SAP tables starting with L

Here you will find a list of all SAP tables with the initial letter L.

Here you will find a list of all SAP tables.

914 SAP tables were found!
table name description
SAP tables starting with LF
LFA1 Vendor Master (General Section)
SAP tables starting with LT
LTAK WM transfer order header
LTAP Transfer order item
LTBK Transfer requirement header
LTBP Transfer requirement item
SAP tables starting with LA
LACTY Activity catalog
LACTYT Activity catalog - description
LAE_BILLING_DAT Payment Schedule
LAE_BILLING_DATA Payment Schedule
LAE_CRM_BILLPLAN Payment Schedule
LAE_CRM_CLASS Contract Classification
LAE_CRM_CONDS Lease-Accounting-Relevant Conditions
LAE_CRM_ITEMS LAE: Contract Items
LAE_CRM_LNK Link between LAE and CRM Contract Items
LAE_CRM_PRODS Product Information
LAE_VICN01_AD Additional Contract Data for LAE
LAGP Storage bins
LAGPL Generated Table for View LAGPL
LALRT Alert value mapping (threshold)
LAMA2ERP_FLAG Do NEVER set these Flags; they are for SAP internal use only
LANGGRU Translation Object Groups
LANGGRUT Short text for table LANGGRU
LANGOBJ SE63 objects that can be translated
LANGOBJT Texts for table LANGOBJ
LANGTR1 Assignment: Language - translator - development class
LANGTR2 Translation exclusions
LANGTRKORR Languages/Requests/Components (in the Upgrade)
LANGUMS Conversion R3trans - SE63 - Objects
LANGUSR Obsolete table -> do not use
LANGZUG Assignment of groups to objects
LANGZUS Assignment: Language - group - date
LANG_FTTEC Technical attributes - pseudo continuous text
LANG_LEXPT Local Supplement for Exceptions: Translation
LANG_LOCK Table to lock runtime-intensive program sections
LANG_MANDT Obsolete table; do not use
LANG_PEXPT Translation exception
LATCT Attribute catalog
LATCTT Attribute catalog - description
LATPR Objects attributes to present
LATP_ENQ Persistent Lock Records for ATP in R/3 from External Systems
LATQ_ENQ Persistent Lock Records for Product Allocation
LATTM Attributes value mapping
LAW2D_EXT_SYSTEM LAW 2.0 External System Data
LAWDESTCUS LAW: Customizing Table for RFC Destinations
LAWINBOX Inbox for License-Measurement Data from Component Systems
LAWINBOXDATA License Measurement Data from Component Systems
LAWPL Price Lists in the License Administration Workbench
LAWPLT Texts for Price Lists in License Administration Workbench
LAW_ATTR Customizing data
LAW_CONT User Types Included in Another User Type
LAW_DESCR_INST LAW: Description of an Installation
LAW_DESCR_SYSTEM LAW: Description of Systems
LAW_ENGINE Engine Measurement Data
LAW_ERES Total Result: Engine Measurement Data
LAW_ERROR Error Text Table for License Administration Workbench
LAW_GROUP LAW: Groups for the Consolidation
LAW_GROUPING Temporary Table for Grouping Users
LAW_GROUPT LAW: Groups for the Consolidation (Description)
LAW_GROUP_SYS LAW: Assignment Table: Systems to Groups
LAW_PARAM License Administration Workbench Parameters
LAW_PERS LAW: Personalization Object for User
LAW_PROT Log Table for License Audit Workbench
LAW_REST Remaining Data for License Audit Workbench
LAW_RESULT Result of License Measurement Consolidation
LAW_RFCERROR LAW: Storing RFC Error Messages
LAW_STAT Status of Transfer of a System Measurement to SAP
LAW_S_URES2 Total Result of User Consolidation
LAW_TEXT Memo Text Table
LAW_TIME Time Stamp for License Administration Workbench
LAW_UNIQUE Grouped User Data
LAW_UPGR User Types Created During Upgrade
LAW_URES2 Total Result of User Consolidation
LAW_UTYPES Result of License Measurement Consolidation
LAW_U_RES Overall Result of User Consolidation with Total
SAP tables starting with LB
LBVALID Validity of a Line Balance in iPPE
SAP tables starting with LC
LCA02_BTC Variants for Background Processing of LCA02
LCA02_USR User-Specific Default Selection
LCABN Characteristic
LCABNT Characteristic descriptions
LCA_CONFI Table with Configuration Data for LCA Objects
LCA_EXST_ROUTINE Cluster Table for Shared Buffer Use
LCA_WARNINGS Warnings in the "liveCache Applications" Area
LCCONNMODEBUFFER Buffering of LC_CONN_MODE in Shared Memory
LCC_ASSIGNMENTS Definition of Product-Object Assignments
LCDCC Customization for Dynamic Cycle Count
LCINIT Control Table for liveCache Initialization (Application)
LCINIT_LOG Log Entries: Start/Stop/Init of Prep./Postprocessing Reports
LCOLOBJ Object List
LCRT_ASSINST AI-LCR: Associated Instances
LCRT_ASSOC AI-LCR: Associated Classes
LCRT_CLASS_LU AI-LCR: Class Names-Lookup
LCRT_INDX AI LCR: Buffer Table
LCRT_INST_LU AI-LCR: Instance Name-Lookup
LCRT_NAMESP_LU AI-LCR: Namespace-Lookup
LCRT_OBJ_REF_LU AI-LCR: Lookup Objects in Change Tables
LCRT_QUAL AI-LCR: Qualifier Declarations
LCRT_QUAL_LU AI-LCR: Qualifier Declarations Lookup
LCRT_ROLE_LU AI-LCR: Instance Name-Lookup
LCRT_SERVADDR Landscape Directory Server Addresses
LCRT_STATUS AI-LCR: Status Table of Change Actions
LCRT_UPDATE AI-LCR: Change Table in Distributed LCR Object Managers
SAP tables starting with LD
LDA01 Decentralized WMS: Delivery Document Appendix
LDAPAPPL LDAP Application Check Table (Not Used Yet)
LDAPAPPLT Check Table for LDAP Application (Not Used Yet)
