SAP tables starting with DF

Here you will find a list of all SAP tables with the initial letter DF.

Here you will find a list of all SAP tables.

449 SAP tables were found!
table name description
SAP tables starting with DF
DF03L Events
DF03T Event descriptions
DF03T_READ Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DF03V Generated Table for View DF03V
DF03VD Generated Table for View DF03VD
DF03_READ Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DF04FAD Generated Table for View DF04FAD
DF04L Software Modules/Functions
DF04PRO Generated Table for View DF04PRO
DF04PROT Generated Table for View DF04PROT
DF04T Function description
DF04T_READ Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DF04V Generated Table for View DF04V
DF04VD Generated Table for View DF04VD
DF04_READ Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DF06L Information flow
DF06T Information Flow Names
DF06V Generated Table for View DF06V
DF06VD Generated Table for View DF06VD
DF07L Object Types
DF07T Object Type Names
DF07V Generated Table for View DF07V
DF07VD Generated Table for View DF07VD
DF08L ALE Messages
DF08T Message Names
DF08VD Generated Table for View DF08VD
DF10L ALE Message Flows
DF10T Message Flow Names
DF10VD Generated Table for View DF10VD
DF11L Scenario Processes
DF11T Scenario Names
DF11V Generated Table for View DF11V
DF11VD Generated Table for View DF11VD
DF12L Organizational Units
DF12T Organization Unit Names
DF12V Generated Table for View DF12V
DF12VD Generated Table for View DF12VD
DF13L Enterprise areas
DF13T Enterprise Area Names
DF13VD Generated Table for View DF13VD
DF14A Application Components: Data for SAP Applications
DF14AVD Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DF14L Application Components
DF14T Business Application Component Names
DF14T_READ Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DF14V Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DF14VD Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DF14_READ Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DF15L Communication Relationships
DF15T Communications Flow Names
DF15VD Generated Table for View DF15VD
DF16L Groups
DF16T Group names
DF16VD Generated Table for View DF16VD
DF17L Any BE object with no specific attributes
DF17T Event descriptions
DF17VD Generated Table for View DF17VD
DF18L Collaborative Business Scenario
DF18T Collaborative Business Scenario: Description
DF30S Object Relationships
DF31S Component dependencies
DF32S Assignment of IMG chapters to functions
DF33S Customizing assignment to modeling
DF34S Documentation assignments
DF35S Assignment of Customizing to modeling objects
DF36S Deselected assignments of Customizing to modeling objects
DF40D Diagam Management Information
DF40_READ Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DF41S Nodes
DF42S Links
DF43S Link points
DF50D Variant diagram radio button
DF50L Variants
DF50O Variant objects
DF50T Variant descriptions
DF50VD Generated Table for View DF50VD
DF50_READ Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DF52A Filter Action Log
DF52L Filter
DF52T Filter names
DF52VD Generated Table for View DF52VD
DF53S Active variant on variant node
DF54S Active nodes for a variant
DF55L Variants
DF55T Variant name
DF55T_READ Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DF55VD Generated Table for View DF55VD
DF55VD1 Generated Table for View DF55VD1
DF55_READ Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DF62S ID mapping table LM/BE
DF62SV1 Generated Table for View DF62SV1
DF63S Business Browser Web Server
DFAXD Fax information extendable sample SAP-WB
DFBNT Business Navigator WEB Textpool
DFDOC Links from R/3 Reference Model objects to mail folder
DFK006B Note to Payee - Texts
DFK006E Note to Payee - Accounts
DFKCRPO Clarification Worklist Credit
DFKK1099 1099 Statutory Reporting Data
DFKKAVK Payment Advice: Header Data
DFKKAVP Payment Advice: Items
DFKKAVST Control Table for Payment Advice Note Transfer
DFKKAWM Foreign Trade Reporting: Report File
DFKKBIC Obsolete
DFKKBICL FI-CA Batch Input - Error Change Logs
DFKKBOL Bollo: Italy
DFKKBPCL Business Partner Duplicates: Predecessor - Successor
DFKKBPCL_ACT Business Partner Duplicates: Status of Activities
DFKKBPCL_CLAR Business Partner Duplicates: Clarification Cases
DFKKBPCL_IMP Import Data of Business Partner Duplicates
DFKKBPCL_IMPI Import of Master Data Combinations of BP Duplicates
DFKKBPTAXNUM Tax Numbers for Business Partner
DFKKBRPOPNOT Balance Reporting: Noticed Contract Account Document Items
DFKKBRPOPSAL Balance Reporting: Business Partner Balances
DFKKCASEITEMS Item List in Cases, Lines
DFKKCASEITEMSH Item List in Cases, Header Data
DFKKCASHFC Interim Table for Cash Management and Forecast Data
DFKKCCUPDATE Item Lists to Which Changes Were Made
DFKKCDLOTS Lot Management for Cash Desk (Data only Temporary ca. 2 Yrs)
DFKKCDREF Cash Desk Document References
DFKKCFCVS Clarification Cases from Payment Transfer - Ext. Pymt Coll.
