SAP transaction codes starting with V

Here you will find a list of all SAP transaction codes.

1831 SAP transactions were found!
transaction code description
SAP transaction codes starting with VA
VA01 Create Sales Order
VA02 Change Sales Order
VA03 Display Sales Order
VA05 List of Sales Orders
SAP transaction codes starting with VF
VF01 Create Billing Document
VF02 Change Billing Document
VF03 Display Billing Document
VF04 Maintain Billing Due List
VF05N List of Billing Documents
VF11 Cancel Billing Document
SAP transaction codes starting with VL
VL01N Create Outbound Dlv. with Order Ref.
VL02N Change Outbound Delivery
VL03N Display Outbound Delivery
VL04 Process Delivery Due List
VL06O Outbound Delivery Monitor
SAP transaction codes starting with V
V Quickstart RKCOWUSL
SAP transaction codes starting with V+
V+01 Create Sales Call
V+02 Create Telephone Call
V+03 Create Sales Letter
V+11 Create Direct Mailing
V+21 Create Sales Prospect
V+22 Create Competitor
V+23 Create Business Partner
SAP transaction codes starting with V-
V-01 Create Sales Order
V-02 Create Quotation
V-03 Create ordering party (Sales)
V-04 Create invoice recipient (Sales)
V-05 Create payer (Sales)
V-06 Create consignee (Sales)
V-07 Create one-time customer (Sales)
V-08 Create payer (Centrally)
V-09 Create ordering party (Centrally)
V-11 Create carrier
V-12 Create Customer Hierarchy Nodes
V-31 Create Freight 1
V-32 Create Freight 1 with Reference
V-33 Change Freight 1
V-34 Create Freight 1
V-35 Create Freight 1
V-36 Create Freight 1 with Reference
V-37 Change Freight 2
V-38 Display Freight 2
V-40 Display Taxes (Export)
V-41 Create Material Price
V-42 Create Material Price w/ref.
V-43 Change Material Price
V-44 Display Material Price
V-45 Create Price List
V-46 Create Price List w/ref.
V-47 Change Price List
V-48 Display Price List
V-49 Create Customer-Specific Price
V-50 Create Customer-spec. Price w/ref.
V-51 Change Cust.price
V-52 Display Cust.price
V-61 Create Cust.disc./surcharge
V-62 Create Customer Disc/Surch. w/ref
V-63 Change Cust.Disc/Surcharge
V-64 Display Cust.Disc/Surcharge
V-65 Create Mat.Disc/Surcharge
V-66 Create w/ref.Material Disc/Surcharge
V-67 Change Mat.Disc/Surcharge
V-68 Display Mat.Disc/Surcharge
V-69 Create Price grp Disc/Surch.
V-70 Create w/ref.Price Group Disc/Surch.
V-71 Change Price grp Disc/Surch.
V-72 Display Price grp Disc/Surch.
V-73 Create Disc/Surch
V-74 Create w/ Disc/Surch
V-75 Change Disc/Surch
V-76 Display Disc/Surch
V-77 Create Cust/MatPrGrp Disc/Su
V-78 Create w/ref.Cust/MatPrGrp Disc/Surc
V-79 Change Cust/MatPrGrp Disc/Su
V-80 Display Cust/MatPrGrp Disc/Su
V-81 Create Cust/mat.Disc/Surch.
V-82 Create w/ref.Cust/Mat.Disc/Surcharge
V-83 Change Cust/mat.Disc/Surch.
V-84 Display Cust/mat.Disc/Surch.
V-85 Create PGrp/MPrGrp Disc/Surc
V-86 Create w/ref.PrGrp/MatPrGrp Disc/Sur
V-87 Change PGrp/MPrGrp Disc/Surc
V-88 Display PGrp/MPrGrp Disc/Surc
V-89 Create PGrp/MPrGrp Disc/Surc
V-90 Create w/ref.PrGrp/Mat Disc/Surch.
V-91 Change PGrp/mat Disc/Surch.
V-92 Display PGrp/mat.Disc/Surch.
V-93 Create Domestic Taxes
V-94 Create Domestic Taxes w/Reference
V-95 Change Domestic Taxes
V-96 Display Domestic Taxes
V-97 Create Cross-border Taxes
V-98 Create Cross-border Taxes
V-99 Change Cross-border Taxes
SAP transaction codes starting with V.
V.00 List of Incomplete Documents
V.01 Sales Order Error Log
V.02 List of Incomplete Sales Orders
V.03 List of Incomplete Inquiries
V.04 List of Incomplete Quotations
V.05 List of Incomplete Sched.Agreements
V.06 List of Incomplete Contracts
V.07 Periodic billing
V.14 Sales Orders Blocked for Delivery
V.15 Display Backorders
V.20 Display Collective Delivery Process.
V.21 Log of Collective Run
V.22 Display Collective Runs
V.23 Release Orders for Billing
V.24 Display Work List for Invoice Lists
V.25 Release Customer Expected Price
V.26 Selection by Object Status
SAP transaction codes starting with V/
V/03 Create Condition Table (SD Price)
V/04 Change Condition Table (Sales pr.)
V/05 Display Condition Table: (Sales Pr.)
V/06 Condition Categories: SD Pricing
V/07 Maintain Access (Sales Price)
V/08 Conditions: Procedure for A V
V/09 Condition Types: Account Determin.
V/10 Account Determination: Access Seqnc
V/11 Conditions: Account Determin.Proced.
V/12 Account Determination: Create Table
V/13 Account Determination: Change Table
V/14 Account Determination: Display Table
V/21 View V_TVSA_NAC
V/22 View V_TVTY_NAC
V/23 View V_TVST_KOM
V/24 View V_TVTK_NAC
V/25 View V_TVFK_NAC
V/26 View V_TVKK_NAC
V/27 Conditions for Output Determination
V/30 Output Types (Sales Document)
V/31 View V_TNAPN Appl V3
V/32 Sales Doc Output Determtn Procedure
V/33 View V_TNAPN Appl V7
V/34 Maintain Condition Type Appl V2
V/35 Customizing for Output Determination
V/36 Delivery Output Determination Procdr
V/37 Assign Customer
V/38 Maintain Condition Type Appl V4
V/39 View V_TNAPR Appl V6
V/40 Maintain Condition Type Appl V3
V/41 View V_TVST_NAC
V/42 Output Detrmntn Procdr (Billing Doc)
V/43 View V_TVAK_NAC
V/44 Maintain Condition Type Appl DB
V/45 View V_TNAPN Appl K1
V/46 Output Determination Procdr Customer
V/47 View V_TNAPN Appl V1
V/48 Access Sequences (Sales Document)
V/49 View V_TNAPN Appl. V2
V/50 Access Sequence (Delivery)
V/51 View V_TNAPN Appl. V6
V/52 Access Sequences Appl. V3
V/53 View V_TNAPR Appl. V4
V/54 Access Sequence (Billing Document)
V/55 View V_TVBUR_NA
V/56 Output: Cond.Table - Create Orders
V/57 Output - Cond.Table - Change Order
V/58 Output - Cond.Table - Display Order
V/59 Output - Cond.Table - Create Dlv.
V/60 Output - Cond.Table - Change Dlv.
V/61 Output - Cond.Table - Display Dlv.
V/62 Output - Cond.Table - Create BillDoc
V/63 Output - Cond.Table - Change BillDoc
V/64 Output - Cond.Table - Display BillDc
V/65 Output CondTable/Create SalesSupport
V/66 Output CondTab./Change Sales Support
V/67 Output CondTab/Display Sales Support
V/68 Maintain Access Seqnc (Sales Actvty)
V/69 View V_TVAP_NAC
V/70 Maintain Condition Type Appl K1
V/71 View V_TVLK_NAC
V/72 Output Determination Procedure (CAS)
V/73 View V_TVLP_NAC
V/76 Maintain Product Hierarchy
V/77 Output -ConditTable- Create Transprt
V/78 Output -CondTable- Change Transport
V/79 Output -CondTable- Display Transport
V/80 Access Sequence (Transport)
V/81 View V_TNAPR Appl V7
V/82 Maintain condition type Appl. V7
V/83 View V_TNAPR Appl V3
V/84 Output Determination Transport
V/85 View V_TVKO_NAC
V/86 Conditions: V_T681F for B V1
V/87 Conitions: V_T681F for B V2
V/88 Conditions: V_T681F for B V3
V/89 Conditions: V_T681F for B V5
V/90 Conditions: V_T681F for B V6
V/91 Conditions: V_T681F for B V7
V/92 Conditions: V_T681F for B K1
V/93 Output -CondTable- Create Packaging
V/94 Output -CondTable- Change Packaging
V/95 Output -CondTable- Display Packaging
V/96 Access Sequence (Packaging)
V/97 Output Type Packaging
V/99 Output Determntn Procedure Packaging
V/C1 Strategy Types: Batch Determin.SD
V/C2 Access: Maintain Batch Determin. SD
V/C3 Batch Determin.: Procedure for SD
V/C4 Search Types: Optimize Access
V/C5 SD Tab. T683C Search Proced.Det.