LDAPMAP1 Mapping SAP Fields to LDAP Attributes - FMs and Indicators
LDAPMAP2 Mapping SAP Fields to LDAP Attributes - Fields
LDAPMAP3 Mapping SAP Fields to LDAP Attributes - Attributes
LDAPMAP4 Mapping SAP Fields to LDAP Attributes - Parameters
LDAPMAP5 Mapping SAP Fields to LDAP Attributes - Object Classes
LDAPMAP6 Mapping SAP Fields to LDAP Attributes - Synchronization
LDAPPROP1 Proposals for Mapping SAP Fields to LDAP Attributes
LDAPPROP2 Proposals for Mapping SAP Fields to LDAP Attributes
LDAPPROP3 Proposals for Mapping SAP Fields to LDAP Attributes
LDAPPROP4 Proposals for Mapping SAP Fields to LDAP Attributes
LDAPPROP5 Proposals for Mapping SAP Fields to LDAP Attributes
LDAPPROP6 Mapping SAP Fields to LDAP Attributes - Synchronization
LDAPSYNC Time Stamp for Users at Last Synchronization
LDA_QUERY_MAP HR LDAP: Mapping Query Field Name <-> LDAP Attribute Name
LDBA Dynamic nodes in LDBs
LDBB Authorization objects for logical database
LDBD Administration information for LDB
LDBH Search help for logical databases
LDBN Logical nodes in LDBs
LDBNT Texts for LDBN
LDBQUAN Currency and quantity fields in logical database
LDBS Directory and structure for logical databases
LDBT Texts for logical databases
LDERA Local date: Local era
LDGM Assignment Table Country Groups to Characteristics
LDK00 Status Record for WM Communication Records
LDK01 Communication Record 01 Decentralized WMS: GR/GI R/2 -> ERP
LDK02 Communicat.Record 02 Decentralized WMS: Transfer R/2 -> ERP
LDK03 Communication Rec. 03 Decentralized WMS: Del.Doc. R/2 -> ERP
LDK04 Communication Rec. 04 LVS Decentr.: DN Supplem. R/2 -> ERP
LDK05 Communication Record 05 Decentr. WMS: (R/2-ERP): Mat. Master
LDK06 Communic.Record 06 Decentr.WMS (R/2-ERP):Batch Status Change
LDLBC Takts/no. of ind. capacities per line segment line balance
LDLBH Line balance/planned rate header record
LDLBP Line balance items
LDLBT Line hierarchy entry and exit takts
LDLH Line hierarchy header
LDLP Line hierarchy items
LDLT Line hierarchy takt times
LDMDR Line Hierarchy Material-Dependent Rates
LDPRF Display profile
LDPRFT Display profile - description
LDQ_DATA LDQ Application Data of Unit
LDQ_PROGRESS Pointer Table of Local Data Queue (Start, Progress, End)
LDSPT Local date: Separator
LD_CRHD Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
SAP tables starting with LE
LECI_CARD Extended Pass for Registration at the Checkpoint
LECI_CHK_PT Checkpoint
LECI_CHK_PTT Checkpoint: Text Table
LECI_EVENT Activities Within the Check-in/Check-out Process
LECI_EVENT_DATA Activity Data Within the Check-in/Check-out Process
LECI_FORMS Definition of Forms and Print Programs
LECMOFF Switch off change management in emergency
LEDPROAPL Assignment of Profiles to Various Applications
LEDPROFIL Definition of Print Profile Names
LEDPROFILT Definition of Print Profile Names and their Usage
LEDRUCKPROFIL Assignment of a Printer to an Object
LEDSPD_FLOW Document Flow for Subsequent Outbound-Delivery Split
LEDSPD_VEKP Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
LEDSPD_VEPO Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
LEGOD Execution Control Objects (ECO) definition
LEGODT Execution Control Objects (ECO) definition - description
LEGOR ECOs subscriptions at runtime
LEGRS Resource-ECO subscription
LEIN Storage unit header records
LEINT_WCNTR_V Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
LELMT Resource element
LELTA Allowed resource element type
LELTY Resource element type
LELTYT Resource element type - description
LENTY_RUT Entities Catalog table for Route Management package
LENTY_TSK Entities Catalog table for Task Management package
LESHPMD Indicator for active, general repairs/LE-SHP
LETYH Entity hierarchy in the priority model
LETYM Entity hierarchy: modes/weighting factor
LEXDT Execution data (for exception information)
LEXTP External process - activity mapping
LEXUS Extension 2.0 usage
SAP tables starting with LF
LFA1M1 Generated Table for View
LFAS Vendor master (VAT registration numbers general section)
LFAT Vendor master record (tax groupings)
LFB1 Vendor Master (Company Code)
LFB5 Vendor master (dunning data)
LFBK Vendor Master (Bank Details)
LFBW Vendor master record (withholding tax types) X
LFC1 Vendor master (transaction figures)
LFC3 Vendor master (special G/L transaction figures)
LFCPR Function code profile per step
LFCTX Pushbutton text
LFEI Vendor Master: Preference for Import and Export
LFINF Delivery information Project System
LFINFX Assignment delivery information to Project System objects
LFLR Vendor Master Record: Supply Regions
LFM1 Vendor master record purchasing organization data
LFM2 Vendor Master Record: Purchasing Data
LFMC Vendor master (short texts for condition types)
LFMH Vendor hierarchy
LFZA Permitted Alternative Payee
SAP tables starting with LG
LGPRI Priority log
LGRQA Resource qualifications log
LGTKA Task actual execution data log
LGTKL Task pool log
LGTKS Task status log
SAP tables starting with LH
LHMATTR_LHTYPE Legal Hold Case: Legal Hold Type
LHMATTR_LHTYPET Legal Hold Case: Legal Hold Type
LHM_CASE_ATTR Table with Additional Attributes for Legal Hold Cases