DFKKCFDUNTEL Telephone List for Dunning
DFKKCFNR Clarification Cases from NOC Returns Lot
DFKKCFPAYRUN Clarif. Worklist: Payt Program
DFKKCFPAYRUN2 Calrification Worklist: Payment Program (New Version)
DFKKCFRLS Clarification Cases: Returns Lots
DFKKCFZST Clarification Cases from Payment Lot
DFKKCIBW FICA: Extraction of Cleared Items
DFKKCIBW_STAT CIBW Extraction - Status Table
DFKKCJC Cash Desk Closing Data
DFKKCJF Transfer Accepted Payments
DFKKCJK Data for Change Amounts at Cash Desk - Different Currency
DFKKCJM Cash Journal Master Data
DFKKCJMT Text Table for Cash Journal Master Data
DFKKCJT Transaction Data for Cash Journal
DFKKCLMEM Management Table for Buffered Open Item Processing
DFKKCMF Manually Entered Checks Lot: Reconciliation Key
DFKKCMK Manually Issued Checks Lot: Header Data
DFKKCMP Manually Issued Checks Lot: Item Data
DFKKCMP2P Manually Issued Checks Lot: Two Party Checks Data
DFKKCMPE Manually Entered Checks Lot: Error Messages
DFKKCMS Credit Management: Master Data Replication
DFKKCOD Correspondence - Correspondence Data
DFKKCODCLUST Correspondence - Correspondence Cluster Data
DFKKCOH Correspondence - Correspondence Header
DFKKCOHARC Correspondence - Archive Identification
DFKKCOHI Correspondence - Correspondence History
DFKKCOHINCORR Correspondence - Data for Inbound Correspondence
DFKKCOH_ARC FI-CA Correspondence - Correspondence Header
DFKKCOLFILE_H_W Subm. of Receivable for Collection: Header Data Buffer
DFKKCOLFILE_P_W Subm. of Receivable for Collection: Item Buffer
DFKKCOLFILE_T_W Subm. of Receivable for Collection: Trailer Data Buffer
DFKKCOLI_LOG Collection Agency Information File: Communication Log
DFKKCOLL Admin. Data for Sumbission of Receivables for Coll. Agency
DFKKCOLLH Management Data for Submission to Coll. Agency (History)
DFKKCOLLHBW_ST Collection Agency Extraction - Status Table
DFKKCOLLHBW_TMP Collection Agency Extraction - Blocked Interval
DFKKCOLLH_I_W Buffer: Collection Agency Information File (Header Data)
DFKKCOLLP_IM_W Buffer: Coll. Agency Info File (Item Master Data Change)
DFKKCOLLP_IP_W Buffer: Collection Agency Info File (Item for Payments)
DFKKCOLLP_IR_W Buffer: Collection Agency Info File (Item for Callback)
DFKKCOLLT_I_W Buffer: Collection Agency Information File (Footer)
DFKKCOLL_CH Collection: Changes to Business Partner Master Data
DFKKCOL_LOG Collections Agency File: Settlement Log (Payments)
DFKKCOMA Correspondence Dunning
DFKKCOMAKT Correspondence Dunning Activities
DFKKCOPA Log Table for COPA Transfer
DFKKCORRLOG Log Table for Correction Reports
DFKKCORRRFDT Cluster Table for Correspondence Data
DFKKCR Repository For Checks
DFKKCR2P Check Repository: Additional Payees
DFKKCRADD CR: Additional Information for Payment Medium
DFKKCRCASH CR: Cashed Checks Not Yet Entered in Register
DFKKCRCL Table for Checks To Be Clarified
DFKKCRCL_DOCS Table for Checks To Be Clarified
DFKKCRDEL CR: Deleted Payment Medium / Basic Data
DFKKCRDEL2P CR: Deleted Payment Medium / Payee Data
DFKKCRDELADD CR: Deleted Payment Medium / Additional Data
DFKKCRDELD2 Check Register: Deleted Payment Media/Partial Encashments
DFKKCRDOC2 Check Management: Partial Encashments
DFKKCRF Record of Creditworthiness: Fixed Interest Periods, Releases
DFKKCRH Creditworthiness Record: Total of one Year
DFKKCROWN CR: Information on Issued Check Forms
DFKKCRP Creditworthiness Record: Generating Actions
DFKKCRST Control Table for Check Register Transfer
DFKKCUST_SHORT Data Extract: Customizing
DFKKCVS Convenience Stores: Data for Convenience Store Document
DFKKDDA Debit Memo Notification (England)
DFKKDISPA FICA-DM: Amounts Changes to Dispute Cases
DFKKDISPP FICA-DM: Key for Assigned Payments (Always Empty!)
