located in one DB2 subsystem
DB2TBLX RFC - Table Extents
DB2TREORG Information for Database reorgcheck: Tables
DB2TSBACK List of tablespaces that need a backup
DB2TSBACKN Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DB2TSSIZE_T DB2/390: Storage Information on R/3 Tablespaces
DB2UTILS_OUT History of output table for DB13 jobs executed via DSNUTILS
DB2UTILS_PARMS History of execution parameters for DB13 jobs via DSNUTILS
DB2UTPARM DB2/390: Parameters for DB2 Utilities
DB4BACKUP Store DB4 Backup Data
DB4INDEX_HIST History of Index Sizes in the Database
DB4INDEX_STAT Index Sizes in the Database
DB4OX iSeries: CCMS Object Existence Check
DB4TABLE_HIST History of Table Sizes in the Database
DB4TABLE_STAT Table Sizes in the Database
DB4_CLUSTER iSeries: Temporary Statistics Data
DB6ALRTCFG DB6: Alert Configuration Data
DB6ALRTMSG DB6: Alert Log Table for Database System Check
DB6AUDITDT DB6: Audit log for maintenance actions
DB6AUDITHD DB6: Audit log for maintenance actions
DB6CSTRACE DB6: Results Table for DB6 CS Trace (Cumulative DBSL Trace)
DB6GSDTBS DB6: Cumulated Table-Specific Snapshot Data
DB6IREORG DB6: Database REORG Check Information: Indexes
DB6JOBTAB DB6: parallel processing of tables through jobs
DB6MON DB6: Datacluster for monitor reset data
DB6NAVSYST DB6: System Registration Table
DB6PMCK_P DB6: All Backed Up Tablespaces of History File
DB6PMHCDM DB6: Database and Database Manager Parameter Changes
DB6PMHSD DB6: Database Performance Statistics History
DB6PMHT DB6: Detail Record of Table and Index Space Statistics
DB6PMHT_HD DB6: Summary Record of Table and Index Space Statistics
DB6PMHXP DB6: Detail Record of Tablespace and DB Space Statistics
DB6PMHXPHD DB6: Summary Record of Tablespace And DB Space Statistics
DB6PMHXT DB6: Detail Record of Tablespace and DB Table/Index Stats
DB6PMHXTHD DB6: Summary Rec. of Tablespace and DB Table/Index Stats
DB6PMPROT DB6: Protocol Table for DBA Actions
DB6PM_CLN DB6: Cleanup of History Tables
DB6PM_DLK DB6: Table to Store the Output of Detected Deadlocks
DB6PM_TIME DB6: Protocol Record of Statistical Data Collection
DB6SCRIPT DB6: SQL Script Source
DB6TREORG DB6: Database REORG Check Information: Tables
DB6_RESET_DATA DB6: Datacluster for monitor reset data
DBABARL Data Backup - Data Recovery
DBABD Information About the Data Files (Oracle)
DBABL Information About Archive Log Files (Oracle)
DBACUST Tool-Specific Settings for DB24
DBADFL Details About Reorganization and Memory Modifications
DBAERR Look-Up Table for Database Operation Errors
DBAEXTL Memory Space Changes
DBAFID Look-Up Table for Database Operations
DBAFID_V1 Generated Table for View DBAFID_V1
DBAFIZ General information (n:1)
DBAGRP Lookup Table Operation Group Tables
DBAML Job / Job Step Utility View
DBAN Buffer for dban_state
DBAOBJL Object Status
DBAOPTL DB Optimization - Table Statistics
DBAPHAL Object Status
DBARCL Sub-operations
DBAREOL Reorganization
DBASPAL Memory Allocation
DBATID Lookup Table for Database Tasks
DBATL Central Task / Job Information
DBATRIAL Look-Up Tables for Database Sub-Operations
DBCHECKDB2 Configuration of DB2/390 System Check Parameters
DBCHECKORA Configuration of Database Check
DBCHK Exceptions for data base checks
DBCON Description of Database Connections
DBCONUSR SAP DB: Database Users
DBDATA Data Browser Procedure Data
DBDCDEPTB DD: Persisting of Dependencies Between DD Objects
DBDCGENTB DD: Persisting Activating Ojects in Mass Activation
DBDIFF Definition of (Intended) Differences Between DD and DB
DBDIFFINDX DD: Additional Info on DBDIFF-KEY and INDX Entries
DBDIFFINFO Further Info on DBDIFF (Differences between DD and DB)
DBDIFFVIEW Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DBEOSB IS-U On-Site Billing
DBERCHR Discnt for Bill.Line Item
DBERCHT Texts for billing documents
DBERCHU Conversion Steps per Billing Line Item
DBERCHV Consumption History
DBERCHZ Individual Line Items
DBERCHZ1 Individual line items
DBERCHZ2 Individual line items (device data)
DBERCHZ3 Individual line items (amount and price data)
DBERCHZ4 Individual line items (rarely used fields)
DBERCHZ5 Individual line items (unimportant rows)
DBERCHZ6 Document line items (device data, unimportant rows)
DBERCHZ7 Document line items (amount/price data, unimportant rows)
DBERCHZ8 Document line items (rarely used fields, unimportant)
DBERDL Print Document Line Items
DBERDLB Reference of a Print Doc. Line Item to a Bill.Doc. Line Item
DBERDR DB Table: Discount Lines - Print Document
DBERDTAX Tax Indicator Information for a Print Document
DBERDU Conversion Steps per Billing Line Item
DBERDZ DB Table: Individ. Lines - Print Document
DBESTA_BWPROT Log Recordc for BW Sales Statistics Update
DBESTA_BWPROTE Single Document Log Record of BW Sales Statistics
DBESTA_UISPROT Log Record for UIS Sales Statistics Update
DBMSGDB2 DB2/390 System Check Messages
DBMSGORA Database Check: Messages
DBOBJ Composition of Hybrid Objects
DBPR Material Index MRP Area for Forecast
DBPROF Forecast Error with MRP Areas
DBPRON Reproc. of Forecast Errors and Excpn Messages with MRP Area
DBPROPERTIES Database Installation Properties
DBSMSGORA Structure for DB System Check Messages (Acc. to DBMSGORA)
DBSNP Database snapshots
DBSTAIHADA Actual size of indices on the database (history)
DBSTAIHDB2 DB2/390 Statistics for Indexes
DBSTAIHDB4 History of Index Sizes in the Database
DBSTAIHORA Actual size of indices on the database (history)
DBSTATC Configuration of Statistics Creation
DBSTATHADA Actual size of tables on the database (history)
DBSTATHDB2 DB2/390 Statistics for Tables (History)
DBSTATHDB4 History of Table Sizes in the Database
DBSTATHDB6 DB6: Statistical History of Application Monitor
DBSTATHINF INFORMIX update statistical information
DBSTATHORA Actual size of tables on the database (history)
DBSTATIADA Actual size of indices on the database
DBSTATIDB2 DB2/390 Statistics for Indexes
DBSTATIDB4 Index Sizes in the Database
DBSTATIDB6 DB6: Statistics for Indexes (Application Monitor)
DBSTATIORA Actual size of indices on the database
DBSTATS Control for Application Monitor and CBO: Setup
DBSTATTADA Actual size of tables on the database
DBSTATTDB2 DB2/390 Statistics for Tables
DBSTATTDB4 Table Sizes in the Database
DBSTATTDB6 DB6: Table Statistics for Application Monitor
DBSTATTINF INFORMIX update statistical information
DBSTATTMSS Table sizes
DBSTATTORA Actual size of tables on the database
DBSYCHKDB2 DB2/390: Global Information for Database System Check
DBTABLOG Log Records of Table Changes
DBTABPRT Table of log records for table tupel changes
DBTMPORA DB Optimizer Control (Statistics Creation)
DBVIEW_PROT Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DBVL Planning File Entry, MRP Area, Long-Term Planning
DBVM Planning File Entry, MRP Area
DBWBHI Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DBWBHK Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DB_JBRKNZ Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DB_JBRKNZTYPTAB Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DB_TKA01_TKA02 Generated Table for View DB_TKA01_TKA02
DB_WBHK_WBHD Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DB_WBHK_WBHI Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DB_WBHK_WBHI_ITM Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DB_WBHK_WBHI_NEW Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DB_WBRK_WBRL Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DB_WBRK_WBRP Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DB_WBRK_WBRP_A Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DB_WBRK_WBRP_NEW Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
SAP tables starting with DC
DCIMPDD DD: Handle actions following DD import
SAP tables starting with DD
DD0102V Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DD01L Domains
DD01LV Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DD01T R/3 DD: domain texts
DD01V Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DD01VV Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DD02ALL Table Parameters for ALLBASE
DD02DB2 DB2/390: Table Parameters
DD02DB6 DB6: Table Parameters for DB2 Version 2
DD02INF Table Parameters for INFORMIX, Version 6
DD02L SAP Tables
DD02MSS Table Parameters for Microsoft SQL Server
DD02T SAP DD: SAP Table Texts
DD02V Generated Table for View DD02V
DD02VV Generated Table for View DD02VV
DD03K Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DD03L Table Fields
DD03M Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DD03N Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DD03T DD: Texts for fields (language dependent)
DD03VT Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DD03VV Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DD04L Data elements
DD04T R/3 DD: Data element texts
DD04V Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DD04VV Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DD04VVL Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DD04VVT Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DD05P Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DD05Q Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DD05S Foreign key fields
DD06L Pool/cluster structures
DD06T R/3 DD: texts on SQL tables
DD06V Generated Table for View DD06V
DD06VV Generated Table for View DD06VV
DD07L R/3 DD: values for the domains
DD07T DD: Texts for Domain Fixed Values (Language-Dependent)
DD07V Generated Table for View DD07V
DD08L R/3 DD: relationship definitions
DD08T Texts on the relationship definitions
DD08V Generated Table for View DD08V
DD08VV Generated Table for View DD08VV
DD08VVT Generated Table for View DD08VVT
DD092526V Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DD09C ABAP/4: Sytem-dependent attributes of tech. settings
DD09L DD: Technical settings of tables
DD09VV Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DD09VVT Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DD10L Lock table for DD activation
DD12DB2 DB2/390: Index Parameters
DD12DB6 DB6: Index Parameters for DB2 Universal Database Version 2
DD12INF Index parameter for INFORMIX
DD12L R/3 S_SECINDEX: secondary indexes, header;
DD12MSS Index Parameters for MS SQL Server
DD12T Text Table for DD12L (Short Descriptions of Sec. Indexes)
DD12V Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DD14S R/3 DD: components of SAP objects
DD15L R/3 DD: SAP objects
DD15T R/3 DD: texts on SAP objects
DD16S R/3 DD: SQL table fields
DD16V Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DD17S R/3 S_SECINDEX: secondary indexes, fields
DD20L Matchcode objects
DD20T AS400-T_MCOBJECT: MC Object Texts
DD20V Generated Table for View DD20V
DD20VVT Generated Table for View DD20VVT
DD21S S-MCIDTABLE: Tables for a MC ID
DD22V Generated Table for View DD22V
DD23H Generated Table for View DD23H
DD23L Matchcode ID
DD23LS Generated Table for View DD23LS
DD23T AS400_L-MCID: Matchcode ID Texts
DD23V Generated Table for View DD23V
DD23VVT Generated Table for View DD23VVT
DD24A Generated Table for View DD24A
DD24S Fields of a matchcode ID
DD2526V Generated Table for View DD2526V
DD25L Aggregate Header (Views, MC Objects, Lock Objects)
DD25LS Generated Table for View DD25LS
DD25T Short Texts for Views and Lock Objects