LHM_EDIS_REPORTS E-Discovery Reports (Control Table for F4 Help)
LHM_LEGAL_HOLDS Table for Storing Legal Holds
LHM_LH_ARCHIVED Legal Holds in Archive Files
LHM_LH_PGATE_AL Legal Hold Cases for ArchiveLink Attachments
LHM_LH_PGATE_DL Legal Hold Cases for Print Lists
LHM_METHODS Registration:Object Types and Corresponding Functions
LHM_PGATE_AL_RW Legal Hold Cases for ArchiveLink Attachments in RW
LHM_PROPAGATE Stores Legal Holds for Archive Files
SAP tables starting with LI
LICENSE_DATA Storage of SAP Licenses
LICENSE_HASH Index Table to Allow Quicker Access to LICENSE_DATA
LIKP SD Document: Delivery Header Data
LIKPUK Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
LIKPUK_2 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
LINEBAL Line Balance Versions in iPPE
LINEBALT Language-Dependent Short Text for Line Balances
LINK Inventory document header in WM
LINP Inventory document item in WM
LINV Inventory data per quant
LIPS SD document: Delivery: Item data
LIPSDG Appendix Table for Dangerous Goods Data
LIPSDGAP DG: Appendix Table for LIPSDG
LIPSO1 Appendix: Delivery Note - Conversion Parameters
LIPSO2 Appendix for Delivery Note Additional Quantities
LIPSPO LIPS Reference Data Purchase Order
LIPSRF LIPS Reference Data
LIPSUP Generated Table for View
LIPS_REFERENCE References for Delivery Item
LIPS_VLPMA Generated Table for View
LISAKT Background Planning Activities
LISCO Copy Profile: LIS Planning
LISCOMDES LIS: Destination Table
LISCOMDESC LIS: Characteristic Central Systems
LISCOMDESU LIS: Users for Generation
LISCONNECM LIS: User/Profile Templates (Modifications)
LISCONNECR LIS: Role Assignments to Template
LISCONNECT LIS: User/Profile Templates
LISCOPAK Key Figures Allocation Flexible Planning - CO-PA
LISCOPAKT Short Text for Key Figures Allocation LIS - CO-PA
LISCOPAM Characteristics Allocation: Flexible Planning - CO-PA
LISCOPAMT Short Text for Characteristics Allocation LIS - CO-PA
LISCOPAZ Assignment of info structure to operating concern
LISCOPAZT Short Text for Allocation
LISDOMAIN LIS: Domain Attributes
LISDOMAINT LIS: Domain Short Texts
LISERVICES LIS: Control: Services of All Connected Systems
LISLOGSYS LIS: Logical Systems
LISPARAMS LIS: Additional Parameters for Systems
LISPL Background Job for LIS Planning
LISPLF Planning Entries Table for Background Planning in LIS
LISPLT Texts for job number (LIS) - background planning
LISPROD LIS: Calculated Product Versions
LISR Planning Object Index for Forecast
LISSERVICE LIS: Access Control List of LIS Services
LISSYSCOM LIS: System Components
LISSYSTEM LIS: System Attributes
LISSYSTEMT LIS: System Short Texts
LISUCONF TMS User Interface: Configuration
LISUP Transfer Profile: LIS Planning to Demand Management
LIS_CONTROL Settings for LIS Key Figure Adoption
LIVPR Input verification profile
SAP tables starting with LK
LKLAH Class Header (Special Objects)
LKSML Characteristics of a Class
LKSSK Allocation Table: Object to Class
SAP tables starting with LL
LL01 Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Transfer Order Items
LL02 Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Transfer Requirement Items
LL03 Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Posting Change Documents
LL04 Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Deliveries
LL05 Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Stocks
LL06 Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Storage Bins
LL07 Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Production Orders
LLGRH Request log
LLGRI Request item log
LLGRN Request network log
LLGRS Resource log
LLGRT Request - task progress log
LLGST Resource status log
LLGTM Route log
LLMOD Mode catalog
LLMODT Mode catalog - description
LLOCTT Site - description
LLVELT Level - description
SAP tables starting with LM
LMENU Menu tree
LMENUT Menu tree - description
LMNCT Menu item catalog
LMNCTT Menu item catalog - description
LMNRT Mandatory routes
LMOBD Object class ID
LMOBDY_VV Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
LMOCD Object class definitions for monitoring
LMOCDT Object class - description
LMOCH Objects class hierarchy
LMOCM Object class permitted movements
LMOCMY_VV Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
LMSDCIACT Integrated Limit Check in CFM: Activation
LMTHD Methods
LMTHDT Methods - description
LMTHDY_VV Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
LMVRT Variant for TRM Monitoring
SAP tables starting with LN
LNGTAUTO Language Transports: Current Request in SE63
LNGTCOLL Language Transports: Directory of Collective Transports
LNGTCONF Language Transports: Parameters for Automatic Recording
LNGTINFO Generated Table for View LNGTINFO
LNGTREQU Language Transports: All Requests Used in SE63
LNGTSE63 Language Transports: Current Request in SE63
LNGTUSER Language Transports: Directory of Indiv. Autom. Transports
LNODET Node - description
SAP tables starting with LO
LOANREF_A Reference Records of Loan Reference Unit for Disbursement
LOANREF_O Records of Loan Reference Unit for Open Items
LOANREF_OS Saved Ref. Records Open Items per Business Operation No.