V/C6 Conditions: V_T681F for H V
V/C7 CondTable: Create (Batches, SD)
V/C8 CondTable: Change (Batch, SD)
V/C9 CondTable: Display (Batches, SD)
V/CA Automatic Batch SlsOrder
V/CL Automatic Batch Delivery
V/G1 Output CondTab/Create Group
V/G2 Output CondTab Change Group
V/G3 Output CondTab/Display Group
V/G4 Access Sequence (Groups)
V/G5 View V_TNAPR Appl K1
V/G6 Maintain Condition Type Appl V5
V/G7 View V_TNAPR Appl V1
V/G8 Output Determinatn Procedure Groups
V/G9 View VN_TNAPR Appl V2
V/I1 Activation of Condition Index
V/I2 Set up condition indices
V/I3 Conditions: Pricing SD - Index
V/I4 Conditions: Pricing SD - Index
V/I5 Condit: Pricing SD - Index in Backgr
V/I6 Display conditions using index
V/LA Create Pricing Report
V/LB Change Pricing Report
V/LC Display Pricing Report
V/LD Execute pricing report
V/LE Generate pricing reports
V/N1 Maintain accesses (free goods - sls)
V/N2 Create free goods table
V/N3 Display free goods table (SD)
V/N4 Free goods types - Sales
V/N5 Free goods: Procedure for SD
V/N6 Free goods procedure determ. SD
V/T1 Maintain profile
V/T2 Network Types
V/T3 Deadlines:Assign DlvType
V/T4 Maintain Deadline Functions
V/T5 Maintain Deviation Reasons
V/T6 Maintain assignment to plant
V/T7 Assign Shipping Deadlines to Shipmnt
V/T8 Shipping Deadlines-Graphics Settings
SAP transaction codes starting with V0
SAP transaction codes starting with V1
V101 Initial Sales Menu
V12L3V_A Create Pricing Report for Camp. Det.
V12L3V_B Change Pricing Report for Camp. Det.
V12L3V_C Display Pricing Report for Camp.Det.
V12L3V_D Execute Pricing Report for Camp.Det.
V12LCA Create Pricing Report
V12LCB Change Pricing Report
V12LDVG_A Create Condition List GTIN Mapping
V12LDVG_B Change Condition List GTIN Mapping
V12LDVG_C Display Condition List GTIN Mapping
V12LDVG_D Execute Condition List GTIN Mapping
V12LDV_A Create Pricing Report
V12LDV_B Change Pricing Report
V12LDV_C Display Pricing Report
V12LDV_D Execute Pricing Report
V12LEV_A Create Pricing Report (Rebate)
V12LEV_B Change Pricing Report (Rebate)
V12LEV_C Display Transactions (Rebate)
V12LEV_D Execute Pricing Report (Rebate)
V12L_A Create Pricing Report
V12L_B Change Pricing Report
V12L_C Display Pricing Report
V12L_D Execute Pricing Report
SAP transaction codes starting with V2
V23 Sales Documents Blocked for Billing
SAP transaction codes starting with V6
V633 Customer Conversion Dec.Shipping
SAP transaction codes starting with VA
VA05N List of Sales Orders
VA06 Sales Order Monitor
VA07 Compare Sales - Purchasing (Order)
VA08 Compare Sales - Purchasing (Org.Dt.)
VA11 Create Inquiry
VA12 Change Inquiry
VA13 Display Inquiry
VA14L Sales Documents Blocked for Delivery
VA15 Inquiries List
VA15N Inquiries List
VA21 Create Quotation
VA22 Change Quotation
VA23 Display Quotation
VA25 Quotations List
VA25N List of quotations
VA26 Collective Processing for Quotations
VA31 Create Scheduling Agreement
VA32 Change Scheduling Agreement
VA33 Display Scheduling Agreement
VA35 List of Scheduling Agreements
VA35N List of Scheduling Agreements
VA41 Create Contract
VA42 Change Contract
VA42W Workflow for master contract
VA43 Display Contract
VA44 Actual Overhead: Sales Order
VA45 List of Contracts
VA45N List of Contracts
VA46 Coll.Subseq.Processing f.Contracts
VA51 Create Item Proposal
VA52 Change Item Proposal
VA53 Display Item Proposal
VA55 List of Item Proposals
VA88 Actual Settlement: Sales Orders
VA94 Load Commodity Codes for Japan
VA94X Load Commodity Codes for Japan
VA95 Merge Commodity Code/Import Code No.
VACB Adv. Order Processing and Billing
VACF Commit. carried forwrd: Sales orders
VAH1 Display Invoicing Items
VAKC Items in Sales Order Configuration
VAKP Configuration: Maintain T180
VALU Valuation Analysis
VAM4 Merge: Japan - Commodity Code
VAN1 Actual Reval.: Sales Order
VAP1 Create Contact Person
VAP2 Change Contact Person
VAP3 Display Contact Person
VARA Archiving
VARC SD: User Guide to Archiving
VARCH Change report variant
VARD Display report variant
VARK Archiving
VARR Archiving
VASK Deleting Groups
VAUGL_INFO Forward Clearing Information
VAUN Reload
VAZE Credit Splitting (Multiple Payts)
SAP transaction codes starting with VB
VB(1 Rebate number ranges
VB(2 Rebate Agreement Type Maintenance
VB(3 Condition Type Groups Overview
VB(4 Condition Types in ConditType Groups
VB(5 Assignment Condition -> CondTypeGrp
VB(6 Rebate Group Maintenance
VB(7 Rebate Agreement Settlement
VB(8 List Rebate Agreements
VB(9 Maintain Sales Deal Types
VB(A Promotion Type Maintenance
VB(B Copying Control Maintenance
VB(C Maintain Copying Control
VB(D Rebate Agreement Settlement
VB01 Create Material Listing/Exclusion
VB02 Change Material Listing/Exclusion
VB03 Display Material Listing/Exclusion
VB04 Reference Material Listing/Exclusion
VB11 Create Material Substitution
VB12 Change Material Substitution
VB13 Display Material Substitution
VB14 Reference Material Substitution
VB21 Create Sales Deal
VB22 Change Sales Deal
VB23 Display Sales Promotion
VB25 List of Sales Deals
VB31 Create Promotion
VB32 Change Promotion
VB33 Display Promotion
VB35 Promotions List
VB41 Create cross-selling
VB42 Change cross-selling
VB43 Display cross-selling
VB44 Copy cross-selling
VBBLOCK Documents Blocked for Billing
VBC_APPMAINTAIN Visual Business Application Maint.
VBC_MAPMAINTAIN Assign Map Products to Applications
VBC_MPLMAINTAIN Maintain Map Provider List
VBC_PROXYMAINTAIN Maintain Default Proxy Settings
VBC_SEPMAINTAIN Maintain Service Endpoints
VBC_TRANSPORT Transport Visual Business Applcation
VBC_ZIPEXPORT Export Application to ZIP File
VBC_ZIPIMPORT Import Visual Business Application
VBELN_SET_GENERATE Generate Sales Order Set
VBG1 Create Material Grouping
VBG2 Change Material Grouping
VBG3 Display Material Grouping
VBK0 Bonus Buy Selection
VBK1 Create Bonus Buy
VBK2 Change Bonus Buy
VBK3 Display Bonus Buy
VBK6 Delete Bonus Buy
VBKA Bonus Buy: Access Sequences
VBKB Bonus Buy: Create Condition Table
VBKC Bonus Buy: Display Condition Table
VBKD Bonus Buy: Condition Types
VBKE Bonus Buy: Calculation Schema
VBKF Bonus Buy: Schema Determination
VBKG Bonus Buy: Field Catalog
VBN1 Free goods - Create (SD)
VBN2 Free goods - Change (SD)
VBN3 Free goods - Display (SD)
VBO1 Create Rebate Agreement
VBO2 Change Rebate Agreement
VBO3 Display Rebate Agreement
VBOE Currency conversion rebate agreemnts
VBOF Rebate: Update Billing Documents
VBO_FINAL Finalize Rebate Agreements
VBSY Billing Plan Synchronization
SAP transaction codes starting with VC
VC/1 List of Customers
VC/2 Customer Master Data Sheet
VC/A Sales Activity Description 01
VC/B Sales Activity Description 02
VC/C Sales Activity Description 03
VC/D Sales Activity Description 04
VC/E Sales Activity Description 05
VC/F Sales Activity Description 06
VC/G Sales Activity Description 07
VC/H Sales Activity Description 08
VC/I Sales Activity Description 09
VC/J Sales Activity Description 10
VC01 Create Sales Activity
VC010102 Only Follow-up Activities
VC010103 Do not Delete Mail. Camp.+Addresses
VC010104 Internet mailing
VC01N Edit Sales Activity
VC01N_DRAG_KONTAKT Edit Sales Activity
VC01N_DRAG_MAILING Edit Sales Activity
VC01N_M Edit Mailing
VC02 Change Sales Activity
VC03 Display Sales Activity
VC05 Sales support monitor
VC06 Parallel Processing for Address List
VC10 Report Tree - Select Addresses
VC10_BMENU Area Menu for VC10
VC15 Crossmatching
VCAR Archiving
VCC1 Payment Cards: Worklist
VCFCL Clarif.Processing: Money Laundering
VCH1 Create Batch Search Strategy
VCH2 Change Batch Search Strategy
VCH3 Display Batch Search Strategy
VCHECKBONUS Customizing Checks for Rebate
VCHECKT683 Customizing Check Pricing Procedure
VCHECKT685A Customizing Check Condition Types
VCHECKTVCPF Customizing Check Copying Control
VCHECKVOFA Customizing Check Billing Types
VCHP C SD Table TVLP Deliveries: Items
VCOMP Completed SD Documents
VCPE_CRM_CUS Commodity Pricing Customizing for SD
VCPE_CUS Commodity Pricing Customizing for SD
VCPE_DOC Commodity Pricing in SD Documents
VCPE_FA_ACC_SEQ Access Sequence for Formula Assembly
VCPE_FA_COND_TYPE Condition Types for Formula Assembly
VCPE_FA_CT Cond. Tables for Formula Assembly
VCPE_FA_DET_PROC Det. Procedure for Formula Assembly
VCPE_FA_FC SD Field Catalog
VCPE_FA_GCM Formula Master Data Maintenance
VCPE_MD Commodity Pricing Master Data for SD
VCPE_WB CPE Formula Workbench for SD
VCPH1 Perform Policyholder Change
VCPH2 Delete Data for PH Change
VCPH3 PH Change: Transfer Posting Specs
VCR1 Competitive products
VCTP Maintain Allocation Structure
VCU3 Display Incompletion Log
VCUAC Display Anti-dumping - Qty-dependent
VCUAE Display Anti-dumping - Weight-depend
VCUDC Display 3rd Country - Qty-dependent
VCUDE Display 3rd Country - Weight-depend.
