SAP tables starting with T

Here you will find a list of all SAP tables with the initial letter T.

Here you will find a list of all SAP tables.

3000 SAP tables were found!
table name description
SAP tables starting with TD
TDEVC Packages
SAP tables starting with TJ
TJ02 System status
TJ02T System status texts
TJ30 User Status
SAP tables starting with T0
T000 Clients
T000ATP Basic Settings for Availability Check
T000C Table for Installing FI-SL Customizing
T000CM Client-specific FI-AR-CR settings
T000F Cross-Client FI Settings
T000G Cross-Client FI-SL Postings
T000GL Flexible general ledger: Customizing check and activation
T000K Group
T000MD MRP at MRP Area Level
T001 Company Codes
T001A Additional Local Currencies Control for Company Code
T001B Permitted Posting Periods
T001B_PS Account Assignment Objects in General Ledger
T001B_PS_PER Permitted Posting Periods for Account Assignment Objects
T001C Valid Posting Periods for Global Companies
T001CM Permitted Credit Control Areas per Company Code
T001D Validation of Accounting Documents
T001E Company Code-Dependent Address Data
T001F Company code-dependent form selection
T001G Company Code-Dependent Standard Texts
T001I Company Code - Parameter Types
T001J Company Code - Parameter Type Names
T001K Valuation area
T001L Storage Locations
T001M Data on Z5A Foreign Trade Regulations Report, Germany
T001N Company Code - EC Tax Numbers / Notifications
T001O Cross-System Company Codes
T001P Personnel Area/Subarea
T001P_DELIMIT Validity Period of Personnel Subarea
T001Q Substitution in Accounting Documents
T001R Rounding Rules for Company Code and Currency
T001RWT Rounding rules for company code, type and curr.
T001S Accounting Clerks
T001T Company code-dependent texts
T001U Clearing Between Company Codes
T001URL Company Code-Dependent URLs
T001W Plants/Branches
T001WT Company code-specific information per withholding tax type
T001W_BIW Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
T001W_EXT Plants (Companys Own and External)
T001X Configuration of External Receiving Comp.Codes
T001Y Valuation Levels for LIFO Inventory Valuation
T001Z Additional Specifications for Company Code
T001_ARCH Archive contents short description
T001_CONV Company codes affected by currency conversions
T002 Language Keys (Component BC-I18)
T002C Customizing Data for T002
T002T Language Key Texts
T002TX Language Key Texts for ISO language keys
T002V Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
T002X Language Key in Hexadecimal Format
T002XT Texts for Two-Digit Language Key
T002_SUBSTITUTE Preferred Language Sequence for Presentation of Objects
T003 Document Types
T003A Document Types for Posting with Clearing
T003B Object Types for Early Entry in Financial Acctng
T003D Document Types for Enjoy Transactions
T003L Transaction Type for Material Ledger
T003M Transaction/Event Types for SAPMM07M/SAPMM07I
T003N Number Ranges for Order Types
T003O Order Types
T003P Order Type Descriptions
T003R Number Ranges RE_BELEG (Logistics Invoice Verification)
T003S Document Types for Storing Documents (Log. IV)
T003T Document Type Texts
T003_FS Document Types
T003_I Document types
T004 Directory of Charts of Accounts
T004F Field status definition groups
T004G Field Status Definition Group Texts
T004M Rules for Sample Accounts
T004R Rules index for sample accounts
T004S Texts for sample account rules
T004T Chart of Account Names
T004V Field Status Variant
T004W Text Table for T004V
T005 Countries
T005A Address routines
T005B Name of address routines
T005BU Table for Transferring Bank Data
T005BUT Table for Transferring Bank Data
T005E County
T005F County: Texts
T005G City
T005H City: Texts
T005I Communication: Country dialling code exceptions (Telex)
T005J Communication: country dialling code exceptions (Telephone)
T005J_EXT Enhancement of Table T005J
T005K Communication: country dialling code
T005K_EXT Enhancement of Table T005K
T005N Name formats
T005O Name format fields
T005P Validation of tax keys
T005Q Country Keys for Withholding Tax Calculation
T005R Country Keys for the Withholding Tax: Names
T005S Taxes: Region (Province) Key
T005SEPA SEPA Country Settings
T005T Country Names
T005U Taxes: Region Key: Texts
T005X Countries - decimal point and date format (SET COUNTRY)
T005Z Alternative Reporting Country Codes
T005ZR Assignment Rules for Alternative Country Codes
T005ZT Name of Reporting Country Codes
T006 Units of Measurement
T006A Assign Internal to Language-Dependent Unit
T006B Assignment of commercial to internal unit of measurement
T006C Assignment of external technical to internal unit of measure
T006D Dimensions
T006D_OIB Add-On Extension for Dimensions
T006E System for Units of Measurement (Components, Mapping)
T006EE Systems for Units of Measurement (Entities)
T006ET Systems for Units of Measurement (Entities -> Texts)
T006I ISO codes for units of measurement
T006J ISO Codes for Unit of Measure Texts
T006M Units of Measure Groups
T006T Dimension Texts
T006_OIB Units of Measurement, Additional Definitions
T007A Tax Keys
T007AC Tax Code Selection for Transactions
T007B Tax Processing in Accounting
T007BE Bill of exchange customizing for deferred tax(RFUMSV50)
T007C Groupings for tax codes
T007D Texts for Tax Groups
T007DT Deferred Tax Rules
T007F Taxes on Sales/Purchases Groups
T007G Table no Longer Used -> T007K/L
T007H Table no Longer Used -> T007K/L
T007I Tax Advance Return, Tax Group and Calendar Year Group Nos
T007J Tax Advance Payment per Taxes on Sls/Pur.Grp and Cal.Yr
T007K Table for Grouping Tax Basis Balances
T007L Table for Grouping Tax Balances
T007M Table for Grouping Taxes for BW
T007R External Group Number for Tax Amounts
T007S Tax Code Names
T007V Tax Codes to be Transported
T007X Text for Grouping Tax Amounts
T007Z Time-Dependent Version Assignment - For ELSTER
T007_IT Retail Value-Added Tax Settings
T008 Blocking Reasons for Automatic Payment Transcations
T008T Blocking Reason Names in Automatic Payment Trans.
T009 Fiscal Year Variants
T009B Fiscal year variant periods
T009C Period names
T009T Fiscal year variant names
T009Y Shortened fiscal years in Asset Accounting
T010O Posting Period Variants
T010P Posting Period Variant Names
T011 Financial Statement Versions
T011A Calendar - task description
T011B FI financial calendar - job text table
T011E Calendar of person responsible for unit
T011F FI fin.calendar - person responsible for unit text table
T011P Table no longer in use
T011Q Table no longer in use
T011T Financial statement version names
T011T_XBRL Financial statement version names
T011V FI financial calendar task-schedule link
T011Z Table no longer in use
T011_XBRL Financial Statement Versions
T012 House Banks
T012A Allocation pmnt methods -> Bank trans.
T012B Description of trans. types
T012C Terms for bank transactions
T012D Parameters for DMEs and foreign pmnt transactions
T012E EDI-compatible house banks and payment methods
T012K House Bank Accounts
T012O ORBIAN Details: Bank Accounts and Other Data
T012T House Bank Account Names
T014 Credit control areas
T014N New credit control areas to be set up
T014T Credit control area names
T015L SCB Ratios
T015M Names of the months
T015V Application Area for Instructions in Payment Transactions
T015VT Long text for application areas
T015W Instruction keys
T015W0 Allocate application areas to instruction fields
T015W1 Instructions
T015W1T Instructions (explanatory text)
T015WT Explanation of Instruction Key
T015X External Reporting: Report Recipient
T015XT External Reporting: Name of Report Recipient
T015Z Digits and numbers in words
T016 Industries
T016T Industry Names
T017 is being deleted
T018C Cash Concentration: Intermediate Acct and Amt Stipulations
T018D Forms for Cash Management and Forecast
T018P Post office bank branches
T018V Acct Transfer: Determine Receiving Banks Clearing Account
T018Z Cash Transfer: Payment Method Determination Payment Requests
T019 Financial Accounting Screen Selection
T019W Financial Accounting Window Selection
T020 FI/AM Transaction Control
T020A Acc: Single-Screen Transactions: Existing Tabs Per Transacn
T020R Program Selection for Program Transactions
T021 Fields for Line Item and Document Line Layout
T021A Forms for Additional Information
T021B Line Item Total Variants
T021C Summary Variant Short Names
T021D Line Layout Fast Entry: Administration
T021F Line Layout Fast Entry: Variants
T021G Line Layout Fast Entry: Description of Variants
T021H Line Layout Fast Entry: Screen Variants
T021I Line Layout Fast Entry: Variant Fields
T021J Fast Entry: Inactive Standard Variants
T021K Fields for Line Layout Variants
T021M Sort Variants
T021N Name of Sort Variants
T021P Default Val.Parametrizatn f.Line Layout/Total var.
T021Q Fast Entry Line Layout: Control
T021R Field selection for spec.functions (list displays)
T021S Line Layout Variant Special Fields
T021STDF Fast Entry: Standard Variant Fields
T021STDT Fast Entry: Standard Variants (Texts)
T021STDV Fast Entry: Standard Variants
T021T Line Layout Variant Texts
T021V Default Values for Layouts
T021Z Line Layout Variants
T022 FI-SL Activity: Fixed Data
T022A Spool: Indirect printer selection
T022B Spool allocation for logical/physical destination
T022D Spool: Print control translation
T022F Format Table (Grouping of the Sender Tables)
T022FT Texts for Formats used in FI-SL
T022Q Table for logical databases
T022T FI-SL Activities: Text
T023 Material Groups
T023B Minimum &maximum amount of interest penalties
T023C New document types for Prompt Payment Act
T023E Invoice line item handling rules
T023G Activate company code dependent U.S. Federal functionality
T023N Maximum amount
T023P Mapping of material groups to terms of payment keys
T023Q Fast/Accelerated Pay Payment Term
T023R Penalty interest rates & validity periods
T023S Base Material Group/Hierarchy Material Assignment
T023T Material Group Descriptions
T023U Reason codes for interest penalties
T023UT Reason code texts for T023U with language key
T023V Fast Pay/Accelerated Pay table
T023W Control Table for Value-Only Material Determination
T023X Exception Table for Value-Only Material Determination
T023Y Material Group for Fast Pay
T024 Purchasing Groups
T024A Planner group
T024B Credit management: Credit representative groups
T024C Planner Group for CAPP
T024D MRP controllers
T024E Purchasing Organizations
T024F Production scheduler
T024I Maintenance planner groups
T024L Laboratory/office for material
T024P Credit Management: Credit Representatives
T024W Valid Purchasing Organizations for Plant
T024W_CCP Plant/Supplying Plant Assignment for Extended Source Determ.
T024X Laboratory/Office Texts
T024Z Purchasing Organizations
T025 Valuation Classes
T025K Account Category Reference
T025L Account Category Reference Description
T025T Valuation Class Descriptions
T026 Purchasing Area
T026T Language-dependent purchasing area
T026Z Assignement of purchasing group to purchasing area
T027A Shipping Instructions, Purchasing
T027B Texts: Shipping Instructions
T027C Codes for Compliance with Shipping Instructions
T027D Compliance with Shipping Instructions: Texts
T028A Bank Statement Table
T028B Transaction Type of Sender Bank
T028D Define Internal Transactions in Electronic Banking
T028E Text Table for T028D
T028G Allocate External to Internal Transactions
T028H Allocate Manual to Internal Transactions
T028I Text Table for T028H
T028L EB: Sender Bank - CM Data
T028M Class for alternative currency keys
T028N Currency class descriptions
T028O Currency classes
T028P Assign Search Strings to Bank Statement Transactions
T028Q Mapping Table
T028R Repetitive Funds Transfer Types
T028RS Repetitive Funds Transfer Type Names
T028RTRANS Repetitive Transfer Transactions
T028V Transaction Types
T028W Transaction Types: Names
T028X Returns Reasons
T028Y Returns Activities: Posting Rules / Reverse Clearing
T028Z Returns Activities: Change Open Items
T030 Standard Accounts Table
T030A Transaction Keys and Assignment to Groups
T030B Standard Posting Keys
T030C Global Standard Account Table
T030D Acct Determ.for Open Item Exch.Rate Differences
T030E Acct Determ.for Open Item Exch.Rate Differences
T030F Provision Method for Doubtful Receivables
T030G Standard Accounts Table - Business Area Breakdown
T030H Acct Determ.for Open Item Exch.Rate Differences
T030HB Acct Determ.for Open Item Exch.Rate Differences
T030I Acct Determination for Intercompany Cost Flow (CE Ledger)
T030K Tax Accounts Determination
T030Q Clearing Accounts for Distributed Systems
T030R Rules for Determination of Standard Accounts
T030S Accts for Foreign Currency Assets Exchange Rate Differences
T030U Account Determ.for Balance Sheet Transfer Postings
T030V Account Conversion Tables for Distributed Systems
T030W Transaction Key Names
T030X Groups of Transaction Keys
T030Y Transaction Group Names
T031 Bill Discount Note
T031S Bill of Exchange Status
T031T Name of Bill of Exchange Status
T033 FI Depreciation Area
T033A Account Determination: Applications
T033B Account Determination: Name of Applications
T033C Account Determination: Administration Data
T033D Account Determination: Account Determination Key Names
T033E Account Determination: Control Data
T033F Account Determination: Posting Rules
T033G Acct determination: Replacing the account symbols
T033I Acct Determination: Account Symbols
T033J Account Determination: Account Symbol Descriptions
T033O Account Determination: Account Determination Key Values
T033P Accout Determination: Name of Acct Determination Key Values
T033T FI Depreciation Area
T033U Account Determ.for Balance Sheet Transfer Postings
T034 Cash Mgmt: Determine Account Assignments/Document Splitting
T035 Planning groups
T035D Cash Management Account Names
T035T Planning Group Texts
T035U Texts for Cash Management Account Names
T035V Allocate G/L Account to Segmentation (temporarily not used)
T035Z Liquidity Forecast: Payment Date Determinations/Assignments
T036 Planning levels
T036M Level Assignment for Earmarked Funds
T036M2 Earmarked Funds: Group Assignment If Account Missing
T036O Symbols for Allocating Levels for Updating
T036P Texts for Level Symbols in T0360
T036Q Allocating Levels for T0360
T036R Payment Request Levels
T036S Planning Levels with Payment Blocks
T036T Planning Level Texts
T036V Allocation of planning levels for Financial Assets Mgmt
T037 Planning Types
T037A Archiving Categories
T037R Texts for T037S
T037S Account Assignment References acc. to Transaction Type
T037T Planning Type Texts
T038 Cash Management: Grouping Structure
T038P Cash Management: Groupings (Checking Table)
T038T Texts for Groupings
T038V Distribution for Cash Mgmt Position and Liquidity Forecast
T039 Source Symbols for Cash Management
T039T Source Symbol Texts
T040 Dunning keys
T040A Dunning key names
T040S Blocking reasons for dunning notices
T040T Dunning block reason names
T041A Clearing Transactions
T041AR Residual Item Additional Functions
T041B Company Codes for Manual Payments
T041C Reasons for Reverse Posting
T041CT Reasons for Reverse Posting (Name)
T041T Clearing Transaction Names
T042 Parameters for payment transactions
T042A Bank selection for payment program
T042B Details on the company codes that must pay
T042C Technical Settings For The Payment Program
T042D Available amounts for payment program
T042E Company Code-Specific Specifications for Payment Methods
T042EA Payment method capability for ALE distribution
T042ECT Letter for Payment Correspondence (PDF)
T042F Payment method supplements
T042FSL Last additional selections used
T042G Groups of company codes ( payment program )
T042H Text table for additional payment methods
T042I Account determination for payment program
T042ICC Account Determination Payment Cards in Payment Program
T042J Bank charges determination
T042JB Customizing table for Japan Bank Mergers
T042JB1 Customizing table for Japan Bank/Branch Mergers
T042K Accounts for bank charges
T042L Bank transaction code names
T042M User Numbers At The Bank
T042N Bank transaction codes
T042OFI Events for MT100 and other DME Formats
T042OFIT Events for MT100 and other DME Formats
T042P Bank selection by postal code
T042Q Permitted Destination Lands for Payment Method
T042R Name of account holder (ref.specifications on bk.details)
T042S Charges/expenses for automatic pmnt transactions
T042T Text modules for payment forms
T042U Block Entries for Debit Customers/Credit Vendors
T042V Value date for automatic payments
T042W Permitted currency keys for payment method
T042X Company Codes Blocked by the Payment Program
T042Y Account Determination for Bank to Bank Payments
T042YP Account Determination for HR Payments
T042Z Payment Methods for Automatic Payment
T042ZA Additional specifications for payment method
T042ZA_FORMAT Different PMW Format
T042ZA_PREFTYP Different PMW Format
T042ZD Screen Control when Creating Payments in Country
T042ZDT Screen Control when Creating Payments in Country
T042ZEBPP Biller Direct Payment Methods
T042ZF Allocation: Branch - (Paying) Company Code
T042ZFCL Additional Payment Method Classifications for Payment Progm
T042ZT Texts of Payment Methods for Automatic Payment
T043 Assign Accounting Clerks --> Tolerance Group
T043G Tolerances for Groups of Customers/Vendors
T043GT Name of Business Partners Tolerance Groups
T043I Tolerance Groups for Persons Processing Inventory Diff.