DFKKDOUBTD_RET_W Buffer: Printout for Ind.Val.Ad - Return Values (User Event)
DFKKDOUBTD_W Buffer: Create Printout for Receivables Adjustment
DFKKDT Accounting Data (INDX Structure)
DFKKENQ Temporary Lock Entries for Mass Activities
DFKKESR POR Payment Supplement
DFKKEWUDOCCRIT Euro: Critical Documents in Conversion
DFKKEXTCON Control Table: Official Number Parallel Processing
DFKKEXTDOC Official Document Number with Attributes
DFKKEXTTMP Temporary Entries for Official Document Number
DFKKFMBGAINFO Tax Information for Public-Owned Commercial Operations
DFKKFWBEW Management Data for Foreign Currency Valuations
DFKKFWKORR Cumulation Table for Adjustment and Inverse Postings
DFKKFWTRIG Trigger Table for Inverse Postings
DFKKGLPOST Lock Table for General Ledger Postings
DFKKGP_SHORT Data Extract: BP Data
DFKKIA FI-CA: Database table for FKKIA - intrst supp
DFKKIAPT Interest Calculation: Log for Interest Run
DFKKIH FI-CA: Table with Interest History
DFKKINVBILL_A Additional Items of Billing Document
DFKKINVBILL_H Billing Document Header
DFKKINVBILL_I Billing Document Items
DFKKINVBILL_T Tax Items of Billing Document
DFKKINVDOC_C Invoicing Document: Charges and Discounts
DFKKINVDOC_CH Invoicing Document: Charges and Discounts History Record
DFKKINVDOC_H Invoicing Document Header
DFKKINVDOC_I Items of Invoicing Document
DFKKINVDOC_P Invoicing: Posting Document Reference Table
DFKKINVDOC_S Source Document for Invoicing/Reversal History
DFKKINV_BWTRIG BW: Group Extraction Order for Invoicing Documents/FIKEY
DFKKINV_BWTRIGH BI: History Record for Extraction of Invoicing Documents
DFKKINV_BWTRIGS BW: Individual Extraction Order for Invoicing Documents
DFKKINV_TRIG Invoicing Order
DFKKIPBW_HEAD Installment Plan Header Data for Business Warehouse
DFKKIPBW_ITEM Installment Plan Items for Business Warehouse
DFKKIPBW_ORIG Installment Plan Original Items for Business Warehouse
DFKKIP_GRP Payment Specification: Header Data
DFKKIP_GRPH Payment Specification: Payment Data (History)
DFKKIP_ITM Payment Specification: Related Items
DFKKIP_ITMH Payment Specification: Deletions Not Yet Confirmed
DFKKIP_ITMV Payment Specification: Preselected Items
DFKKIP_NUM Payment Specification (for Lock Object EFKKNUMKR_IP)
DFKKKO Header Data in Open Item Accounting Document
DFKKKOAR Reversal Data for Reversal after Archiving
DFKKKO_SHORT Header Data for Contract Accounting Document - Extracts
DFKKKO_WF Header Data for Contract Accting Doc. (Workflow Parameters)
DFKKLOCKS FI-CA: Business Locks
DFKKLOCKSH Business Lock Histories
DFKKMACFCSMK FICA Dunning - Blocked Accounts
DFKKMDC_BP Request for Business Partner Changes
DFKKMDUGP Master Data Lot: Items of the Groups of a Lot
DFKKMDUGPP Master Data Lot: Subitems of Group Item
DFKKMDUK Master Data Lot: Header Data
DFKKMKO Header data for sample contract accounting document
DFKKMOP Items in contract account document
DFKKMOPK Items in contract account document
DFKKMOPW Items in contract account document
DFKKNRK NOC Returns Lot: Header Data
DFKKNRP NOC Returns Lot: Item Data
DFKKNRPE NOC Returns Lot: Error Messages for Items
DFKKOBJRL Object Relations between FI-CA Documents
DFKKOBL Liab. for Credit Segment of Business Partner and Credit Data