DD25V Generated Table for View DD25V
DD25VV Generated Table for View DD25VV
DD25VVT Generated Table for View DD25VVT
DD26I Generated Table for View DD26I
DD26S Base tables and foreign key relationships for a view
DD27I Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DD27M Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DD27S Fields in an Aggregate (View, MC Object, Lock Object)
DD27SV Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DD27VV Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DD27VVT Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DD28S Lines of a selection condition
DD29L Selection Condition for Views and MC IDs
DD29T AS400_L-SELCOND: Selection Condition Texts
DD30L Search helps
DD30T Search help texts
DD30V Generated Table for View DD30V
DD30VV Generated Table for View DD30VV
DD31S Assignment of search helps to collective search helps
DD32S Search Help Parameter
DD33S Assignment of search help fields
DD35L Search help attachments to structures: Headers
DD35VV Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DD36Q Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DD36S Parameter-field assignments for search help attachment
DD40L Table types (internal tables defined in DD)
DD40T Text on table types
DD40VV Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DD41V Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DD42S Key fields for table types (internal tab. defined in DD)
DD43L Secondary Key for Table Types
DD43T Text Table for DD43L (Secondary Key for Table Types)
DD90L Header Information for External Index
DD90T R/3-DD: Text for External Index
DD90V Generated Table for View DD90V
DD91S DocID Key Definition of External Index
DD92S Mapping of R/3 Data on External Index
DD93S Attributes of an External Index
DD94S Languages of an Index Category
DD96S Synchronization Tables
DD97S Statements for Trigger and Stored Procedures
DDACL Exclusion times for ABAP/4 Dictionary actions
DDALIAS DD: Second name for accessing tables
DDART DD: Data Class in Technical Settings
DDBUF DD: For transferring the new buffering parameters
DDCDIM DD: Conversion, number of table lines
DDCNVEXIT DD: External conversion methods
DDCNVSTAT DD: Statistical Data for Conversion
DDCNVTABL DD: Contains incr. conv. tables depend. on release/component
DDCNVTIMES DD: Exclusion times for conversion
DDCNVUSR DD: Exception table of converter
DDCPRO DD: Conversion projects
DDCPROT DD: Text on conversion projects
DDCPROTAB DD: Table for conversion projects
DDCQUEUE DD: Queue for CNV Operations
DDCSTA DD: Conversion, number of table lines
DDCSTAT DD: Statistics table for conversions
DDDTRENUPG DD: Table for Renaming Data Elements During Upgrade
DDF4GP Management data, generated programs for F4 help
DDF4PSINDX Contains Information for Personalizing the F4 Help
DDFTX Run-time object with Screen Painter texts
DDICNVCTRL Control String for Transaction ICNV
DDICNVDIST Distribution of data records of base tables
DDICNVLST Contains information on converter exits
DDLBBUFTST Test: Recognize Access to Buffered Tables
DDLOADD R3load-data table for migration
DDLOADH R3load-header table for migration
DDLOG Buffer Synchronization
DDMTF Nametab Field Structure for Delayed Writing
DDMTT Nametab header structure for delayed writing
DDNTDONE DD: For restart in nametab generation with Include
DDPAMSCTRL DD: Controls Parallel Handling during Mass Activation
DDPART DD: Partitioned form of TBATG
DDPATH DD: Definition of access paths
DDPRH R/3 DD: Log header
DDPROF DD: Settings for DDIC programs
DDPRS R/3 DD: log lines
DDPRTUVAR User settings for printing DD objects
DDSERVPERF DD: Performance Key Figures of Server for Par. Execution
DDSHDEFSH Default value - search help per user and collective s.h.
DDSHENTITY Table of data elements which need the value table help
DDSHHVALUE Historic Help Values
DDSHLPVERS Current Version of Search Help Activator
DDSHPVAL50 Personal Help Values from Release 5.0
DDSHPVALUE Personal Help Values
DDSPAR Storage clause for tables and indexes
DDSPAR1 Storage clause for tables and indexes
DDSPAR2 Storage clause for tables and indexes
DDSTATHIST DD: Statistical Data for Conversion
DDSTORAGE Storage clause for tables and indexes
DDSTORAGE1 Storage clause for tables and indexes
DDSTORAGE2 Storage clause for tables and indexes
DDSYN Parameters for Buffer Synchronization
DDTEST_VIEW Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DDTEST_VW_APACT Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DDTPOOLCNV DD: Names of tablepools to convert
DDTYPES Table of all Dictionary types and classes
DDTYPET Texts on Type Groups
DDVAL Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DDXTF Nametab Field Structure for Delayed Writing
DDXTT Nametab header structure for delayed writing
DDYTF Substitution Nametab (shadow-shadow-nametab for DDXTF)
DDYTT Substitution Nametab (shadow-shadow-nametab for DDXTT)
DD_LB_TEST Generated Table for View DD_LB_TEST
SAP tables starting with DE
DEABP Table: Customer Change Header Data for BB Amounts
DEABPS Customer change table: Logical view of BB amounts
DEB_USR Table for Debugging Information for CUA
DEFSCOPE_DMLDB Definition Scope
DEFSCOPE_DMLH Definition Scope
DEFTAX_ITEM Data for Deferred Taxes
DELCONCO Delivery Confirmation: Basis of Logistic Matching - Item
DELCONHD Delivery Confirmation: Basis of Logistic.Match. - Header
DELCONJITCO Delivery Confirmation: Result of Logistics Matching - Item
DELCONJITIT Delivery Confirmation: Result of Log. Matching - Comp. Group
DELCONRF Delivery Confirmation: Basis of Log. Matching - Ref. Number
DELDYNPS List of Table Screens
DELIVERY Replication Table
DELM SAPfind: delimiter & special character
DELREPS Reports Designated for Deletion
DELWBCROSS Find Type Group Deletion
DEMOTREE Demonstration Hierarchy
DEMOTREET Demonstration Hierarchy: Texts
DEMO_BLOB_TABLE Table with a BLOB Column
DEMO_CLOB_TABLE Table with a CLOB Column
DEMO_CR_CARS Rental Car Table
DEMO_CR_RESERVTN Rental Car Reservations
DEMO_INDX_TABLE INDX-Like Database Table
DEMO_JOIN1 Database Table for Join Demo
DEMO_JOIN2 Database Table for Join Demo
DEMO_SCUSTOM Create Control Table Flight Customers
DERIVATIVES_1 Generated Table for View
DESTLOG Logging Destinations
DEVACCESS Table for development user
DEVC_APP Development Class Within the Application Hierarchy
DEVC_APX Changes Within the Translation Hierarchy (DEVC_APP)
SAP tables starting with DF
DF03L Events
DF03T Event descriptions
DF03T_READ Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DF03V Generated Table for View DF03V
DF03VD Generated Table for View DF03VD
DF03_READ Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DF04FAD Generated Table for View DF04FAD
DF04L Software Modules/Functions
DF04PRO Generated Table for View DF04PRO
DF04PROT Generated Table for View DF04PROT
DF04T Function description
DF04T_READ Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DF04V Generated Table for View DF04V
DF04VD Generated Table for View DF04VD
DF04_READ Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DF06L Information flow
DF06T Information Flow Names
DF06V Generated Table for View DF06V
DF06VD Generated Table for View DF06VD
DF07L Object Types
DF07T Object Type Names
DF07V Generated Table for View DF07V
DF07VD Generated Table for View DF07VD
DF08L ALE Messages
DF08T Message Names
DF08VD Generated Table for View DF08VD
DF10L ALE Message Flows
DF10T Message Flow Names
DF10VD Generated Table for View DF10VD
DF11L Scenario Processes
DF11T Scenario Names
DF11V Generated Table for View DF11V
DF11VD Generated Table for View DF11VD
DF12L Organizational Units
DF12T Organization Unit Names
DF12V Generated Table for View DF12V
DF12VD Generated Table for View DF12VD
DF13L Enterprise areas
DF13T Enterprise Area Names
DF13VD Generated Table for View DF13VD
DF14A Application Components: Data for SAP Applications
DF14AVD Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DF14L Application Components
DF14T Business Application Component Names
DF14T_READ Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DF14V Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DF14VD Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DF14_READ Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DF15L Communication Relationships
DF15T Communications Flow Names
DF15VD Generated Table for View DF15VD
DF16L Groups
DF16T Group names
DF16VD Generated Table for View DF16VD
DF17L Any BE object with no specific attributes
DF17T Event descriptions
DF17VD Generated Table for View DF17VD
DF18L Collaborative Business Scenario
DF18T Collaborative Business Scenario: Description
DF30S Object Relationships
DF31S Component dependencies
DF32S Assignment of IMG chapters to functions
DF33S Customizing assignment to modeling
DF34S Documentation assignments
DF35S Assignment of Customizing to modeling objects
DF36S Deselected assignments of Customizing to modeling objects
DF40D Diagam Management Information
DF40_READ Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DF41S Nodes
DF42S Links
DF43S Link points
DF50D Variant diagram radio button
DF50L Variants
DF50O Variant objects
DF50T Variant descriptions
DF50VD Generated Table for View DF50VD
DF50_READ Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DF52A Filter Action Log
DF52L Filter
DF52T Filter names
DF52VD Generated Table for View DF52VD
DF53S Active variant on variant node
DF54S Active nodes for a variant
DF55L Variants
DF55T Variant name
DF55T_READ Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DF55VD Generated Table for View DF55VD
DF55VD1 Generated Table for View DF55VD1
DF55_READ Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DF62S ID mapping table LM/BE
DF62SV1 Generated Table for View DF62SV1
DF63S Business Browser Web Server
DFAXD Fax information extendable sample SAP-WB
DFBNT Business Navigator WEB Textpool
DFDOC Links from R/3 Reference Model objects to mail folder
DFK006B Note to Payee - Texts
DFK006E Note to Payee - Accounts
DFKCRPO Clarification Worklist Credit
DFKK1099 1099 Statutory Reporting Data
DFKKAVK Payment Advice: Header Data
DFKKAVP Payment Advice: Items
DFKKAVST Control Table for Payment Advice Note Transfer
DFKKAWM Foreign Trade Reporting: Report File
DFKKBIC Obsolete
DFKKBICL FI-CA Batch Input - Error Change Logs
DFKKBOL Bollo: Italy
DFKKBPCL Business Partner Duplicates: Predecessor - Successor
DFKKBPCL_ACT Business Partner Duplicates: Status of Activities
DFKKBPCL_CLAR Business Partner Duplicates: Clarification Cases
DFKKBPCL_IMP Import Data of Business Partner Duplicates
DFKKBPCL_IMPI Import of Master Data Combinations of BP Duplicates
DFKKBPTAXNUM Tax Numbers for Business Partner
DFKKBRPOPNOT Balance Reporting: Noticed Contract Account Document Items
DFKKBRPOPSAL Balance Reporting: Business Partner Balances
DFKKCASEITEMS Item List in Cases, Lines
DFKKCASEITEMSH Item List in Cases, Header Data
DFKKCASHFC Interim Table for Cash Management and Forecast Data
DFKKCCUPDATE Item Lists to Which Changes Were Made
DFKKCDLOTS Lot Management for Cash Desk (Data only Temporary ca. 2 Yrs)
DFKKCDREF Cash Desk Document References
DFKKCFCVS Clarification Cases from Payment Transfer - Ext. Pymt Coll.