T043K Control of Payment Notices to Customers/Vendors
T043S Tolerances for Groups of G/L Accounts
T043ST Name of Business Partners Tolerance Groups
T043T FI tolerance groups for employees
T043U Negative grace period
T044A Foreign Currency Valuation Methods
T044AB Valuation Attributes for OI Valuation By Remaining Term
T044ABT Description for Valuation Attributes By Remaining Term
T044B Valuation method names
T044D Work Files for the Extract of the Accum.Balance Audit Trail
T044E Foreign Currency Valuation: Items with Special Cover
T044G Valuation Adjustment Key
T044HT Flat-rate Value Adjustment of Individual Documents (Text)
T044I FI Valuation: Determine Base Value
T044J Preference Key for Reading Valuation Results
T044KT Further Specifications for Sorted List
T044L Sorted List of Open Items
T044LH Sort Methods
T044LT Sorted List of Open Items
T044Z Customer/Vendor Accounts with Changed Reconciliation Account
T045B Expense/Bank Accounts and Tax Codes for Bill Presentation
T045D Available amounts for bill of exchange presentation
T045DTA DME file check table for bill of exchange presentation
T045E Presentation to Bank
T045F Bank selection for bill of exchange presentation
T045G Bank charges table for bill of exchange presentation
T045K Bill of Exchange Portfolios
T045L Charges table for bill/ex.presentation (country-specific)
T045P Bill of Exchange Portfolios
T045T User ID for bank transactions
T045W Bank Subaccounts for Bill of Exchange Usage
T046 Bill of Exchange Tax
T046A Assignment:1 Bank Cmmt Acct - diverse Bill of Ex.Return Acts
T046R Texts for the exceptions from cashed bills/
T046S Exceptions from cashed bills of exchange paid to vendors
T046T Bill of Exchange Tax Code Names
T047 Company Code Dunning Control
T047A Account Level Dunning Control
T047B Dunning level control
T047C Dunning charges
T047D Form selection for legal dunning proceedings
T047E Form selection for dunning notices
T047F Sorting of dunning letters
T047FSL Last-Used Additional Selection for Dunning
T047H Marginal amounts
T047I Standard texts for dunning notices
T047M Dunning areas
T047N Dunning area texts
T047R Grouping rules for dunning notices
T047S Name of grouping rules
T047T Dunning procedure names
T048 Correspondence Types
T048A Company Code Data
T048B Report Assignment for Automatic Correspondence
T048I Correspondence type properties
T048K Indicator for Periodic Account Statements
T048L Indicator Texts for Periodic Bank Statements
T048T Correspondence texts
T048V Correspondence procedures
T048W Name of correspondence procedure
T048X Attached payment medium: Function modules
T048Y Company Code Data on Attached Payment Mediums
T048Z Text for attached payment mediums
T049A Posting Data For Autocash With Lockbox
T049B Control Parameters for Autocash
T049C Evaluation of the Autocash Tapes
T049E Control Data for Swiss ISR Procedure
T049F Cashed Checks Control Table
T049L Lockboxes at our House Banks
T050T General texts
T051A Account Balances for Statutory Reporting
T052 Terms of Payment
T052A Known/Negotiated Leave
T052R Rules for Issuing Invoices
T052S Terms of Payment for Holdback/Retainage
T052T Negotiated Leave Name
T052U Own Explanations for Terms of Payment
T053 Line Item Texts
T053A Selection Rules for Payment Advices
T053B Selection Rules for Payment Advices (Texts)
T053C Selection Sequence for Payment Advices
T053D Reason Codes Assigned as Fixed for Clearing Pmnt Adv.
T053E Reason Code Conversion
T053G Payment Advice Types
T053R Classification of Payment Differences
T053S Classification of Payment Differences (Texts)
T053V Reason Code Conversion Version
T053W Reason Code Conversion Version Names
T054 Run Schedule for Recurring Documents
T054A Settlement Data for Recurring Entry Schedules
T054T Name of Run Schedules for Recurring Documents
T055 Field group fields (master data)
T055F Field Group Fields (Master Data)
T055G Field groups (master data)
T055T Field group names
T056 Interest settlement
T056A Time-dependent conditions
T056B Transaction Types
T056C Fixed Amounts in Interest Calculation
T056D Form names for interest for days overdue
T056F Reference interest rates
T056G Interest calculation rules
T056H Text tab. for int.calc.rule
T056I Time-dep.terms for interest calc.rule
T056J Time-dependent terms for interest calc.rule - access
T056L Function modules for int.transaction types
T056P Reference interest table
T056R Interest reference definition
T056S Interest scale interest terms (acct
T056T Text table for transaction types(int.calc.reports)
T056U Control table for calculation of interest on arrears
T056X Text table for interest indicators
T056Y Assign special G/L indicator to interest indicator
T056Z Interest Rates
T057 Preference Indicator
T057T Subsidy indicator names
T058A Japanese Stamp Tax
T058B Number Range Assignment for Receipts
T058T Group Receipt Names
T059A Type of Recipient For Vendors
T059B Withholding Tax Classes for Vendors: Names
T059C Types of Recipient: Vendors per Withholding Tax Type
T059D Types of Recipient: Vendors per Withholding Tax Type
T059E Income Types
T059F Formulas for Calculating Withholding Tax
T059FB Formulae for calculating withholding tax (new functions)
T059FBH W/tax formulae: Header
T059G Income Types: Names
T059ID01 Withholding Tax Output Group Description
T059ID01T Texts in Withholding Tax Output Group
T059K Withholding tax code and processing key
T059L Regional tax minimum amounts for 1099 reporting
T059M Minority Indicators
T059MINMAX Minimum and maximum amounts for withholding tax
T059O Official withholding tax key - Descriptions
T059OT Text table: Official withholding tax key descriptions
T059P Withholding tax types
T059Q Withholding Tax
T059R Recipient Code
T059REXT Reporting key (new withholding tax)
T059T Texts for Minority Indicators
T059U Text Table: Withholding Tax Types
T059V Reasons for exemption per withholding tax type
T059W Reasons for exemption per withholding tax type
T059Z Withholding tax code (enhanced functions)
T059ZT Text table: Withholding tax codes
T059ZZINS Withholding tax code for interest calculation
T059Z_WITHCD2 Entity Table: Additional Official Withholding Tax Code
T059Z_WITHCD2T Text Table: Additional Official Withholding Tax Code
T060 Rules for A/R and A/P information system
T060A Evaluation types in A/R and A/P information system
T060B Texts for T060A - evaluatn types in A/R and A/P info system
T060K FI constants
T060L FI constant name
T060M FI constant values
T060O Evaluation views for A/R and A/P information system
T060S Evaluation views for A/R and A/P information system
T060T Evaluation names in the FI information system
T060U Description of evaluation views for A/R and A/P info system
T061A Development Partner
T061P FI-ARI: External partner products
T061Q FI-ARI: External partner products (texts)
T061R FI-ARI: Active external partner products
T061S FI-ARI: Functions for external partners
T061V FI-ARI: Texts for external partner functions
T063 Screen Control: Inventory Management
T063C Call-Screen Control: Inventory Management
T063D Screen Control: View in Inventory Management
T063F Function Codes: Inventory Management
T063O OK Codes in Inventory Management
T063T Transactions Called Up From Inventory Management
T064A Physical Inventory Stock Types
T064B Stock Types and Texts for Physical Inventory
T064F Function Codes: Physical Inventory
T064S Stock Mngmt Levels for Inventory Sampling
T064T Physical Inventory: Texts
T066 Screen Selection, Invoice Verification
T066K Window Coordinates, Invoice Verification/Valuation
T068A Exchange rate indicators
T068B Text table for T068A
T069 Certificate Categories
T069Q Control Data for Source Determination and Checking
T069T Certificate Categories: Text Description
T070 FI Document Archiving - Document Lives
T071 FI Document Archiving - Account Lives
T074 Special G/L Accounts
T074A Special G/L Transaction Type Names
T074T Special G/L Indicator Names
T074U Special G/L Indicator Properties
T076A Assign Payment Advice Notes to Posting Rules
T076B EDI: Assign Name in the Invoice <-> Company Code
T076E FI-EDI: Assignment Pymt Method - External Pymt Method (Bank)
T076I FI-EDI: G/L Accounts
T076K FI-EDI: Additional Account Assignments
T076M EDI: Conversion of External Tax Rate <-> Tax Code
T076S EDI-INVOIC: Program Parameters
T077D Customer account groups
T077K Vendor account groups
T077S G/L account groups
T077T Table no longer in use
T077X Account Group Names (Table T077D)
T077Y Account Group Names (Table T077K)
T077Z Account Group Names (Table T077S)
T078D Trans.-dependent screen selection for cust.master
T078K Transaction-dependent screen selection for vendor master
T078S Action Type Screen Selection for G/L Acct Master Data
T078W Transaction-dependent screen selection Plant Master
T079D Company code-dependent screen sel.for cust.master
T079K Company code-dependent screen sel.for vend.master
T079M Vendor master data screen selection (
T079V Customers: Screen Selection according to Sales Org.
T080A Structure definition work list suffix
T082 Field group authorization assets
T082A Field string asset master record maintenance
T082AVIEW0 Entity Table for Asset Views
T082AVIEW0T Text Tables for Asset Views
T082AVIEW1 View Authorization for Asset Master Data Fields
T082AVIEW2 View Authorization for Asset Depreciation Area Fields
T082AVIEWB View Authorization for Depreciation Areas
T082AVIEWTRANSG Assignment of Transaction Group to Asset View
T082B Field groups assets definition
T082E Description asset views
T082F Field groups asset data
T082G Field strings for screen selection asset master data.
T082H Field string name: Asset master data maintenance
T082I Create takeover rules from transfer for master data
T082J Create takeover rules from transfer for master data: areas
T082L Summary of logical field groups
T082M Description for logical field groups
T082S Dynpro control of the views
T082T Names For Field Groups
T083L Leasing types
T083S Leasing types-Description
T083T Description of leasing cycle
T084 Incorrect assets
T084A Restart information for legacy asset data transfer
T085 Investment support measures
T085P Investment support: Default and check table
T085S Description of individual investment support measures
T085Z Capital investment grants with time-dependent percentages
T086 Sort version Reporting
T086A Call up of AM reports per transaction function
T086T Names for Reporting Sort Versions
T087 Evaluation groups
T087G Evaluation group 8 places
T087I Reason for investment
T087J Text
T087K Reason for investment protecting the environment
T087L Text table for reasons for environmental investments
T087S Test table for evaluation group 8 places
T087T Description of Evaluation Groups
T087U Asset group number / asset group
T087V Text table asset group number / asset group
T088 Selection Table for Italian Asset Register
T089 One-Time Revaluation on Key Date
T089T Text table for T089 (appreciations)
T090 Depreciation calculation keys
T090A Period control dep. calculation
T090C External depreciation keys
T090I Depreciation simulation (Reporting)
T090L Unit-of-production method of depreciation
T090M Table for maximum depreciation amounts
T090MIG FI-AA: Calculation Methods Were Migrated
T090NA Depreciation Keys
T090NAT Names of Depreciation Keys
T090NAZ Depreciation Keys - Method Assignment
T090ND Declining-Balance Method
T090NDT Name for Declining-Balance Method
T090NH Maximum Amount Method
T090NHT Name for Maximum Amount Method
T090NH_METH Maximum Amount Method
T090NP Period Control Method
T090NPT Name of Period Control Method
T090NR Base Method
T090NRT Base Method
T090NS Multilevel Method
T090NSG Multi-Level Method - Start of Validity
T090NSK Multilevel Method
T090NST Name of Multi-Level Methods
T090P Dep. calc. key percentage records
T090R Period control rules for transactions
T090S Names For Internal Calculation Keys
T090T Names For External Depreciation Keys
T090U Texts on depreciation simulation versions
T090V Name for period control in transactions
T090W Short Texts for Depreciation Trace
T090X Simulation Versions
T090Y Weighting of depreciation periods
T090Z Period control for transactions
T091 Cut-off value key
T091C Translation methods for Asset Accounting
T091P Cut-off val. percent. rates
T091S Text for translation methods
T091T Names for Cut-Off Value Keys
T092 Property classification key
T092T Description of the Property Classification Key
T093 Real and derived depreciation areas
T093A Real depreciation area
T093B Company code-related depreciation area specifications
T093B_RSL Company Code-Related Depreciation Area Specifications
T093C Company codes in Asset Accounting
T093CE Block posting for certain fiscal years
T093C_RSL Default Values for Depreciation Key in Company Code
T093D Control dep. posting
T093F Check rules dep. calc. (not used!)
T093G Cross-System Depreciation Areas
T093GT Texts for Cross-System Depreciation Areas
T093H Assignment of FI-AA Line Item Schema
T093N Number assignment alloc. AA
T093R Control Table for Archiving in Asset Accounting
T093S Value Field Names for Depreciation Areas
T093SB Substitution for Asset Management / Company Code
T093T Names for real and derived depreciation areas
T093U Options for asset legacy data transfer
T093V Validation for Asset Management / Company Code
T093Y Shortened fiscal year
T093_ACCOBJ Account Assignment Objects in Asset Accounting
T093_ACCOBJT Texts for Account Assignment Objects in Asset Accounting
T093_BSN_FUNC ERP Business Function for FI-AA
T093_MAP_ACC Mapping Table for Alternative Company Codes
T094 Index Figures for Replacement Values
T094A Index series for replacement values
T094B Allowed base years per index series
T094C Index Class
T094P Index Figures for Replacement Values
T094S Names for Index Classes
T094T Index series names
T095 Balance sheet accounts for depreciation areas
T095A Account allocation
T095A_MAP Customizing Table for Account Maintenance (Instead of T095)
T095B G/L accounts value adjustment
T095C FI-AA Standard Account Determination
T095P Reconcil.accts. derived dep. areas
T095T Name for account groups
T096 Chart of depreciation
T096T Chart of depreciation texts
T097 Property indicator
T097JP FI-AA: Percentage rates for property valuation Japan
T097T Description of the Property Indicator
T098 Basis manual property evaluation
T098T Description of the reasons for manual property values
T099 Insurance types
T099A Insurance companies
T099B Insurance premiums
T099T Description of Insurance Types
T099U Insurance Companies Description
T099V Insurance Tariff Description
T0KBA SDB: Customizing Symptom Type
T0KBAT SDB: Customizing Symptom Type Text
T0KBB SDB: Customizing Solution Type
T0KBBT SDB: Customizing Solution Type Text
T0KBC SDB: Customizing Symptom Category
T0KBCT SDB: Customizing Symptom Category Text
T0KBD SDB: Customizing Application Area
T0KBDT SDB: Customizing Application Area
T0KBE SDB: Customizing Validation Category
T0KBET SDB: Customizing Validation Category
T0KBF SDB: Customizing Solution Category
T0KBFT SDB: Customizing Solution Category Text
T0KBN SDB: Customizing Number ranges
T0KBOB SDB: Customizing Object table
SAP tables starting with T1
T100 Messages
T100A Message IDs for T100
T100C Message Control by User
T100O Assignment of message to object
T100S Configurable system messages
T100SA Application Areas for Configurable Messages
T100T Table T100A text
T100U Last person to change messages
T100V Assignment of messages to tables/views
T100VV Generated Table for View T100VV
T100W Assign Messages to Workflow
T100X Error Messages: Supplements
T130A Material master field selection
T130C Definition of required tables
T130D Screen data
T130F Field attributes
T130FT Texts for ALE Field Groups
T130G Selection group and its tables
T130M Transaction control parameters: material master maintenance
T130O SAP components for material master record maintenance
T130P Status and table
T130Q Reduced status and its tables
T130R Table and key field
T130S General Control Indicators in Master Data Maintenance
T130W Plant parameters for master data maintenance
T130Z Use of material master views
T131A Change code, selection group, and material master table
T131T Screen Descriptions
T131V Change code plus maintenance status
T131X Change Codes with Descriptions
T132 Status definition
T132T Definition of Valid Statuses
T133A Logical Screens: Attributes
T133B Descriptions of Logical Screens
T133C Assignment of Screen Modules to Logical Screens
T133D Sequence Control for Logical Screens
T133E Function-Oriented Masking for Table T133D
T133F Field Selection: Material Master (Part 2)
T133K Influencing Factors: Screen Sequence No.