VCUN Reload
VCUP1 Display Preference - Qty-dependent
VCUP2 Display Preference - Weight-depend.
VCUPC Display Pharma.Prod. - Qty-dependent
VCUPF Display Pharma.Prod. - Weight-depen.
VCUST Customer List
VCUZ1 Display Ceiling - Quantity-dependent
VCUZ2 Display Ceiling - Weight-dependent
VCUZC Display Quota - Quantity-dependent
VCUZE Display Quota - Weight-dependent
VCUZP Display Ceilings - Percentage
VC_2 Customer Fact Sheet PDF Version
VC_ADSPCIPSTAT SPEC2000: User Status Maintainence
SAP transaction codes starting with VD
VD01 Create Customer (Sales)
VD02 Change Customer (Sales)
VD03 Display Customer (Sales)
VD04 Customer Changes (SD)
VD05 Block customer (sales)
VD06 Mark customer for deletion (sales)
VD07 Ref. doc. det. for ref. customer
VD51 Maintain Customer-Material Info
VD52 Maintain Cust-Mat.Info w/Select.Scrn
VD53 Display Customer-Material Info
VD54 Display Customer-Material Info
VD59 List customer-material-info
VDBLOCK Documents Blocked for Delivery
VDDI EMU currency conversion cust. master
VDF1 Display Format Date Type/Period
VDH1 Customer Hierarchy Maintenance (SD)
VDH1N Display/Maintain Customer Hierarchy
VDH2 Display Customer Hierarchy
VDH2N Display customer hierarchy
SAP transaction codes starting with VE
VE01 INTRASTAT: Selection Dispatch to EU
VE02 INTRASTAT: Create Form - Germany
VE03 INTRASTAT: Create File - Germany
VE04 EXTRASTAT: Data selection for export
VE05 EXTRASTAT: Create File - Germany
VE06 INTRASTAT: Paper Form - Belgien
VE07 Create INTRASTAT Form for France
VE08 Create INTRASTAT File for Italy
VE09 Create INTRASTAT file for Belgium
VE10 Create INTRASTAT file for Holland
VE11 Create INTRASTAT file for Spain
VE12 Create INTRASTAT form for Holland
VE13 KOBRA data selection: export Germany
VE14 Create KOBRA file for Germany
VE16 Create INTRASTAT form for Austria
VE17 Create INTRASTAT form for Sweden
VE18 SED data selection for USA exporters
VE19 Create SED form for USA
VE20 Create AERP file for USA
VE21 VAR: Selection of bill. docs Switz.
VE22 Create VAR form for Switzerland
VE23 V.A.R.: File - Switzerland
VE24 Comm. Code Number Information (old)
VE24X Commodity Code Information
VE25 SED: Selection: USA Carriers
VE26 Number of CAP Products List
VE27 HMF: Selection - USA
VE28 Name of Market Organization
VE29 Assigned Documents for Each License
VE30 Existing licenses
VE31 Blocked SD Documents
VE32 INTRASTAT: Paper Form - Ireland
VE33 INTRASTAT: Paper Form - U.K.
VE34 INTRASTAT: Paper Form - Belgien
VE35 Number of Market Organization
VE36 Group for CAP Products
VE37 INTRASTAT: File - France
VE38 INTRASTAT: Selection Simulation - EU
VE39 EXTRASTAT: Selection Simulation
VE40 KOBRA: Selection Simulation
VE41 VAR: Selection of bill. docs Switz.
VE42 INTRASTAT: File - Denmark
VE43 SED: Selection Exp. USA Simulation
VE44 SED: Select Carrier USA Simulation
VE45 INTRASTAT: Paper Form - Greece
VE46 INTRASTAT: File - Finland
VE48 Customs Quota Code
VE49 Code for Pharmaceutical Products
VE50 Legal Regulation
VE51 Legal Regulation/License Type
VE52 Country/Legal Regulations
VE53 Export Situation for a Country
VE54 Preference Determination: Collective
VE55 Preference Determination: Individual
VE56 Check Export Control for Consistency
VE57 Country Classification
VE58 Product Classification
VE59 Legal Regulations/Country Grouping
VE60 Exp.Ctrl Class Legal Reg.
VE61 Legal Regulations/Embargo Group
VE62 Material Group Legal Reg.
VE63 Customs Areas
VE64 Commodity Code/Customs Areas
VE65 Preference Reg./Percentage Rates
VE66 Preference Procedure
VE67 Aggregate Vendor Declarations
VE68 Request Vendor Declarations
VE69 Incompletion log
VE70 Place of manufacture
VE71 Preference: Determine Customs Area
VE72 Export - Billing Documents
VE73 Goods Catalog: Create Document
VE74 Goods Catalog: Create Diskette
VE75 Preference Code
VE76 Anti-dumping Code
VE77 Preference: Tariff Alternation
VE78 Plant Parameters for Vendor Decl.
VE79 Quota Code Determination
VE80 Assign Chapter to Section
VE81 Check Report: General FT Data
VE81X Incompleteness: FT Material Data
VE82 Check Report: Export Control Data
VE82X Incompleteness: Export Control Data
VE83 Check Report: Preference Data
VE83X Incompleteness: Preference Material
VE84 Monitoring: Purchasing Info Records
VE85 Change Statistical Value - Import
VE86 Display Statistical Value - Import
VE87 Change Stat.Value - Subcontracting
VE88 Change Statistical Value - Export
VE89 Display Statistical Value - Export
VE90 Change preference values
VE91 Display Preference Values
VE92 Create INTRASTAT tape Luxembourg
VE94 Load Commodity Code for EU Countries
VE94X Load Commodity Code for EU Countries
VE95 Create INTRASTAT papers: Portugal
VE96 EXTRASTAT Data Select.: Init. Screen
VE97 Create EXTRASTAT tape: Netherlands
VE98 Sales Invoice Values per Period
VE99 Create Document - Austria
VEA1 FT - Create commodity code import
VEA2 FT: Create commodity code export
VEA3 EXTRASTAT: File Version France
VEA4 EXTRASTAT: File Version France
VEA5 EXTRASTAT: File Version France
VEB1 Period-end Closings: Control
VEB2 DtA: Special Rule Countries/Regions
VEB5 Calculate Assemblies Individually
VEB6 Calculate Assemblies Collectively
VEB9 Customer Exits: Print Control
VECN Profitability and Sales Accounting
VECS Legal Control: Special Char. Code
VECZ INTRASTAT: File - Czech Republic
VED1 Print Parameters for Export Docs
VED2 Form Data Control
VEFU Foreign Trade: Add INTRASTAT Data
VEFUX FT-GOV: Change transaction INTRASTAT
VEG1 Handling Unit Group 1
VEG2 Handling Unit Group 2
VEG3 Handling Unit Group 3
VEG4 Handling Unit 4
VEG5 Handling Unit Group 5
VEGK FT: Comb. Bus Trans.Type - Procedure
VEGR Material Group: Packaging Materials
VEG_BATCHJOB Start conversion via batch job
VEG_JOBMONITOR Job log monitor
VEHU INTRASTAT: File - Hungary
VEI1 Display IDoc Import
VEI2 Display IDoc Export
VEI3 Display Stat.Value - Subcontracting
VEI4 Merge: Remaining Commodity Codes
VEI5 Create value limit subcontracting
VEI6 EDI: IDoc List - Import Basis
VEIV Foreign Trade: Add EXTRASTAT Data
VEKAB Exp.Cont.(KOBRA)Data Maint.B Records
VEKAC Exp.Cont.(KOBRA)Data Maint.C Records
VEKU For. Trade: Change KOBRA Documents
VELC0 Vehicle Locator
VELO Vehicle Manager
VELOARDI Display Archived Vehicles
VELOARSL Set/Delete Archiving Indicator
VELOAS Assign Sales Docs to Vehicles
VELOB Execute Actions in Batch
VELOBWC Assign Class Char. to BW Char.