DFKKCFDUNTEL Telephone List for Dunning
DFKKCFNR Clarification Cases from NOC Returns Lot
DFKKCFPAYRUN Clarif. Worklist: Payt Program
DFKKCFPAYRUN2 Calrification Worklist: Payment Program (New Version)
DFKKCFRLS Clarification Cases: Returns Lots
DFKKCFZST Clarification Cases from Payment Lot
DFKKCIBW FICA: Extraction of Cleared Items
DFKKCIBW_STAT CIBW Extraction - Status Table
DFKKCJC Cash Desk Closing Data
DFKKCJF Transfer Accepted Payments
DFKKCJK Data for Change Amounts at Cash Desk - Different Currency
DFKKCJM Cash Journal Master Data
DFKKCJMT Text Table for Cash Journal Master Data
DFKKCJT Transaction Data for Cash Journal
DFKKCLMEM Management Table for Buffered Open Item Processing
DFKKCMF Manually Entered Checks Lot: Reconciliation Key
DFKKCMK Manually Issued Checks Lot: Header Data
DFKKCMP Manually Issued Checks Lot: Item Data
DFKKCMP2P Manually Issued Checks Lot: Two Party Checks Data
DFKKCMPE Manually Entered Checks Lot: Error Messages
DFKKCMS Credit Management: Master Data Replication
DFKKCOD Correspondence - Correspondence Data
DFKKCODCLUST Correspondence - Correspondence Cluster Data
DFKKCOH Correspondence - Correspondence Header
DFKKCOHARC Correspondence - Archive Identification
DFKKCOHI Correspondence - Correspondence History
DFKKCOHINCORR Correspondence - Data for Inbound Correspondence
DFKKCOH_ARC FI-CA Correspondence - Correspondence Header
DFKKCOLFILE_H_W Subm. of Receivable for Collection: Header Data Buffer
DFKKCOLFILE_P_W Subm. of Receivable for Collection: Item Buffer
DFKKCOLFILE_T_W Subm. of Receivable for Collection: Trailer Data Buffer
DFKKCOLI_LOG Collection Agency Information File: Communication Log
DFKKCOLL Admin. Data for Sumbission of Receivables for Coll. Agency
DFKKCOLLH Management Data for Submission to Coll. Agency (History)
DFKKCOLLHBW_ST Collection Agency Extraction - Status Table
DFKKCOLLHBW_TMP Collection Agency Extraction - Blocked Interval
DFKKCOLLH_I_W Buffer: Collection Agency Information File (Header Data)
DFKKCOLLP_IM_W Buffer: Coll. Agency Info File (Item Master Data Change)
DFKKCOLLP_IP_W Buffer: Collection Agency Info File (Item for Payments)
DFKKCOLLP_IR_W Buffer: Collection Agency Info File (Item for Callback)
DFKKCOLLT_I_W Buffer: Collection Agency Information File (Footer)
DFKKCOLL_CH Collection: Changes to Business Partner Master Data
DFKKCOL_LOG Collections Agency File: Settlement Log (Payments)
DFKKCOMA Correspondence Dunning
DFKKCOMAKT Correspondence Dunning Activities
DFKKCOPA Log Table for COPA Transfer
DFKKCORRLOG Log Table for Correction Reports
DFKKCORRRFDT Cluster Table for Correspondence Data
DFKKCR Repository For Checks
DFKKCR2P Check Repository: Additional Payees
DFKKCRADD CR: Additional Information for Payment Medium
DFKKCRCASH CR: Cashed Checks Not Yet Entered in Register
DFKKCRCL Table for Checks To Be Clarified
DFKKCRCL_DOCS Table for Checks To Be Clarified
DFKKCRDEL CR: Deleted Payment Medium / Basic Data
DFKKCRDEL2P CR: Deleted Payment Medium / Payee Data
DFKKCRDELADD CR: Deleted Payment Medium / Additional Data
DFKKCRDELD2 Check Register: Deleted Payment Media/Partial Encashments
DFKKCRDOC2 Check Management: Partial Encashments
DFKKCRF Record of Creditworthiness: Fixed Interest Periods, Releases
DFKKCRH Creditworthiness Record: Total of one Year
DFKKCROWN CR: Information on Issued Check Forms
DFKKCRP Creditworthiness Record: Generating Actions
DFKKCRST Control Table for Check Register Transfer
DFKKCUST_SHORT Data Extract: Customizing
DFKKCVS Convenience Stores: Data for Convenience Store Document
DFKKDDA Debit Memo Notification (England)
DFKKDISPA FICA-DM: Amounts Changes to Dispute Cases
DFKKDISPP FICA-DM: Key for Assigned Payments (Always Empty!)
DFKKDOUBTD_RET_W Buffer: Printout for Ind.Val.Ad - Return Values (User Event)
DFKKDOUBTD_W Buffer: Create Printout for Receivables Adjustment
DFKKDT Accounting Data (INDX Structure)
DFKKENQ Temporary Lock Entries for Mass Activities
DFKKESR POR Payment Supplement
DFKKEWUDOCCRIT Euro: Critical Documents in Conversion
DFKKEXTCON Control Table: Official Number Parallel Processing
DFKKEXTDOC Official Document Number with Attributes
DFKKEXTTMP Temporary Entries for Official Document Number
DFKKFMBGAINFO Tax Information for Public-Owned Commercial Operations
DFKKFWBEW Management Data for Foreign Currency Valuations
DFKKFWKORR Cumulation Table for Adjustment and Inverse Postings
DFKKFWTRIG Trigger Table for Inverse Postings
DFKKGLPOST Lock Table for General Ledger Postings
DFKKGP_SHORT Data Extract: BP Data
DFKKIA FI-CA: Database table for FKKIA - intrst supp
DFKKIAPT Interest Calculation: Log for Interest Run
DFKKIH FI-CA: Table with Interest History
DFKKINVBILL_A Additional Items of Billing Document
DFKKINVBILL_H Billing Document Header
DFKKINVBILL_I Billing Document Items
DFKKINVBILL_T Tax Items of Billing Document
DFKKINVDOC_C Invoicing Document: Charges and Discounts
DFKKINVDOC_CH Invoicing Document: Charges and Discounts History Record
DFKKINVDOC_H Invoicing Document Header
DFKKINVDOC_I Items of Invoicing Document
DFKKINVDOC_P Invoicing: Posting Document Reference Table
DFKKINVDOC_S Source Document for Invoicing/Reversal History
DFKKINV_BWTRIG BW: Group Extraction Order for Invoicing Documents/FIKEY
DFKKINV_BWTRIGH BI: History Record for Extraction of Invoicing Documents
DFKKINV_BWTRIGS BW: Individual Extraction Order for Invoicing Documents
DFKKINV_TRIG Invoicing Order
DFKKIPBW_HEAD Installment Plan Header Data for Business Warehouse
DFKKIPBW_ITEM Installment Plan Items for Business Warehouse
DFKKIPBW_ORIG Installment Plan Original Items for Business Warehouse
DFKKIP_GRP Payment Specification: Header Data
DFKKIP_GRPH Payment Specification: Payment Data (History)
DFKKIP_ITM Payment Specification: Related Items
DFKKIP_ITMH Payment Specification: Deletions Not Yet Confirmed
DFKKIP_ITMV Payment Specification: Preselected Items
DFKKIP_NUM Payment Specification (for Lock Object EFKKNUMKR_IP)
DFKKKO Header Data in Open Item Accounting Document
DFKKKOAR Reversal Data for Reversal after Archiving
DFKKKO_SHORT Header Data for Contract Accounting Document - Extracts
DFKKKO_WF Header Data for Contract Accting Doc. (Workflow Parameters)
DFKKLOCKS FI-CA: Business Locks
DFKKLOCKSH Business Lock Histories
DFKKMACFCSMK FICA Dunning - Blocked Accounts
DFKKMDC_BP Request for Business Partner Changes
DFKKMDUGP Master Data Lot: Items of the Groups of a Lot
DFKKMDUGPP Master Data Lot: Subitems of Group Item
DFKKMDUK Master Data Lot: Header Data
DFKKMKO Header data for sample contract accounting document
DFKKMOP Items in contract account document
DFKKMOPK Items in contract account document
DFKKMOPW Items in contract account document
DFKKNRK NOC Returns Lot: Header Data
DFKKNRP NOC Returns Lot: Item Data
DFKKNRPE NOC Returns Lot: Error Messages for Items
DFKKOBJRL Object Relations between FI-CA Documents
DFKKOBL Liab. for Credit Segment of Business Partner and Credit Data
DFKKOBLC Control Data for Credit Liability in DFKKOBL
DFKKOBLID Partner Messages for SAP Credit Management Update
DFKKOP Items in contract account document
DFKKOPBEW FI-CA Foreign Currency Valuation
DFKKOPBW OI Extraction
DFKKOPBW_STAT OIBW Extraction - Status Table
DFKKOPC Card Data Supplement for Business Partner Item
DFKKOPCOLL Collection: Log of Receivables Submitted
DFKKOPEW Business Partner Items: Amounts Before Euro Conversion
DFKKOPK Items in contract account document
DFKKOPKC Card Data Appendix for FICA Document
DFKKOPKEW G/L Account Items: Amounts Before Euro Conversion
DFKKOPKX Items for Contract Accounting Document (Enhancement)
DFKKOPK_SHORT Offsetting Items for FI-CA Document - Extracts
DFKKOPL Locks for Open Items (Change Document Interface)
DFKKOPVZ Agreed Payment Amounts
DFKKOPW Items in contract account document
DFKKOP_SHORT Partner Items for FI-CA Document - Extracts
DFKKORDER Requests: Header Data
DFKKORDERAPPROVE Requests to be Approved
DFKKORDERASSIGN Assignment of ORDNR for General Requests (General Object)
DFKKORDERCLST Names of Request Classes
DFKKORDERDUE Requests: Due Dates
DFKKORDERHIST Requests: Document History
DFKKORDERLOCKS Requests: Processing Locks
DFKKORDERLOCKS_S Request Templates: Processing Locks
DFKKORDERPOS Requests: Items
DFKKORDERPOS_S Request Templates: Items
DFKKORDERRANGE Assigning Number Ranges to Request Categories
DFKKORDERRANGE_S Assign Number Ranges to Request Templates
DFKKORDERTYP Request Category
DFKKORDERTYPT Names of Request Types
DFKKORDERVTREF Assign VTREF to ORDNR for General Requests
DFKKORDER_S Request Templates: Header Data
DFKKORDOPHIST Standing Requests: Document History
DFKKORDTYP Request Category
DFKKORDTYPT Names of Request Types
DFKKPAE Payment Notification (Aux. Table EFKKNUMKR_PA)
DFKKPAH Payment Notification
DFKKPC_LOGF Payment Cards: Settlement Log (Data Medium)
DFKKPC_LOGH Payment Cards: Billing Log (Header Data)
DFKKPC_LOGI Payment Cards: Billing Log (Paid Items)
DFKKPC_LOGP Payment Cards: Billing Log (Payments)
DFKKPNBKA Prenotification data (latest)