T133P Retail: Status and Table
T133Q Retail: Status and Relevant RMMW1 Fields
T133R Retail: Table and Key Field
T133S Screen Sequences
T133T Screen Sequence Descriptions
T134 Material Types
T134G Organization Unit: Business Area Determination
T134H Organiz. Unit: Business Area Determ. - MM View
T134K Configurable Material Types
T134M Control of Qty/Value Update
T134T Material Type Descriptions
T134W Initial Status of Batch
T135A Field Selection: Initial Screen
T136 Stock Display: Basic List/Breakdown List
T136A Display Version: Stock Overview
T136E Fields for stock display: individual list
T136F Fields for stock display: basic list/detail list
T136T Descriptions of Stock Overview Display Versions
T136V Assignment of Stock Line to Version for Segregated List
T137 Industries for materials
T137T Industry Descriptions
T138A Fields for Mass Change: Material Master Records
T138B Material master screen sequence control
T138C Individual Transaction Code for Mass Change
T138M Masking of the entries in table T138B
T138V Versions for Mass Change: Material Master Records
T138Z Common Fields in MPN Groups
T139A Exception Messages: Period Closing Program
T139B Exception Messages: Period Closing Program
T141 Material Status from Materials Management/PPC View
T141T Descriptions of Material Status from MM/PP View
T142 Storage Conditions for Materials
T142T Storage Condition Texts
T143 Temperature Conditions for Storing Materials
T143T Temperature Condition Texts
T144 Container Requirements for Storing Materials
T144T Container Requirement Texts
T147 Control Table for Vendor Evaluation
T147A Definition for Main Criteria for Vendor Evaluation
T147B Texts for Main Criteria in Vendor Evaluation
T147C Definition for Subcriteria for Vendor Evaluation
T147D Texts for Subcriteria in Vendor Evaluation
T147E Definition of Weighting Keys by Main Criterion
T147F Description of Weighting Keys in Vendor Evaluation
T147G Main Criteria in Vendor Evaluation
T147H Intervals for Delivery Time Statistics
T147I Definition for Subcriteria for Main Criterion
T147J Weighting Keys in Vendor Evaluation
T147K Vendor Evaluation: Assignment Percentages - Points Scores
T147L Intervals for Quantity Reliability Statistics
T147M Definition of Scope of List: Vendor Evaluation
T147N Texts for Scope of List in Vendor Evaluation
T147O Scope of List: Vendor Evaluation
T148 Special Stock Indicator
T148A Field selection on initial screen of special stock maint.
T148B Screen sequence: special stock maintenance
T148F Fields for special stock maintenance
T148G Field selection: special stocks
T148K Lower stock balance indicator for individual segments
T148M Transaction control parameters: special stocks
T148T Special Stock Descriptions
T148W Plant parameters for special stock maintenance
T148Z Value table for domain ZUSCH (deactivated)
T148ZT Text table for value table T148Z (deactivated)
T149 Valuation type/valuation class
T149A Valuation types for valuation area
T149B Valuation Category/Valuation type
T149C Global Valuation Categories
T149D Global Valuation Types
T149E Global Valuat.Type/Valuat.Categ. Combinations
T149T Global Valuation Category Descriptions
T150 Physical Inventory Stock Types and Allocated Movement Types
T150F Stock Types and Allocated Fields in Physical Inventory
T151 Customers: Customer Groups
T151T Customers: Customer groups: Texts
T156 Movement Type
T156A Assignment of RP Account Posting Type to Movement Type
T156B Movement Types: Screen Selection
T156C Stock Types and Their Values
T156F Fields in Quantity String
T156H Help Texts for Movement Type (up to Rel. 2.0, then T157H)
T156HT Main Text for Movement Type
T156K Account Assignment Fields in Field Selection (up to 2.1)
T156M Posting String: Quantity
T156N Next Movement Type
T156Q Movement Type: Material-Independent Control
T156S Movement Type: Quantities/Value Posting (Until Rel. 4.5B)
T156SC Mvt Type: Qty/Value Posting: Customer Table; as of Rel. 4.6A
T156SY Mvt Type: Qty/Value Update: System Table; Rel. 4.6A
T156T Movement Type Text
T156V Availability Table
T156W Posting string values
T156X Trans./Event Key Modification
T157B Descr. of Qty Fields (Plant Stock Avail., Stock Display)
T157D Reason for Movement
T157E Text Table: Reason for Movement
T157F Display Fields: Plant Availability
T157H Help Texts for Movement Types
T157N Fields in Stock Balance Display (Inventory Management)
T157O Routine Selection for Plant Availability
T157P Display Rules
T157Q Inventory Mgmt.: Display Rules for Plant Stock Availability
T157R Display Rule for Availability Block
T157T Description of Fields in Availability Block
T158 Transaction Control: Inventory Management
T158B Check Table: Movement Type for Transaction Code
T158G MMIM: Possible Codes for BAPI Goods Movement
T158I Transaction Control: Physical Inventory
T158N Next Transaction Code in Inventory Management
T158T Inv. Management: Text Table for Trans./Event Types Allowed
T158V Inv. Mngmt - General: Transaction/Event Types Allowed
T158W Long Text for Transaction/Event Type
T159A Test Data for Batch Input in Inventory Management
T159B Parameters for Batch Inputs in Inventory Management
T159C Value table for counting cycles in cycle counting
T159E IM Print Func.:Determ.No.of Copies f. Label Print.
T159F MMIM: Error Messages Resulting From Blocked Objects
T159G Default Values for Inventory Sampling Profile
T159H Long Text for Inv. Sampling Profile
T159I Test Data for Batch Input in Inventory Management (Phys.Inv)
T159L Default values for inventory management and physical invent.
T159M Inv. Managmt Print Function: Active Form Version, Labels
T159N Invent. Mgmt Print Function: Active Form Versions
T159O Inv. Mngmt Print Function: Maintain Text Name for Labels
T159P Parameters for Printing GR/GI Slips
T159Q Inventory Management Print Function: Value Table for KZDRU
T159R IM Document Reorganization - Life of Documents
T159S Inventory Mgmt Print Function: Printer Combination
T159T Invntry Mgmt. Printing: Text Table for Table T159Q
T159V Text table for T159w
T159W Foundation transactions and corresponding posting keys
T159X Inventory Management: XAB numer range determination
T159Z Inventory Management: XAB number range
T160 SAP Transaction Control, Purchasing
T160AT Message Control Allocation Table
T160B SAP Transaction Control, List Displays, Purchasing
T160C SAP Transaction Control for List Displays in CALL
T160D Function Authorizations: Purchase Order
T160E Function Authorizations: Purchasing: Descriptions
T160EX Criteria Table für External BAnfen
T160I Control of Intrastat Reports
T160J Text Table for Intrastat Reports
T160L Scope of Purchasing Lists
T160M Message Control: Purchasing (System Messages)
T160MVAL Message category restriction for T160M
T160O Description of Scope of List
T160P Entities Table Routines
T160PR Profile for External Purchasing System
T160Q Scope of List: Buyers Negotiation Sheet: Routines
T160R Routines for Buyers Negotiation Sheet
T160S Selection Parameters for Purchasing Lists
T160T Description of Selection Parameters
T160V Default Values for Purchasing
T160W Description for Default Values for Purchasing Operations
T160X Scope of List: Buyers Negotiation Sheet
T160Y Scope of List: Buyers Negotiation Sheet: Description
T161 Purchasing Document Types
T161A Linkage of Requisition Doc. Type to Purchasing Document Type
T161B Default Business Transaction Type for Import
T161C Settings for Documents from CRM/BBP
T161E Release Codes
T161F Release Point Assignment for Purchase Requisition Release
T161G Release Prerequisite, Purchase Requisition
T161H Fields for Release Procedure, Purchase Requisition
T161I Determination of Release Strategy
T161M Fine-Tuned Control: Message Types
T161N Message Determination Schemas: Assignment
T161P Check of Document Type, Document Category, Item Category
T161R REORG Control, Purchasing
T161S Release Indicator, Purchase Requisition
T161SN Assignment of Serial Number Profile to Item Category
T161T Texts for Purchasing Document Types
T161U Texts for Release Indicator
T161V Shipping-Specific Data for Stock Tfr. for Purch. Doc. Type
T161VN Shipping-Rel. Data f. Stck Transfer f. PO Doc.Type f. St.Loc
T161W Order Types for Stock Transfer
T161Z Additional Checks for Outline Agreements on Reorganization
T162 Field Selection, Purchasing Document
T162B SRV: Names of Field Selection Reference Keys
T162F SRV: Names of Fields and Assignment to Group
T162G SRV: Groups: Field Selection
T162K Field Selection, Account Assignment Fields, Purchasing
T162S Field Selection for External Services Management
T162T Description of Field Selection Reference Key
T162V Display Variant for Service Overview
T162X Description of Field Groups from T162/T162K
T162Y Groups: Field Selection
T163 Item Categories in Purchasing Document
T163A Check Item Category/Account Assignment Category
T163B Purchase Order History Categories
T163C Texts for Purchase Order History Categories
T163D Assignment Internal/External Confirmation Category
T163E Confirmation Categories
T163F Confirmation Categories: Descriptions
T163G Confirmation Control
T163I Texts for Account Assignment Categories
T163K Account Assignment Categories in Purchasing Document
T163KS Assignment of Tax Indicator to Account Assignment Category
T163L Confirmation Control Keys
T163LV Determination of Confirmation Control Key
T163M Confirmation Control Keys: Description
T163P Release Creation Profile
T163Q Profile: Quantity Differences Shipping Notif./Inb. Delivery
T163Q_B Relevant Movement Types for Shipping Notif./Inb. Delivery
T163R Control of Parallel Processing in Inbound Logistics
T163RC Reason for Final Account Assignment Indicator
T163RCT Description of Reason for Final Account Assignment Indicator
T163S Description for Release Creation Profile
T163X Zombie T163X
T163Y Texts for Item Categories
T164A SAPcomm: System Parameters
T164C SAPcomm: Destination server assignment
T164O SAPcomm: Server location
T164P SAPcomm: Server selection
T164U Regional subscriber number characteristic
T164Y SAPcomm: Incoming Mail Recipients
T165 Default Values for Purchasing/Services
T165A Condition Schema for Services
T165E Default Values: Service per Purchasing Organization
T165F Descriptions for User Fields per Purchasing Organization
T165K Copying Options: Header Texts
T165M Reasons for Cancellation: Short Descriptions
T165P Copying Options: Item texts
T165R Reason for Cancellation
T165S Default Initial Screen: External Services Management
T165T Text Name: External Services Management Transactions/Events
T165U Labels for User Fields and Formula Variables
T166A Supplement Text in Purchasing Document Printouts
T166C Print-Relevant Purchasing Document Changes
T166K Header Texts in Purchasing Document Printouts
T166P Item Texts in Purchasing Document Printouts
T166T Change Texts in Purchasing Document Printouts
T166U Headings in Purchasing Document Printout
T167 Number Range Management for Purchasing Master Data
T167B Name of Formula
T167C Label for the Variables of a Formula
T167F Formulas for Service Lines
T167T Transaction Description
T167V Variables of a Formula
T168 Screen Control, Purchasing
T168F Function Codes, Purchasing
T168T Screen Titles
T169 SAP Transaction Control, Invoice Verification/Valuation
T169A Posting String for Invoice Verification
T169B Notifiable PO Supplement Types
T169BP Partner Allowed as Payment Recipient
T169COMPLAINT Complaints Reasons in an Invoice
T169COMPLAINT_T Texts for Complaints Reasons
T169D Invoice Verification: Amount Check
T169DC Automatic Settlement of Planned Delivery Costs
T169E Tolerance Limit Keys
T169F Transaction-Dependent Defaults: Invoice Verification
T169G Tolerance Limits, Invoice Verification
T169H Entry Profile
T169HT Entry Profile Description, Logistics Invoice Verification
T169K Default Values, Account Maintenance
T169L Vendor-Specific Parameters for Invoice Verification
T169O Account Assignment Block: Fields To Be Excluded from IV
T169P Parameters, Invoice Verification
T169R MR Document Reorganization - Document Validity Period
T169RETENTION Tax Code for Retention Amounts
T169RETTIME Warranty Period for Security Retention
T169S Tolerance Limit Keys
T169T Text Table for Tolerance Limits
T169TAXRET Determination of Cash Discount Base for Security Retention
T169TC Logistics Invoice Verification: Item List Variants
T169TCDATA Logistics Invoice Verification: Item List Variants
T169TCTEXT To be deleted!
T169V Default Values, Invoice Verification
T169VARIANCETYP Possible Variance Types in Invoices
T169VARIANCETYPT Texts for Variance Types in Invoice Verification
T169W Posting Strings (Values) for SAPMM08R
T169WF01 IV Workflow: Amounts for Release in Invoice Parking
T169X Transaction Texts: Invoice Verification
T169Y Default Setting of Aggregation for Screen Variant
T16CA DCM Control Table: Change Management
T16CC DCM Reason for Change
T16CD Control of Selection in Buyer Approval
T16CE Output Control: Display of Change Documents in Purchasing
T16CR Version-Relevant Fields of Purchase Requisition
T16CT DCM Text for Reason for Change
T16FB Release Indicator: Purchasing Document
T16FC Release Codes
T16FD Description of Release Codes
T16FE Descriptions of Release Indicators: Purchasing Documents
T16FG Release Groups
T16FH Descriptions of Release Groups
T16FK Release Statuses
T16FL Release Indicators: Service Entry Sheet
T16FM Descriptions of Release Indicators for Services
T16FS Release Strategies
T16FT Descriptions of Release Strategies
T16FV Release Prerequisites
T16FW Assignment of Role to Release Code
T16LA Texts on Status of Requisition Processing
T16LB Scope of List: Purchase Requisitions
T16LC Description of Scope of List: Purchase Requisitions
T16LD Routines for Structure of Requisition Lists
T16LE Texts for Routines for Structure of Requisition Lists
T16LF Routines for Data Retrieval in Requisition Lists
T16LG Texts for Routines for Data Retrieval in Requisition Lists
T16LH Default List Scope for Requisitions in Transactions
T16LI Data Retrieval for List Scope: Purchase Requisitions
T16LL Routines for List Scope: Purchase Requisitions
T16SA External Services Management: Routines for Scope of List
T16SB External Services Management: Routines for Scope of List
T16SC Scope of List for External Services Management
T170 Copying Control: Texts in Purchasing
T171 Customers: Sales Districts
T171T Customers: Sales districts: Texts
T173 Routes: Mode of Transport for Each Shipping Type
T173T Routes: Mode of Transport by Shipping Type: Texts
T175DP Categories of Down Payment Request in Purchasing
T175DP_STATE Update Down Payment Requests in Purchase Order History
T175DP_TEXT Texts for Down Payment Categories
T176 Sales Documents: Customer Order Types
T176T Sales Documents: Customer Order Types: Texts
T178 Conditions: Groups for Materials
T178T Conditions: Groups for Materials: Texts
T179 Materials: Product Hierarchies
T179T Materials: Product hierarchies: Texts
T180 Screen Sequence Control: Transaction Default Values
T180A Reporting: Access Types according to Field
T180B Reporting: Totals Variants
T180C Reporting: Totals Variants: Texts
T180G Reporting: Totals Variants for each Display Variant
T180L SD: Valid Logical Databases for Extended Search Help
T180M Customizing List: Modification
T180P Reporting: Display Variants: Selection Fields per Variant(s)
T180S Reporting: Display Variants: Fields
T180T Reporting: Display Variants - Texts
T180U Reporting: Display Variants - Headings
T180V Reporting: Default Values
T180W Reporting: Window Selection
T180Z Reporting: Display Variants
T181D Customizing List: Assign Work Structure
T181F Customizing Lists: Inactive Functions
T181G Generation Specifications
T181O Customizing Lists: Assign Transaction and Report
T181S Customizing List: Possible Display Groups
T181T Reporting: Screen Texts for Sales
T181V Customizing List: Default Values
T181Z Customizing Lists: Reasonable Accesses
T182A Allocate Reporting Edit Routines to SAPscript Elements
T182B Structure of Info View in SD Reporting
T182BT Structure of an Info View in Reporting
T182C Allocate Report > (User, View)
T182D Allocate Report > (View, Form)
T182E Control Table for Customer Statistics
T184 Sales Documents: Item Category Determination
T184D Table for Items not Relevant for Distribution
T184L Sales Documents: Item Category Determination
T185 Screen sequence control: Paths between processing locations
T185D Screen Control: Dialog
T185E Screen Control Control: Development Support
T185F Screen Control: Function Codes
T185T Screen Sequence Control: Dialogs: Texts
T185V Screen sequence control: Processing location(s)
T185W Screen Sequence Control: Processing Locations: Texts
T186 Delivery List Profile
T186C Profile in Deliveries Environment
T186CT Texts for Create Delivery Profile
T186E Exclude/Include F Codes from the Current GUI Status
T186F Functions in the Shipping Due List
T186T Texts for Shipping Due List List Profile
T186V Link between Scenario and Profile
T186VT Texts for Shipping Due List List Profile
T188 Conditions: Groups for Customer Classifications
T188T Conditions: Groups for Customer Classes: Texts
T189 Conditions: Price List Categories
T189T Conditions: Price List Categories: Texts
T190 Product Allocation: Controlling
T190H Product Allocation: Planning Structure for this Step
T190HT Product Allocation: Text for Planning Hierarchy
T190O Product Allocation: Definition of Product Allocation Object
T190OT Product Allocation: Text for Product Allocation Object
T190S Product Allocation: Definition Procedure
T190ST Product Allocation: Definition
T190V Product allocations: Consumption period in an info structure
SAP tables starting with T2
T2207 Values for Characteristic "IATA Season "
T2208 Values for Characteristic "Day of Operation "
T2209 Values for Characteristic "Aircraft Type "
T2210 Values for Characteristic "Rotation "
T2211 Values for Characteristic "Destination "
T2212 Values for Characteristic "Departure Location "
T2213 Values for Characteristic "Flight Segment "
T2214 Values for Characteristic "Region "
T2215 Values for Characteristic "Flight Number "
T2216 Values for Characteristic "Flight Type "
T2246 Values for Characteristic "Main Product Group "
T2247 Values for Characteristic "Strategy Business Unit."