DFKKOBLC Control Data for Credit Liability in DFKKOBL
DFKKOBLID Partner Messages for SAP Credit Management Update
DFKKOP Items in contract account document
DFKKOPBEW FI-CA Foreign Currency Valuation
DFKKOPBW OI Extraction
DFKKOPBW_STAT OIBW Extraction - Status Table
DFKKOPC Card Data Supplement for Business Partner Item
DFKKOPCOLL Collection: Log of Receivables Submitted
DFKKOPEW Business Partner Items: Amounts Before Euro Conversion
DFKKOPK Items in contract account document
DFKKOPKC Card Data Appendix for FICA Document
DFKKOPKEW G/L Account Items: Amounts Before Euro Conversion
DFKKOPKX Items for Contract Accounting Document (Enhancement)
DFKKOPK_SHORT Offsetting Items for FI-CA Document - Extracts
DFKKOPL Locks for Open Items (Change Document Interface)
DFKKOPVZ Agreed Payment Amounts
DFKKOPW Items in contract account document
DFKKOP_SHORT Partner Items for FI-CA Document - Extracts
DFKKORDER Requests: Header Data
DFKKORDERAPPROVE Requests to be Approved
DFKKORDERASSIGN Assignment of ORDNR for General Requests (General Object)
DFKKORDERCLST Names of Request Classes
DFKKORDERDUE Requests: Due Dates
DFKKORDERHIST Requests: Document History
DFKKORDERLOCKS Requests: Processing Locks
DFKKORDERLOCKS_S Request Templates: Processing Locks
DFKKORDERPOS Requests: Items
DFKKORDERPOS_S Request Templates: Items
DFKKORDERRANGE Assigning Number Ranges to Request Categories
DFKKORDERRANGE_S Assign Number Ranges to Request Templates
DFKKORDERTYP Request Category
DFKKORDERTYPT Names of Request Types
DFKKORDERVTREF Assign VTREF to ORDNR for General Requests
DFKKORDER_S Request Templates: Header Data
DFKKORDOPHIST Standing Requests: Document History
DFKKORDTYP Request Category
DFKKORDTYPT Names of Request Types
DFKKPAE Payment Notification (Aux. Table EFKKNUMKR_PA)
DFKKPAH Payment Notification
DFKKPC_LOGF Payment Cards: Settlement Log (Data Medium)
DFKKPC_LOGH Payment Cards: Billing Log (Header Data)
DFKKPC_LOGI Payment Cards: Billing Log (Paid Items)
DFKKPC_LOGP Payment Cards: Billing Log (Payments)
DFKKPNBKA Prenotification data (latest)
DFKKPNBKC Prenotification file creation run: administration data
DFKKPNBKH Prenotification data (history)
DFKKPOE Payment Order (Help Table Lock Object EFKKNUMKR_PO)
DFKKPOH Payment Order: Header Data
DFKKPOP Payment Order: Item Data
DFKKPPROPEXC Exceptions for Due Date Determination and Last Payments
DFKKQSR Individual Records for Withholding Tax Report
DFKKRA Clearing/Reversal History (Document Header Level) < 4.62
DFKKRAP Clearing/Reversal History (Line Item Level) < 4.62
DFKKRAPT Clearing/Reversal History (Line Item Level)
DFKKRAT Partial Clearing Reset
DFKKRD FI-CA: Table for Management of Rounding Amounts
DFKKRDI Revenue Distribution
DFKKREP01 Data for Sales Lists (Belgium)
DFKKREP02 Data for Sales Lists (Belgium)
DFKKREP03 Payment History: Posting Totals for Debit Entries
DFKKREP04 Payment History: Open Items at End of Period
DFKKREP05 Payment History: Reversals and Write-Offs
DFKKREP06 Tax Report Data (Invoicing Time or Triggered)
DFKKREP06_S Tax Report Data - Shadow Table for Posting Date
DFKKREP07 Tax Report Data (Clearing Time)
DFKKREP07_T Tax Report Data (Additional Data for Transfer Posting)