DFKKPNBKC Prenotification file creation run: administration data
DFKKPNBKH Prenotification data (history)
DFKKPOE Payment Order (Help Table Lock Object EFKKNUMKR_PO)
DFKKPOH Payment Order: Header Data
DFKKPOP Payment Order: Item Data
DFKKPPROPEXC Exceptions for Due Date Determination and Last Payments
DFKKQSR Individual Records for Withholding Tax Report
DFKKRA Clearing/Reversal History (Document Header Level) < 4.62
DFKKRAP Clearing/Reversal History (Line Item Level) < 4.62
DFKKRAPT Clearing/Reversal History (Line Item Level)
DFKKRAT Partial Clearing Reset
DFKKRD FI-CA: Table for Management of Rounding Amounts
DFKKRDI Revenue Distribution
DFKKREP01 Data for Sales Lists (Belgium)
DFKKREP02 Data for Sales Lists (Belgium)
DFKKREP03 Payment History: Posting Totals for Debit Entries
DFKKREP04 Payment History: Open Items at End of Period
DFKKREP05 Payment History: Reversals and Write-Offs
DFKKREP06 Tax Report Data (Invoicing Time or Triggered)
DFKKREP06_S Tax Report Data - Shadow Table for Posting Date
DFKKREP07 Tax Report Data (Clearing Time)
DFKKREP07_T Tax Report Data (Additional Data for Transfer Posting)
DFKKREPAK Recording Header
DFKKREPAP Recording Record
DFKKREPMH Notification Header
DFKKREPPROG Generated Comparing Subroutines for DDIC Structures
DFKKREPT Receipt Documents
DFKKREPTCL Clearing Information for Receipt Documents
DFKKREPTNRKR Internal Table for Lock Object EFKKNUMKR_REPT
DFKKREPZM Recording Data for EC Sales List
DFKKRES Reserve Postings
DFKKREV06 Report for Tax on Sales/Purchases (bill. time or triggered)
DFKKREV07 Report on Tax on Sales/Purchases (clearing time)
DFKKRF Returns Lot: Reconciliation Key
DFKKRH Returns History
DFKKRK Returns lot: Header data
DFKKRP Returns lot: Data for payment
DFKKRP3 Returns: Manual Posting Specifications
DFKKRP3H Returns: History for Manual Posting Items
DFKKRPE Returns lot: Error message for returns item
DFKKRPL Link from Mass Run Interval for Application Log
DFKKSTAT Table for Temporary Statistics Data, for Mass Activities
DFKKSUM Posting totals from FI-CA
DFKKSUMC Control details for posting totals
DFKKSUMCB Control details for posting totals per company code
DFKKSUMCBD Control Information for Posting Totals - Alt. Posting Date
DFKKSUMG Control Information for G/L Corrections
DFKKSUMOLD Totals Records Without Account Assignment Changes
DFKKSUMR Control details for posting total adjustments
DFKKTAXEX Table of FI-CA Tax Exemptions
DFKKTAX_EXEMPT Table of FI-CA Tax Exemptions
DFKKTHI Transfer Records for Invoice Issue by Third Party
DFKKTHI_HIST2 Reversal: Historic Entries DFKKTHI (No Tax Posting)
DFKKTHI_SUM Aggregated Transfer Records for Invoicing
DFKKTHP Transfer Records for Billing on Behalf of 3rd Party
DFKKTRACEK FKKTRACE: Header for a Trace Run
DFKKTXINV Tax Invoices
DFKKUMBINDX Cluster for Variant Storage in Transaction FPU2
DFKKUR Update Run: Run Data
DFKKURE Update Run: Defective Data Records
DFKKVBUND History: Trading Partners (VBUND) for Business Partner
DFKKVBUNDH History: VBUND Adjustment Postings
DFKKVBUND_REV VBUND Adjustments for Revenues and Expenses
DFKKWEBP EBPP: Payment Data for Payments via Web
DFKKWOH Write-Off History
DFKKWOHTMP Temporary Write-Off History
DFKKWO_PROT Line Items Written Off from Mass Run
DFKKWRTOFF_WF FI-CA Data for Write-Off in Workflow
DFKKZA Repayment Request
DFKKZAE Block Table for Disbursement of Repayment Requests
DFKKZAR Repayment Request (History of Reversal Postings)
DFKKZAX Repayment Request (Address Data for Check)
DFKKZF Payment lot: Reconciliation key
DFKKZK Payment lot: Header data
DFKKZN Payment Lot: Notes for Clarification
DFKKZP Payment lot: Data for payment
DFKKZPE Payment lot: Error message for payment item
DFKKZPT Payment Lot: Data for Partial Clearing of a Payment
DFKKZP_ARCIND Link between Document Number and Archived Payment Lot
DFKKZR Payment form
DFKKZRH Payment document (help table for lock object EFKKNUMKR_PF)
DFKKZR_RES Reserved Payment Form Numbers
DFKKZS Payment lot: Further selections
DFKKZV Payment Lot: Enhancement of Note to Payee
DFKKZW Doubtful/Individual Val. Adjust. for Receivables - Trigger
DFKKZW2 Doubtful/Indiv. Val. Adjustments for Receivables - Tfr Pstg
DFKKZWH Doubtful/Ind.Val.Adj.Receivables - History
DFKKZWPT Log Table for Mass Activ. for Tfr Posting of Dbt Rec/IVAs
DFKK_BALANOTE Balance Confirmation - Check Table
DFKK_BL_BP Locked Business Partners from GTS
DFKK_CUST_EXTR FI-CA Partner - Extracts
DFKK_DOC_EXTR FI-CA Documents - Extracts
DFKK_EMBARGO Embargo Countries from GTS
DFKK_EMBARGO2 Embargo Countries From - To from GTS
DFKK_GP_EXTR FI-CA Partner - Extracts
DFKK_HBALANOTE Balance Confirmation - Run Table
DFKK_RECLASS OI - Reclassifications
DFKK_SELP_GRP FI-CA Selections - Results Groups
DFKK_SELP_HIST FI-CA Selection - Result Records - History
DFKK_SELP_RES FI-CA Selections - Result Records
DFKK_SELP_TXT FI-CA Selection - Result Records - Long Text
DFKK_TRIGGER_CL Outbound Interface: Trigger Table of Cleared Items
DFKK_TRIGGER_OP Outbound Interface: Trigger Table for Business Partner
DFKK_TRIGGER_PAY Outbound Interface: Trigger Table for Payment Information
DFKK_TRIGGER_RCL Outbound Interface: Trigger Table for Reopened Items
DFK_JC_CNTR Container for Related Jobs
DFK_JC_CNTR_MSG Messages for Background Processing
DFK_JC_CNTR_PROD Production Table
DFK_JC_JOBINFO Individual Job Overview
DFK_JC_VERB Available verbs for the Job Commander
DFK_NORM_BP Normalized Data for Duplicate Search for Business Partner
DFMCAALOT Write-Off of Documents with Approval
DFMCADLOT Document Resubmission
DFMCAILOT PSCD: Approval List Installment Plans
DFMCAINV Invoice in IS-PS-CA: Header Data
DFMCAINVPOS Invoice in IS-PS-CA: Items
DFMCA_BRF050 Parameter List of Expressions Accessing Context
DFMCA_BRF060 Parameter of Context Information
DFMCA_BRF070 Parameter of Context Information
DFMCA_BRF100 Parameters for Additional Items
DFMCA_BRF101 Parameters for Additional Items
DFMCA_BRF110 Text Name and Text ID for Additional Item
DFMCA_BRF111 Text Name and Text ID for Additional Item
DFMCA_BRF120 Text Name and Text ID for Additional Item
DFMCA_BRF130 BRF: Line category for FMCA_BRF130
DFMCA_BRF140 Table for Reserved Structure IDs
DFMCA_BRF150 Text Parameters for Billing Line
DFMCA_BRF160 Period Request
DFMCA_BRF170 BRF: Progressive Calculation
DFMCA_BRF173 BRF: Assignment of Messages to Subactions
DFMCA_BRF174 BRF: Message Variables (for Messages in Subactions)
DFMCA_BRF175 BRF: Literal as Message Variable (for Subactions)
DFMCA_CRPA Approval List for Document Changes
DFMCA_INV_TXT_PA Text Parameter for Additional Item on Billing Documents
DFMLH Links from R/3 Reference Model objects to mail folder
DFMLO Links from R/3 Reference Model objects to mail folder
DFPAYG Payment date: Grouping
DFPAYHT Note to Payee and Payment Advice Note Texts
DFPAYMENT_KEY_ID Contains ID for Payment Data Key
DFPAYV Payment Medium: Selection Variants
DFPM_AUTH Payment medium: Authorization Check Origin Active
DFPM_NUMB Sequential Numbers
DFPRX Number prefixes
DFSCICLARIOB Bal. Int. Calculation at Contract Acct Level: Clarif. Cases
DFSCIHISTIOB Balance Int. Calculation at Contract Account Level: History
DFSCIREV Bal. Int. Calculation at Contract Acct Level: Inverse Pstgs
DFTNODE01 Structure repository for process model objects: Node table
DFTNODE01R Structure repository for process model objects: References
DFTNODE01T Structure Repository for Process Model Objects: Node Names
SAP tables starting with DG
DGKAT DD: Size category in technical settings
DGMS2 DG: Dangerous Goods Document Table (Appendix Table)
DGMSD DG: Dangerous Goods Document Table DGMSD
DGREL_LOCK_KEY Dangerous Goods: Lock Table for CCDUTDGREL
DGTCPD DG: Last Change Pointer Evaluation (Specification)
DGTEXCCHKMETH Exceptions to Dangerous Goods Regulations: Check Methods
DGTEXCCNTRIES Exceptions to Dangerous Goods Regulations: Countries
DGTEXCEPT Exceptions to DG Regulations - Header Table
DGTEXCTEXTS Exceptions to DG Regulations: Texts and Documents
DGTEXCUNNO Exceptions to DG Regulations: UN Numbers
DGTM2 DG: Dangerous Goods Master (App. Table)
DGTMD DG: Dangerous Goods Master
DGTMD_LKEY DG: Dummy Table for Lock Object on Log. Key for DGTMD
DGTMD_MATNR DG: Dummy Table for Lock Obj. on MATNR and DGTMD
DGTPK DG: Packing Requirement
DGV_DFLGDGREL Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_EHS_TDG151B Generated Table for View DGV_EHS_TDG151B
DGV_TCG93 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDG03 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDG09 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDG11 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDG15 Generated Table for View DGV_TDG15
DGV_TDG151B_DESC Generated Table for View DGV_TDG151B_DESC
DGV_TDG17 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDG21A Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDG21B Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDG21H Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDG27 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDG29 Generated Table for View DGV_TDG29