T2248 Values for Characteristic "Category "
T2249 Values for Characteristic "Brand "
T22A7 Text Table for Characteristic Values
T22A8 Text Table for Characteristic Values
T22A9 Text Table for Characteristic Values
T22B0 Text Table for Characteristic Values
T22B1 Text Table for Characteristic Values
T22B2 Text Table for Characteristic Values
T22B3 Text Table for Characteristic Values
T22B4 Text Table for Characteristic Values
T22B5 Text Table for Characteristic Values
T22B6 Text Table for Characteristic Values
T22E6 Text Table for Characteristic Values
T22E7 Text Table for Characteristic Values
T22E8 Text Table for Characteristic Values
T22E9 Text Table for Characteristic Values
T237 Name of report structure
T237A Display control for T237
T237T Text table for T237
T239 Report version table
T239T Text table for T239
T2410 Language table system control parameters
T2411 Description of parameter groups
T241B Description of Characteristic Values
T241E Text to sort reports into report portfolio
T241H Text for report portfolio hierarchy
T241Q Text table for currency translation type
T241S Sender field description
T241V Data Area Text
T241W Description of value type
T241Y Texts for transfer parameters
T241Z User profile text table
T2420 System control parameters
T2421 Parameter groups for system control parameters in SAP-EIS
T242A Aspects
T242B Characteristic values per characteristic
T242D Data transfer control
T242E Sort reports into report portfolio
T242H Hierarchies in report portfolio
T242I Sender information
T242N Report composed of individual windows
T242P Window management
T242Q Currency translation type
T242S SAP-EIS: Collection programs and sender structures
T242T Texts
T242V Data area (previously version)
T242W Value types
T242X SAP-EIS: Data Transfer: Origin Parameters
T242Y Transfer parameters
T242Z Hierarchy index
T243A Set TR-CM Subsystems and Company Codes
T243B Convert Sender Planning Group
T243C Convert Sender Planning Level
T243D Convert Sender Business Areas
T243E Time Zone of the Subsystems
T243LS Logging Table for Distributed CM Data
T243S TRCM Link: Transmission Status
T243X Table for Logical Systems
T246 Table documentation
T247 Month name and short text
T248 Week in a month (first, ..., last)
T2500 Values for Characteristic "Country Ship-to "
T2501 Values for Characteristic "Intercompany Ind. "
T2502 Values for Characteristic "Region Ship-to "
T2503 NULL
T2504 NULL
T2512 Table of characteristic values
T2513 Table of Characteristic Values
T2514 Table of characteristic values
T2538 Table of Characteristic Values
T255 Values for Characteristic "&"
T258A Determining the costing sheet for condition access
T258E Table for managing external data transfer
T258F CO-PA access control for Product Costing
T258I Assignment: Condition types -> CO-PA value fields
T258K Assignment of Cost Components to CO-PA Value Fields
T258M Assignment: SD qty. fields -> CO-PA qty. fields
T258T Description of assignment group
T258W Assignment: DDIC structures -> CO-PA structures
T258Z Definition of allocation groups
T25A0 Text table for characteristic values
T25A1 Text table for characteristic values
T25A2 Text table for characteristic values
T25B2 Text table for characteristics
T25B3 Text table for characteristic values
T25B4 Text table for characteristic values
T25D8 Text table for characteristic values
T25T Text table for characteristic values
T260 Standard Service Catalog: Structure Definition
T260H Text Module Description
T260S Structure Description of Service Type
T260T Description for Structure Definition of Service Type
T260U Split Structure of Text Module
T265 Transaction Control: External Services Management
T27NN Master Data Table: &
T28NN Master Data Texts: &
SAP tables starting with T3
T300 WM Warehouse Numbers
T300T Warehouse Number Descriptions
T301 WM Storage Types
T301T Storage Type Descriptions
T302 WM Storage Sections
T302T Storage Section Names
T303 WM Storage Bin Types
T303T WM Names of Storage Bin Types
T304 Storage Section Indicators
T304T Text for Storage Section Indicator
T305 Storage Type Indicators
T305T Text for Storage Type Indicator
T306 Special Movement Indicators
T306T Texts for Special Movement Indicators
T307 Storage Unit Types
T307T Text for Storage Unit Type
T308 Requirements Categories
T308T Texts for Requirement Types
T309 Fire-Containment Sections
T309T Names for Fire-Containment Sections
T30A WM Picking Areas
T30AT Picking Area Descriptions
T30B WM Gates
T30BT Zone Descriptions
T30C WM Materials Staging Zones
T30CT Description for Materials Staging Zones
T310 Pre-Allocated Stock
T311 Definition of WM Groups
T311A Cross-Reference WM Group for Documents
T311L Definition of Run Within a WM Group
T312 Control Performance Data and TO Split
T312A Profile for performance data
T312B Profile for Transfer Order Split
T312R Setup Time for Planned Processing in Transfer Order
T312S Profile for Sorting
T312W Time for Planned TO Processing
T3130A Dynamic Menu Management
T3130B Dynamic Menu Management - Text Table
T3130C Screen Management
T3130D Screen Management (Text Table for Logical Screen Names)
T3130E Screen Management (Text Table for Logical Screen Names)
T3130F Control for Enter on RF Screens: Categorization
T3130G Control for Enter on RF Screens: Function Code Sequence
T313A Determination of Verification Profile
T313B Definition of Verification Profile
T313C Assignment of application identifier type
T313D Definition of Application Identification
T313E Descriptions of the AI Definition
T313F Definition User Profile for Mobile Data Entry
T313G General Parameters for Bar Code Type Definition
T313H Bar Code Profile: Header
T313I Description of an EAN128 Profile
T313J Bar Code Profile: Items
T313K Allocation of Layout and Bar Code Profile to Output Type
T313L Label Category EAN128
T313LD Label Category EAN128
T313M Delimiter for Variable Barcode Lengths (Usage: Printing)
T313Y ILN for SSCC Generation at Storage Location Level
T313Z ILN for SSCC Generation at Warehouse Number Level
T318 Picking waves profile
T318T Texts for Picking Waves Profiles
T319 Control of Automatic Pick HU Creation
T319A Assignment Automatic Pick-HU Creation
T320 Assignment IM Storage Location to WM Warehouse Number
T320A WM: Storage Location Control
T321 Assignment MM Movement Type --> MM-WM Movement Type
T321B Stock Types and Special Stocks for External Systems
T321D Assignment Movement Type RM-WMS Dec. ERP -> HOST Act. (R/2)
T321K Definition of Accumulated Messages to HOST (R/2)
T322 RM Movement Types for Clearing Inventory
T323 Controlling Mail if Error Occurs During Decentral.Shipping
T323M Log. Error Handling Host R/2 - Decentr. WMS ERP (Mail Def.)
T323P Parameters for Generating Logs and Mail Messages (R/2->ERP)
T323V Error handling (Host)- Decentralized SD (Definition of mail)
T324 Storage Loc. Ref.
T324T Descriptions for Storage Loc. Reference
T325 WM: QM Interface for Handling Insptection Samples
T325T Description for Control WM-QM Interface
T326 Control Table for 2-Step Picking
T327 Control of Link between WM and Warehouse Control Unit (WCU)
T327A Control of link WM - subsystem
T327B Definition of function modules for IDOC setup: Link WM - sub
T327T Variant description for link WM -> subsystem
T327V Variants for WM Link -> Subsystem
T328 Warehouse Activity Monitor: Defin. of Critical Parameters
T328A Activate Whse Act. Monitor Objects
T328B Whse Act.Monitor: Display Variants for Hierarchy Display
T328C Whse Act.Monitor: Description of Display Variants
T329A Printer Pool Definition
T329D Transfer Order Printer Control
T329F Print Control Table
T329P Transfer Order Print Parameters
T329S Print Control Table for Coll.Proc.
T329T Texts for Setting Formats for Printing Transfer Orders
T330 Blocking Reasons
T330T Text for Blocking Reason
T331 Storage Type Control
T331B Storage Type Control for Bulk Storage
T331C Control of storage type for putaway strategy K
T331L Storage Classes Allowed per Storage Type
T333 WM Movement Types
T333A Shipment Types
T333B Texts for Transfer Types
T333M Mail control for background processing
T333N Control for automatic transfer order creation
T333O Texts for automatic TO creation
T333T Texts for WM Movement Types
T333U WM Movement Types for Transf.Posting in WM and IM
T334B Storage Section Search
T334E Storage Unit Type Check
T334P Storage Bin Type Search
T334T Storage Type Search
T334U Access Strategy for Storage Type Search
T335 Default Values for Inventory
T336 Difference Indicators
T336T Texts for Difference Indicators
T337A Division of Storage Bins into Sections
T337B Bulk Storage Sectioning
T337C Search Range per Level for Stock Placement Strategy K
T337D Assignment Aisle to Shelf for Stock Placement Strategy K
T337Z Bin Sectioning per Storage Bin Type/Storage Unit Type
T338 Bulk Storage Indicators
T338T Texts for Bulk Storage Indicators
T339 Definition of Comment for TO Execution
T339T Text Table for Comment for TO Execution
T340 WM Transactions
T340D WM Default Values
T341 WM Screen Selection
T342 Control of Screen Sequence in WM
T342T Assignment of Title Bar to PF Status
T343 Storage Bin Structure for Automatic Creation of Storage Bins
T343I Definition of Sort Field in Storage Bin
T343J Definition of Sequence Field in Storage Bin
T343XYZ Storage Bin Structure for X, Y, Z assignment to Storage bins
T344 Client-Specific Control Table for MM-WM
T345 Client-Dependent Control Table for WM->PP Staging
T346 RF Queue Definition
T346L Assignment Sections and Activities to Queue
T346T RF Queue Descriptions
T346X Exceptions: Queue Forwarding
T347A Control of link WM - TRM for Transfer Orders
T350 Maintenance Control Parameters: Client/Order Type
T350E Access sequence addresses for address proposal purch. data
T350I Combination of order type and PM activity type allowed
T350W Maintenance control parameters: Order type plant
T351 Maintenance strategy
T351P Maintenance packages
T351P_OLD Old Version of Maintenance Packages
T351T Maintenance strategy texts
T351X Maintenance strategy package texts
T351_OLD Old Status of Maintenance Strategy
T352B Technical report
T352B_T Catalog profile texts
T352C Catalog types for each catalog profile
T352R Maintenance revisions
T352T Permit Categories
T352T_T Text for Permit Categories
T353I Maintenance activity types
T353I_T Maintenance activity type description
T354A Define business operation for authorization check
T354B Business transactions for authorization check
T354S Set parameter for calling master data transactions
T354T Transaction branching by dynpro field
T355E Response time monitor
T355E_T Response profile text
T355E_W Response times
T355R Service window
T355R_T Service window text
T355R_W Service window
T356 Priorities
T356A Priority type table
T356A_T Priority type texts
T356_T Priority text
T357 Plant Section
T357A Effect of malfunction on the system
T357A_T Texts for effect of malfunction on the system
T357G Permits
T357G_GR PM: Permit groups
T357G_T Text for Table 357GT
T357M Machine operating condition
T357M_T Operating condition texts
T357Z Syst.Condition
T357Z_T System condition - Text table
T362 Service Categories
T362O Org. Status: Service Category
T362T Service Category Names
T362U Name of Org. Status: Service Category
T365 Initial values for PM notification transactions
T365A Start values for notification transactions - Customizing
T370 Start Values for PM Master Data Transactions
T370A Activity Category for PM Lists
T370B Technical object authorization group
T370B_T Language-dependent texts for authorization group
T370C ABC indicator for technical objects
T370CLC Fleet Consumption Calculation Keys
T370CLC_T Text for Fleet Consumption Calculation Keys
T370CON Fleet Consumption Unit Group
T370CONV Fleet Consumption Units
T370CON_T Short Text For Fleet Consumption Unit Groups
T370CON_TOL PM: Tolerance for Consumption Control Check
T370CON_TOL_T PM: Tolerance for Consumption Control Check Texts
T370C_T Language-dependent texts for ABC indicator
T370DMP Default Measuring Point For Technical Object
T370ENG Engine Type
T370ENG_T Engine Type: Multilingual Short Texts
T370F Functional Location Category
T370FLD Fluid Types
T370FLD_GMOVE PM: Goods Movement/Account Assignment Usage Transaction
T370FLD_GMOVE_T PM: Goods Movement/Account Assignmt Consumpt.Transactn Texts
T370FLD_MAT Fluid Types
T370FLD_STN PM: Gas Stations for Fleet Management
T370FLD_STN_T PM: Gas Stations for Fleet Management, Texts
T370FLD_T Fluid Types: Multilingual Short Texts
T370FLT Fleet Types
T370FLT_R Fleet Types: Reference to Technical Object Types (Equi/FL)
T370F_T Language-Dependent Texts for T370F
T370K Type of technical object
T370K_T Language-Dependent Texts for Object Type
T370L Default value type for start transactions (two-character)
T370M Category default value for start transactions
T370N Object link category
T370N_T Language dependent texts for T370N
T370O Object Categories Allowed for MeasPoints and MeasDocuments
T370P Measuring Point Category
T370POS Valid Measuring Point Positions (Sort Field)
T370POS_T Valid Measuring Point Positions (Sort Field) - Short Texts
T370POS_USG Fleet Objects: Counter Usage
T370P_T Language-Dependent Texts for T370P
T370R Reference Functional Location Category
T370R_T Language-Dependent Texts for T370R
T370S Functional Location Structure Indicators
T370S_T Language-Dependent Texts for T370S
T370T Equipment categories
T370U Language-dependent texts for T370T
T370USG Fleet Usage
T370USG_T Fleet Usage: Multilingual Short Texts
T370Z History-related fields
T371A IB: Installed Base Category
T371A_T IB: Text table for T371A
T371B IB: Groups of Database Tables
T371C IBase: Authorization Group (Not Currently Analyzed)
T371C_T IB: Text Tables for T371C
T371D IB: Installation Component - Object Type
T371D_CMEXT IB: Object Type Additional Attributes for CM
T371D_TEXT IBase: Text Table for T371D
T371F IB: Owner-Observer-Object Category
T371F_T IB: Text Tables for T371F
T371G IB: Installed Base - Structure Reference Category
T371G_T IB: Text Tables for T371G
T371I IB: Classes for Installation Rules
T371P IBase: Assignment Object Type/UI Type
T371S IB: Screens Per UI Type
T371ST IBase: Status Type
T371STA IBase: Status Transaction
T371STS IBase: Status
T371STV IBase: Status Assignment Database Table
T371U IB: Permitted Object Types per IBase Type
T371X IB: Function Modules for each IBase Object Type
T371Y IBase: Tabstrip Control
T371Z IBase: User Interface Type
T371Z_T IB: Text Table for T371Z
T372I Network identification
T372I_T Language-dependent texts for network ID
T372M Medium
T372M_T Language-dependent texts for link medium (T372)M
T377 Criteria for Material Serial Number Management
T377G Criteria for Serial Number Management (Group)
T377P Serial Number Management Profiles
T377P_T Texts for Serial Number Management Profiles
T377X Documents Allowed for Serial Number Management
T377X_T Texts for Serial Number Management Documents
T390 PM: Shop papers for print control
T390D PM: Destinations and database names for download
T390_O PM: Shop paper control by order type
T390_OT Description of shop papers per document type selection
T390_T PM: Shop paper description
T390_U Print control by user
T392 PM: DDIC structures for print diversion
T392_V PM: Detailed selection for print diversion
T399A Control: Automatic Order Creation
T399C Control: Service Assembly Processing
T399D Control Parameters for MRP
T399G Maintenance Plan Sort Field
T399G_T Descriptions for Maintenance Plan Sort Fields
T399I Planning plant parameters
T399J Maintenance parameters (client)
T399P Maintenance item category parameter
T399Q Default values for maintaining independent requirements
T399U Control: General PM/SM settings
T399W Maintenance Plan Category Parameter
T399W_T Maintenance plan category descriptions
T399X Parameters dependent on order type
SAP tables starting with T4
T401A Material: MRP profiles (definition)
T401I Fields in MRP profile that can be initial
T401M Transaction control paramters: MRP profiles
T401T MRP Profile Descriptions
T401Z Collection of changed profiles for batch framework
T405 Purchasing Value Key
T409 Relationships between task list types and material types
T410 Engineering Workbench: Working area
T410T Engineering Workbench: Working environment (text)
T411 Task list usage
T411T Language-dependent texts for T411: Task list usages
T412 Task list status
T412T Language-dependent texts for T412: Task list status
T413 Spare Part Indicators
T413T Spare part indicator description
T414 Explosion Types
T414T Explosion type description
T415A Alternative BOM Determination
T415B Alternative Determination by Unit of Measure
T415M Material Types Allowed in BOM
T415S BOM status
T415T BOM Status Texts
T416 BOM Usage - Item Statuses
T416K Copying Defaults For Item Status
T416T BOM Usage Texts
T416V Copy defaults for BOM usage - item statuses
T417 Material Provision Indicators
T417T Materials Provided Indicator Texts
T418 Item Categories
T418D Definition of Variables for T418F
T418F Variable-Size Item Formulas
T418G Formula Texts
T418T Item Category Texts
T418V Item category proposal for component assignment
T419S Change Master Status
T419T Change Master Status Texts
T421 Wage groups
T421T Language-dependent texts for T421: Wage groups
T423 Wage group qualification
T423T Language-dependent texts for T423: Qualifications/Wage grp.
