SAP tables starting with DI

Here you will find a list of all SAP tables with the initial letter DI.

Here you will find a list of all SAP tables.

97 SAP tables were found!
table name description
SAP tables starting with DI
DIACL_CNTR_TYPES Value table for counter types in aircraft logbook
DIACL_CNTR_UPD Control of Aircraft logbook Counter updates
DIACL_DS Logbook digital signatures
DIACL_DS_CONTROL Cust. table to control Digital signature process in Logbook
DIACL_LETYP_T Log Entry Type table
DIACL_LETYP_TXT Text table for Log Entry Types
DIACL_LOG_ENTRY Logbook: log entry
DIAPAR Parameter Description for Dialog Modules
DICS_T150 Physical Inventory Stock Types and Allocated Movement Types
DICS_T150F Stock Types and Allocated Fields in Physical Inventory
DICS_T156 Backup Table: Movement Type - SAP internal only
DICS_T156B Back Up Table Movement Type Screen Sel. - Internal only
DICS_T156C Stock Types and Their Values
DICS_T156F Back UP Table Fields in Quantity String - Internal Only
DICS_T156M Back Up Table Posting String Quantity - Internal Only
DICS_T156Q Movement Type: Material-Independent Control
DICS_T156SC Mvt Type: Qty/Value Posting: Customer Table; as of Rel. 4.6A
DICS_T156SY Back Up - Movement Type Quantity/Value Posting: Sys
DICS_T156T Movement Type Text
DICS_T156V Availability Table
DICS_T157B Descr. of Qty Fields (Plant Stock Avail., Stock Display)
DICS_T157H Help Texts for Movement Types
DICS_TMCA Evaluating movement types for LIS update
DIFC_DIFFERENT Differentiation as Entity
DIFC_DIFF_TERM Differentiation Term
DIFS_DIFF_ID Differentiating Characteristics
DIFS_DIFF_ID_T Text Table for Differentiation Terms
DIFT_POS_IDENT Persistent Flow Selectors
DIFVH_POS_POS Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DIFVH_POS_SEC Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DIFV_LOT_ASSIGN Generated Table for View
DIFV_POS_IDENT Generated Table for View
DIMABROKER IO: Broker-Specific Data in FS-CD
DIMACOPAST Reversal of Contracts in CO-PA
DIMAIOB IO: Header Data for Insurance Object in FS-CD
DIMAIOBPAR IO: Insurance Object-Partner Relationship in FS-CD
DIMAIOBPAR_RE OBSOLETE: Extended Insurance Object-Partner Relationship
DIMAPARBROK IO: Insurance Object-Broker Relationship in FS-CD
DIMAPARCORR IO: Correspondence for Ins. Object <-> Partner Relationship
DIMAPARPAY IO: Alt. Payt Recipient for Ins. Obj.-Partner Relationship
DIMAPARPPLAN IO: Payment Plan Changes in Insurance Object
DIMAPARPPLAN_REV Payment Plan: Reversal Table for Whole Payment Plan
DIMAPARSCPOS IO: Change to Scheduling Items
DIMAPA_REV_DETA Payment Plan: Reversal Table Detail Payment Plan
DIMPVAP_MA06V Generated Table for View
DIMPVAP_MA61V Generated Table for View
DIMPVAP_MAT2MPN Generated Table for View
DIMPVAP_VIQMELST Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DIMP_VIQMELST_I Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DIMP_VIQMEL_I Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
DIOHFW_APPL_VAL Value table for applications
DIOHFW_FCODE_VAL Value table of function codes
DIOHFW_HIER_DEF Object hierarchy definition
DIOHFW_NTYPE_TXT Text table for node types
DIOHFW_NTYPE_VAL Value table for node types
DIPCS_POOL1 Administration of Serial Numbers in Sales Documents
DIPCS_SDRULES Specific Stock determination rules for customer
DIRTREE Tree administration
DIS_ADMIN Distribution - Administration Table
DIS_PGPRF Distribution: Assignemnt Distribution Profile - Group WBSEl.
DIS_TOBJS Distribution: cost objects posted to per group
DIS_TOBJS_COSP Distribution: Objects distributed to per Group WBS (Cost)
DIS_TOBJS_COSS Distribution: Objects distributed to per Group WBS (Cost)
DIS_TOBJS_FMSU Distribution: Objects distributed to per Group WBS (Cash)
DIS_WLST Distribution: Worklist of Changed Objects
DIT434K DI-IS Stock determination PM/CS: Header table
DIT434L Texts for stock determination - header table
DIT434P Stock determination: FS item table
DITCO12 Assignment of Stock Determination Rules for PM/CS Orders
DITCOKO Enhanced Constants for PPS Orders
DIV01 Loans: External usage types of a rental unit
DIWPS Work Package
DIWPS_CA Characteristics for Work Package
DIWPS_COMP Reallocation: Conversion Storage Location
DIWPS_CR Work Package Cross-Reference Notification
DIWPS_CUST Reallocation: Customizing
DIWPS_FAVORITE Table to store user-specific favorites in the WPS Browser
DIWPS_HEAD Reallocation: Conversion Plant/Work center
DIWPS_NOTI_DEFER Notification Deferral Table
DIWPS_NOTI_PCOMP Table for Partically Completed Notifications
DIWPS_OPER Reallocation: Conversion Plant/Work center
DIWPS_REVTY_T Revision Type Table
DIWPS_REVTY_TXT Revision Type Text Table
DIWPS_REV_ORDER Revision Order Table
DIWPS_RV_CA Revision: Characteristics for Work Package
DIWPS_RV_CR Revision: Cross-Reference Notification
DIWPS_USERSET User-Specific Settings in MEB
DIWPS_USER_SET User Settings Table
DIWPS_WORK Reallocation: Conversion Plant/Work center
DIWP_DISP OBSOLETE: Display Work Packages Per User
DIWP_HIST OBSOLETE: Work Packaging and Sequencing
DI_V_TCO12 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View

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