DGV_TDG31 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDG33 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDG35 Generated Table for View DGV_TDG35
DGV_TDG37 Generated Table for View DGV_TDG37
DGV_TDG39 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDG41 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDG47 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDG49 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDG51 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDG61 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDG63 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDG65 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDG67 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDGA3 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDGA5 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDGA7 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDGA9 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDGB1 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDGB3 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDGB5 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDGB7 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDGC1 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDGC3 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDGC5 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDGC7 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDGT1 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DGV_TDGT2 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
SAP tables starting with DI
DIACL_CNTR_TYPES Value table for counter types in aircraft logbook
DIACL_CNTR_UPD Control of Aircraft logbook Counter updates
DIACL_DS Logbook digital signatures
DIACL_DS_CONTROL Cust. table to control Digital signature process in Logbook
DIACL_LETYP_T Log Entry Type table
DIACL_LETYP_TXT Text table for Log Entry Types
DIACL_LOG_ENTRY Logbook: log entry
DIAPAR Parameter Description for Dialog Modules
DICS_T150 Physical Inventory Stock Types and Allocated Movement Types
DICS_T150F Stock Types and Allocated Fields in Physical Inventory
DICS_T156 Backup Table: Movement Type - SAP internal only
DICS_T156B Back Up Table Movement Type Screen Sel. - Internal only
DICS_T156C Stock Types and Their Values
DICS_T156F Back UP Table Fields in Quantity String - Internal Only
DICS_T156M Back Up Table Posting String Quantity - Internal Only
DICS_T156Q Movement Type: Material-Independent Control
DICS_T156SC Mvt Type: Qty/Value Posting: Customer Table; as of Rel. 4.6A
DICS_T156SY Back Up - Movement Type Quantity/Value Posting: Sys
DICS_T156T Movement Type Text
DICS_T156V Availability Table
DICS_T157B Descr. of Qty Fields (Plant Stock Avail., Stock Display)
DICS_T157H Help Texts for Movement Types
DICS_TMCA Evaluating movement types for LIS update
DIFC_DIFFERENT Differentiation as Entity
DIFC_DIFF_TERM Differentiation Term
DIFS_DIFF_ID Differentiating Characteristics
DIFS_DIFF_ID_T Text Table for Differentiation Terms
DIFT_POS_IDENT Persistent Flow Selectors
DIFVH_POS_POS Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DIFVH_POS_SEC Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DIFV_LOT_ASSIGN Generated Table for View
DIFV_POS_IDENT Generated Table for View
DIMABROKER IO: Broker-Specific Data in FS-CD
DIMACOPAST Reversal of Contracts in CO-PA
DIMAIOB IO: Header Data for Insurance Object in FS-CD
DIMAIOBPAR IO: Insurance Object-Partner Relationship in FS-CD
DIMAIOBPAR_RE OBSOLETE: Extended Insurance Object-Partner Relationship
DIMAPARBROK IO: Insurance Object-Broker Relationship in FS-CD
DIMAPARCORR IO: Correspondence for Ins. Object <-> Partner Relationship
DIMAPARPAY IO: Alt. Payt Recipient for Ins. Obj.-Partner Relationship
DIMAPARPPLAN IO: Payment Plan Changes in Insurance Object
DIMAPARPPLAN_REV Payment Plan: Reversal Table for Whole Payment Plan
DIMAPARSCPOS IO: Change to Scheduling Items
DIMAPA_REV_DETA Payment Plan: Reversal Table Detail Payment Plan
DIMPVAP_MA06V Generated Table for View
DIMPVAP_MA61V Generated Table for View
DIMPVAP_MAT2MPN Generated Table for View
DIMPVAP_VIQMELST Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DIMP_VIQMELST_I Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DIMP_VIQMEL_I Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DIOHFW_APPL_VAL Value table for applications
DIOHFW_FCODE_VAL Value table of function codes
DIOHFW_HIER_DEF Object hierarchy definition
DIOHFW_NTYPE_TXT Text table for node types
DIOHFW_NTYPE_VAL Value table for node types
DIPCS_POOL1 Administration of Serial Numbers in Sales Documents
DIPCS_SDRULES Specific Stock determination rules for customer
DIRTREE Tree administration
DIS_ADMIN Distribution - Administration Table
DIS_PGPRF Distribution: Assignemnt Distribution Profile - Group WBSEl.
DIS_TOBJS Distribution: cost objects posted to per group
DIS_TOBJS_COSP Distribution: Objects distributed to per Group WBS (Cost)
DIS_TOBJS_COSS Distribution: Objects distributed to per Group WBS (Cost)
DIS_TOBJS_FMSU Distribution: Objects distributed to per Group WBS (Cash)
DIS_WLST Distribution: Worklist of Changed Objects
DIT434K DI-IS Stock determination PM/CS: Header table
DIT434L Texts for stock determination - header table
DIT434P Stock determination: FS item table
DITCO12 Assignment of Stock Determination Rules for PM/CS Orders
DITCOKO Enhanced Constants for PPS Orders
DIV01 Loans: External usage types of a rental unit
DIWPS Work Package
DIWPS_CA Characteristics for Work Package
DIWPS_COMP Reallocation: Conversion Storage Location
DIWPS_CR Work Package Cross-Reference Notification
DIWPS_CUST Reallocation: Customizing
DIWPS_FAVORITE Table to store user-specific favorites in the WPS Browser
DIWPS_HEAD Reallocation: Conversion Plant/Work center
DIWPS_NOTI_DEFER Notification Deferral Table
DIWPS_NOTI_PCOMP Table for Partically Completed Notifications
DIWPS_OPER Reallocation: Conversion Plant/Work center
DIWPS_REVTY_T Revision Type Table
DIWPS_REVTY_TXT Revision Type Text Table
DIWPS_REV_ORDER Revision Order Table
DIWPS_RV_CA Revision: Characteristics for Work Package
DIWPS_RV_CR Revision: Cross-Reference Notification
DIWPS_USERSET User-Specific Settings in MEB
DIWPS_USER_SET User Settings Table
DIWPS_WORK Reallocation: Conversion Plant/Work center
DIWP_DISP OBSOLETE: Display Work Packages Per User
DIWP_HIST OBSOLETE: Work Packaging and Sequencing
DI_V_TCO12 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
SAP tables starting with DJ
DJEST Individual Status per Object: Key Date Based Management
SAP tables starting with DK
DKKOP Balance Audit Trail
DKKOS Balance Audit Trail
DKOKP Open Item Account Balance Audit Trail
DKOKS Open Item Account Balance Audit Trail Master Record
SAP tables starting with DL
DLCNO Last Delivery Confirmation Number to Vendor
DLCNOCO Delivery Confirmation JIT Outbound Items
DLCNOHD Delivery Confirmation for JIT Outbound
DLCNORF References for Delivery Confirmation Outbound
DLFLD Non-Changeable Delivery Fields
DLV_SYSTC System Change Option for Software Components
SAP tables starting with DM
DM02L DM Entity Type
DM02S DM Entity Type Definition Variant
DM02T DM Entity Type Short Text
DM02V Generated Table for View DM02V
DM03S DM Attribute
DM03V Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DM25L DM View-Entity Type Assignment
DM26L DM Table-Entity Type Assignment
DM40L DM Data Model
DM40T DM Data Model Short Text
DM40V Generated Table for View DM40V
DM41S DM Data Model Hierarchy
DM42O Generated Table for View DM42O
DM42P Generated Table for View DM42P
DM42S DM Relationship
DM42T DM Relationship Short Text
DM42V Generated Table for View DM42V
DM42VTC Generated Table for View DM42VTC
DM43T DM Entity Type Aliases
DM45L DM Specialization Category
DM45T DM Short text for specialization type
DM45V Generated Table for View DM45V
DM46O Generated Table for View DM46O
DM46P Generated Table for View DM46P
DM46S DM Specialization
DM48L DM Area
DM48T DM Area Short Text
DM48V Generated Table for View DM48V
DM50S DM ADW Position
DM50T DM ADW Text on Entity Type
DM99L DM User Settings
DMC_ACTP DMC: Actual Parameters from Rule Call or Operator Call
DMC_ANWDG DMC: Applications in the Direct Input Concept
DMC_ANWDGT DMC: Identifier of the Applications
DMC_APIDOC Application Assignment - IDoc Technical Field Function Name
DMC_APPDI Permitted DI Types for Applications
DMC_AWIOB DMC: Application Import-Export Interfaces
DMC_BAPI DMC: Master Data for BAPI Integration
DMC_BIP DMC: Attributes for Standard Batch Input
DMC_BWIB Data from BW Query Inbound Processing
DMC_BWQRY Inbound Interface for BW Query
DMC_CMPP Components/Name Relations
DMC_CNTN Container Type for Sender Structure Name Administration
DMC_COBJ DMC: Conversion Object
DMC_COMPL Complex Data Structures
DMC_CONF Customizing for DMC Application Log
DMC_CSTRT Table for Storing Complex Data Type Information