LOANREF_V Reference Recs of Loan Ref. Unit for Val-Dated Cumulation
LOBGR Object grouping
LOBSL Obstacle
LOBSLT Obstacle - description
LOCMD Object class methods
LOGADR_ATTR_FIEB Attributes of Logical Addresses
LOGADR_PHAD_FIEB Physical Address for a Logical Address
LOGIC_DEST Table for logical destination
LORDC_INTFOBJ Lean Order: Interface Objects
LORDC_MAPPING Mapping Table for Lean Order Interface
LORD_MAPPING Mapping Table for Lean Order Interface
LORD_MAPPING_RO Mapping Table for Lean Order Interface (read-only)
LORD_OBJECT Lean Order: Interface Objects
LORD_SCENARIO_ID Lean Order: Scenario ID
LORD_SCENARIO_IT Lean Order: Text for Scenario ID
SAP tables starting with LP
LPAPS Application parameters
LPDVC Presentation device
LPDX Planning runtime table: INDX table
LPLTM Planned time for task creation lags
LPRSN Personalization
LPRSNT Personalization - description
LPRVL_TSK Entities value table for task management package
SAP tables starting with LQ
LQUA Quants
LQUAB Total quant counts for certain strategies
LQUA_COMP Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
SAP tables starting with LR
LRBKPF Documents as Result of Logical Document Reorg. (RFB80U00)
LRF_WKQU Assignment User ->Queue
LRF_WKQUV_VV Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
LRF_WKQUY_VV Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
LRF_WKQU_V Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
LRITK Request - task progress
LRMSG Resources messages
LRM_ADK_SWITCH Use S_IRM Instead of S_LRM for Users Entered
LRM_BS_RST_CONDS IRM: Conditions for Business Suite and Residence Times
LRM_BS_RST_RULES IRM: Rules for Business Suite and Residence Times
LRM_BS_RTP_CONDS IRM: Conditions for Business Suite and Retention Periods
LRM_BS_RTP_RULES IRM: Rules for Business Suite and Retention Periods
LRM_PD_RTP_CONDS IRM: Conditions for Retention Rules for Paper Documents
LRM_PD_RTP_RULES IRM: Rules for Retention of Paper Documents
LRM_RE_NR IRM: Number Assignment for Rules
LRM_RE_RES_STRUC Registration of Rule Structure for OC and PC
LRM_T_BS_ARC_OBJ Mapping of an ILM Object to an Archiving Object
LRM_T_BS_BOR_OBJ Mapping of an ILM Object to a BOR Object Type
LRM_T_BS_DES_OBJ Mapping an ILM Object to a Data Destruction Object
LRM_T_BS_FLD_BVD Fields with Value Determination with Callback
LRM_T_BS_FLD_DVD Fields with Direct Value Determination
LRM_T_BS_JOINS Join Definitions
LRM_T_BS_KFD_BVD Determine Inheriting Instances via Callback
LRM_T_BS_KOW_BVD Determination of BOR Key with Callback
LRM_T_BS_STT_BVD Start Times with Value Determination in Callback
LRM_T_BS_STT_DVD Start Times with Direct Value Determination
LRM_T_BS_TO Value Determination for Time Offset
LRM_T_CON Constants
LRM_T_CON_T Constants - Descriptions
LRM_T_EXIT_CUST Dummy Table for Navigation to Object Cat.-Spec. Customizing
LRM_T_EXIT_POL Dummy Table for Navigating to Policy Maintenance
LRM_T_OC Object Categories
LRM_T_OC_MF Mandatory Condition Fields for Policies
LRM_T_OC_MF_T Mandatory Condition Fields for Policies - Description
LRM_T_OC_PC Policy Category for Result Fields of Object Category
LRM_T_OC_RF Result Fields of Policies
LRM_T_OC_RF_T Policy Result Fields - Description
LRM_T_OC_SF Standard Condition Fields for Policies
LRM_T_OC_SF_T Standard Condition Fields for Policies - Descriptions
LRM_T_OC_T Descriptions of Object Categories
LRM_T_OT ILM Objects
LRM_T_OT_FLD Available Condition Fields for Policies
LRM_T_OT_FLD_T Available Condtion Fields for Policies - Description
LRM_T_OT_PC Available Policy Categories for Object Types
LRM_T_OT_PC_STAT Available Policy Categories for Object Types - Status
LRM_T_OT_POL_FLD Selected Fields in Policy
LRM_T_OT_POL_ORI Policy Names
LRM_T_OT_PT Available Policy Types (Available Audit Areas)
LRM_T_OT_SF Available Standard Condition Fields for Object Types
LRM_T_OT_STT Available Time References for Start Time Determination
LRM_T_OT_STT_TO Available Time Offsets for Start Time Determination
LRM_T_OT_T ILM Objects - Descriptions
LRM_T_PC Policy Categories
LRM_T_PC_T Policy Categories - Descriptions
LRM_T_PT Policy Types (Audit Areas)
LRM_T_PT_T Policy Types - Descriptions
LRM_T_RE_CON Switch for Rule Engine
LRM_T_SIM IRM Simulator
LROUT Routing
LRQNT Request network
LRQSH Request
LRQSI Request item
LRSE_CLASSES RSE Class Dictionary - System Table of Classes (Local)
LRSNC External vs Internal reason code
LRSNCT External vs Internal reason code - description
LRSQA Resource qualifications
LRSRC Resource
LRSTC Resource type components
LRSTY Resource type
LRSTYT Resource type - description
LRSWD Workers of deactivated resources
LRTCP Capacity assignment for resource types
LRTEX Route exceptions
LRTQA Resource type and resource element qualifications
SAP tables starting with LS