VELOC Define Sales Campaign
VELOCM Configuration mapping
VELOE Emergency Monitoring
VELOK Define Message Condition Records
VELOM Status Monitor for Vehicle IDoc
VELOMCS Mapping of models to calc. sheet
VELOMMAP Mapping of Models to Config Charact.
VELOMNR Models with Custom Number Ranges
VELONR Number range maintenance: VMS_VHL
VELOOBJC Include Obj. Char. in Configuration
VELOP Define Configuration Change Profile
VELOP01 Log: Status Monitoring
VELOP02 Log: Reservation
VELOP03 Log: Action Execution
VELOPR Evaluate Configuration Profiles
VELOR Update Reservation Queue
VELORM Assign Vehicle Model to VMS Roles
VELORO Assign Org. Data to VMS Roles
VELORU Assign VMS Roles to Users
VELOS Define Action Control Determination
VELOUM Define Used Vehicle Models
VELOV Action Execution Job Variant
VELO_LCCONTENT Maintain LiveCache Filter
VELO_LCINIT Fill LiveCache with Vehicles
VELO_LCSTATUS Activate/deactivate liveCache
VELO_SA Control Table for Vehicle Attributes
VELO_SC Control Table for Search
VEM4 Merge: EU - Commodity Code
VEPR Customs log
VEPT INTRASTAT: File - Portugal
VEREM Deletion of Evaluation Results
VESUB Subsequent Evaluation
VEU4 Load Commodity Code-Other Countries
VEU4X Load Commodity Code-Other Countries
VEXP Expiring SD Documents
VEXU Foreign Trade: Add EXTRASTAT Data
VEXUX FT-GOV: Change transaction EXTRASTAT
SAP transaction codes starting with VF
VF03_ITEM Display Invoice with Item
VF05 List Billing Documents
VF06 Batch billing
VF07 Display bill. document from archive
VF08 Billing for ext. delivery
VF21 Create Invoice List
VF22 Change invoice list
VF23 Display Invoice List
VF24 Edit Work List for Invoice Lists
VF25 List of Invoice Lists
VF26 Cancellation invoice list
VF27 Display invoice list from archive
VF31 Output from Billing Documents
VF42 Update Sales Documents
VF43 Revenue Recognition: Posting Doc.
VF44 Revenue Recognition: Worklist
VF45 Revenue recognition: Revenue report
VF46 Revenue Recognition: Cancellation
VF47 Revenue Recognition:ConsistencyCheck
VF48 Revenue Recognition: Compare Report
VFAE Archive EXTRASTAT Documents
VFAI Archive INTRASTAT Documents
VFBS Next screen control
VFBV Reorganization of discount-rel. data
VFBWG Bulkiness and minimum weights
VFBZ Scale Basis for Pricing
VFLI Log tax exemption
VFP1 Set Billing Date
VFRB Retro-billing
VFS3 Adjusting info structure S060
VFSN Reorganization info structure S060
VFUN Reload
VFX2 Display Blocked Billing Documents
VFX3 List Blocked Billing Documents
VF_VPRS Update Costs
SAP transaction codes starting with VG
VG01 Create Group
VG02 Change Group
VG03 Display Group
VGK1 Create Group for Delivery
VGK2 Change Group for Delivery
VGK3 Display Group for Delivery
VGL1 Create Group for Delivery
VGL2 Change Group for Delivery
VGL3 Display Group for Delivery
VGM1 Create Group for Freight List
VGM2 Change Group for Freight List
VGM3 Display Group for Freight List
VGW1 Create Picking Wave
VGW2 Change Picking Waves
VGW3 Display Picking Waves
SAP transaction codes starting with VH
VHAR Maintain/Create Packaging Matl Types
VHZU Allowed Packaging Material Types
SAP transaction codes starting with VI
VI00 Shipment costs
VI01 Create shipment costs
VI02 Change shipment costs
VI03 Display shipment costs
VI04 Create shipment cost worklist
VI05 Change shipment cost worklist
VI06 Collective run in background
VI07 Collective run in background
VI08 Display FT data in purchasing doc.
VI08X Display FT data in purchasing doc.
VI09 Change FT Data in Purchasing Doc.
VI09X Change FT Data in Purchasing Doc.
VI10 Display FT Data in Billing Document
VI10X Display FT Data in Billing Document
VI11 List shipment costs: Calculation
VI12 List shipment costs: Settlement
VI14 Change FT Data in Billing Document
VI14X Change FT Data in Billing Document
VI15 Display logs (appl. log)
VI16 Logs for worklist shipment
VI17 Display FT Data in Inbound Delivery
VI17X Display FT Data in Inbound Delivery
VI18 Display Anti-dumping
VI19 Display Third-country Customs Duties
VI20 Display Customs Quota
VI21 Display Pharmaceutical Products
VI22 Display Customs Exemption
VI23 Display Preferential Customs Duties
VI24 Code Number Information - Import
VI24X Import Code No. Information
VI25 Display Gross Price - Customs
VI26 Display Surcharge/Discount - Customs
VI27 Display Freight - Customs
VI28 EDI: Customs ID Number - Vendor
VI29 Incompletion - Foreign Trade Data
VI30 Declara. to Authorities: Exclusion
VI31 Code Determin. - Pharmaceut.Products
VI32 Code Determination - Anti-dumping
VI33 Customs Exemption
VI34 Preferential Customs Duty Rate
VI35 Third-country Customs Duty Rate
VI36 CAS Number
VI37 Import Simulation Control
VI38 Determination of Verification Docs
VI39 Authority for Verification Docs
VI40 Preference Type
VI41 Verification Document Type
VI42 Document Type (Export/Import)
VI43 Definition of Section
VI44 Assign Chapter to Section
VI45 Export --> Import Conversion
VI46 Conversion: Mode of Transport
VI47 Conversion of Business Transact.Type
VI48 Conversion of Customs Offices
VI49 Foreign Trade Data Control in Doc.
VI50 Conversion: Import/Export Procedure
VI51 Define Payment Guarantee Procedure
VI52 Define Form of Payment Guarantee
VI53 Change FT Data in Inbound Delivery
VI53X Change FT Data in Inbound Delivery
VI54 Customs Approval Numbers
VI55 Approval Number per Plant
VI56 EDI: Customs ID Number - Customer
VI57 Legal Control - Order Header
VI58 Legal Control - Order Item
VI59 Legal Control - Delivery Header
VI60 Legal Control - Delivery Item
VI61 Conversion - Reference Country
VI62 Conversion - Reference Country
VI63 Assign Delivery Item Categories
VI64 Display FT Data in Outbound Delivery
VI64X Display FT Data in Outbound Delivery
VI65 Maintain Market Organizations
VI66 Maintain No. of Market Organization
VI67 Maintain CAP Products List Nos
VI68 Control Commodity Code/Code Number
VI69 Maintain CAP Products Group
VI70 Default Values - Stock Transp. Order
VI71 Change Preference Values
VI72 Display Insurance - Customs
VI73 Maintain Vendor Declaration
VI73N Maintain Vendor Declaration
VI74 Display Vendor Declaration
VI74N Display Vendor Declaration
VI75 Vendor Declarations - Dunning notice
VI76 Mode of Transport - Office of Exit
VI77 Change FT Data in Outbound Delivery
VI77X Change FT Data in Outbound Delivery
VI78 Foreign Trade: Country Data
VI79 Display FT Data in Goods Receipt
VI79X Display FT Data in Goods Receipt
VI80 Change FT Data in Goods Receipt
VI80X Change FT Data in Goods Receipt
VI81 Check Report: CAP Products
VI81X Check Report: CAP Products
VI82 Check General Customer Master Data
VI82X Incompleteness: FT Customer Data
VI83 Check Customer Master/Legal Control
VI83X Incompleteness:Customer Control Data
VI84 Doc.Payments: Check Customer Master
VI84X Billing Doc.Incompleteness Customer
VI85 Incompleteness: Foreign Trade Vendor
VI86 Incompleteness: Cross-plant
VI87 Foreign Trade: Header Data Proposal
VI88 Input Table for Preference Determin.