DMC_CTABLE DMC: Table for Storing Coding, Documentation
DMC_DISTRC Info on Structures For Test Type Direct Input 1/Example Type
DMC_DIT Direct Input - Test Type
DMC_DIW Wrapper for Direct Input
DMC_FDESC DMC: Description of Data to Be Imported
DMC_FIELD DMC: Data Field of a Structure
DMC_FIELDV Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DMC_FMID DMC: Assignment of Conversion Object to Runtime Object
DMC_FMSEQ DMC: Transformations; Order of the Function Modules
DMC_IDOC Master Data for IDocs
DMC_IFCO Application-Specific Configuration
DMC_IFREG Registration of Interfaces
DMC_IFS Which Interfaces can Be Implemented from Interfaces
DMC_IMPTY DMC: Types of Import/Export Interfaces for Applications
DMC_IOTMPL Registry Entry for Inbound/Outbound Template
DMC_IRPAR DMC: Parameter List of Installed Rules
DMC_IRULE DMC: Installed Rules
DMC_ISB DMC Tool: Information about Direct Input 2
DMC_OINS DMC: Files for Import; Assignment of the Files to Sender
DMC_OP DMC: Rule Implementation Type
DMC_OUTF DMC: File Paths and File Names
DMC_PARAM DMC: Formal Parameters in Rule and Operation Calls
DMC_PARAMT DMC: Rule Parameter Name
DMC_PRJCT Project Management
DMC_PROT DMC: Logs and Tables for Backwards Navigation
DMC_RCALL DMC: Representation of Rule or Operator Calls
DMC_RLUSE Using Rules Within Other Rules
DMC_RSDAT DMC: Information about Self-Defined Recipient Container
DMC_RSREL DMC: Relations Between Sender/Recipient Structures
DMC_RSRELV Generated Table for View DMC_RSRELV
DMC_RULE Mapping Rules in DMC Tool
DMC_RUN DMC: Conversion Information
DMC_SPRJCT Sub-Projects (Conversion Object Administration)
DMC_SSDAT DMC: Information About Self-Defined Sender Container
DMC_STREE DMC: Tree Structure for Administration of Structures
DMC_STREET DMC: Structure Names
DMC_STRUCT Sender Structure or Recipient Structure
DMC_SXDA Master Data for SXDA
DMC_TMPLTS DMC: Code Templates for Runtime Objects
DMC_TRFRFL DMC: Check Field of a Conversion Object Parameter
DMC_TRFRTB DMC: Check Table of a Conversion Object Parameter
DMC_TRNSPT DMC: Shadow Table for Transport Link
DMC_TROBJ DMC: Recoding Object Definition
DMC_TRPARM DMC: Recoding Object Parameters (LOOKUP_PARAMETER)
DMC_TRVALD DMC: Recoding Object; Value Table (Lookup Values
DMC_TRVALI DMC: Recoding Object, Interval Table
DMC_TYPP DMC: DDIC Type Characteristics
DMC_UDAT DMC: Administration of User-Specific Settings
DMC_WCARD DMC: Files; Values for Wildcard *
DMC_WSTEP Save and Display User Steps
DMC_WSTPT Templates for Processing Steps
DMC_XMLD DMC: Administration of XML Descriptions
DMEE_ABA DMEE Format Tree: General Data
DMEE_AGGR_ABA DMEE: Aggregation of Nodes
DMEE_COND_ABA DMEE: Format Tree Node Conditions
DMEE_DEBUG_ABA DMEE: Temporary Data for Debugging
DMEE_HEAD_ABA DMEE: Format Tree Header Data
DMEE_NODE_ABA DMEE: Format Tree Nodes
DMEE_NODE_T_ABA DMEE: Text Table for Tree Node
DMEE_NXTSG_ABA DMEE: Supplementary Segments (Incoming DME Files)
DMEE_RULES_ABA DMEE: Assignment Rules (Incoming DME Files)
DMEE_SHEET_ABA DMEE: Key Fields for Subtotals on Accompanying Sheet
DMEE_SORT_ABA DMEE: Sort and Key Fields for Format
DMEE_TECH_ABA DMEE: Technical Fields in the Transfer Structures
DMEE_TREE DMEE Format Tree: General Data
DMEE_TREE_AGGR DMEE: Aggregation of Nodes
DMEE_TREE_COND DMEE: Format Object - & Mapping Conditions
DMEE_TREE_DEBUG DMEE: Temporary Data for Debugging
DMEE_TREE_HEAD DMEE: Format Tree Header Data
DMEE_TREE_NODE DMEE: Format Tree Nodes
DMEE_TREE_NODE_T Text Table DMEE: Format Tree Node
DMEE_TREE_NXTSG DMEE: Supplementary Segments (Incoming DME Files)
DMEE_TREE_RULES DMEE: Assignment Rules (Incoming DME Files)
DMEE_TREE_SHEET DMEE: Key Fields for Subtotals on Accompanying Sheet
DMEE_TREE_SORT DMEE: Sort and Key Fields for Format
DMEE_TREE_T DMEE: Text Table for Tree Definition
DMEE_TREE_TECH DMEE: Technical Fields in the Transfer Structures
DMEE_TREE_TYPE DMEE: Supported Tree Types
DMEE_TREE_TYPE_T DMEE: Text Table for Tree Types
DMEE_TYPE_ABA DMEE: Supported Tree Types
DMEE_TYPE_T_ABA DMEE: Text Table for Tree Types
DMEE_T_ABA DMEE: Text Table for Tree Definition
DMF_V_CLIENT_CUS Generated Table for View
DML_DELIVERY MDF: Management Table for Delivery of Application Data
DML_DELIVERY_DAT MDF Cluster Table for Delivery of Application Data
DML_FAVORITES Favorites for MDF Objects
DML_GROUP_TEXT MDF Groups, Descriptions
DML_INACTIVE_DAT MDF Cluster Table for Inactive States
DML_LH0100000000 MDF: Differentiation Key (Type 0100000000)
DML_LH_FRG_REG Product-Set Assignment (Gen. Link-Handler)
DML_LH_FRG_REGH Product-Set Assignment History (Gen. Link-Handler)
DML_OBJTYPE_TEXT MDF Object Types: Descriptive Texts
DML_OWNERTYP_TXT MDF Owners: Descriptive Texts
DML_RELTYPE MDF: Properties of Relationship Types
DML_SERVICE MDF Object Types: Settings for Services
DML_SETTYPE MDF: Properties of Set Types
DML_TEXTTYPEOBJ MDF Text Types for MDF Object Type
DML_TEXTTYPE_TXT MDF Text Types: Descriptive Texts
DMS1DIDSTA SDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents
DMS_AUDITS DVS: Indicator Audits
DMS_CONT1_CD1 DVS: Document conetnts in SAP-DB (main original)
DMS_CONT1_HD1 DVS: Document contents in SAP-DB (additional files)
DMS_CONT2_CD1 DVS: Document conetnts in SAP-DB (main original)
DMS_CONT2_HD1 DVS: Document contents in SAP-DB (additional files)
DMS_CONV2KPRO1 Conversion DMS storage data
DMS_CONV2KPRO2 Log table for conversion
DMS_DOC2LOIO DVS: Link table DVS Key <-> LOIO-ID
DMS_DOC_FILES DMS: File Names for Documents
DMS_DOC_FOLDER1 DMS: Folder for documents (Header)
DMS_DOC_FOLDER2 DMS: Folder for documents (descirptions)
DMS_DOC_FOLDER3 DMS: Folder for documents (structure)
DMS_DOC_FOLDER4 Determine All Subscribed Root Folders
DMS_DOKNRCNV Data for Document Number Conversion
DMS_DOKNRCONV Data for Document Number Conversion
DMS_FILE_CP DMS: Change Documents for Originals in KPRO
DMS_GUID GUID for Documentmanagement
DMS_IDX_MIMES DMS: Definition of the MIME type indexing
DMS_LODESC_CD1 DVS: LOIO-Descirption of the main original (conv. document)
DMS_LODESC_HD1 DVS: LOIO-Description of additional data (help document)
DMS_LORE_CD1 DVS: Outgoing links LOIOS for main originals
DMS_LORE_HD1 DVS: Otgoing links LOIOS for additional files
DMS_LORI_CD1 DVS: Incoming links LOIOS for main originals
DMS_LORI_HD1 DVS: Incoming links PHIOS for additional files
DMS_LO_CD1 DVS: LOIOS of main originals (conv. document)
DMS_LO_HD1 DVS: LIOS of addtional files (help document)
DMS_MUPCAT Markup categories
DMS_MUPCATT Description markup categories
DMS_OI DMS Customizing settings for office integration
DMS_PHF_CD1 DVS: PHIOS Components of main originals (conv. document)
DMS_PHF_HD1 DVS: PHIOS Components of additional files (help document)
DMS_PHHYP_HD1 DVS: PHIOS ????????????
DMS_PHIO2FILE DMS: File Name for Phios
DMS_PHRE_CD1 DVS: Outgoing links PHIOS for main originals
DMS_PHRE_HD1 DVS: Outgoing links PHIOS for additional files
DMS_PHRI_CD1 DVS: Incoming links PHIOS for main originals
DMS_PHRI_HD1 DVS: Incoming links PHIOS for additional files
DMS_PH_CD1 DVS: PHIOS of main originals
DMS_PH_CHKF_CD1 DVS: File name of last check out (main original)
DMS_PH_CHKF_HD1 DVS: File name of last check out (additional files)
DMS_PH_CHKO_CD1 DVS: Check out data to PHIO (main originals)
DMS_PH_CHKO_HD1 DVS: Check out data to PHIO (additional files)
DMS_PH_HD1 DVS: PHIOS of additional originals
DMS_PH_PROP_CD1 DVS: Attribute PHIOS (main originals)
DMS_PH_PROP_HD1 DVS: Attribute PHIOS (additional files)
DMS_PROC01 DMS - Processes
DMS_PROC02 DMS - Processes/Text table
DMS_PROF01 DMS: Profile Definition
DMS_PROF02 DMS: Allocation Profile - Group/User
DMS_PROF03 DMS: Profile Definitions for Applications
DMS_PROF04 Profile definition for process
DMS_PROP_CD1 DVS: Attribute LOIOS (main originals)
DMS_PROP_HD1 DVS: Attribute LOIOS (additional files)
DMS_RELA DVS: Instances of links
DMS_REPR DVS: Attribute of links
DMS_SELECTIONS Find Document: Selection Variants
DMS_SELECTIONST Texts to Selection Variants
DMS_TDWA_THUMB Thumbnails for Documents@Web/Assignment Appl. DOKAR
DMS_TDWA_THUMBN Workstation Application for Thumbnails
DMS_TDWA_THUMBN1 Empty Dummy Workstation Application for Thumbnails
DMS_TDWA_WEB Web Customizing Document Type for DMS
DMS_TDWA_WF Web Customizing Document Type -> Web Functions
DMS_TDWA_WG Show/Hide from Field Groups in Web (for DVS)
DMS_USER_DEF01 DMS: User-Specific Settings
DMUPOB DMU item object (head for DMU transformation matrices)
DMUTMX Transformation matrix parameter in STEP format(ISO 10303-42)
SAP tables starting with DN
DNOC_FUNCTION Function Types
DNOC_FUNC_PAR Partner func.
DNOC_FUNC_PART Partner func.
DNOC_SUBSCR Subscreen Control
DNOC_SUBSCRT Subscreen Control
DNOC_TYPE_NOTET Note Types: Texts
DNOC_TYPE_PAR Partner Types
DNOC_TYPE_PART Partner Categories: Texts
DNOC_TYPE_TEXT Text Segment Types
DNOC_TYPE_TEXTT Text Segment Types: Texts
DNOC_TYPE_TEXTV Texts Visible to Creator, Central Notif. Sys., SAP,...