LSECC Capacity of Static Execution Control (SEC)
LSEG Document for Inward and Outward Movements
LSELCONDS Selection conditions for translation (by type)
LSERR Error Table for Posting Incentive Wages
LSHR HR Order Confirmations (Durations/Time Tickets)
LSOALERTTYPE Data for Alerts per Course
LSOCHANGECAT Change Categories
LSOCHANGECATT Change Category Language Table
LSOCHANGEREAC System Reaction for Each Change Category
LSOCPSCORMELEM For Saving the Assignment of the GUID to the Element Name
LSOCPSCORMHDR Table for Saving SCORM Header Data
LSOCPSCORMINT Table for Saving SCORM Values of Integer Type
LSOCPSCORMLELEM For Saving the Assignment of the GUID to the SCORM Element
LSOCPSCORMLSTR Table for Saving SCORM Values of String Type
LSOCPSCORMLVALUE Table for Saving Learner-Dependent Character Strings
LSOCPSCORMREAL Table for Saving SCORM Values of Real/Float Type
LSOCPSCORMSSTR Table for Saving SCORM Values of Short String Type
LSOCRPCNTXTPRTCL LSO Correspondence: Log Area
LSOCRPCNTXTSTAGE LSO Correspondence: Staging Area
LSOCRPCONTROL Output Control: Delivery Method-Specific
LSOCRPMEDIUM Output Media Supported
LSOCRPMEDIUMT Output Media Supported: Texts
LSOCRPNOTIFGRP Notification Groups
LSOCRPNOTIFGRPCK Notification Groups: Allowed Activities
LSOCRPNOTIFGRPFC Assignment of Triggering Events to Notification Groups
LSOCRPNOTIFGRPT Texts for Notification Groups
LSOCRPRECGUID Recipient: GUID Admin. for Business Partner Simulation
LSOCRPRECROLET Recipient Roles: Texts
LSOCRPSMM Stopmarks for Correspondence Requests
LSOCRPTXTVART Texts for Text Variables
LSOFOLLOWUP Control Options for Follow-Up Processing
LSOFUPROCESS Follow-Up Procedure
LSOLEARNADDS_C Additional Information for Course Completion
LSOLEARNCOMPL E-Signature of Learner
LSOLEARNELUCOT_C Course Completion - Comment Texts for Learning Objects
LSOLEARNELUCO_C Course Completion - Comments on Learning Objects
LSOLEARNELUSTA_C Course Completion - Status of Learning Objects
LSOLEARNELUSUS_C Course Completion - Status - SCORM - Suspend
LSOLEARNESIGN E-Signature of Learner
LSOLEARNING_C Course Completion
LSOLEARNMEDIAT_C Course Completion - Reentry Information
LSOLEARNSCORM_C Course Completion - Status - SCORM
LSOLEARNSTRATEGY Strategy Selected per Participation
LSOLHACCOMACCES Comments on Accommodations Accessibility
LSOLHACCOMACCEST Text Table for Comments on Accommodations Accessibility
LSOLHACCOMEQUIP Accommodation Equipment
LSOLHACCOMEQUIPT Text Table for Accommodation Equipment
LSOLHCALCMETH Calculation Procedure for Grading
LSOLHCALCMETHT Text Table for Calculation Procedure for Grading
LSOLHGRADECERT Grade Certificates
LSOLHGRADECERTT Text Table for Grade Certificates
LSOLHGRADESCALET Text Table for Grading Scale
LSOLHGRADETYPET Text Table for Grading Types
LSOLHROUNDRULE Rounding Rules for Grading
LSOLHROUNDRULET Text Table for Rounding Rules for Grading
LSOLHUFORM Types of Instruction
LSOLHUFORMT Texts for Types of Instruction
LSOLHUTILITYT Permitted Materials in Tests and Examinations
LSOLSP External Training Provider
LSOLSPPAR Learning Service Provider: Parameters
LSOLSPSRV Learning Service Provider: Active Services
LSOLSPSYS Services Supported for External LMS
LSOLSPSYST Services Supported for External LMS (Texts)
LSOLSPTRACKING Learning Progress for External Courses
LSOLUEBO_C Learning Objective of a Learning Net
LSOLUELEM_C Learning Subnets
LSOLUPREC_C Learning Net - Precursor
LSOLUPUBL_C Course Content
LSOLUPUBL_STRAT Strategies Allowed per Content Version
LSOLUTYPEPUBL_C Course Content Types
LSOLUTYPE_C Learning Net Types
LSOLU_C Learning Nets
LSOLU_TRACE Tables for tracking changes to LSOLU_C
LSOMACSTRATT_C Macro Strategies - Texts
LSOMACSTRAT_C Macro Strategies
LSOMETADATA Supported Metadata
LSOMETADATAT Supported Metadata - Language Table
LSOMICSTRATT_C Micro Strategies - Texts
LSOMICSTRAT_C Micro Strategies
LSOSTRATCT_C Active Micro Strategy-Macro Strategy Combinations - Texts
LSOSTRATC_C Active Micro Strategy-Macro Strategy Combinations
LSOSTRATT_C Micro Strategy-Macro Strategy Combinations - Texts
LSOSTRAT_C Allowed Micro Strategy-Macro Strategy Combinations
LSOSYSREACTION System Reaction at Version Update
LSOTACASEBO obsolete in LSO200: Assessment - Section - EBO
LSOTACASECTION Assessment - Section
LSOTACASEGRPITEM Assignment: Test - Section - Item Group - Item
LSOTACASEITEM obsolete in LSO200: Assessment - Section - EBO - Item
LSOTACASGROUP Assignment: Test - Section - Item Group
LSOTACITEM obsolete in LSO200: Item
LSOTACITEM200 Item and Item Attributes
LSOTACLRNASSESS Performance of Assessment
LSOTACLRNASSRES obsolete in LSO200: Test Completion -Test Results
LSOTACLRNITA1RES Performance of Assessment - Item Result Answer - Type 1
LSOTACLRNITA2RES Performance of Assessment - Item Result Answer - Type 2