VI89 Customs Law Description
VI90 Fill Foreign Components in BOMs
VI91 Display Foreign Components in BOMs
VI92 Preference: Alternative Comm. Code
VI93 Foreign Trade: Import Control
VI94 Load Import Code Nos - EU Countries
VI94X Load Import Code Nos - EU Countries
VI95 Def.Val.f.Foreign Trade Header Data
VI96 Customer Exits: Default Values
VI97 Define Control Codes
VI98 Receipt-Basis for Intercomp.Billing
VI99 Returns and Credit Memos
VIAR Archive Shipment Costs
VIB1 Send IDoc Output
VIB2 Call Print Program From VI10/VI14
VIB3 Foreign Trade Output Status
VIB4 Print Transaction: Initial Procg
VIB5 Print Transaction: Repeat Procg
VIB6 Print Transaction: Error in Procg
VIB7 Send IDoc Output - Initial Procg
VIB8 Send IDoc Output - Repeat Procg
VIB9 Send IDoc Output - Error in Procg
VIBA Send IDoc Output-AES-Initial Procg
VIBB Send IDoc Output-AES-Repeat Procg
VIBC Send IDoc Output-AES-Error in Procg
VIBD Printing: Analysis form data audit
VIBN Monitor messages
VIC00 Consistency Check IMG ShpmtCostCalc.
VICC Convert format currency field
VICI Call shipment info via CALL TRANS
VIE4 Incompleteness Periodic Declarations
VIEX FT: Journal Export Actual
VIFBW Reorg: Shipment Costs in BW
VII4 Merge: Rest - Import Code Number
VII5 Import control in the material doc.
VIIM FT: Op. Cockpit: Purchase order
VIJ1 Journal Import
VIJ2 Journal Export
VILG FT: Country Group Definition
VILI FT: Export Deliveries Journal
VIM4 Merge: EU - Import Code Number
VIM6 Customer Exits: Data Selection
VIMM Decl. Recpts/Disptch Min. Oil Prod.
VIMU Foreign Trade: Comparison of codes
VINC List of Incomplete SD Documents
VINFO1 Forward Information
VINK Import Processing: Quota Number
VINP Import Processing: Ceiling Numbers
VINTEG1 Insurance Components Active?
VINTEG2 Define Information Origin
VINTEG3 Define Information Category
VINTEG4 Define Communication Type
VINTEG50 Process Information Container
VIPL Display Customs Duty for Ceiling
VIR1 Import Reorg. - Incompleteness
VIR2 Export Reorg. - Incompleteness
VIRL Reload shipments
VIS3 Check program: Cross-plant
VISW Service: Information: Keywords
VITATAX Correction Run for Italian Taxes
VIU4 Load Import Code No.-Other Countries
VIU4X Load Import Code No.-Other Countries
VIUC FT Upload: Convert cust.duty types
VIUL Foreign Trade: Data Upload
VIWAX Display FT Data in Goods Issue
VIWBX Change FT Data in Goods Issue
VIWE FT: Op. Cockpit: Goods Receipt
VIZB Import Proc: Means of Transport
VIZN Import Proc: Type of Goods ID Seal
VIZP Import Processing: Package Type
SAP transaction codes starting with VJ
VJ01 In-Force Bus. Groups Pension Funds
VJ02 Insurance Type
VJ03 Customer type
VJ04 In-Force Business Type
VJ05 Underwriting type
VJ06 Claim Type
VJ07 Risk type
VJ08 Functional area
VJ09 Organizational area
VJ10 Insurance Class
VJ11 Insurance Class: Reporting
VJ12 Reporting Transact. Type
VJ13 Insurance Type Reporting
VJ14 Business Transaction Type
VJ15 Country Where Risks are Situated
VJ16 In-Force Bus. Type Reporting
VJ17 Reporting Risk Type
VJ18 In-Force Bus. Group Reporting
VJ19 Reporting-Origin of Ins. Transactn
SAP transaction codes starting with VK
VK+C Condition master data check
VK01 Conditions: Dialog Box for CondElem.
VK03 Create Condition Table
VK04 Change Condition Table
VK05 Display Condition Table
VK11 Create Condition
VK12 Change Condition
VK13 Display Condition
VK14 Create Condition with Reference
VK15 Create Condition
VK16 Create Condition with Reference
VK17 Change condition
VK18 Display condition
VK19 Change Condition Without Menu
VK20 Display Condition Without Menu
VK30 Maintain Variant Conditions
VK31 Condition Maintenance: Create
VK32 Condition Maintenance: Change
VK33 Condition Maintenance: Display
VK34 Condition Maint.: Create with Refer.
VKA1 Archiving conditions
VKA2 Deleting conditions
VKA3 Reloading conditions
VKA4 Archiving agreements
VKA5 Deleting agreements
VKA6 Reloading agreements
VKAR Read Archive File
VKAW Generate Archive File
VKC1 Create General Strategy
VKC2 Change General Strategy
VKC3 Display General Strategy
VKDV Number range maintenance: RV_SNKOM
VKK1 IS-IS/PP Ins. Solution Customizing
VKKM Contract A/R + A/P
VKKMNEW Contract A/R + A/P
VKM1 Blocked SD Documents
VKM2 Released SD Documents
VKM3 Sales Documents
VKM4 SD Documents
VKM5 Deliveries
VKOA Accnt Determination
VKP0 Sales Price Calculation
VKP1 Sales price calculation
VKP2 Display POS Conditions
VKP3 Pricing document for material
VKP4 Pricing document for org. structure
VKP5 Create Calculation
VKP6 Change pricing document
VKP7 Display pricing document
VKP8 Display Price Calculation
VKP9 Currency conversion in price calc.
VKPA Archiving
VKPB Sales price calc. in background run
VKPR Read archive file
VKTT Test Partners DI/RFC
VKU1 Report: Reval at Rtl for Rtl Pr.Chng
VKU10 Correction of Valuation at Retail
VKU11 Delete Count Document Items
VKU2 Total Revaluation at Retail
VKU3 Partial Revaluation at Retail
VKU4 Rtl Revaluation Docs for Material
VKU5 Display Retail Revaluation Document
VKU6 Report: List Crtn for Rtl Pr. Change
VKU7 Report: Total Reval. for Rtl Pr. Chn
VKU8 Test Transaction BAPI Count List
VKU9 Rtl Reval. Correction: List Display
VKUN Reload
VKVF Conditions: Dialog Box for CondElem.
VKVG Maintain Condition Elements
VKVI General View Maintenance - W.Qualif.
VKXX Create Test for RKA
VKYY Change Test for RKA
VKZZ Test for RKS-Surcharge Conditions
SAP transaction codes starting with VL
VL00 Shipping
VL01 Create Delivery
VL01NO Create Outbound Dlv. w/o Order Ref.
VL02 Change Outbound Delivery
VL03 Display Outbound Delivery
VL03N_ITEM Display Outbound Delivery with Item
VL06 Delivery Monitor
VL06C List Outbound Dlvs for Confirmation
VL06D Outbound Deliveries for Distribution
VL06F General delivery list - Outb.deliv.
VL06G List of Oubound Dlvs for Goods Issue
VL06I Inbound Delivery Monitor
VL06IC Confirmation of putaway inb. deliv.
VL06ID Inbound Deliveries for Distribution
VL06IF Selection inbound deliveries
VL06IG Inbound deliveries for goods receipt
VL06IP Inbound deliveries for putaway
VL06L Outbound Deliveries to be Loaded
VL06P List of Outbound Dlvs for Picking
VL06T List Outbound Dlvs (Trans. Planning)
VL06U List of Uncheckd Outbound Deliveries
VL08 Confirmation of Picking Request
VL09 Cancel Goods Issue for Delivery Note
VL10 Edit User-specific Delivery List
VL10A Sales Orders Due for Delivery
VL10B Purchase Orders Due for Delivery
VL10BATCH VL10 Background planning
VL10BATCH_A Background Planning VL10 (0 Tbstrps)
VL10BATCH_B Background Planning VL10 (3 Tbstrps)
VL10C Order Items Due for Delivery
VL10CU Delivery Scenarios
VL10CUA User Roles (List Profiles)
VL10CUC Create Profile - Delivery
VL10CUE Exclude Function Code Profile
VL10CUF F Code VL10 Profile
VL10CUV Delivery Scenarios
VL10CU_ALL User Roles (List Profiles)
VL10D Purch. Order Items due for Delivery
VL10E Order Schedule Lines due for Deliv.
VL10F PurchOrd Schedule Lines due for Dlv.
VL10G Documents due for Delivery
VL10H Items Due for Delivery
VL10HU Sales Orders Due for Dely With HUs
VL10I Schedule Lines due for Delivery
VL10U Cross-System Deliveries
VL10UC Check / combine unchecked deliveries
VL10X VL10 (technical)
VL12 Delivery creation in background
VL21 Post goods issue in background
VL21A Post goods receipt as batch
VL22 Display Delivery Change Documents
VL22N Display Delivery Change Documents
VL23 Goods Issue (Background Processing)
VL23N Goods Issue (Background Processing)
VL30 Shipping
VL31 Create Inbound Delivery
VL31N Create Inbound Delivery
VL31W Create Inbnd Dlv. Notification (WEB)
VL32 Change Inbound Delivery
VL32N Change Inbound Delivery
VL32W Change Inbnd Dlv. Notification (WEB)
VL33 Display Inbound Delivery
VL33N Display Inbound Delivery
VL34 Worklist Inbound Deliveries
VL35 Create Wave Picks: Delivery/Time
VL35_S Create Wave Picks: Shipment
VL35_ST Create Wave Picks: Shipment/Time
VL36 Change Picking Waves
VL37 Wave Pick Monitor
VL38 Groups Created: Wave Picks
VL39 Billing Documents for Wave Picks
VL41 Create Rough GR
VL42 Change Rough GR
VL43 Display Rough GR
VL51 Create Route Schedule: Initial Scr.