DNOC_USERCFG Service Desk Customizing
DNOD_NOTIF Notification Header
DNOD_NOTIF_H Notification: Hierarchy
DNOD_NOTIF_S Notification: SAP Support Data
DNOD_NOTIF_T Long Text Segment
DNOD_NOTIF_TA Notification: Data for Task Planning
DNOD_UPDATE Table for Updating Locked Notifications and Time Stamp
SAP tables starting with DO
DOCALTLANG Alternative language for displaying document
DOCCHG_BARCODE Ext. Document Change: Customizing for Barcode Processing
DOCCHG_CLACCT Customizing: Clearing Account. Required for Transfer Posting
DOCCHG_COBL_FS Field Status Groups for COBL Screen Fields
DOCCHG_EWBUCH Customizing of Posting Transaction
DOCCHG_FSTATUS Field Status Groups for Screen Fields
DOCCLSS Official document class
DOCCLSST Texts for official document class
DOCSPL_FSTATUS Field Status Groups for Item Split
DOKALTLANG Assignment of alternative languages for document display
DOKCR List of links between documentation objects
DOKHL Documentation: Headers
DOKID Table Field-Screen Index
DOKIL Index for Documentation Table DOKH
DOKSH Documentation Statistics History
DOKSI Documentation Statistics History Index
DOKTL Documentation - text lines
DOKVL Generated Table for View DOKVL
DOSSH Documentation: Short Text Statistics History
DOSSI Documentation: Short Text Statistics History Index
DOSSO Documentation: Short Text Statistics - Object-Specific
DOST Document to BOM Link
DOWNTIME_V Generated Table for View DOWNTIME_V
SAP tables starting with DP
DPAYC Payment program - administrative records
DPAYCHKH Header: Accounting Using Creation of Payment Media
DPAYCHKH1 Supplemental Assignments with Creation of Payment Media
DPAYCHKNUM Check Number Lot: Header
DPAYCHKNUMP Check Number Lot: Single Numbers
DPAYCHKP Header: Accounting Using Creation of Payment Media
DPAYCHKSET Check: Settings for Check Creation for House Banks
DPAYG Payment program - payment group
DPAYH Payment program - data for payment
DPAYN Sequential Number Assignment
DPAYP Payment program - data on paid item
DPAYV Payment program: Variants for payment medium and list
DPAY_CHEZAG ZTF Switzerland: Assignment of POR Number to Document Number
DPBP_PROF DIP Profile: Profile Header Enhancement
DPPROFH DIP profile: Header
DPR_CAUSE_CO Texts for Project Reason
DPR_CAUSE_T_CO Texts for Project Reason
DPR_LOGB_PARAM Table for Activation of Logbook Parameters
DPR_PROJ_IO_OLD Projects with "Old" IO Scenario
DPR_PRO_TYPE_C Project Type
DPR_PRO_TYPE_T_C Texts for Project Type
DPR_RATES_CALC Customizing: Mapping of Cost/Revenue Rates for Roles
DPR_RATES_CO Customizing: Cost/Revenue Rates for Project Roles
DPR_RATES_T_CO Customizing: Cost/Revenue Rates for Project Roles
DPSCITIZEN Business Partner: Corresponding Citizen
DPSOB Contract Object in Collection and Disbursement
DPSOB_BP_ACC Data for Contract Object for Each Partner & Cont. Acct Cat.
DPSOB_BP_ACC_COR Correspondence Control for Contract Object
DPSOB_BP_ACC_EX Exception Control for Contract Obj./Inbound Correspondence
DPSOB_UPDOWNLOAD Contract Object: Mapping Up and Download
DPSOB_UPDWNLOAD2 Contract Object: Mapping Download
SAP tables starting with DR
DRAD Document-Object Link
DRAD_LAST_CHANGE DMS: Last Changes to Object Link
DRAD_PORDER Attributes for Links: Document to Production Order
DRAO Originals for documents
DRAOZ Additional Files for DMS Originals
DRAP Document Log File
DRAT Texts for Document Info Records
DRATEXT Industry texts
DRAW_LAST_CHANGE DMS: Last Changes to Document
DRAZ Table for Additional Files for DMS Originals
DRFC_APPL Replication Model
DRFC_APPLT Description of Replication Model
DRFC_APPL_FILT Configuration: Filters Used in an Application
DRFC_APPL_FOBJ Configuration: Filter Objects Used in an Application
DRFC_APPL_IMPL Configuration: Excluded Filters in a Outbound Implementation
DRFC_APPL_LG Language Assignments for Outbound Implementations
DRFC_APPL_NODE Inactive Nodes in Application Outbound Implementation
DRFC_APPL_SERV Assignment of Outbound Implementation to Replication Model
DRFC_BO Available Business Objects (ESR)
DRFC_FILT Available Filters on Filter Objects
DRFC_FILTT Description of Available Filters on Entities
DRFC_FOBJ Filter Object
DRFC_FOBJT Filter Object Description
DRFC_FOBJ_IMPL Used Filter Objects in Outbound Implementations
DRFC_SERV_IMPL Available Outbound Implementations
DRFC_SERV_IMPLT Description - Outbound Implementation
DRFC_SERV_NODE Available Optional Nodes in Outbound Implementation
DRFC_SERV_OPER Available Service Operation for Replication
DRFD_APPL_FILT Definition of Explicit Filters
DRVLOG_FIELDVAL Derivation: Attributes and values (log file)
DRVLOG_HEADER Derivation: Header table for log file
DRVLOG_ITEM Derivation: Item table for log file
DRVLOG_TRAIL Derivation: Orders / purchase orders in derivation path
DRV_FAVORITES Derivation: Favorites for Condition Record Maintenance
DRZA DDS: Recipient list (document <-> recipient allocations)
DRZAO DDS: task-specific data for recipient list
DRZAT DDS: Language-dependent texts for recipient list
DRZO DDS: Distribution order (DDO)
DRZOC DDS: partial order
DRZOF DDS: Original application files of partial order
DRZOI DDS: initial order
DRZOP DDS: distribution order package
SAP tables starting with DS
DSALBES Compare Balance List Position Trend
DSIG_BOOKING_EX Signature Tool: Sample Database Table with Application Data
DSIG_META_EX Signature Tool: Sample Database Table for Metadata
DSKOP Balance Audit Trail
DSKOS Balance Audit Trail
DSPHDR ALE Distribution Packet : Header data
DSPITM ALE Distribution Packet : Objects
DSPSTS ALE Distribution Packet : Status History
DSTCL Control Table for Distribution Program Running Parallel
DSVASABAPSOURCES DSVAS: Administration of generated ABAP programs
DSVASABAPSOURCET DSVAS: Description of generated ABAP programs
DSVASACTSEQT DSVAS: Description of Action Sequences
DSVASCHECKFLOW DSVAS: Process control for checks
DSVASCHECKGRPA DSVAS: Permitted attributes of a check group
DSVASCHECKGRPAT DSVAS: Description of permitted attributes
DSVASCHECKGRPCUS DSVAS: Special customizing for check groups for applications
DSVASCHECKGRPER DSVAS: Error messages for check groups
DSVASCHECKGRPERT DSVAS: Text for error messages
DSVASCHECKGRPESC DSVAS: Rating strategy (definitions)
DSVASCHECKGRPESD DSVAS: Rating strategy (text for rating definitions)
DSVASCHECKGRPEST DSVAS: Rating strategy (description)
DSVASCHECKGRPT DSVAS: Description of check group
DSVASCHECKOBJT DSVAS: Short texts for check objects
DSVASCHECKT DSVAS: Descriptions of checks
DSVASCONDSEQ DSVAS: Condition sequences
DSVASCONDSEQT DSVAS: Decription of condition sequences
DSVASCONTEXTST DSVAS: Context descriptions
DSVASCUST Customizing for DSA
DSVASCUSTBW customizing table for BW extraction
DSVASDOCHEAD DSVAS: Header for document storage
DSVASEXTRACTBW intermediate table for extraction into BW
DSVASFLAVORS DSVAS: Flavors for tree-strucure elements
DSVASGPCUSTOM DSVAS: Graphic - Customizing (Excluding Operations)
DSVASINFOLINK DSVAS: Reference to information objects
DSVASINFOLINKT DSVAS: Description of info-object reference
DSVASRANGES DSVAS: Value-range tables
DSVASRANGESENTRY DSVAS: Entries in value-range tables
DSVASRANGEST DSVAS: Descriptions for value-range tables
DSVASRECORDC DSVAS: Session Recorder Cluster
DSVASRECORDS DSVAS: Table for macro recorder steps
DSVASREPCHAP DSVAS: Report chapter definition
DSVASREPCHAPSTR DSVAS: Subobjects of a report chapter
DSVASREPCHAPT DSVAS: Report chapter description
DSVASREPDEF DSVAS: Report definition
DSVASREPDEFT DSVAS: Report definition (short description)
DSVASREPLAYOUT DSVAS: Layout of a report type
DSVASREPNODES DSVAS: Possible objects in report
DSVASREPNODEST DSVAS: Possible objects in report
DSVASREPODOCHDO DSVAS: Documents for report generation (header) - Archive
DSVASREPODOCHEAD DSVAS: Documents for report generation (header)
DSVASREPODOCS DSVAS: Documents for report generation
DSVASREPODOCSO DSVAS: Documents for report generation - Archive
DSVASREPSTRUCT DSVAS: Report chapter (dependent on session type)
DSVASRESULTSAL DSVAS: Results data (steps)
DSVASRESULTSALT Persistent Alerts in DSA
DSVASRESULTSATTR DSVAS: Results data (attributes)
DSVASRESULTSCHK DSVAS: Results data (checks)
DSVASRESULTSERR DSVAS: Results data (error messages)
DSVASRESULTSGEN DSVAS: Results data (general)
DSVASRESULTSGEN2 DSVAS: Results data (general)
DSVASRESULTSSEL DSVAS: Results data (selections)
DSVASSELECT DSVAS: Selection help for checks and check parameters
DSVASSELECTT DSVAS: Description of selection filters
DSVASSESSACTLOG DSVAS: Session administration - Action Log
DSVASSESSADMIN DSVAS: Session administration data
DSVASSESSBUGFIX DSVAS: Authorizing users to fix bugs
DSVASSESSDEF DSVAS: Session definition (check groups / session type)
DSVASSESSDEFAL DSVAS: Session definition (aliases for accessing checks)
DSVASSESSDEFGEN DSVAS: Session definition (general part)
DSVASSESSDEFT DSVAS: Description of the session definition
DSVASSESSIONHEAD DSVAS: Session data (header)
DSVASSESSPACKT DSVAS: Session package description
DSVASSESSUSEGRP DSVAS: Determining the session status to be used
DSVASTABLE DSVAS: Check table definition (header)
DSVASTABLECOLTIT DSVAS: Check-table column title
DSVASTABLECOLTYP DSVAS: Check-table column type
DSVASTABLESELCTT DSVAS: Description for selection filters in tables
DSVASTABLESELECT DSVAS: Selection filters for check table lines
DSVASTABLET DSVAS: Check-table description
DSVASTABLEVALUE DSVAS: Default values for check tables
DSVASTEXTCLUSTO DSVAS: Text data (archive)
DSVASTEXTDEF DSVAS: Texts (definition)