T425 Setup group keys
T425T Language-dependent texts for T425: Setup group keys
T426 Setup group categories
T426T Language-dependent texts for T426: Setup group categories
T428 Setup Type Key
T428T Language-dependent texts for T428: Setup type key
T429 Standard Times Calculation Type
T429T Lang.-depend. texts for Tab. T429: Types of std. val. determ
T430 Operation/Activity control key
T430T Language-dependent text table for the control key T430
T433 Milestone Indicator
T433T Milestone texts
T434G Stock determination group
T434H Texts for stock determination rule (T434G)
T434K Stock determination: Header table
T434L Texts for stock determination - header table
T434P Stock determination: FS item table
T434R Stock determination rule
T434S Texts for stock determination rule (T434R)
T435 Standard texts for routing/ref. op set items
T435C Configuration Information for a Table Control
T435I ID for Program - Table Control - TC Context
T435T Language-dependent texts for T435: Standard text key
T435W Pull list control
T436A Floats for scheduling
T437A Table for Field Selection: Repetitive Manufacturing
T437D Control Parameter Plant for Repetitive Mfg
T437E Withdrawal Sequence
T437L Linking Production Version and Cost Estimate Version
T437P Planning IDs for Repetitive Manufacturing
T437R Description of the Repetitive Manufacturing Profile
T437S Repetitive Manufacturing Profile Table
T437T Documentation Element for Repetitive Manufacturing
T437U Control Table for Further Processing of Goods Receipts
T437V Distribution key in MRP
T437W MRP distribution key (texts)
T437X Cost Collector Strategy
T437Z Row Texts for Maintaining Run Schedule Headers
T438A MRP Type
T438M Control Parameter for MRP -Material Level-
T438R Range of coverage profile
T438S Text describing the range of coverage profile
T438T MRP description
T438U Absolute Intervals for Range of Coverage Profile
T438V Period Profile for Safety Time
T438W Text on Period Profile for Safety Time
T438X MRP group text
T438Y Absolute Periods for Period Profile for Safety Time
T439A MRP Lot Sizes
T439B Scope of Planning MRP Unit: Header
T439C Scope of Planning MRP Unit: Sequence
T439F Handling of planning flag at abnormal termination
T439G PPplanning periods: header table
T439H PP planning periods: long texts
T439I PP planning periods: schedule lines (periods)
T439J PP planning periods: calculation rule
T439L Warehouse costs for MRP lot size
T439P Split-up for forecast requirements
T439T Texts for lot-sizing procedures
T440A Change fields for MRP
T440B Control table for creating MRP record
T440C Planning file entries for goods movements
T440F Exception messages for the forecast
T440G Weighting Groups for Finding the Moving Average Value
T440L Correction Factors: Forecast
T440P Profiles for Function Module PROGNOSE_DIALOG
T440X Allocation of forecast model to model groups
T440Y Forecast weighting factor
T440Z Allocate error -> error class in the forecast
T441A Forecast profiles
T441C Profile - availability check
T441CT Texts for Profile "Display Availability Check"
T441G Checking Group Values
T441I Fields in forecast profile that can be initial fields
T441M Forecast transaction control
T441R Values Table for Checking Rule
T441T Texts for Material Forecasting Profiles
T441V Availability Check Control
T441W Checking Rule Texts
T442B Start times for MRP background programs
T442C Control: activity reqmts transfer MRP/SOP -> CO
T444A Navigation Profile for Flexible Transaction Calls
T444B Settings for Flexible Transaction Calls
T444C Settings for Flexible Transaction Calls for each MRP Element
T444K LIS Planning: Screen Sequence Control Table
T444M Planning: Control Table - Key Matrix Screen
T444P LIS Planning: Key Matrix Selection Control Table
T444S Text Table for T444A
T444T Text Table for T444B
T444V Text Table for T444C
T445A Planning Configuration for Info Structure
T445B User Parameters for Planning Type
T445C Assign Time Bar - Technical Period
T445C1 Allocation of Permitted Periods for Planning
T445C2 Planning Period Units of Info Structure
T445E Units for LIS Planning
T445F Texts for Line Definitions (SOP)
T445G Texts of LIS Planning Macros
T445I Planning Attributes: Information Structure
T445L SOP Planning Table Definitions
T445M Macro Definitions: LIS Planning
T445N Executable Macros
T445NK Storage of decimal points
T445O Operations for LIS Planning Functions
T445OT Short Description of LIS Operations
T445P Planning Types: LIS/SOP
T445Q Prices for Price Band Categories
T445QK Prices for Price Band Categories (Key)
T445R Characteristic Fields per Info Structure for Table T445Q
T445S Collision Matrix for Locking Product Groups
T445T Texts: Definitions for Planning Table (SOP)
T445U Sales and Operations Planning/Initial Settings per User
T445V Plant Distribution
T445Y Profile for SOP Transfer to Demand Management
T445Z Period Split for Display of Time Axis
T445Z1 Period Split for Planning
T445ZT Text for Period Split
T446F Assignment of Data Elements to Hierarchies
T446H Hierarchies for LIS Statistics and Planning
T449A Period split
T449B Period split: language-dependent description
T449F Control of sequence of the extended header in the MRP list
T449S User Settings: Sort for Table
T449T User-Setting For Field Sequence To Display A Table
T449U Settings for Collective Display of MRP List
T449V User Parameters for Traffic Lights Settings in MD04/MD05
T450 MRP transaction control
T450A Control Table of PF Status for Run Schedule Modification
T450C Table for Controlling the PF Status for Repet.Manufacturing
T450F Field selection maintaining independent requirements
T450N Transaction Control MRP With Object
T450P Transaction control for maintaining ind. requirements
T450U User exit material selection - MRP
T457A Processing key for planning run
T457C Transaction calls control
T457G MPS evaluation: evaluation profile
T457H MPS evaluation: hierarchy of MRP elements
T457I MPS evaluations: long texts
T457J MPS evaluation: user-specific layout
T457K MPS evaluation: user-specific schedule lines
T457L MPS evaluation: receipts/issues texts
T457P Text Table for Order Types in the Planned Order
T457S Block table for MRP and forecast run
T457T Description of MRP elements
T457TBLP Description MRP Elements for TBLP
T458A Exception Messages in Material Requirements Planning
T458B Description of exception messages
T458C Selection Group for Exception Messages
T458D Texts for Selection Group
T459 Availability Check: Requirements and Planning Types
T459A External requirements types
T459C Default values for independent requirements
T459K Control table for customer requirements
T459R Reference requirements table
T459S Period splitting
T459T Availability Check: Requirement and Planning Types: Texts
T459U Settings for Maintaining Planned Independent Requirements
T459V Version table
T459W Texts for requirements types
T459X Text table for ind. reqmts reference table
T459Y Reqmts types for sales and distribution: texts
T460A Special procurement key
T460B Special Procurement Key Conversion
T460C Order/Purchase order types for planned order
T460D Order/Purchase order types for planned order
T460P Procurement and Special Procurement Check
T460Q Special Procurement Types per Procurement Type
T460T Texts for special procurement keys
T461P Planning strategy group
T461S Planning strategies
T461T Planning strategy text
T461X Planning strategy group text
T462 Customizing Table Selection Rule / Display Filter
T462A Logical Destination for Parallel Processing
T462T Text Table for T462: Customizing Selection Rule
T463 Customizing Table Display Filter - Settings -
T463T Text_table for T463 : Customizing Display Filter
T464 Customizing: Order Report Profiles
T464T Customizing: Order Report Profile Texts
T465 Evaluation Profile Ranges of Coverage
T465T Texts for Minimum Range of Coverage Profile
T466 Customizing: Extraction Mode for Planning Situation
T466T Text Table for Extraction Mode
T467 Stock/Requirements List: Material Groupings
T46AC Action control
T46AS Action code text
T46AT Action code description
T46PR List layout and print parameters
T476 Parameterization of the Configuration Editor
T476T Parameterization of the Configuration Editor
T482 Table of scheduling types
T482T Texts for scheduling types
T488 Assignment of Table Fields to Groups
T488A Language-dependent texts for Table T488
T488B Value table for T488: "Option types for routing history"
T488C Texts for Table T488B
T488T Texts for the fields of Table T488
T490 Transactions PP - orders - order category
T496B CIM order: Assigning document types to reference doc. types
T496D CIM: Destination/lists/spool parameters per user/plant
T496F CIM order: Form description of the list
T496K CIM order: Entity table of possible table identifiers
T496N CIM order: List descriptions
T496P Print PP documents: Determination of output device
T496R Print PP shop papers: Report control
T496T Print PP shop papers: Transaction control
T496V PP Print: Default Value for Printing Online or Background
T496Z CIM order: Table-controlled table access
T498 Distribution function
T498T Distribution Function Texts
T499P Reduction strategies - texts
T499Q Reduction strategies
T499R Reduction levels for reduction strategies
T499S Location
SAP tables starting with T5
T500C Currency for Public Service Sector
T500L Personnel Country Grouping
T500L_ADDON Indicator Country Grouping Add-On Solution
T500L_CUST Customer View of Table T500L
T500P Personnel Areas
T500P_DELIMIT Validity Period of Personnel Area
T500T HR Country Groupings
T500W Valid Country Currencies
T501 Employee Group
T501T Employee Group Names
T501_DELIMIT Validity Period of Employee Group
T502T Marital Status Designators
T503 Employee Group/Subgroup
T503K Employee subgroup
T503T Employee Subgroup Names
T503Z Country Assignment for Employee Group/Subgroup
T503_DELIMIT Validity Period of Employee Subgroup
T504R To be deleted - no longer used!
T504S To be deleted - no longer used!
T504T To be deleted - no longer used!
T504U To be deleted - no longer used!
T504V To be deleted - no longer used!
T504W To be deleted - no longer used!
T504X To be deleted - no longer used!
T504Y To be deleted - no longer used!
T504Z To be deleted - no longer used!
T505K Grievance Levels (NA)
T505L Grievance Level Texts
T505M Military status
T505N Military Status Texts
T505O Grievance Reasons (NA)
T505P Grievance Reason Texts
T505R Ethnic Origin
T505S Ethnic Origin Texts
T505U Residence Status
T505V Residence Status Texts
T505X Tax Authority Table
T505Y Tax Authority Texts
T505Z Bonds (NA)
T506A Loan Categories
T506C Controlling Loan Allocation
T506D Conditions for Employee Loans
T506L Loan Wage Types
T506P Assignment of Wage Types to Loan Payments
T506R National Reports and Screens for HR Loans
T506S HR Loans: Value Date for Each Payroll Area
T506T Loan Condition Texts
T506W Technical Characteristics of Loan Wage Types
T507A RHC: Delimitation of Employees Affected
T508A Work Schedule Rules
T508S Text Table for Work Schedule Rules (T508A)
T508T Texts for Employee Subgroup Groupings for Work Schedules
T508Z Assignment of PS Grouping for Work Schedules to Daily WS
T509F ID type
T509G ID type text
T509H Type of work permit
T509I Work permit type text
T50BA HR-B2A: Valid Transfer Formats and Classes
T50BAT HR-B2A: Text for Document Classes
T50BB HR-B2A: Standard Transfer Format
T50BC HR-B2A: Transfer Format for Customer
T50BD HR-B2A: Status Management
T50BDT HR-B2A: Texts for Status Management
T50BE HR-B2A: Assignment Returncode-Group
T50BE2 HR-B2A: External Return Codes
T50BF HR-B2A: Method Table
T50BFC HR-B2A: Method Table
T50BG HRB2A: Manual Status Switch
T50BK HR-B2A: Constant Table
T50BKT HR-B2A: Text to Constant Table
T50BS HR-B2A: Client-independent constants table
T50BV Logical Connections for Distributed Reporting
T50C_XML XML-Convesion routines
T50DST_XML Document Subtype Texts
T50DS_XML Document Subtypes
T50F0 HR-FORMS: Assignment of Standard Texts to Forms
T50F8 HR-FORMS: Statement Functions
T50F8T HR-FORMS: Statement Functions - Text Table
T50FA HR: Message Type Definition
T50FAT HR Notification Type Text
T50FB HR: Mapping Program Fields to Structure
T50FC HR: Permitted Conversions per Area
T50FCT HR: Text for Conversions
T50FD HR: Time Dependency of Message Type Versions
T50FE HR: Mapping Internal and External Structure
T50FF HR: Change in Field Content
T50FG Statement Parameters
T50FH Changeable Fields in Interactive Forms
T50FI Mapping Level 1 (Fields and Structures)
T50FJ Mapping Level 2 (Table Fields)
T50G_XML XML-Global Schema
T50L_XML XML-Local Schema
T50V_XML XML-Versions
T50X1 Type of Expatriate
T50X2 Type of Expatriate Text
T510 Pay Scale Groups
T510A Pay Scale Types
T510B Appraisal Constants
T510C Adjust Bases for Calculating PScale
T510D Dynamic Standard Pay Increase
T510E Dynamic Standard Pay Increase II
T510F Assign Pay Scale --> Currency
T510G Pay Scale Areas
T510H Payroll Parameters for Time Unit
T510I Standard Working Hours
T510J Constant Valuations
T510K Constant Valuations
T510L Step Table
T510M Valuation of pay scale groups acc. to hiring date
T510N Pay Scales for Annual Salaries (NA)
T510O Cost-of-Living Allowances -BAT-
T510P Premium Table
T510Q Cost-of-Living Allowances
T510QN Guaranteed Payments: COLA/Family-Related Bonus
T510R Pay Scale Reclassification
T510S Time Wage Type Selection
T510T Premium Texts
T510U Pay Scale Groups
T510V Check Table For Processing Types in T510S (WT Generation)
T510W Pay Scale > Period Parameter Assignment
T510X WTs Permitted for Transfer from Time Evaluation to MMS
T510Y Special Rules for Wage Type Generation
T510Z Texts for Time Wage Type Selection Rules
T510_ANSAL Annual Salary Functionality (Infotype 0008)
T510_PSRCL Pay scale reclassification
T510_PSRCL_FV Table of Filter Values for the BAdI for Pay Scale Reclass.