LSOTACLRNITRES Performance of Assessment - Item Results
LSOTACLRNRESULT Performance of Assessment - Assessment Results
LSOTFORMP_C Delivery Method Attributes
LSOTFORMT_C Learning Solution - Delivery Methods (Texts)
LSOTFORM_C Learning Solution - Delivery Methods
LSOTPARTDOC_C Participation Documents
LSOTPTADDS_C Additional Information on Participant
LSOTPTEBO_C Participant - Learning Objectives Achieved
LSOVLROOM LSO: Virtual Learning Room
LSOWF_CUSTOMIZE Workflow Customizing SAP Learning Solution
LSOWF_RUNNING Current Workflows in the SAP Learning Solution
LSO_COL_PROF_RLE Profiles / Roles
LSO_COL_PROF_TXT Profiles / Titles
LSO_COL_ROOM_HLP Value Help for Room IDs: Categories
LSO_COL_TMPL Templates
LSO_COL_TMPL_CAT Templates / Categories
LSO_COL_TMPL_PAR Templates / Parameters
LSO_COL_TMPL_TXT Templates / Titles
LSO_CPT_PROGRESS Information on Running Publishing Activities
LSO_CPT_XML_LUTY Assignment of External SCO/AU-ID to Learning Net Type
LSO_CUSTOMIZET_C Texts for Customizing Table in Learning Solution
LSO_CUSTOMIZE_C General Customizing Table in Learning Solution
LSPAGE_ALIAS Definition of Page Aliases of SAP Learning Solution
LSPAGE_ALIAS_C Customizing Table for Definition of BSP Pages
LSRZN Serving zone
LSTLN Logical transaction step flow
LSTSC Physical screen variant per logical step
LSUTO Mobile Data Entry: Relationship Shipping Unit to TO
LSWOR Classification System: Keywords
SAP tables starting with LT
LTABEXITS Technical data for object types (translation)
LTCONV Conversion table, object type - TADIR object
LTCTW Crit. time window & dynamic due date priority estimation
LTCX Generic store for extracts
LTDHTTMPL ALV: HTML Templates (Language-Dependent)
LTDX Generic storage of display variants
LTDXB Storage of BLOBs for display variants from LTDX
LTDXD Default display variants
LTDXS SAP Default Display Variants
LTDXT Display Variant Texts
LTEX Generic store for extracts
LTHU Assignment of Pick-HUs to Transfer Orders
LTKEG Tasks-Execution Group Objects (EGO) mapping
LTKPL Task pool
LTKRT Task - resource type
LTODIR Object List for Switch
LTRCT Logical transaction catalog
LTRCTT Logical transaction catalog - description
LTX1_TMP File for Incorrect Data in Direct Input
LTYPESTECH Technical data for object types (translation)
SAP tables starting with LU
LUBU Posting Change Document
SAP tables starting with LV
LVC_CALM Calendar year / month
LVC_CHECKT Check Table for Example with F4
LVVGC Value-Added Services (VAS) general customization
LVVOR VAS orders
LVVRO VAS request order
LVVWC VAS work center determination
SAP tables starting with LW
LWKCN Work center operations
LWRKA Working Area
LWRKAT Working Area - description
LWRKKEY Key for Worklists
LWRKLID Work list ID for individual translator work lists
LWRKOBJ Object lists for worklists
LWRKOTR Object lists for worklists
LWRKSTAOTR Translation statistics
LWRKSTASOU SLLS: Source Languages for OTR Translation Statistics
LWRKSTAT Translation statistics
LWRKTRANS Translator performance
SAP tables starting with LX
LXDCN Cross Dock decision
LXDTO Decision TO cancel link
LXEAUTH Translation Environment: Authorizations
LXEPROF Translation Authorization Profiles
LXEPROFV Values for Translation Authorization Profiles
LXETXT0005 Text Table
LXETXT0010 Text Table
LXETXT0015 Text Table
LXETXT0020 Text Table
LXETXT0030 Text Table
LXETXT0040 Text Table
LXETXT0050 Text Table
LXETXT0060 Text Table
LXETXT0080 Text Table
LXETXT0255 Text Table
LXE_ATTGRT Object Group Texts
LXE_ATTOB Attributes of Translation Objects
LXE_ATTOBR Attributes of Translation Objects
LXE_ATTOBRT Attributes of Translation Objects
LXE_ATTOBT Texts for Object Attributes
LXE_AV Translation Evaluations
LXE_BTC_H Analysis batch job parameters
LXE_BTC_OB Object Type Selection for Background Job
LXE_CHKF LXE: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
LXE_CHKO LXE: Files of Physical Information Objects
LXE_COL71 Transport Objects
LXE_COLCO Collections
LXE_COLL List of all Collections with their Attributes
LXE_COLLFC Functions to be Executed on Events in Collection Environment
LXE_COLLTL Target Languages for a Collection
LXE_COLLX Collections
LXE_COLMC Collections
LXE_COLML Object Types
LXE_COLMT Object Types
LXE_COLOB Object Lists
LXE_COLOB2 Object Lists
LXE_COLOB_EX Object Lists
LXE_COLTA Transports
LXE_COLTB Object Types
LXE_COLTY Object Types
LXE_CONT1 SDOK: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
LXE_COPY Objects
LXE_COPYL2 Objects
LXE_CO_2 Collection Groups
LXE_CO_2H Header Data for Collection Groups
LXE_CO_GR Assignments
LXE_CUST Translation Areas
LXE_CUSTFC Functions to be Executed on Events in Translation Area
LXE_CUSTMNR Translation Areas
LXE_CUSTNAME Translation Area Names