VL51A Create Schedule
VL52 Change Route Schedule: Initial Scr.
VL52A Change Schedule
VL53 Display Route Schedule: Initial Scr.
VL53A Change Schedule
VL54A Create Shipment From Schedule
VL60 Extended Inbound Delivery Processing
VL60C Clearing
VL60P Posting
VL60P1 Maintenance Profiles for GR Dialog
VL60P2 Maintenance of User Groups
VL60PM1 Maintenance of Function Profile
VL60PM2 Maintenance of Object Profiles
VL60PM3 Maintenance of Selection Profiles
VL60PM4 Maintain Column Profiles
VL60PM5 Maintenance of Filter Profiles
VL60PM6 Maintenance of Config. Profiles
VL60V Edit Document
VL64 Worklist Inbound Deliveries
VL65 Inbound Delivery Purge Report
VL66 Inbound Delivery Delete Report
VL70 Output From Picking Lists
VL71 Output from Outbound Deliveries
VL72 Output from Groups of Deliveries
VL73 Confirmation of Decentr.Deliveries
VL74 Output from Handling Units
VL75 Shipping Notification Output
VL76 Output from Rough Goods Receipt
VLAL Archive Deliveries
VLBT Plan Delivery Creation as a Job
VLE1 Picking with Picking Waves
VLK1 Picking with Picking Waves
VLK2 Picking with Picking Waves
VLK3 Picking with Picking Waves
VLLA RWE: Picking/Goods Issue Analysis
VLLC RWE: Archive Data
VLLD Rough Workload Forecast: Delete Log
VLLE RWE: Goods Receipt/Putaway Analysis
VLLF Picking Waves: Archive Data
VLLG RWE: Analyze Complete Overview
VLLP Rough Workload Forecast: Display Log
VLLQ RWE: Returns to Vendor Analysis
VLLR RWE: Customer/Store Return Analysis
VLLS Var. Stand. Analyses Setting App 42
VLLV W&S: Control RWE/Picking Waves
VLMOVE HU Goods Movements
VLPOD POD - Change Outbound Delivery
VLPODA POD - Display Outbound Delivery
VLPODF Worklist: POD Subsequent Processing
VLPODL Worklist: POD Deliveries
VLPODQ Automatic PoD Confirmation
VLPODW1 Proof of Delivery (Communicator)
VLPODW2 Proof of Delivery via WEB
VLPP Packing Req. for Item Categories
VLRL Reload Delivery
VLSP Subsequent Outbound-Delivery Split
VLSPS Outbound Delivery Split via HU Scan
VLUNIV Change Delivery (General)
VL_COMPLETE Completion of Deliveries
SAP transaction codes starting with VM
VM01 Create Hazardous Material
VM02 Change Hazardous Material
VM03 Display Hazardous Material
VM04 Filling Haz. Substance Table MGEF
VMCDBG VMC NewDebugger
VMCDBG_ALT_CONTROL VMC Debugger: Alternative Controller
VMCDBG_LAUNCH VMC NewDebugger with Port Selection
VMCJDB VM Container Mini Debugger
VMG1 Create Material Group 1
VMG2 Create Material Group 2
VMG3 Create Material Group 3
VMG4 Create Material Group 4
VMG5 Create Material Group 5
VMIMG Master Data Governance Customizing
VMP_EXECUTE Visual Manufacturing Planner
SAP transaction codes starting with VN
VN01 Number Assignment for SD Documents
VN03 Number Assignment for Doc.Conditions
VN04 Number Assignment for Master Conds.
VN05 No.Assignment for Address List(SSup)
VN06 Create No.Interval-Sales Activities
VN07 Maintain number range for shipments
VN08 Number range for shipment costs
VN09 Number range for proc. shipment cost
VN10 Number range maintenance: SD_SCALE
VNE1 Output: Create Cond.Tbl-Ship.Notif.
VNE2 Output-Cond.Table-Change Ship.Notif.
VNE4 Access Sequences (Ship.Notification)
VNE5 View V_TNAPN Appl. E1
VNE6 Output Determ.Procedure-Ship.Notif.
VNE7 View V_TVLK_NLA (Ship.Notification)
VNE8 View V_TVLK_NGW (Rough GI)
VNE9 Conditions: V_T681F for B E1
VNEA Output: Create Cond.Table - Rough GR
VNEB Output-Cond.Table-Change Ship.Notif.
VNEC Output Types (Rough Goods Receipt)
VNED Access Sequences (Rough GR)
VNEE View V_TNAPN Appl. M1
VNEF Output Determin.Proced. - Rough GR
VNEG Conditions: V_T681F for B M1
VNEH View V_TNAPR Appl. E1
VNEI View V_TNAPR Appl. M1
VNKP Number Range Maintenance: RV_VEKP
VNPU Partner Conversion
VN_TP02 Salutation
VN_TP04 Marital property regime
VN_TP05 Employee Group
VN_TP06 Rating
VN_TP07 Credit Rating Institute
VN_TP10 Loan to manager
VN_TP11 Employment Status
VN_TP12 German Banking Act Credit Info.
VN_TP13 Target Group
VN_TP18 Undesirable Customer
SAP transaction codes starting with VO
VOA0 Order Information Configuration
VOA01 User exit lists sales
VOA1 Inquiry Information Configuration
VOA2 Quotation Information Configuration
VOA3 Configuration of Sched.Agreemt Info
VOA4 Contract Information Configuration
VOA5 Product Proposal Info. Configuration
VOB3 Comparison: Bill. Docs and Stats
VOBO Config.for Backorder Processing
VOC0 Contract List Configuration
VOC1 Customizing for List of Addresses
VOD5 Configuration Cust.Indeped.Reqs.Info
VOE1 Maintain EDPST
VOE2 SD EDI Customer/Vendor
VOE3 SD EDI Partner Functions
VOE4 SD EDI Conversion
VOEX Incompleteness: Billing Document
VOF0 Configuration of Billing Information
VOF01 User exit lists sales
VOF02 User exit lists sales
VOF1 Configuration: Collective Billing
VOF2 Configuration Invoice List Info
VOF3 Edit Work List for Invoice Lists
VOFA Billing Doc: Document Type
VOFC Billing: Document Types
VOFM Configuration for Reqs, Formulae
VOFN Call Up Transaction VOFM
VOFS Billing: Document Types
VOGL Deliveries (Gen. and From Coll.proc)
VOIM Incompleteness: Purchase Order
VOK0 Conditions: Pricing in Customizing
VOK1 Account Determination: Customizing
VOK2 Output Determination
VOK3 Message Determination: Purchasing
VOK4 Output Determination: Inventory Mgmt
VOK8 Condition Exclusion Assign Procdr V
VOKF Configuration Release of CustPrice
VOKR Configuration of Credit Release
VOL0 Delivery Information Configuration
VOL01 User exit lists sales
VOL1 Configuration: Collective Dlv.Proc.
VOL6 Configure information on
VOL7 Settings for Packing
VOLI Incompleteness: Delivery
VONC Output Form for each Group
VOP2 Configuration: Partner
VOP2_OLD Configuration: Partner
VOPA Configuration: Partner
VOPAN Customizing Partners
VOR1 Joint Master Data: Distr. Channel
VOR2 Joint Master Data: Division
VORA Archiving Control for Sales Doc.
VORB Group Reference Sales Document Types
VORD Route definition (to R/3 vers. 3.1)
VORF Route Definition (Up To Rel. 4.0B)
VORI Archiving Control Shipment Costs
VORK Archiving Control for Sales Activity
VORL Archiving Control for Delivery
VORN Central Archiving Control
VORP Repairs procedure:Short texts trans.
VORR Archiving Control for Billing Docs
VORS Group Reference Procedures
VORT Archiving Control for Shipments
VORV Repair procedure
VOTX Configuration: Texts
VOTXN Maintain Text Customizing
VOV4 Table TVEPZ Assign Sched.Line Cat.
VOV5 Table TVEPZ Assign Sched.Line Cat.
VOV6 Maintain Schedule Line Categories
VOV7 Maintain Item Categories
VOV8 Document Type Maintenance
VOVA Default Values for Material
VOVB Screen Sequence Group Maintenance
VOVC Item Field Selec.Group Maintenance
VOVD Header Field Selection Group
VOVF Variant matching procedure
VOVG Define Characteristic Overview
VOVL Cancellation Rules
VOVM Cancellation Procedures
VOVN Assignment Rules/Cancellation Proc.
VOVO Val.period.category
VOVP Rule Table for Date Determination
VOVQ Cancellation Reasons
VOVR Default Values for Contract
VOVS Define Status in Overview Screen
VOW1 User assignment GRUKO_WF
VOWE Incompleteness: Goods Receipt
VOZP Planng dlv. sched.instr./split rule
SAP transaction codes starting with VP
VP01 Maintain Print Parameters
VP01SHP Print parameter maintenance shipping
VP01SHPV Print parameter maintenance shipping
VP01TRA Print parameter maintenance transp.
