SAP tables starting with LD

Here you will find a list of all SAP tables with the initial letter LD.

Here you will find a list of all SAP tables.

53 SAP tables were found!
table name description
SAP tables starting with LD
LDA01 Decentralized WMS: Delivery Document Appendix
LDAPAPPL LDAP Application Check Table (Not Used Yet)
LDAPAPPLT Check Table for LDAP Application (Not Used Yet)
LDAPMAP1 Mapping SAP Fields to LDAP Attributes - FMs and Indicators
LDAPMAP2 Mapping SAP Fields to LDAP Attributes - Fields
LDAPMAP3 Mapping SAP Fields to LDAP Attributes - Attributes
LDAPMAP4 Mapping SAP Fields to LDAP Attributes - Parameters
LDAPMAP5 Mapping SAP Fields to LDAP Attributes - Object Classes
LDAPMAP6 Mapping SAP Fields to LDAP Attributes - Synchronization
LDAPPROP1 Proposals for Mapping SAP Fields to LDAP Attributes
LDAPPROP2 Proposals for Mapping SAP Fields to LDAP Attributes
LDAPPROP3 Proposals for Mapping SAP Fields to LDAP Attributes
LDAPPROP4 Proposals for Mapping SAP Fields to LDAP Attributes
LDAPPROP5 Proposals for Mapping SAP Fields to LDAP Attributes
LDAPPROP6 Mapping SAP Fields to LDAP Attributes - Synchronization
LDAPSYNC Time Stamp for Users at Last Synchronization
LDA_QUERY_MAP HR LDAP: Mapping Query Field Name <-> LDAP Attribute Name
LDBA Dynamic nodes in LDBs
LDBB Authorization objects for logical database
LDBD Administration information for LDB
LDBH Search help for logical databases
LDBN Logical nodes in LDBs
LDBNT Texts for LDBN
LDBQUAN Currency and quantity fields in logical database
LDBS Directory and structure for logical databases
LDBT Texts for logical databases
LDERA Local date: Local era
LDGM Assignment Table Country Groups to Characteristics
LDK00 Status Record for WM Communication Records
LDK01 Communication Record 01 Decentralized WMS: GR/GI R/2 -> ERP
LDK02 Communicat.Record 02 Decentralized WMS: Transfer R/2 -> ERP
LDK03 Communication Rec. 03 Decentralized WMS: Del.Doc. R/2 -> ERP
LDK04 Communication Rec. 04 LVS Decentr.: DN Supplem. R/2 -> ERP
LDK05 Communication Record 05 Decentr. WMS: (R/2-ERP): Mat. Master
LDK06 Communic.Record 06 Decentr.WMS (R/2-ERP):Batch Status Change
LDLBC Takts/no. of ind. capacities per line segment line balance
LDLBH Line balance/planned rate header record
LDLBP Line balance items
LDLBT Line hierarchy entry and exit takts
LDLH Line hierarchy header
LDLP Line hierarchy items
LDLT Line hierarchy takt times
LDMDR Line Hierarchy Material-Dependent Rates
LDPRF Display profile
LDPRFT Display profile - description
LDQ_DATA LDQ Application Data of Unit
LDQ_PROGRESS Pointer Table of Local Data Queue (Start, Progress, End)
LDSPT Local date: Separator
LD_CRHD Generierte Tabelle zu einem View

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