LXE_CUSTNUMMER Translation Areas (Number/Name)
LXE_DEMO Demonstration Table
LXE_DEMOT Demonstration Table
LXE_DIST_O Distribution Parameters
LXE_DIS_O Object Type Selection for Automatic Distribution
LXE_DOMA Domains
LXE_DOMAIN_EX Dummy Table (Reference)
LXE_DOMAT Texts for Domains
LXE_DOMA_2 Package Assignment to Domains
LXE_ETSTAT Status Handling for External Tools via the Shared Memory
LXE_GRAPH Translation Graph Header Data
LXE_GRAPH2 Translation graph
LXE_IDXSTA LXE: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
LXE_INEWS (LXE) SE63 InfoNews Control Table
LXE_INEWST (LXE) SE63 InfoNews Control Table (Texts)
LXE_KWT_TTX_REP Dummy Table for Table References in DMWB
LXE_LANG Translation Environment: Target Languages and Attributes 1
LXE_LANGTR1 Assignment Language - Translator - Collection
LXE_LANGTR2 Translation exclusions
LXE_LANG_PRESETS Default Settings per Language
LXE_LA_CL Translation Environment: Target Languages and Attributes 2
LXE_LA_DR Secondary Status Selection for Languages
LXE_LA_MS Correspondence between ISO Language and MS Language
LXE_LA_OB Assignment: Language - Object Type
LXE_LEXPT Translation exception
LXE_LGRU Translation Object Groups
LXE_LIST Local Lists
LXE_LIST2 Local Lists
LXE_LOG SE63 - Recording of Processed Objects
LXE_LOIO LXE: Instances of Logical Information Objects
LXE_LOIOT LXE: Incoming Relationships of Physical Information Objects
LXE_LOPR LXE: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
LXE_LORE LXE: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects
LXE_LORI LXE: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects
LXE_LTYPES Locked Table Objects (Assignment to Specific Object)
LXE_LZUS Assignment: Language - Object Group - Date
LXE_PCT_TY Dummy Table for PCT Translation
LXE_PCX_HD PCX Objects: Header Data
LXE_PCX_HD_A PCX Objects: Header Data
LXE_PCX_HD_B PCX Objects: Header Data
LXE_PCX_HD_C PCX Objects: Header Data
LXE_PCX_HD_D PCX Objects: Header Data
LXE_PCX_HD_F PCX Objects: Header Data
LXE_PCX_HD_G PCX Objects: Header Data
LXE_PCX_HD_H PCX Objects: Header Data
LXE_PCX_HD_L PCX Objects: Header Data
LXE_PCX_HD_M PCX Objects: Header Data
LXE_PCX_HD_R PCX Objects: Header Data
LXE_PCX_HD_S PCX Objects: Header Data
LXE_PCX_HD_T PCX Objects: Header Data
LXE_PCX_HD_U PCX Objects: Header Data
LXE_PCX_TX PCX Objects: Texts
LXE_PCX_TX_A PCX Objects: Texts
LXE_PCX_TX_B PCX Objects: Texts
LXE_PCX_TX_C PCX Objects: Texts
LXE_PCX_TX_D PCX Objects: Texts
LXE_PCX_TX_F PCX Objects: Texts
LXE_PCX_TX_G PCX Objects: Texts
LXE_PCX_TX_H PCX Objects: Texts
LXE_PCX_TX_L PCX Objects: Texts
LXE_PCX_TX_M PCX Objects: Texts
LXE_PCX_TX_R PCX Objects: Texts
LXE_PCX_TX_S PCX Objects: Texts
LXE_PCX_TX_T PCX Objects: Texts
LXE_PCX_TX_U PCX Objects: Texts
LXE_PCY_HD PCY Objects: Header Data
LXE_PCY_HD_A PCY Objects: Header Data
LXE_PCY_HD_B PCY Objects: Header Data
LXE_PCY_HD_D PCY Objects: Header Data
LXE_PCY_HD_F PCY Objects: Header Data
LXE_PCY_HD_G PCY Objects: Header Data
LXE_PCY_HD_I PCY Objects: Header Data
LXE_PCY_HD_L PCY Objects: Header Data
LXE_PCY_HD_M PCY Objects: Header Data
LXE_PCY_HD_T PCY Objects: Header Data
LXE_PCY_TX PCY Objects: Texts
LXE_PCY_TX_A PCY Objects: Texts
LXE_PCY_TX_B PCY Objects: Texts
LXE_PCY_TX_D PCY Objects: Texts
LXE_PCY_TX_F PCY Objects: Texts
LXE_PCY_TX_G PCY Objects: Texts
LXE_PCY_TX_I PCY Objects: Texts
LXE_PCY_TX_L PCY Objects: Texts
LXE_PCY_TX_M PCY Objects: Texts
LXE_PCY_TX_T PCY Objects: Texts
LXE_PCY_VN PCY Objects: Version Numbers
LXE_PCY_VN_A PCY Objects: Version Numbers
LXE_PCY_VN_B PCY Objects: Version Numbers
LXE_PCY_VN_D PCY Objects: Version Numbers
LXE_PCY_VN_F PCY Objects: Version Numbers
LXE_PCY_VN_G PCY Objects: Version Numbers
LXE_PCY_VN_I PCY Objects: Version Numbers
LXE_PCY_VN_L PCY Objects: Version Numbers
LXE_PCY_VN_M PCY Objects: Version Numbers
LXE_PCY_VN_T PCY Objects: Version Numbers
LXE_PCZ_BI Binary Data for PCZ Objects
LXE_PCZ_BI_A Binary Data for PCZ Objects
LXE_PCZ_BI_F Binary Data for PCZ Objects
LXE_PCZ_BI_H Binary Data for PCZ Objects
LXE_PCZ_BI_Z Binary Data for PCZ Objects
LXE_PCZ_HD PCZ Objects: Header Data
LXE_PCZ_HD_A PCZ Objects: Header Data
LXE_PCZ_HD_F PCZ Objects: Header Data
LXE_PCZ_HD_H PCZ Objects: Header Data
LXE_PCZ_HD_Z PCZ Objects: Header Data
LXE_PCZ_TT Binary Data for PCZ Objects
LXE_PCZ_TT_A Binary Data for PCZ Objects
LXE_PCZ_TT_F Binary Data for PCZ Objects
LXE_PCZ_TT_H Binary Data for PCZ Objects
LXE_PCZ_TT_Z Binary Data for PCZ Objects
LXE_PCZ_TX PCZ Objects: Texts
LXE_PCZ_TX_A PCZ Objects: Texts
LXE_PCZ_TX_F PCZ Objects: Texts
LXE_PCZ_TX_H PCZ Objects: Texts
LXE_PCZ_TX_Z PCZ Objects: Texts
LXE_PCZ_VN PCZ Objects: Version Numbers
LXE_PCZ_VN_A PCZ Objects: Version Numbers
LXE_PCZ_VN_F PCZ Objects: Version Numbers