VP01TRAV Print parameter maintenance transp.
VP01_AG Print parameter maint. agency bus.
VP01_NA Print Parameter Maint. Subs. Sett.
VP01_PAG Maintain print parameters
VP01_PNA Maintain print parameters
VP01_PTC Maintain print parameters
VP01_SD Maintain Print Parameters SD
VP01_TC Print Parameter Maint. Trading Cntr
VP94 Load Import Code No. for Japan
VP94X Load Import Code No. for Japan
VPAR Archiving Preference Logs
VPBD Requirement for Packing in Delivery
VPE1 Create sales representative
VPE2 Change sales representative
VPE3 Display sales representative
VPM4 Merge: Japan - Import Code Number
VPN1 Number Range for Contact Person
VPNR View of the active PNR in 1A
VPP1 Payment Service Provider: Worklist
VPRE PRICAT manual creation
VPRICAT Maintain and Create Price Catalog
VPS2 Maintain Partn.Det.Proc.f.eachActTyp
VPSK DisplPartnDetProc.f.each Activ.Type
VPVA Dunning Proposal Insurance
VPVB Dunning Activities
VPVC Activities End Dunning Procedure
VPVE Individual Dunning Notice
VPW1 Portal Workset Administration
VPWL Portal Target Administration
SAP transaction codes starting with VR
VRAA Maintain Coinsurer Specifications
VRAB Transactions Postings Coins. Shares
VRCN Posting Coinsurance Shares
VRCNHIST Coinsurance History
VRLI FT: Reorg. T609S Delivery
VRRE Returns Delivery for RMA Order
VRWE FT: Reorg. T609S Goods Receipt
SAP transaction codes starting with VS
VS01 Create Scale
VS02 Change Scale
VS03 Display Scale
VS04 Create Scale with Reference
VS05 List Scales
VS06 List Scales for Shipment Costs
VS36 Create Customer Conditions
VS37 Change Customer Conditions
VS38 Display Customer Conditions
VS39 Create Customer Conditions
VS40 Change Customer Conditions
VS41 Display Customer Conditions
VS42 Create Service Conditions
VS43 Change Service Conditions
VS44 Display Service Conditions
VS45 Create Conditions
VS46 Change Conditions
VS47 Display Conditions
VS48 Create Conditions
VS49 Change Conditions
VS50 Display Conditions
VSAN Number Range Maintenance: RV_SAMMG
VSB1 SB Proc. Inbound Monitor - Old
VSB1N Self-Billing Proc. Inbound Monitor
VSBA Archiving for Self-Billing
VSC01 Define Specifications for Reversal
VSC02 Define Specs for Scheduling Charges
VSC03 Define Specs for Payt Plan Change
VSC04 Define Specifications for Reversal
VSC05 Tax Specifications
VSC06 Early revenue posting
VSC08 Define Specifications for Reversal
VSC09 Payment Plans: Cash Mgmt Duration
VSC10 Transactions Early Ending
VSC11 Transactions Early Ending (Charge)
VSCAN Configuration of Virus Scan Servers
VSCANGROUP Configuration of Virus Scan Groups
VSCANPROFILE Configuration of Virus Scan Profiles
VSCANTEST Test for Virus Scan Interface
VSCANTRACE Memory Trace for Virus Scan Servers
VSIP Contract Selection
VSK1 Condition Type: Services (Sales)
VSK2 Access: Maintain (Services Price)
VSK3 Cond. Determ. Procedure f. Services
VSK4 Valid Services Fields
VSK5 Create Conditions Table (Services)
VSK6 Change Conditions Table (Services)
VSK7 Display Conditions Table (Services)
VSK8 SD Services: Exclusion
VSM0 Software Maintenance Process
VSM4 Assign rejection codes to SMP doc.
VSTK Picking Confirmation
SAP transaction codes starting with VT
VT00 Transportation
VT01 Old: Create Shipment
VT01N Create Shipment
VT02 Old: Change Shipment
VT02N Change Shipment
VT02_MEM Change Shipment (from Memory)
VT03 Old: Display Shipment
VT03N Display Shipment
VT04 Transportation Worklist
VT05 Worklist Shipping: Logs
VT06 Select Shipments: Materials Planning
VT07 Collective run in background
VT09 Number Ranges for Log VT04
VT10 Select shipments: Start
VT11 Select Shipments: Materials Planning
VT12 Select Shipments: Transpt Processing
VT13 F4-Help Shipment Number
VT14 Select Shipments: Utilization
VT15 Select Shipments: Free Capacity
VT16 Select Shipments: Check In
VT17 Extended Help (F4) Shipment Number
VT18 Start F4 Help Shipping
VT19 Shipment Tendering Status Monitor
VT20 Overall Shipment Process Monitor
VT22 Display Change-Document Shipment
VT30 Initial internet tran for shipment
VT30N Tendering Events for Carriers
VT31 Shipment tendering
VT31N Selection Variants for Fwdg Agents
VT32 Shipment Status list
VT33 Ship.Planning for Carriers
VT34 Event Reports for Carriers via HTML
VT34M Event Reports for Carriers via WML
VT60 Transfer Location Master Data to TPS
VT61 Ext. transport. planning deliveries
VT62 Send Deliveries to Forwarding Agent
VT63 Freight Plng Status from Deliveries
VT68 Deallocate delivery from TPS
VT69 Plan Deliveries from Freight Plng
VT70 Output for Shipments
VTAA Order to order copying control
VTAF Bill. doc. to order copying control
VTAR Archive shipments
VTBT Report for Definition of Batch Run
VTBW Reorg.: Shipment Data in BW
VTCM List of Continuous Moves
VTCU Customizing Version types
VTCU_AKT Customizing Version types
VTCU_SAKT Customizing Version types
VTDB Assignment screen name - field name
VTDOCU Tech. documentation transportation
VTFA Order to bill copying control
VTFAKT Bill Deliveries
VTFF Bill to bill copying control
VTFG Field groups material versions
VTFL Delivery to bill copying control
VTLA Order to delivery copying control
VTR1 XSI: Master Data: Service Codes
VTR2 XSI: Master Data: Routing Info
VTRC XSI Cockpit
VTRC_VVTR0011 Delivery Tracking - Collective Reqst
VTRK Tracking
VTRL Reload shipments
VTRT XSI: Carrier
VTWABU Post goods issue
SAP transaction codes starting with VU
VUA2 Maintain Doc.Type Incompletion Proc.
VUA3 Display Doc.Type Incompletion Proc.
VUA4 Assignm. Deliv. Type Incompl.Proced.
VUA5 Disp. Assignm.Del.Type to Incom.Proc
VUC2 Maintain Incompletion Log
VUE2 Maintain Sched.Line Incompletion Pr.
VUE3 Display Sched.Line Incompletion Proc
VULI Unilife Incoming Payment
VUP2 Maintain Item Incompletion Procedure
VUP3 Display Item Incompletion Procedure
VUP4 Assignm. Deliv.Items to Incom.Proc.
VUP5 Display Assignm. Del.Items IncomProc
VUPA Display Partner Incompletion Proc.
SAP transaction codes starting with VV
VV11 Create Output: Sales
VV12 Change output: Sales
VV13 Display Output: Sales
VV21 Create Output: Shipping
VV22 Change output: Shipping
VV23 Display Output: Shipping
VV31 Create Output : Billing
VV32 Change output: Billing
VV33 Display Output: Billing
VV51 Create Output for Sales Activity
VV52 Change Output: Sales Activity
VV53 Display Output: Sales Activity
VV61 Create Output: Handling Units
VV62 Change Output: Handling Unit
VV63 Display Output: Handling Unit
VV71 Create Output: Transportation
VV72 Change Output: Transportation
VV73 Display Output: Transportation
VVCB Maintain Activity Authorization
VVG1 Create Output: Group
VVG2 Change output: Groups
VVG3 Display Output: Group
VVKK_CLEARING_CHECK Activate Test: Money Laundering Law
VVO1 Manage Contracts With AcctBalIntCalc
VVOC Create Ins. Obj. Int. Bal. Letter
VVOH Bal. Int. Calc. History Ins. Obj.
VVOSUM Summarization for Bal. Int. Calc.
VVOSUMA Bal. Int. Calc.: Summarization
VVOZ Balance Interest Calc. Ins. Object
VVOZACT AcctBalIntCalcCurrChange: Activities
VVOZACTDEF Currency Change: Define Activities
VVOZCURR Permitted Currency Change
VVOZCURRSW CurrChangeContractsAcctBalIntCalc.
VVSC Scheduling
VVSCACT Scheduling: Customizing Payt Opt Act
VVSCBEC Scheduling: Customiz. Pmnt Opt Cond.