T511 Wage Types
T511A Calculation Rules for Averages
T511B Cumulation Rules for Bases for Calculating Average Values
T511C Adjustment Rules for Bases for Calculating Average Values
T511IV_M Indirect Evaluation Module
T511IV_MT Indirect Evaluation Module Text
T511IV_RM Reduction Methods of Indirect Valuation
T511IV_RMT Texts for Reduction Methods of Ind. Valuation
T511K Payroll Parameters
T511M Wage Type Models
T511P International Payroll Constants
T511T Designation of Payroll Constant Amounts
T512B Backup table for T512W
T512C Wage Types to be Distributed
T512D Line Layout in Window
T512E Form-Related Control of Wage Types
T512F Form Windows
T512G Supplementary Group Texts
T512H Assignment of Text Elements to Forms
T512I System Documentation - Kwic Index
T512J Objects in T512U (Not Language Dependent)
T512K Text for Payroll Constants Regarding Time Units
T512L Payroll Constant Designations
T512N Rule Table for Form
T512P Form Background
T512Q Information in Fixed Positions
T512R Cumulation Wage Types in Forms
T512S Texts for Cumulation Wage Types in Forms
T512T Wage Type Texts
T512U HR System Documentation
T512V RPDSYS00 - Cross References
T512W Wage Type Valuation
T512X Accessibility of Wage Types for External Salary Elements
T512Z Permissibility of Wage Types per Infotype
T512Z_ESSEX ESS: Deactivate Wage Types per Infotype
T513 Jobs
T513A User-related Values
T513C Jobs With Other/Previous Employers
T513D Job Groups
T513F Appraisal Criteria Texts
T513G Appraisal Groups
T513H Ranking Criteria
T513I RPDSYS00 - KWIC Index
T513J RPDSYS00 - Default Values
T513K RPDSYS00 - Relations
T513L RPDSYS00 - Exploding Functions
T513M RPDSYS00 - Origin of Documentation
T513N RPDSYS00 - Supplementary Information
T513O RPDSYS00 - Structure of DLIB Docu
T513P Pension Reserve Groups
T513PAPD PA-PD: Assign Appraisal Models to EE (sub)area/(sub)group
T513Q RPDSYS00 - Print Control for Chapters
T513S Job Titles
T513U Secondary System Documentation
T513V RPDSYS00 - Cross References
T514B Page Types for From Classes
T514C Allowed Conversions for Forms
T514D Form Index
T514F Form Class Attributes
T514K Allowed Table Names / Short IDs for Forms
T514N Allowed Field Names for Forms
T514R Page Type Texts
T514S Table Name Texts
T514T Field Name Texts
T514U Conversion Texts
T514V Form Name Texts
T514X Input Help Routines for Identifiers in PE51
T514Z Screen Control for Transaction PE51
T515A Fund Categories
T515R Tables in Payroll Results
T515S Relationships between Tables in Payroll Results
T515T Splits in Payroll Results
T515U Hierarchy of Tables in Payroll Results
T515V Element Tables in Payroll Results Tables
T515W Group Together Table Fields in the Payroll Results
T515Y Sign Reversal for Table Fields in the Payroll Results
T516T Religious Denomination Texts
T517A Educational Establishment Types/Final Certificates
T517T Educational Establishment Type Designations
T517X Branches of Study
T517Y Specialty validation table
T517Z School Types/Branches of Study
T518A Vocation Check Table
T518B Vocation Descriptions
T518C Education/Training Categories
T518D Education/Training Categories Check Table
T518E Education/Training Categories/E&T
T519T Final Certificates
T51A1 HR: Final Date for HR Postings (Accruals)
T51AV_2P Assignment of Partial Period Parameters to Average Bases
T51AV_2W Assignment of Primary Wage Types to Average Bases
T51AV_A Calculation Rules for Averages
T51AV_AT Text for Calculation Rules for Averages
T51AV_B Cumulation Rules for Bases for Calculating Average Values
T51AV_BT Text for Cumulation Rule for Average Calculation Bases
T51AV_C Adjustment Rules for Bases for Calculating Average Values
T51AV_CT Text for Calculation Rules for Averages
T51AV_E Final Processing Rules for Averages
T51AV_E_BR Final Processing Rules for Averages (Brazil)
T51AV_P Assignment of Wage Types to Average Calculation Rules
T51AV_R Relevance Rule for Calculating Averages
T51AV_ROC Off-cycle reasons not relevant for calculation of averages
T51AV_RT Text for Relevance Rules for Averages
T51AV_W Comparison Rules for Calculating Averages
T51B1 HR-ARC: Global Characteristics of Archiving Group
T51B2 HR-ARC: Special Attributes of the Archiving Group
T51B3 HR-ARC: Archiving Groups That Currently Archive Logically
T51D1 Limits for Deductions
T51D2 Wage Type Classes
T51D3 Reduction Rules
T51D4 Limit Rules
T51D5 Start Point
T51D6 Interval Definitions
T51DS Text for Time Intervals
T51DT Wage Type Class Texts
T51G1 Off-Cycle Batch Table
T51G2 Off-Cycle Batch Table
T51P1 Wage Type Assignment
T51P3 Indicator for Wage Type Assignment
T51P4 Text: Indicator for Wage Type Assignment
T51P6 Characteristics of WTypes for Arrears Processing
T51R1 Remittance evaluation run data
T51R2 Remittance posting run data
T51R3 Remittance acknowledgement run data
T51R4 Remittance origin link data per personnel no.
T51R5 Remittance accumulated posting data
T51R6 Remittance origin data per symbolic account
T51R8 Remittance evaluation run per payroll result
T51RA HR payee derived from wage type
T51RD Remittance rule derivation per HR accumulator and amount
T51RH HR payee derived link to FI vendor
T51RJ Remittance rule description
T51RK Remittance rule definition
T51RL HR payee link derived from HR payee
T51RM HR accumulator definition
T51RN HR accumulator description
T51RS HR payee derived link to remittance rule
T51RT HR payee description
T51RV Remittance number range sub-objects
T51T0 Evaluation of wage types for tax reporting
T51TC Tax attributes
T51TX Transfer to be Evaluated
T51TY Transferred Employees
T520M Cash Breakdown List
T520N Salary Statement in the Purpose: Formatting Options
T520S Text Key for Data Carrier
T521A Bank Details: Relevance of Special Fields
T521B Payee Keys
T521C Check Table for Payees
T521T Institution Texts - No longer used
T522 Title Keys
T522F Format for HR Name Format
T522G Title Keys
T522N HR Name Format
T522T Forms of Address
T523T Challenge Types
T525A Selection Rules for Employee Data
T525B Selection Rule for Employee Data - Short Text
T525C Definition of Valuation Models for Employee Data
T525D Valuation Models for Employee Data
T525E Rounding Rule for Time Intervals
T525F Rounding Rule for Time Intervals - Short Text
T525G Calculation Rule for Time Specifications (Obs. as of 4.6A)
T525H Calculation Rule - Short Text (Obsolete as of Rel. 4.6A)
T525I Infotype Selection Condition
T525J Infotype Selection Condition - Short Text
T525K Definition of Infotype Selection Condition
T525L Valuation Models for Employee Data
T525M Assignment of Selection Rules to Selection Classes
T525MC Grouping of Selctn Classes for Collective Selection Classes
T525N Selection Class
T525NI Indicator for Selection Class
T525NIT Indicator for Selection Class
T525NJ Assignment of Selection Class to Indicator
T525NT Selection Class - Short Text
T525O Assignment of Selection Classes to Valuation Models
T525OL Legal Regulations
T525OLT Legal Regulations
T525OT Period-Dependent Properties of an Assignment
T525P Calculation Process for Employment Period Calculation
T525PT Calculation Process for Employment Period Calculation (Text)
T525Q Calculation Process Empl. Period Calculation (Customer)
T525R Process Step for Employment Period Calculation
T525RT Process Step for Employment Period Calculation (Text)
T525S Assignment of Valuation Model and Rounding Rule
T525T Time Specification Type for Employment Period Calculation
T525TCL Collision Group for Time Specification Type
T525TCLN Negative Collision Group for Time Specification Type
T525TCLT Collision Group for Time Specification Type
T525TD Time Dependent Characteristics of Time Specification Type
T525TR Cause of Time Specification Type
T525TRP Assignment of Occasion to Time Specification Type
T525TRT Reason for a Time Specification Type - Texts
T525TT Time Specifications Type - Text
T525U Conversion Rules for Employment Period Calculation
T525UT Conversion Rules - Text Tables
T525V Selection Exit
T525VT Selection Exit Text
T525Z Permissibility of Infotype Selection in Empl.Period Calc.
T526 Administrators
T527 Organizational Key: Control
T527A Organizational Key Creation Rules
T527O Organizational Key Validation
T527X Organizational Units
T528B Positions
T528C Wage Type Catalog
T528T Position Texts
T529A Personnel Action Types
T529A_ESSEX ESS: Deactivation of Personnel Action Types
T529F Fast Data Entry for Actions
T529T Personnel Action Texts
T529U Status Values
T52A0 Internal Object Number
T52A0_T Texts for Objects in T52A0
T52B1 Object Classes
T52B2 Object Attributes
T52B3 Valid Object Class Attributes
T52B4 Valid Attribute Values
T52B5 Assignment of Values to Objects
T52B5_ADDON HR-Add-on: Assignment of Values to Objects
T52B6 Function Parameters
T52B6_ADDON HR-Add-on : Function Parameter
T52B7 Valid Function Parameter Values
T52B7_ADDON HR-Add-On : Valid Values of Function Parameters
T52B8 Function Parameter Texts
T52B8_ADDON HR-Add-on : Texts for the Function Parameters
T52B9 Use of Infotypes for Objects
T52B9_ADDON HR-Add-on : Use of Infotypes with Objects
T52BA Assignment of Values to Customer Objects
T52BB Texts on Function Parameter Values
T52BB_ADDON HR-Add-On : Texts of Values for Function Parameter
T52BG Use of Grouping Reasons for Objects
T52BG_ADDON HR-Add-On: Use of Grouping Reasons with Objects
T52BM Operation Models
T52BN Assigning Models to Operations
T52BN_ADDON HR-Add-on : Assignment of Models for Operations
T52BO Operation Parameters
T52BO_ADDON HR-Add-on : Operation Parameter
T52BP Texts For Operation Parameters
T52BPO_IT_LINKS HR BPO: Link Between HR Infotypes with n:1 Relation
T52BP_ADDON HR-Add-on : Texts for the Operation Parameters
T52BR Texts For Attribute Values
T52BS Texts for Attributes of HR Objects
T52BT Texts For HR Objects
T52BW Input/Output Parameter
T52BX Valid Special Payroll Runs for Countries
T52C0 Payroll Schemas
T52C1 Payroll Schemas (Customer)
T52C2 Texts for Personnel Calculation Schemas
T52C3 Texts for Personnel Calculation Schemas
T52C5 Personnel Calculation Rules
T52CC Directory of Customer Schemas
T52CC_T Text table for schema directory
T52CD Schema Directory
T52CD_T Text table for schema directory
T52CE Directory of Personnel Calculation Rules
T52CE_T Text table for PCR directory
T52CLST Display Order for Payroll Tables in PC_PAYRESULT
T52CODIST Distribution Groups for Cost Distribution
T52CODIST_RETRO Retroactive Accounting-Specific Wage Types for Cost Distrib.
T52CT Text Elements
T52CX Cross References via Generated Schemas
T52D1 Valid Processing Classes
T52D2 Valid Values for Processing Classes
T52D3 Valid Evaluation Classes
T52D4 Permitted Values for Evaluation Classes
T52D5 Wage Type Groups
T52D6 Wage Type Group Texts
T52D7 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups
T52D8 Valid Processing Classes - Texts
T52D9 Valid Values for Processing Classes - Texts
T52DA Valid Evaluation Classes - Texts
T52DB Valid Evaluation Classes - Texts
T52DN Name Range for Processing and Evaluation Classes
T52DZ Assignment: Customizing - Model Wage Type
T52E1 HR: Sort Sequence RPCIPE00
T52E2 Posting to Accounting: Posting Variants
T52E2T Transfer to Accounting: Posting Variants - Texts
T52E3 Attributes of HR Evaluation Types
T52E3T Texts on Attributes of HR Evaluation Types
T52E4 Status of HR Evaluation Types
T52E4T Text on Status of HR Evaluation Types
T52EK Symbolic Accounts
T52EKT Texts for Symbolic Accounts
T52EL Posting of Payroll Wage Types
T52EM Valid Values for Employee Grouping Account Determination
T52EMT Texts for Employee Grouping Account Determination
T52EP Account Assignment Type
T52EPT Texts for Account Assignment Type
T52EV Payroll Reporting Types
T52EVT Texts for Payroll Reporting Types
T52EX Transfer to Accounting: External Company Codes 3.X
T52EZ Time-Dependency of Wage Type Posting
T52E_ARFC Transfer FI/CO: Run Variants for Parallel Processing
T52E_ARFCT Transfer FI/CO: Run Variants Texts
T52E_FIX Valid Values of Employee Grouping Standard Accounting FM/GM
T52E_FIXT Texts for Employee Grouping Standard Accounting FM/GM
T52IA Payroll Infotypes
T52IB Assignment of Evaluation Wage Types
T52IC Evaluation Wage Types
T52ID Texts for Evaluation Wage Types
T52IE Assignment for Evaluation Wage Types
T52IF Assignment for Payroll
T52LIDI Resource-Related Distribution of Liability Wage Types
T52LIDIBASE Distribution of Liability Wage Types and Inflow Principle
T52MCD Multiple Checks - Defaults
T52MCGR Assignment of Grouping to Reason for Supplemental Check
T52MCW HR Payroll: Matchcode W
T52MENU Assign Menu Transaction to Symbolic Menu Name
T52OCA Off-Cycle Reasons for Absence Types
T52OCAP Payroll in Advance - Default Values for Number of Periods
T52OCB Default Value for Payment Method - Off-Cycle Workbench
T52OCC Categories for Off-Cycle Reasons
T52OCCT Categories for off-cycle reasons - texts
T52OCF Permitted Functions for the Off-Cycle Workbench Per Country
T52OCG Off-Cycle: Indicators for Batch: Payroll, Subsequent Program
T52OCL Off-cycle: Bank Transfer Replaced by Check or Reversed
T52OCMP Off-Cycle Flag for Mass Processing
T52OCP Default Wage Types For Displaying Payroll Results
T52OCP1 Check Management Groupings
T52OCP1T Check Management Groupings - Text
T52OCP2 Check Management Grouping - Assigned Administrators
T52OCP3 Check Management Grouping - Assign Report and Variants
T52OCP4 Check Management Grouping - REGUH Information for R
T52OCR Reasons for Off-Cycle Payroll Runs
T52OCRT Reasons for Off-Cycle Payroll Texts
T52OCV Variants for Off-Cycle Payroll Runs
T52OCW Default Wage Types for Bonus Run - Off-Cycle Workbench
T52OCZ Off-Cycle: Payment Methods for Transfer and Check
T52PG Assign Country and Table to a Group
T52PLOG Table Properties for Payroll Log
T52POST_PAYMENT Payment Wage Types to Post
T52RELID HR: Description of cluster in table PCLx
T52RELIDT HR: Texts for clusters in table PCLx
T52RIC Retroactive Changes to Off-Cycle Infotypes
T52SE HRPAY-Status Management: Program Categories
T52SEIOC HRPAY-Status Management: Program Categories
T52SEOCT Process Manager: Program Categories, Targets of Objects
T52SES HRPAY-Status Management: Default Values for Categories
T52SESC HRPAY Process Manager: Override Consistency Check
T52SES_C HRPAY Status Management:Default Values for Customer Category
T52SET HRPAY-Status Management: Text for Program Category
T52SM HRPAY-Status Management: Attributes of a Process Model
T52SMBID Process Manager: Filter Value of BAdI for Set Creation
T52SMP HRPAY-Status Management: Default Values
T52SMPC HRPAY-Status Management: Categories for Default Values
T52SMPM HRPAY-Status Management: Default Values with Clients
T52SMPM_C HRPAY-Status Management:Default Values with Clients/Customer
T52SMP_C HRPAY-Status Management: Default Values
T52SMS HRPAY-Status Management: Steps in a Process Model
T52SMSC HRPAY-Status Management: Info on Communication per Step
T52SMSS Filter Values for Selection Programs
T52SMSST Filter Values for Selection Programs
T52SMST Process Manager: Text for a Step
T52SMSW Filter Values for Wait Points
T52SMS_INDX Process Manager: Save General Data
T52SMT HRPAY-Status Management: Text for Process Model
T52SMVS Process Manager: No Longer Used
T52SP HRPAY-Status Management: Process ID
T52SPCE Process Manager: Counterevent Scheduling
T52SPE Process Manager: Scheduling Processes / Steps
T52SPEV Process Manager: Counterevents
T52SPL Counter for Steps Currently Being Processed by a Process
T52SPO Process Manager: Objects of Set
T52SPOT Process Manager: Objects of Set
T52SPS HRPAY-Status Management: Process Status
T52SPT HRPAY-Status Management: Process Text
T52ST HRPAY-Status Management: Status Table
T52STH HRPAY-Status Management: Status Table
T52STOD Process Manager: Definition of Object Types and Their Admin.