LXE_PCZ_VN_H PCZ Objects: Version Numbers
LXE_PCZ_VN_Z PCZ Objects: Version Numbers
LXE_PC_AP PC* Objects: Texts
LXE_PC_HD PC* Objects: Header Data
LXE_PC_INI Binary Data for Object Types
LXE_PC_TTX Binary Data for Objects
LXE_PC_TTXH Binary Data for Objects
LXE_PC_TTX_A Binary Data for Objects
LXE_PC_TTX_B Binary Data for Objects
LXE_PC_TTX_C Binary Data for Objects
LXE_PC_TTX_D Binary Data for Objects
LXE_PC_TTX_E Binary Data for Objects
LXE_PC_TTX_F Binary Data for Objects
LXE_PC_TTX_G Binary Data for Objects
LXE_PC_TTX_H Binary Data for Objects
LXE_PC_TTX_I Binary Data for Objects
LXE_PC_TTX_L Binary Data for Objects
LXE_PC_TTX_M Binary Data for Objects
LXE_PC_TTX_N Binary Data for Objects
LXE_PC_TTX_O Binary Data for Objects
LXE_PC_TTX_P Binary Data for Objects
LXE_PC_TTX_Q Binary Data for Objects
LXE_PC_TTX_R Binary Data for Objects
LXE_PC_TTX_S Binary Data for Objects
LXE_PC_TTX_T Binary Data for Objects
LXE_PC_TTX_U Binary Data for Objects
LXE_PC_TTX_V Binary Data for Objects
LXE_PC_TTX_W Binary Data for Objects
LXE_PC_TTX_X Binary Data for Objects
LXE_PC_TTX_Y Binary Data for Objects
LXE_PC_TTX_Z Binary Data for Objects
LXE_PEXPT Translation exception
LXE_PHF LXE: Incoming Relationships of Physical Information Objects
LXE_PHHR LXE: Usage of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
LXE_PHIO LXE: Instances of Physical Information Objects
LXE_PHNM LXE: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Information Objects
LXE_PHPR LXE: Checkout Data for a Physical Information Object
LXE_PHRE LXE: Status Table for Indexing of Documents: IWB1
LXE_PHRI LXE: File Name of the Last Checkout
LXE_POPO Problem Messages
LXE_PPA__1 Proposal Pool Abbreviations
LXE_PPX__1 Proposal Pool Exceptions
LXE_PP_IMP Proposal Pool Transports
LXE_PP_MAP Conversion During Remote Copy
LXE_PP___1 Proposal Pool
LXE_PP___2 Proposal Pool
LXE_PP___3 Proposal Pool
LXE_PP___4 Proposal Pool
LXE_REMRKS LXE Comments for Translation
LXE_SLLS_OWT Weighting for Object Types
LXE_SLLS_PREFS Translation Statistics - User Settings
LXE_SYST Translation Systems
LXE_T002 Languages in the Translation Environment
LXE_T002T Languages in the Translation Environment
LXE_T002X Languages in the Translation Environment
LXE_TAXX Table Segmentation
LXE_TDEVC Collections
LXE_TD_REMO_CFG Configuration Data: Remote Translation
LXE_TEAM Translator Team
LXE_TECH Attributes
LXE_TGROUP Translator Group
LXE_THREAD Background Run
LXE_TM Translation
LXE_TMWARE_ALIAS Configuration Data for TMWare
LXE_TMWARE_CFG Configuration Data for TMWare
LXE_TMWARE_LCID Table for Assignment of Languages to TMWares Locale IDs
LXE_TRDELTA Dates for Delta Transports of Translations
LXE_TRLANG Translation Recording: Request / Target Language
LXE_TRRQST SE63 Transport Recording: Request/Target Language (Obsolete)
LXE_UGROUP (LXE) User Group / Name Assignment
LXE_UPSETS User Presets (General / Short Texts / Long Texts /Worklists)
LXE_USER Assignments
LXE_USER_PRESETS Default Settings for Translation Engine
LXE_US_CO Assignments
LXE_WL Translation Environment: Target Languages and Attributes 1
LXE_WL2 Translation Environment: Target Languages and Attributes 1
LXE_WRKKEY Key for Worklists
LXE_WRKLID Personal Worklists
LXE_WRKOB Objects in Worklists
LXE_WRKOB1 Objects in Worklists
LXE_WRKOBD Objects in Worklists
LXE_WRKOBK Objects in Worklists
LXE_WRKOBO Objects in Worklists
LXE_WRKOBS Objects in Worklists
LXE_WRKOBX Objects in Worklists
LXE_WRKOBY Objects in Worklists
LXE_WRKOBZ Objects in Worklists
LXE_WRK_1 Number
LXE_WRK_1B Header Data
LXE_WRK_2 Analysis
LXE_WRK_3 Analysis
LXE_WRK_4 Analysis
LXE_WRK_GR Analysis
LXE_WRK_LA Analysis
LXE_WRK_OL Analysis
LXE_WRK_TY Analysis
LXRFN Request cross-reference
LXWHS Cross Docking warehouse level customization
SAP tables starting with LY
LYACT Yard activities
LYDTP Location time-dependent properties
LYFAG Forwarding agent attributes
LYGRR Geographical location groups relationship
LYGTP Yard Scheduling Graphic Tool Personalization
LYLCP Location type capacity
LYLGR Geographical location group
LYLGRT Define Location Groups
LYLOC Yard location
LYLTY Physical location type
LYLTYT Text Table for Physical Location Type
LYRSN Reason codes
LYRSNT Text Table for Reason Codes
LYSPF Scheduling profile
LYSPFT Text Table for Scheduling Profile
LYYRDT Text Table for Yard
SAP tables starting with LZ
LZGDF Zone group definition
LZGDFT Zone group - description
LZGZN Zone Group - Zone Relationship
LZNDFT Zone - description
LZNNX Zone Entry-Exit
SAP tables starting with L_
L_BWLVS Generated Table for View L_BWLVS
L_LAG1E Generated Table for View L_LAG1E
L_LAG1M Generated Table for View
L_LAG1S Generated Table for View L_LAG1S
L_LAGP Generated Table for View L_LAGP

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