DFKKREPAK Recording Header
DFKKREPAP Recording Record
DFKKREPMH Notification Header
DFKKREPPROG Generated Comparing Subroutines for DDIC Structures
DFKKREPT Receipt Documents
DFKKREPTCL Clearing Information for Receipt Documents
DFKKREPTNRKR Internal Table for Lock Object EFKKNUMKR_REPT
DFKKREPZM Recording Data for EC Sales List
DFKKRES Reserve Postings
DFKKREV06 Report for Tax on Sales/Purchases (bill. time or triggered)
DFKKREV07 Report on Tax on Sales/Purchases (clearing time)
DFKKRF Returns Lot: Reconciliation Key
DFKKRH Returns History
DFKKRK Returns lot: Header data
DFKKRP Returns lot: Data for payment
DFKKRP3 Returns: Manual Posting Specifications
DFKKRP3H Returns: History for Manual Posting Items
DFKKRPE Returns lot: Error message for returns item
DFKKRPL Link from Mass Run Interval for Application Log
DFKKSTAT Table for Temporary Statistics Data, for Mass Activities
DFKKSUM Posting totals from FI-CA
DFKKSUMC Control details for posting totals
DFKKSUMCB Control details for posting totals per company code
DFKKSUMCBD Control Information for Posting Totals - Alt. Posting Date
DFKKSUMG Control Information for G/L Corrections
DFKKSUMOLD Totals Records Without Account Assignment Changes
DFKKSUMR Control details for posting total adjustments
DFKKTAXEX Table of FI-CA Tax Exemptions
DFKKTAX_EXEMPT Table of FI-CA Tax Exemptions
DFKKTHI Transfer Records for Invoice Issue by Third Party
DFKKTHI_HIST2 Reversal: Historic Entries DFKKTHI (No Tax Posting)
DFKKTHI_SUM Aggregated Transfer Records for Invoicing
DFKKTHP Transfer Records for Billing on Behalf of 3rd Party
DFKKTRACEK FKKTRACE: Header for a Trace Run
DFKKTXINV Tax Invoices
DFKKUMBINDX Cluster for Variant Storage in Transaction FPU2
DFKKUR Update Run: Run Data
DFKKURE Update Run: Defective Data Records
DFKKVBUND History: Trading Partners (VBUND) for Business Partner
DFKKVBUNDH History: VBUND Adjustment Postings
DFKKVBUND_REV VBUND Adjustments for Revenues and Expenses
DFKKWEBP EBPP: Payment Data for Payments via Web
DFKKWOH Write-Off History
DFKKWOHTMP Temporary Write-Off History
DFKKWO_PROT Line Items Written Off from Mass Run
DFKKWRTOFF_WF FI-CA Data for Write-Off in Workflow
DFKKZA Repayment Request
DFKKZAE Block Table for Disbursement of Repayment Requests
DFKKZAR Repayment Request (History of Reversal Postings)
DFKKZAX Repayment Request (Address Data for Check)
DFKKZF Payment lot: Reconciliation key
DFKKZK Payment lot: Header data
DFKKZN Payment Lot: Notes for Clarification
DFKKZP Payment lot: Data for payment
DFKKZPE Payment lot: Error message for payment item
DFKKZPT Payment Lot: Data for Partial Clearing of a Payment
DFKKZP_ARCIND Link between Document Number and Archived Payment Lot
DFKKZR Payment form
DFKKZRH Payment document (help table for lock object EFKKNUMKR_PF)
DFKKZR_RES Reserved Payment Form Numbers
DFKKZS Payment lot: Further selections
DFKKZV Payment Lot: Enhancement of Note to Payee
DFKKZW Doubtful/Individual Val. Adjust. for Receivables - Trigger
DFKKZW2 Doubtful/Indiv. Val. Adjustments for Receivables - Tfr Pstg
DFKKZWH Doubtful/Ind.Val.Adj.Receivables - History
DFKKZWPT Log Table for Mass Activ. for Tfr Posting of Dbt Rec/IVAs