T52STODT Process Manager: Object Type Texts and Their Administration
T52STOTD Process Manager: Definition of Object Types and Their Admin.
T52SWCODIST Archiving Cost Distribution
T52_WAGE_SEPARAT Wage Separation According to Date
T530 Reasons for Actions
T530B Payment Condition (Special Payments)
T530C Control Table for Special Payments
T530D Special Payments (Emp.Per.-Dependent Factors)
T530E Reasons for Changes
T530F Reasons for Changes
T530L Wage Types for Special Payments
T530M Additional Query Fields: Calculation of Length of Service
T530T Reason for Action Texts
T531 Deadline Types
T531S Deadline Type Texts
T532A HR: Connection to Third-Party Payroll: Choice of Data
T532B HR: Connection to Third-Party Payroll: Choice of Wage Types
T532C HR: Connection to Third-Party Payroll: ABAP/4 Conversion
T532D HR: Connection to Third-Party Payroll: Symbolic Conversion
T532E HR: Connection to Third-Party Payroll: Semantic Conversion
T532F HR: Connection to Third-Party Payroll: Profiles/Free Format
T532K HR PU12: Version Management Cluster IF - Exported Tables
T532L HR PU12: Version Management Cluster IF - Fields Structure
T532R PU12: Registration of Interface Formats Used
T533 Leave Types
T533T Leave Type Texts
T535N Name affixes
T535Q HR Test Cases: no longer supported
T535R PI Area Numbers
T535T DUEVO Occupational Status
T535V CF Texts
T535W ASB Reporting Schema
T536A Addresses
T536B Communication Keys
T536C Addresses via Address Management
T536CT Text Table for Addresses
T536C_BANK Bank Details for Public Sector Employer
T536D Entity Table for Address Types
T536DT Text Table for Address Types
T536T Education and Training (DUEVO)
T538A HR Time/Measurement Units
T538B Units of Time/Measurement
T538C Permissibility of Time/Measurement Units for Infotypes
T538D Units of Time/Measurement
T538T Units of Time/Measurement Texts
T538Z Permissibility of Time/Measurement Units for Infotypes
T539A Planned Remuneration Specification
T539J Base Wage Type Valuation
T539R Actions for Standard Wage Maintenance
T539S Wage Types for Standard Wage Maintenance
T539U Yearly wage calculation in Basic Payments (Infotype 0008)
T541A Types of Guaranteed Net Amount
T541N Guaranteed Net Amounts
T541T Texts for Types of Guaranteed Net Amounts
T542A Work Contract
T542C Work Contract - Other/Previous Employers
T542S Description of Work Contract - Other Employers
T542T Employment Contracts
T543 Challenge Groups
T543A Statistics
T543B Assignment of Exceptions to Statistics
T543C Statistics Text
T543D Exception Text
T543S Challenge Groups
T544A Car rule
T544B Car rule
T545 Corporation Keys
T545T Corporation Texts
T546 Employee Subgroup for PersCalcRule/CollAgreemProvision
T546A Employee Subgroup Grouping for Payroll
T546T EE Subgroup Groupings for Personnel Calculation Rules
T547S Contract Type Texts
T547T Periods of Notice
T547V Contract Types
T548S Date Conversion
T548T Date Types
T548Y Date Types
T549A Payroll areas
T549AG Payroll Area Groups
T549AGA Assign Payroll Area Group to Payroll Areas
T549AGT Texts for Payroll Area Groups
T549B Company Features
T549BT Title of SAP Features
T549C Decision Trees for Features (Customers)
T549CT Title of Customer Features
T549D Features Directory
T549L Date Modifiers
T549M Monthly Assignment: Payroll Period (no longer used)
T549N Period Modifiers
T549O Text for date modifier
T549P Valid Time Units for Payroll
T549Q Payroll Periods
T549R Period Parameters
T549R_CUST Mapping of Period Modifier with Molga
T549S Personnel Date Specifications Per Payroll Period
T549T Payroll areas
T549U Recurr. Pymts/Deducs: Payment Periods per Payment Interval
T549V Recurr. Pymts/Deds: Default Values for Payment Model
T549W Recurr. Pymts/Deducs: Payment Models
T549X Recurr. Pymts/Deducs: Payment Periods
T549Y Recurr. Pymts/Deducs: Payment Models (Texts)
T549Z Calendar for payment model
T54C0 Start of the tax year for payroll periods
T54C1 Calendar for Cumulation
T54C2 Calendar Type
T54C3 Cumulation of Wage Types
T54C4 Valid Calendar Types
T54C5 Date Identifier
T54C6 Cumulation Periods
T54C9 Functions Grouping
T54CA Function Grouping (Texts)
T54CC Date Identifier (Texts)
T54CT Calendar Types (Texts)
T550A Daily Work Schedule
T550P Break Schedules
T550S Daily Work Schedule Texts
T550X Daily Work Schedule Selection Rules
T551A Period Work Schedules
T551A_COR_CALE ESS Correction Scenario: Period Work Schedule for Calendar
T551C Period Work Schedule Valuation
T551S Period Work Schedule Texts
T552A Monthly Work Schedule
T552V Dynamic Daily Work Schedule Assignment
T552W Dynamic Daily WS Assignment: Planned/Actual Overlap
T553A Definition Rules for Day Types
T553S Day Types for Special Days
T553T Day Type Texts
T554A Breakdown of Absences After Quota Deduction
T554C Absence Valuation
T554D Military Service Ranks
T554E Counting Classes for Absence Valuation
T554F Counting Classes for Absence Valuation
T554G Types of Birth
T554H Evaluation Type for Attendances/Absences
T554HT Evaluation Type for Attendances/Absences: Texts (for T554H)
T554L Absence Valuation Rules
T554M Absences for Maternity Protection: Rule Table
T554N Texts for Day Rules
T554O Valuation Classes
T554P Symbols for Attendances and Absences (Calendar)
T554Q Assignment of Valuation of Absences
T554R Day Rules for Absence Valuation
T554S Attendance and Absence Types
T554S_ESSEX ESS: Deactivation of Attendance/Absence types
T554S_WEB ESS Leave Request: Attributes of Attendance/Absence Types
T554T Absence and Attendance Texts
T554V Defaults for Absence Types
T554W Periods of Military Service
T554X Rules for Attendance/Absence Counting and Leave Deduction
T554Y Time Constraints in HR TIME
T5550 [OBSOLETE; NOW USE T705Q] Ext. Wage Types from Subsystem Txt
T555A Time Types
T555A_WEB Time Types to Be Displayed
T555B Time Type Texts
T555C Permitted PDC PIN Codes
T555D [OBSOLETE; NOW USE T705A] Abs./Attendance Reasons Subsystem
T555E Time Evaluation Messages
T555F Time Evaluation Error Texts
T555G [OBSOLETE; NOW USE T705H] Att./Absence Reasons Subssys. Text
T555H Site-Restricted Access Control Groups
T555I PDC Master Record Information
T555J Transfer to Time Types
T555K Transfer to Time Wage Types
T555L Transfer to Absence Quotas
T555M PDC Accounting Types
T555N Employee Grouping for the Time Evaluation Rule
T555O Access Control Groups (time-restricted)
T555P Employee Time Transfer Type
T555Q Texts for Time Transfer Type
T555R Overtime Compensation Types
T555S PDC Record Type Conversion
T555T Overtime Compensation Type Texts
T555U Employee Time Management status
T555V Employee Status for Time Management: Texts
T555W [OBSOLETE; NOW USE T705K] Ext. Wages Types from Subsystem
T555X Texts for Access Control Groups (time-restricted)
T555Y Processing Type/Time Type According to Att./Absence Class
T555Z Time Type Determination
T556 Substitution Types
T556A Absence Quota Types
T556A_WEB ESS Leave Request: Quota Types for Display
T556B Absence Quota Type Texts
T556C Counting Rule for Attendances and Absences
T556D Absence Counting With/Without Quotas Texts
T556E Rule Group (Coverage Package)
T556F Texts for Rule Group (Coverage Package)
T556G Rule for Day Markers in Coverage History
T556H Texts for Rule on Determining the Coverage History
T556M Process Partial-Day Absences Using XNAB Function
T556P Attendance Quotas
T556P_WEB ESS Leave Request: Quota Types to Be Displayed
T556Q Attendance Quota Type Texts
T556R Rules for Deduction Sequence for Absence Quotas
T556S Texts for Deduction Sequence Rules for Absence Quotas
T556T Substitution Type Texts
T556U Attendance/Absence Quota Compensation Types
T556V Texts for Attendance/Absence Quota Compensation Types
T556W Wage Type Assignment for Att./Absence Quota Compensations
T557 Availability Types
T557A Reporting Time Types
T557B Time Type Descriptions for Reporting
T557CU Reporting Time Types
T557D Reporting Quota Types
T557E Quota Type Descriptions for Reporting
T557G Relation Table: Absence/Attendance Accumulation
T557H Relation Table: Time Types Accumulation
T557I Relation Table: Time Wage Types Accumulation
T557J Relation Table: Quota Types for Reporting
T557K Relation Table: Quota Types for Reporting
T557L Relation Table: Quota Types for Reporting
T557M Time Types Relationships Table (from Period Totals Table)
T557T Availability Types Texts
T557V Membership Function
T557W Text for Membership Function
T558A Old Payroll Account Transfer
T558B Payroll Account Transfer: Payroll Periods
T558C Payroll Account Transfer: Old Wage Types
T558D Transfer Wage Types with Split Indicator
T558S Payroll table type
T559A Working Weeks
T559B Working Week Texts
T559D Validity/Deduction Interval for Absence Quotas
T559D_WEB ESS Leave Request: Obsolete; Now T556A_WEB
T559E Base Entitlement for Leave Accrual
T559F Processing of Absence Quota Remainders
T559G Quota Generation: Rule for Transfer Times
T559H Quota Generation: Text for Transfer Times Rule
T559J Convert Leave Types to Quota Types
T559L Automatic Absence Quota Generation
T559M Reduction Rules for Absence Quota Generation
T559N Texts for Reduction Rules for Leave Accrual
T559P Limits for Time Balances
T559Q Texts for Time Balance Limits
T559QT Transfer Remaining Quota to New Quotas
T559R Rounding Rules
T559S Texts for Rounding Rules
T559T Texts for Leave Accrual Rule
T559U Overtime rules
T559V Validity Period: Absence Quotas for Default Values
T559W Text Table for Time Evaluation Classes
T559X Evaluation Classes for Times (Internal Table TIP)
T559Y Text Table for Conditions for Employee Times
T559Z Conditions for Employee Times in Time Evaluation
T564T Insurance Company Texts
T569B Archiving Information for Cluster B2
T569R Earliest Recalculation Dates for Time Management
T569T Control Record Texts
T569U Logs for Control Records
T569V Control Records
T569W Texts for Recalculation Categories
T56C1 Parameter for Cumulation Types
T56C1T Parameter for Cumulation Types - Texts
T56C2 Permitted Cumulation Types
T56C3 Date for the Cumulation Intervals
T56C4 Period Date Relevant for Cumulations
T56C5 Time-Based Window for Cumulation Table Entries
T56C7 HR-PAY: Country Exits for Cumulations
T56C8 HR-PAY: Country-Specific Cumulation Tables
T572B Illness Texts
T572E Control table for additional absence data
T572F Event Texts
T572G Permitted Values for Events
T572H Event Value Texts
T574A Qualification Keys
T574B Qualification Names
T577 Family Characteristics
T577S Family Characteristics Texts
T578A Medical Doctors
T578T Areas Of Examination
T578W Texts On Values For Areas Of Examination
T578X Permissible Values for Areas of Examination
T578Y Examination Results
T578Z Control Table for Internal Medical Service
T582A Infotypes: Customer-Specific Settings
T582B Infotypes That Are Created Automatically
T582C Include Screens for Infotypes
T582G Infotype: Grouping Reason
T582ITD Infotype - Dialog Module (CE)
T582ITOPER HR: Master Data, Infotype Operations
T582ITOPERT Infotype Operation Texts
T582ITTXTFIELDS Infotypes with Infotype Text Fields
T582ITVCHCK Verification Class for a Version Flag
T582ITVCLAS Classes for Determining Version IDs and Infotype Containers
T582ITVERS Entity Table for Infotype Versions
T582ITVERST Entity Table for Infotype Versions
T582ITVOPER HR: Master Data, Permissibility of Infotype Operations
T582L Infotypes - country-specific settings
T582MAPITVERS Assignment of Infotype Versions
T582S Infotype Texts
T582V Assignment of Infotypes to Views
T582W Assigns Infotype View to Primary Infotype
T582Z Control Table for PA Time Management
T584A Test Procedures - Infotype Assignment
T585A Infotypes with Documents
T585B Field Group Definition
T585C Field Group Characteristics
T585O HR Optical Archiving: Configuration Table for PREL and PAPL
T587A Detail View: Personnel Assignments - Categories
T587B Detail View: Personnel Assignments - Category Text
T587C Detail View: Personnel Assignments - Line Layout
T588A Transaction Codes
T588AUTO_MAP Mapping for Conversion of Repeat Structure/Tables
T588AUTO_TABLE Mapping for Conversion of Repeat Structure/Tables
T588AUTO_TEXT Assignment of Text Fields for Generic Text Reader
T588AUTO_TEXTC Assignment of Text Fields for Generic Text Reader (Customer)
T588B Infotype Menus
T588C Infotype Menus/Info Groups
T588D Infogroups for Actions
T588F - is no longer used (now T588G) -
T588F4_TEXT Advanced Selection Method with Text for Selection Method
T588FIX_TEXT Assignment of Data Elements to Determine Fixed Texts
T588G Field-Specific Retroactive Accounting Recognition
T588H Infotype Header Data Selection Control
T588I Assignment of Header ID/Country Grouping to Header Modifier
T588J Infotype Header Definition
T588K Field names for screens different from DDIC
T588L Field names for screens different from DDIC entry
T588M Infotype Screen Control
T588MAPUGRMOLGA Mapping UGR Parameter with Country Grouping
T588MFPROPC HR: Field Properties
T588MFPROPS HR: Field Properties
T588M_ESS Control of Screen Fields for ESS Scenarios
T588N Screen Modification for Account Assignment Block
T588O Screen Modification for Assignment Data
T588Q Screen Types for Fast Entry
T588R Selection Reports for Fast Data Entry
T588S Screen Types for Fast Entry
T588T Menu and Infogroup Designations
T588UICONVCLAS Assignment UI Structures and UI Conversion Classes
T588V Business Object Type Determination
T588W Event types for infotype operations
T588X Cust. composite definition of event types for IT operations
T588YS Additional Info on Screens Generated from TMYPA42
T588Z Dynamic Actions
T589A Status and Input Mode in Screen Painter Screens
T589Z F Status of Each Module Pool and Screen
T591A Subtype Characteristics
T591A_ESSEX ESS: Deactivation of Subtypes
T591B Time Constraints for Wage Types
T591C Recipient Type for Communication Type
T591S Subtype Texts
T5961 Area
T5962 Area Text
T5963 Report ID Assignment
T596A Wage Type Application
T596B Texts for Subapplications
T596C Validity Interval for Statutory Subapplications
T596D Validity Intervals for Non-Statutory Subapplications
T596F HR Subroutines
T596G Wage Type Buckets
T596H Texts on Cumulation Wage Types
T596I Calculation Rules for Cumulation Wage Types
T596J Calculation guideline for cum. wage types (customer table)
T596K HR-PAY: Country-Specific Table Names
T596L Determination of Personnel Area Reporting
T596M Data Personnel Area Reporting
T596MD Screens/Structures of Subscreens from T596M
T596N Summary Personnel Area Reporting
T596NV Summary Personnel Area Reporting
T596U Conversion Table
T596X Dynamic Assignment of Cumulation Wage Types to Fields
T599B Report Categories
T599C Report Categories
T599C_PY PNP900 Time Selections and Further Options
T599D Report Category Names
T599D_PY Report Category Names
T599E Time-Dependent Rounding for Operation RNDC
T599F Report Categories - Select Options
T599F_PY Report Categories - Select Options
T599I IMG Transaction: Dynamic Parameter
T599J IMG Transaction: Dynamic Parameters - Texts
T599R HR Report Attributes
T599T Field Control for Report Categories
T599U Universal HR Tables
T599V Universal HR Tables
T599W HR Report Categories
T599X Field Control for Report Categories
T599Y Convert External Wage Types
T599Z Time Wage Types to Third-Party Systems
T59_PROTE RPDSYS-SE61 Conversion: Log Table Error
T59_PROTL RPDSYS-SE61 Conversion: Log Table Reference
T59_PROTM RPDSYS-SE61 Conversion: Log Table Modules
T5A03 Employee Groups/Employee Subgroups
T5A09 Subapplications for Austria
T5A0A ER Assgmt Unit for Authorities
T5A0P Personnel Area/Subarea AT
T5A1A SI Groups (Austria)
T5A1AT SI Groups (Austria)
T5A1B SI Contribution Groups
T5A1B_AV Progressive Rate for Unemployment Insurance
T5A1C SI Contributions/Contribution Amounts
T5A1C_UML Contribution Types
T5A1D SI Characteristics for Contribution Groups
T5A1E Characteristics for Contribution Groups
T5A1F Values for Characteristic Types of Contribution Groups
T5A1G Texts for Characteristic Types of Contribution Groups
T5A1H Texts for Values of Characteristics for Contribution Groups
T5A1I Assignment of Technical Contr. Grps to Official Contr. Grps
T5A1J Texts for Contribution Groups
T5A1K ELDA: Record Versions
T5A1L ELDA: Record Structures
T5A1M ELDA: Field Conversion
T5A1N ELDA: Value Conversion
T5A1O ELDA: Data Records Created
T5A1O_REF ELDA: Reference Number
T5A1P ELDA: Data Medium Administration
T5A1Q ELDA: Confirmed Data Records
T5A1R ELDA: SAP-Internal Fields
T5A1S Employer Account Numbers with Social Insurance Bodies
T5A1T Social insurance institutes
T5A1U Company Employee Pension Fund
T5A1W SI Age Levels
T5A1X Control for Determining SI Contributions (A)
T5A1Y Age-Dependent SI Contribution Groups
T5A1Z ELDA: Check Table for Dereg. Reason and End of Employment
T5A1Z_PBS ELDA: Check Table for Dereg. Reason and End of Employment
T5A2A Proportionate Calculations of General Deduction Amount
T5A2C Texts for Tax Exemption
T5A2CT Texts for Tax Exemption
T5A2D Tax Procedure and Reasons for Tax Exemption
T5A2E Income Tax Rates
T5A2F Tax Offices (A)
T5A2G Municipalities
T5A2G_AD Assignment of Addresses to Municipalities
T5A2G_NEW Municipality Code and Municipality Status
T5A2G_NEW_PLZ Postal Codes of Municipality
T5A2H Transfer Wage Types to Small or Large Relation Wage Type
T5A2I Relation-Forming Wage Types
T5A2J Income Tax According to Effective Pay Scale
T5A2L Additional Information for Annual Data Medium L16
T5A2M Damaging Actions/Reasons
T5A2S Deduction Amounts: Tax (A)
T5A2S_PP Commuter Rate (Kilometer Limit)
T5A2S_PPT Commuter Rate: Scaling Texts
T5A2T Tax Procedure (A)
T5A2TT Tax Procedure (A) Translation
T5A3A Family allowance
T5A3T Family Allowance Texts
T5A4 Process Control for Continued Pay
T5A4A General Absence Data
T5A4B Seniority
T5A4C Entitlement Quotas (Obsolete)
T5A4D Time-Dependent Entitlement Quotas
T5A4F Absence Categories for Collective Contract/Company Agreement
T5A4G Use of Absence Categories
T5A4H Date Specifications (Continued Pay)
T5A4I Absence Categories of Particular Importance
T5A4O Description of Attendance/Absence Categories
T5A4P Attendance/Absence Categories
T5A4Q Characteristics of Attendance/Absence Categories
T5A4S Assgmt Job/Pos. to Heavy Labor Pos. in Acc. with Sec. 5 Reg.