DSVASTEXTDEFO DSVAS: Texts (archive for definitions)
DSVASTEXTUSERS DSVAS: Maintaining users for editing and translation
DSVASTREEOBJ DSVAS: Check-tree objects
DSVASTREEOBJT DSVAS: Description of check-tree objects
DSVASTRKORR DSVAS: Transport interface
DSVASTROBJ DSVAS: Transport object relationships
DSVASTRSYS DSVAS: Transport: Systems (obsolete table)
DSVASVALUES DSVAS: Check values (parameters)
DSVASVALUEST DSVAS: Texts on check values (parameters)
DSVAS_STAB Copy of structure of table dsvassessadmin
DSV_MASS_ANWS Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DSV_MASS_OBJECT Objects for Status Changes in Mass Change Tool
DSV_MASS_VORG Allowed Processes in Mass Change Tool
DSV_MASS_VRGNG Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DSV_STSMA_OBJTYP Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DSYAA No longer used from 3.0 onwards
DSYAD Structures: Display Structure Without Text
DSYADEF Last position in structure display
DSYAH Structures: Header Data
DSYAI Structures: Structure Short Text
DSYAM Structures: Modifications Catalog
DSYAMRK SO70 bookmarks table
DSYAS Structures: Maintenance Structure Without Text
DSYAT Structures: Texts for Maintenance Structure
DSYAV Structures: Directory of Views on Books
DSYAW Structures: Short text for views on a book
DSYAX Structures: Parameters for Views on a Book
DSYBA Project Document Type Directory
DSYBB Project Document Types
DSYCR List of Links Between Documentation Modules
DSYDL Title of display version of the outline
DSYDS Display version of the outline (w/o module title)
DSYGH DSYS: Parent-Child Table - Title
DSYGI DSYS: Grouping Administration
DSYGL DSYS Parent-child Table - Grouping Lines
DSYLI List of available link types
DSYLT List of link type names
DSYOH Hypertext: Version Management Structure
DSYOI DSYS Grouping - Aspect, Status, Version, Processed by
DSYOL SAPfind - DSYS, Module Key
DSYOT SAPfind DSYS: Chapter Title
DSYSH DSYS: Header Entries
DSYSI DSYS Modules: Master Language/Version
DSYSL DSYS: Text Lines
DSYST DSYS: Title Entries
DSYSX Where-used list
DSYS_CUST HRDSYS: Storage for Customer Documentation
DSYS_DOCU_SEARCH Attributes for HR Documentation Search
DSYS_LODESC_C_CD DSYS: Logical information object descriptions
DSYS_LODESC_E_CD DSYS: Logical information object descriptions
DSYS_LODESC_E_CI DSYS: Logical information object descriptions
DSYS_LOHEAD_C_CD SDOK: Logical information object instances
DSYS_LOHEAD_E_CD DSYS: Logical information objects instances
DSYS_LOHEAD_E_CI DSYS: Logical information objects instances
DSYS_OTYPE HR Documentation System: Definition of Object Types
DSYS_OTYPE_T HRDSYS: Object Type Descriptions
DSYS_PHCHKO_CCD2 DSYS2: Check-Out Data for Physical Info Object
DSYS_PHCHKO_ECD2 DSYS2: Check-Out Data for Physical Info Object
DSYS_PHCHKO_ECI2 DSYS2: Check-Out Data for Physical Info Object
DSYS_PHCONT_CCD2 DSYS2: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)
DSYS_PHCONT_C_CD DSYS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
DSYS_PHCONT_ECD2 DSYS2: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)
DSYS_PHCONT_ECI2 DSYS2: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)
DSYS_PHCONT_E_CD DSYS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
DSYS_PHCONT_E_CI DSYS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
DSYS_PHFILE_CCD2 DSYS2: Files of Physical Information Objects
DSYS_PHFILE_C_CD DSYS: Physical information object files
DSYS_PHFILE_ECD2 DSYS2: Files of Physical Information Objects
DSYS_PHFILE_ECI2 DSYS2: Files of Physical Information Objects
DSYS_PHFILE_E_CD DSYS: Physical information object files
DSYS_PHFILE_E_CI DSYS: Physical information object files
DSYS_PHHEAD_CCD2 DSYS2: Instances of Physical Information Objects
DSYS_PHHEAD_C_CD DSYS: Physical information object instances
DSYS_PHHEAD_ECD2 DSYS2: Instances of Physical Information Objects
DSYS_PHHEAD_ECI2 DSYS2: Instances of Physical Information Objects
DSYS_PHHEAD_E_CD DSYS: Physical information object instances
DSYS_PHHEAD_E_CI DSYS: Physical information object instances
DSYS_PHHYPE_CCD2 DSYS2: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
DSYS_PHHYPE_C_CD DSYS: Hyperlinks from physical objects
DSYS_PHHYPE_ECD2 DSYS2: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
DSYS_PHHYPE_ECI2 DSYS2: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
DSYS_PHHYPE_E_CD DSYS: Hyperlinks from physical objects
DSYS_PHHYPE_E_CI DSYS: Hyperlinks from physical objects
DSYS_SAPC HRDSYS: Maint.characters for object types in SAP system
DSYS_STD HRDSYS: Storage for SAP standard documentation
DSYS_TRANS_DEVCL HRDSYS: Object Not to be Translated (Except DE, EN)
DSYS_XPRA_PROT Log table for converting RPDSYS to HRDSYS
SAP tables starting with DT
DT2KAPAR Downtime for Capacity Category
DTCTID Downtime Category ID
DTCTTX Downtime Category Text
DTEFW Downtime Values Entered
DTELDOKTL Documentation - text lines
DTELDOKTL1 Documentation - text lines
DTELID Downtime Element ID
DTELTX Downtime Element Text
DTINP Technical Customizing of Data Source Selection DTIN
DTLIDOKCR Set of conflicts for renaming the links to data elem. docu.
DTLIDOKI Docu index for renaming the links to data element docu.
DTSCHEMA Downtime Schema
DT_TIME_UNIT Generated Table for View DT_TIME_UNIT
SAP tables starting with DU
DUEFL_TAB Fixing of Source Status or DUEFL at Pre Step Time
SAP tables starting with DV
DVER Material Consumption for MRP Area
DVERS SAP DOCU Release after upgrade
DVIINFO Information Data
DVIINFOCLUST Information Cluster Data
DVIINFO_CT Information Container: Communication Methods
DVIINFO_HKF Information Origin
DVIINFO_HKF_T Information Origin
DVIINFO_TYP Information Types
DVIINFO_TYP_T Info Categories
DVK00 unused dummy structure xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
DVK01 R/2-R/3 Link: Delivery Header Data R2 -> R3
DVK02 R/2-R/3 Link: Delivery Item Data R2 -> R3
DVKTX R/2-R/3 Link: Delivery texts R2 -> R3
DVM01 R/2-R/3 Link: R/3 Input Data for Material Master
DVM02 R/2-R/3 Link: R/3 Input Data Material Master Stor. Locations
DVS1CHKF KW: File Name of Last Check-out
DVS1CHKO KW: Physical Information Object Check-out Data
DVS1IDXSTA SDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents: IWB1
DVS1LOIO KEN: Instances of Logical Information Objects
DVS1LOIOT KEN: Description of Logical Information Objects
DVS1LOPR KEN: Attributes of Logical Information Objects
DVS1LORE KEN: Outgoing Links of Logical Information Objects
DVS1LORI KW: Incoming Links of Physical Information Objects
DVS1NODE Node Table for General Structure Storage
DVS1NODER General Structure Storage References
DVS1NODET General Structure Storage Node Names
DVS1PHF KW: Physical Information Object Files
DVS1PHHR KW: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
DVS1PHIO KW: Instances of Physical Information Objects
DVS1PHNM KW: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
DVS1PHPR KW: Physical Information Object Attributes
DVS1PHRE KW: Outgoing Links of Physical Information Objects
DVS1PHRI KW: Incoming Links of Physical Information Objects
DVSALE01 Original transport definition for DMS ALE
DVSEQDIR Test sequence list for dialog module management
DVTGPAX Generated Table for View DVTGPAX
DVTOPAX Generated Table for View DVTOPAX
DVTOPAY Generated Table for View DVTOPAY
DVTPPAX Generated Table for View DVTPPAX
DVTVPAX Generated Table for View DVTVPAX
DV_ICON Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DV_LICON Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DV_TLICON Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DV_TWISPC_PLSCHW Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DV_TWISPC_PLSZN Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DV_TWISPC_PLVER Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
SAP tables starting with DW
DWINACTIV Inactive objects
DWTREE ABAP Workbench Tree Objects
DWWASYNC Synchronization index for work area
SAP tables starting with DX
DXATTRIB Task Attributes
DXATTRIB2 Attributes of Task of Type MAP LSMW
DXATTRIB3 Attribute of Task of Type Split
DXATTRIB4 Attributes of Task of Type MAP DMCW
DXFILE Files for Mass Data Transfer to R/3
DXFILENOK Possible Corrupt Error Files in Data Transfer
DXFILETRANSP Container for Transporting Data Information
DXLOASTAT Status of Load via BAPI
DXMAP Table for Saving Conversion Proposal
DXMAP_T Table for Saving Mapped Selection
DXOBJTCODE Table for Maintaining the Tcode for DX Objects
DXPROJ Projects for Mass Data Transfer to R/3
DXPROJ_T Project Texts for Mass Data Transfer to R/3
DXRELAT Assignment of Files to Tasks
DXRUN Data Transfer Run to R/3
DXRUNDEF Run Definition of Mass Data Transfer to R/3
DXRUNDEF_T Run Definition Texts for Mass Data Transfer
DXSUBPRO Sub-Projects for Mass Data Transfer to R/3
DXSUBPRO_T Sub-Project Texts for Mass Data Transfer to R/3
DXTASKS Tasks for Mass Data Transfer to R/3
DXTASKS_T Task Texts for Mass Data Transfer to R/3
SAP tables starting with DY
DYNPFIELDS Screens with Critical Input/Output Fields with Type LANG
DYNPLOAD Screen Loads
DYNPS Screens with Critical Input/Output Fields with Type LANG
DYNPSOURCE Contains Screen Source Information (Compressed)
DYNPTXTLD Contains Screen Text Loads
SAP tables starting with D_
D_DBUKA Generated Table for View
D_T5FPBS4E Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
D_T5FPBS4G Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
D_T5FPBS5O Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
D_T71CA Generierte Tabelle zu einem View

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