DFKK_BALANOTE Balance Confirmation - Check Table
DFKK_BL_BP Locked Business Partners from GTS
DFKK_CUST_EXTR FI-CA Partner - Extracts
DFKK_DOC_EXTR FI-CA Documents - Extracts
DFKK_EMBARGO Embargo Countries from GTS
DFKK_EMBARGO2 Embargo Countries From - To from GTS
DFKK_GP_EXTR FI-CA Partner - Extracts
DFKK_HBALANOTE Balance Confirmation - Run Table
DFKK_RECLASS OI - Reclassifications
DFKK_SELP_GRP FI-CA Selections - Results Groups
DFKK_SELP_HIST FI-CA Selection - Result Records - History
DFKK_SELP_RES FI-CA Selections - Result Records
DFKK_SELP_TXT FI-CA Selection - Result Records - Long Text
DFKK_TRIGGER_CL Outbound Interface: Trigger Table of Cleared Items
DFKK_TRIGGER_OP Outbound Interface: Trigger Table for Business Partner
DFKK_TRIGGER_PAY Outbound Interface: Trigger Table for Payment Information
DFKK_TRIGGER_RCL Outbound Interface: Trigger Table for Reopened Items
DFK_JC_CNTR Container for Related Jobs
DFK_JC_CNTR_MSG Messages for Background Processing
DFK_JC_CNTR_PROD Production Table
DFK_JC_JOBINFO Individual Job Overview
DFK_JC_VERB Available verbs for the Job Commander
DFK_NORM_BP Normalized Data for Duplicate Search for Business Partner
DFMCAALOT Write-Off of Documents with Approval
DFMCADLOT Document Resubmission
DFMCAILOT PSCD: Approval List Installment Plans
DFMCAINV Invoice in IS-PS-CA: Header Data
DFMCAINVPOS Invoice in IS-PS-CA: Items
DFMCA_BRF050 Parameter List of Expressions Accessing Context
DFMCA_BRF060 Parameter of Context Information
DFMCA_BRF070 Parameter of Context Information
DFMCA_BRF100 Parameters for Additional Items
DFMCA_BRF101 Parameters for Additional Items
DFMCA_BRF110 Text Name and Text ID for Additional Item
DFMCA_BRF111 Text Name and Text ID for Additional Item
DFMCA_BRF120 Text Name and Text ID for Additional Item
DFMCA_BRF130 BRF: Line category for FMCA_BRF130
DFMCA_BRF140 Table for Reserved Structure IDs
DFMCA_BRF150 Text Parameters for Billing Line
DFMCA_BRF160 Period Request
DFMCA_BRF170 BRF: Progressive Calculation
DFMCA_BRF173 BRF: Assignment of Messages to Subactions
DFMCA_BRF174 BRF: Message Variables (for Messages in Subactions)
DFMCA_BRF175 BRF: Literal as Message Variable (for Subactions)
DFMCA_CRPA Approval List for Document Changes
DFMCA_INV_TXT_PA Text Parameter for Additional Item on Billing Documents
DFMLH Links from R/3 Reference Model objects to mail folder
DFMLO Links from R/3 Reference Model objects to mail folder
DFPAYG Payment date: Grouping
DFPAYHT Note to Payee and Payment Advice Note Texts
DFPAYMENT_KEY_ID Contains ID for Payment Data Key
DFPAYV Payment Medium: Selection Variants
DFPM_AUTH Payment medium: Authorization Check Origin Active
DFPM_NUMB Sequential Numbers
DFPRX Number prefixes
DFSCICLARIOB Bal. Int. Calculation at Contract Acct Level: Clarif. Cases
DFSCIHISTIOB Balance Int. Calculation at Contract Account Level: History
DFSCIREV Bal. Int. Calculation at Contract Acct Level: Inverse Pstgs
DFTNODE01 Structure repository for process model objects: Node table
DFTNODE01R Structure repository for process model objects: References
DFTNODE01T Structure Repository for Process Model Objects: Node Names

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