T5A4T Valuation According to Absence Duration
T5A4U Entitlement Quotas
T5A4V Entitlements per Absence
T5A4W Entitlements in Analysis Period
T5A5D Print Positions for Sickness Certificates
T5A5F Technical control for sickness certificates
T5A5K Forms for domestic sickness certificates
T5A5T Print Position Texts for Sickness Certificates
T5A5U Forms for Leave Sickness Certificates
T5A5Z System Responses for Master Data Maintenance
T5A6A Adjustment Types
T5A6B Equalization Reasons
T5A6C Special Garnishment Cases
T5A6D Fields for Special Cases for Garnishment
T5A6E Garnishment Group
T5A6F Text Table for Garnishment
T5A6H Rules of a Garnishment Group
T5A71 L16 Consolidation File
T5A72 BGN(GKK) Consolidation File
T5A73 BGN(BVA) Consolidation File
T5A74 E18 Consolidation File
T5A7A Field Properties of Payslip Fields
T5A7B Table of Period-Specific Statuses for Payslip Creation
T5A7C Table of Person-Specific Statuses for Payslip Creation
T5A7D Payslip Checking Rules
T5A7E Payslip Validation Rules
T5A7F Define Comparison Condition
T5A7G Payslip AT Assignment Evaluation View Period Time
T5A7I Transfer Payslip Tax Domestic (L16)
T5A7J Transfer Payslip Tax Domestic (L16) (Customer Table)
T5A7L Payslip: Actions/Action Reasons for Payslip Creation
T5A7S Switch Table for PCALZ Check
T5A7V Payslip: Variants for RPUELDA0
T5A7W Payslip: Employer Assignment to Company
T5A8A Civil Servant Group
T5A8B Civil Servant Group - Texts
T5A8C Calculation Period and Year-Dependent SCB Pts Divisor
T5A8D Revaluation Factor/Number
T5A8E Retirement Cause
T5A8F Retirement Cause - Texts
T5A8G Deduction for Early Retirement
T5A8H PRAT Customizing Constant
T5A8HRAT_CLCP_FT HRAT: Cust. Text Table for Pension Calculation (BAdI Filter)
T5A8HRAT_CLCP_FV HRAT: Cust. Table for Pension Calculation (BAdI Filter)
T5A8I Key Date for Total Pensionable Employment Periods
T5A8J Name of PRAT Constants
T5A9A Created Statement of Employment (A)
T5A9B Payment Attributes for Subapplications
T5A9C Export Wage Types for Subapplications
T5A9D Definition of Validity of Age Group Rules
T5A9E Definition of Event Intervals for Age Group Rules
T5A9F Definition of Full/Half Severance Pay Using Leaving Reasons
T5A9F_M Definition of Full/Half Severance Pay Using Action + Reason
T5A9G Company Number of Union
T5A9M Multiple Assignment for Municipal Tax
T5A9N Multiple Assignment for Municipal Tax (Name)
T5AA0 Absence Quota Type for Recognition of Leave
T5AB0 Sick Leave Certificate: ELDA Opening and Closing Record
T5AB1 Sick Leave Certificate: ELDA Record KB
T5AE1 Absence Types: Entry for Illness Notification
T5AE2 Absence Types: Alignment for Illness Notification
T5AE3 Absence Types: Conversion in Event of Missing Illness Notif.
T5AEA Function Numbers
T5AGR Projection Rules (Income Report)
T5AK0 Wage Groups
T5AK1 Standard Working Hours
T5AK1T Text for Standard Working Time
T5AK2 Flat Rates for Hours Lost
T5AKB RHC Reference Number
T5AKBT Text Table for T5AKB
T5APBS01 Joint Taxation: Tax-Levying Authority
T5APBS01T Joint Taxation: Tax-Levying Authority (Texts)
T5APBS02 Joint Taxation: Types of Cash Benefits
T5APBS02T Joint Taxation: Types of Cash Benefits (Texts)
T5APBS03 Joint Taxation: Conversion of Wage Types - Import
T5APBS04 Joint Taxation: Assignment of Infotypes to Wage Types
T5APBS05 Joint Taxation: Conversion of Wage Types - Record Structure
T5APBS06 Pay scale reclassification
T5APBS07 SI Public Sector: Correction Wage Types for Contrib. Bases
T5APBS08 SI Public Sector: Contribution Limits, Rounding
T5APBS09 Variable SI Percentages for Public Sector
T5APBS10 Properties for Attendence/Absence Types for SI Publ. Sector
T5APBS11 SI Public Sector: Sequence Tax Calculation Special Payment
T5APBS12 SI Public Sector: Absence - Contribut. Type Group Assignment
T5APBS13 SI Public Sector: Assign Insurance Institution to Region
T5APBS14 SI Public Sector: SI Modifier - Percentages Assignment
T5APBS15 Contrib.Types for RPCSVBA2PBS (*GRL, *GRS, *BTL, *BTS, *PRZ)
T5APBS16 Percentages for Valuation Module APSV2
T5APBS17 SI Public Sector: Correction Wage Type - Contr.Basis Assign.
T5APBS18 SI Public Sector: Contribution Limits, Rounding
T5APBS19 Assignment of Subtypes to Wage Types for SCB Pts
T5APBS20 Properties for Absence Types for FRSC
T5APBS21 Name of Law Used for Calculation
T5APBS22 Properties for Absence Types for FRSC (New)
T5APBS_F_APORG Entity Table for Return Values for Feature APORG SI
T5APBS_F_APORGT Text Table for Return Values for Feature APORG SI
T5APD Assignment of Global Data to AWPBP Split Functions
T5APF Implementation for Dynamic Instance Generation
T5APG Customer Layer f. Dynamic Instance Generation (Analog T5APF)
T5ARL Assignment of Organizations to Base Wage Types
T5AS0 Usage Groups (Income Statistics)
T5AS0T Description of Usage Groups (Income Statistics)
T5AS1 Function Groups (Income Statistics)
T5AS1T Description of Function Groups (Income Statistics)
T5AS2 Remuneration Element Type (Income Statistics)
T5AS2T Description of Remuneration Element Type (Income Statistics)
T5ASR01CHKF Container HR Admin: Outbound Hyperlinks from Physical Object
T5ASR01CHKO Container HR Admin: Files of Physical Information Objects
T5ASR01IDXSTA Container HR Admin: Attributes Physical Information Objects
T5ASR01LOIO Container HR Admin: Instances of Logical Information Objects
T5ASR01LOIOT Container HR Admin: Inbound Relations of Logical Info.Obj.
T5ASR01LOPR Container HR Admin: Descriptions Logical Information Objects
T5ASR01LORE Container HR Admin: Attribute Values of Logical Info.Objects
T5ASR01LORI Container HR Admin: Outbound Relations Logical Info.Objects
T5ASR01PHF Container HR Admin: Inbound Relations Physical Info.Objects
T5ASR01PHHR Container HR Admin: Use of TargetAnchors in Physical InfoObj
T5ASR01PHIO Container HR Admin: Instances Physical Information Objects
T5ASR01PHNM Container HR Admin: Outbound Relations Physical Info.Objects
T5ASR01PHPR Container HR Admin: Checkout Data for Physical Info.Objects
T5ASR01PHRE Container HR Admin: Status Table for Indexation of Documents
T5ASR01PHRI Container HR Admin: File Name of Last Checkout
T5ASR02CHKF Attachments HR Admin: Outbound Hyperlinks from Physical Obj.
T5ASR02CHKO Attachments HR Admin: Files of Physical Information Objects
T5ASR02IDXSTA Attachments HR Admin: Attributes of Physical Info.Objects
T5ASR02LOIO Attachments HR Admin: Instances Logical Information Objects
T5ASR02LOIOT Attachments HR Admin: Outbound Relations Logical Info.Obj.
T5ASR02LOPR Attachments HR Admin: Descriptions of Logical Info.Objects
T5ASR02LORE Attachments HR Admin: Attribute Values Logical Info.Objects
T5ASR02LORI Attachments HR Admin: Outbound Relations Logical Info.Obj.
T5ASR02PHF Attachments HR Admin: Inbound Relations Physical Info.Obj.
T5ASR02PHHR Attachments HR Admin: Use of TargetAnchors in Phys. InfoObj.
T5ASR02PHIO Attachments HR Admin: Instances Physical Information Objects
T5ASR02PHNM Attachments HR Admin: Outbound Relations Physical Info.Obj.
T5ASR02PHPR Attachments HR Admin: Checkout Data for Physical Info.Obj.
T5ASR02PHRE Attachments HR Admin: Status Table for Indexation of Documts
T5ASR02PHRI Attachments HR Admin: File Name of Last Checkout
T5ASRACTIVITY Possible Activities
T5ASRACTIVITYT Name of Activity
T5ASRADDCRIT Entity Table Additional Criteria (LPA)
T5ASRADDCRIT_T Text Table Additional Criteria (LPA)
T5ASRARCHINDEX ASR: Archiving Index Table
T5ASRATTACHMENT Attachment Types
T5ASRATTACHMENTT Texts for Attachment Types
T5ASRAUTHMETHOD Authorization Methods (Objects) To Be Used
T5ASRCONT01 Container HR Admin: Table for Document Contents (Imp./Exp.)
T5ASRCONT02 Attachments HRAdmin: Table for Document Contents (Imp./Exp.)
T5ASRCONTCASELNK Assignment of Data Container to Case
T5ASRCONTENTTEXT Text Table for Content Types
T5ASRCONTENTTYPE HR Administrative Services: Content Types
T5ASRDABDEF Default Settings for Displaying Infotype Records in DAB
T5ASRDABFOLDERS Sequence of Nodes in Infotype Browser
T5ASRDABHISTORY Master Data Changes By User
T5ASRDABSETTINGS Settings in DAB (User-Specific)
T5ASRDOCCASELNK Assignment of Attachments to Case
T5ASRDOCUMENTS HR Administrative Services: Documents
T5ASRDPFANCHOR Number of Node Attribute "Anchor"
T5ASRDPFANCHORT Text Table for Anchors
T5ASRDPFARDOCS Assignment of Archived Documents to Category of Record
T5ASRDPFCAT Category of Personnel Files
T5ASRDPFCATT Text for Category of Personnel Files
T5ASRDPFDOCUMENT Assignment of Model and Document Types
T5ASRDPFELEMENTS Assignment of Anchors to Element Types
T5ASRDPFFORMS Assignment of Form Scenario and Anchor Number
T5ASRDTFLDTOOL Assignment Table/Field to Tool
T5ASRDTOBJHIER Object Hierarchy
T5ASRDTOBJTYPET Texts for object types
T5ASRDTPROV Provider Classes
T5ASRERRORAGENTS Processor For Special Error
T5ASRFAVORITES Infotype Browser Favorites
T5ASRFE01 Fast Data Entry Template
T5ASRFE01T Fast Data Entry Templates Names
T5ASRFE02 Connection of Fast Data Entry Template to Form Scenario
T5ASRFE03 Assignment of Template to Initiator Role
T5ASRFE04 User-Defined Fast Data Entry Templates
T5ASRFE05 Visibility of Fast Data Entry Template Fields
T5ASRFOLDER Folder for User Favorites
T5ASRFSCN Form Scenarios
T5ASRFSCNATM Possible Attachments for Form Scenarios
T5ASRFSCNATMMAP Mapping of Attachments Between Form Scenarios
T5ASRFSCNFLD Fields for Form Scenarios
T5ASRFSCNFLDHLP Values for Value Helps
T5ASRFSCNFLDHLPT Texts for Value Helps
T5ASRFSCNFLDPRP Fields of Form Scenarios (Characteristics)
T5ASRFSCNFLDT Texts for Fields for Form Scenarios
T5ASRFSCNGROUP Field Groups for Operations
T5ASRFSCNGROUPT Field Groups for Operations: Text Table
T5ASRFSCNGRP Groupings of Form Scenarios
T5ASRFSCNGRPT Texts for Groupings of Form Scenarios
T5ASRFSCNGSMAP Field Mapping for Generic Services
T5ASRFSCNGSOP Operations for Generic Services
T5ASRFSCNISRLNK Assignment of ISR Scenarios to Form Scenarios
T5ASRFSCNLNK Possible Links for Additional Information
T5ASRFSCNMAP Mapping Between Form Scenarios
T5ASRFSCNOPRGRP Processing Operations
T5ASRFSCNOPRT Operations: Text Table
T5ASRFSCNPAMAP Field Mapping for Infotypes (Personnel Administration)
T5ASRFSCNPAOP Operations for Infotypes (Personnel Administration)

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