VVSCCACT Scheduling: Customiz. Chng SchedItem
VVSCEACT Scheduling: Customizing Payt Pl Act
VVSCERN Scheduling: Customiz. Pmnt Plan Amt
VVSCHS1 SLV List for Payment Plan Change
VVSCHS2 List for Scheduling Item Change
VVSCIUB Scheduling: Customiz. Payt Plan Over
VVSCNUM Maintain Number Ranges Payment Plans
VVSCNUM1 Number Range Maintenance: VSC_ITEM
VVSCNUMITEM Number Range Payment Plan Items
VVSCNUMPOS Number Range Payment Plan Items
VVSCPO Scheduling: Payment Option
VVSCPOGRU Scheduling: Debit Entry: Item Groupg
VVSCPOVER Scheduling: Debit Entry: Item Summrz
VVSCPOVEROPK Schedulimg: Debit Entry: Summ. OI
VVSCPP Scheduling: Payment Plan
VVSCSORT Scheduling: ULIFE: Item Sort
VVSCSTOR1 Business Case Reversal
VVSCSTOR2 Payment Plan Reversal
VVSCSTOR3 Payment Plan Item Reversal
VVSCSTOR4 Business Case Reversal
VVSCSTOR5 Business Case Reversal
VVSCSTOR6 Business Case Reversal
VVSCSTORNO Payment Plan Reversal
VVSCULIVECFC Cust.-Init. Payment Clarification
VVSCVBE Scheduling: Customiz. End Pmnt Plan
VVSCVERULI Universal Life Clearing Control
VVSCZAE Scheduling: Customiz. Pmnt Plan Amt
VVSCZOP Scheduling: Customizing Payment Opt
VVSCZOPZPL Scheduling: Assgt PmntOpt<->PmntPlan
VVSCZPL Scheduling: Customizing Payment Plan
VVSC_PP_FS Payment Plans Field Status
VVVORG Customize Transactions
SAP transaction codes starting with VW
VW01 SD Scenario Incoming Orders
VW02 SD Scenario Freedom to Shop
VW10 SD Scenario Order Status
SAP transaction codes starting with VX
VX00 Export Control
VX01 Create license (old)
VX01N Create license
VX01X Create control record (new)
VX02 Change license (old)
VX02N Change license
VX02X Change control record (new)
VX03 Display license (old)
VX03N Display license
VX03X Display control record (new)
VX04N Maintain license
VX05 Customers for License
VX06 Export Control Classes for License
VX07 Simulation: License Check
VX08 Simulation: Boycott List Check
VX09 Simulation: Embargo Check
VX0C Foreign Trade: Customizing Menu
VX10 Countries of Destination for License
VX11 Create Financial Document
VX11N Create financial document
VX11X Create Financial Document
VX12 Change Financial Document
VX12N Change Financial Document
VX12X Change Financial Document
VX13 Display Financial Document
VX13N Display financial document
VX13X Display Financial Document
VX14N Maintain financial documents
VX16 BAFA diskette: Selection
VX17 Create BAFA diskette
VX22 Change license data (old)
VX22N Change License Data
VX23 Display license data (old)
VX23N Display license data
VX24N Maintain control data
VX30 Legal Control: Export Ctrl Class
VX49 Doc.Paym.Guarantee: Fin.Doc.Types
VX50 Doc.Paym.Guarantee: Fin.Doc.Types
VX51 Doc.Paym.Guarantee: Bank Function
VX52 Doc.Paym.Guarantee: Field Ctrl ID
VX53 Doc.Paym.Guarantee: Fin.Doc.Type ID
VX54 Doc.Paym.Guar.: Fld Ctrl-Bank Funct.
VX55 Doc.Paym.Guar.: Export/Import Docs
VX56 Doc. Payment Guarantee: Bank IDs
VX57 Doc.Paym.Guar.: Export Docs Def.
VX58 Doc.Paym.Guar.: Export Docs Assignm.
VX70 Sanctioned Party List: Legal Regul.
VX71 Sanctioned Party List:Departure Ctry
VX72 Sanctioned Party List:Scope of Check
VX73 Sanctioned Party List: Aliases
VX74 Sanctioned Party List: Exclus.Texts
VX75 Sanctioned Party List: List Types
VX76 Sanctioned Party List: References
VX77 Sanctioned Party List: Delimiter
VX78 Sanctioned Party L.: Normalization
VX79 Sanctioned Party List: Phon. Check
VX80 CAP: CAP products list number
VX81 CAP: CAP products group
VX83 CAP: Components Leading Good
VX84 CAP: CAP material components
VX85 CAP: CAP Bill of Material
VX86 Maintain Market Organizations
VX87 Maintain No. of Market Organization
VX94 Declarations to Authorities: Check
VX98 Displ.FT Data in Purch.Doc.-INTERNET
VX99 FT/Customs: General overview
VXA1 Docs Assigned to Financial Documents
VXA2 Existing Financial Documents
VXA3 Financial Documents: Blocked Docs
VXA4 Financial Documents: Simulation
VXA5 Document. Payments: Print Monitoring
VXA7 Documentary Payments: Simulation
VXBC SLS: List of Blocked Customers
VXC1 Activation of Future Changes
VXCZ INTRASTAT: Form - Czech Republic
VXDA SLS: Audit Trail - Customer Master
VXDG Export Control
VXDP Declarations to the Authorities
VXDV List of Expiring SLS Records
VXF1 Retransfer Posting Data
VXGK Export Control
VXH1 Transfer to general ledger
VXHU INTRASTAT: Form - Hungary
VXIE Maintain Foreign Trade Data
VXJ0 Foreign Trade: MITI Decl. - Japan
VXJ1 MITI Declarations
VXJ2 Declaration of ImportBill.Docs Japan
VXJ3 Foreign Trade: Import Decl. Japan
VXKA SLS: Audit Trail: Vendor Master
VXKD Declarations to the Authorities
VXKP Configuration: Maintain Tables T180*
VXL1 Legal Control: SLS - Scenario 1
VXL2 Legal Control: SLS - Scenario 2
VXL3 Legal Control: SLS - Scenario 3
VXL4 Legal Control: SLS - Scenario 4
VXL5 Legal Control: SLS - Scenario 5
VXL6 Legal Control: SLS: Sim.: Customer
VXL7 Legal Control: SLS: Search Terms
VXL8 Legal Control: SLS: Change History
VXL9 Legal Control: SLS: Sim.: Vendor
VXLA Legal Control: SLS - Audit Trail
VXLB Legal Control: SLS: Sim.: Address
VXLC SLS: Vendor Check - Scenario 3
VXLD Legal Control: SLS - List Display
VXLE SLS: Scenario 5 - Vendor Master
VXLP Legal Control: SLS: Keyword: Address
VXLU Legal Control: SLS - Data Service
VXLX Legal Control: SLS: Sim. Customer
VXLY Legal Control: SLS: Sim. Deliv.
VXLZ Sanctioned Party List Screen
VXME Declarations to the Authorities
VXMO Common Agricultural Policy
VXPR Export Control
VXS1 Legal Control: SLS: Create Entry
VXS2 Ges. Kontrolle: SLS: Change Entry
VXS3 Legal Control: SLS: Display Entry
VXSE Declarations to the Authorities
VXSIM Simulate Import
VXSK INTRASTAT: Form - Slovakia
VXSL Foreign Trade: Area Menu SLS
VXSW Mass change material commodity code
SAP transaction codes starting with VY
VY01 Maintain account function modules
VY04 Start Excel with test data
VY05 List documents
VY08 String search in source code
VY13 DME processing
VY21 List RFC errors
VY22 Maintain account function modules
VY23 Maintain account function modules
VY40 Delete contract data
VY41 Delete dunning history w/VVKKMHIST
VY6A Clearing Customiz.: Deadline variant
VY6B Clearing Customizing: Ordinality
VY6C Clearing Customizing: Sort. variants
VY6D Clearing Customiz: Min amt variants
VY6E Clearing Customizing: Variants
VY6F Clearing Customizing: Item cats
VY6G Clearing Customiz: DocType->ItmCat
VY6H Acct Det. Reconc. Acct
VY6I Revenue acct: acct determination
VY6J Adv. pyt post reasons: acct determ.
VY6K Acct Det. Reconc. Acct
VY6M Acct det: Automatic clearing
VY6N Cust. posting area V100
VY6O Cust. posting area 1110
VY6P Cust. Bank Clrg / Clarif. Acct - DME
VY6Q Acct Determination: Coll. Invoices
VY6S Transactions For Simulated Items
VY6T Assign Transactions To Interest Keys
VY6U Parameters for Currency Change
VY6V G/L Accounts for Currency Change
VY6W Parameters for Transfer Postings
VY6X Closing Parameters
VY6Y Customizing Acct Default Vals
VY7C Customizing: Dunning amt limits
VY7D Customizing: Dunning charges
VY7F Customizing: Dunning grouping
VY7G Dunning proc. det. posting area:V201
VY7H Det DP Post Area V200 (old in V2.2)
VY7I Det. Posting Area Dep Acct Interest
VY7J Det. Dunning Proc. Postg Area V500
VY7K Acct Det.: Revenue/Contract Acct
VY7L CD Customizing Basic Settings
VY7M Parameters for Open Account Clearing
VY7S Customizing: Dunning block reasons
VY7T Dunn. Determ. Posting Area: V202
VY8A Account Determination
VYAAS Doc. Type for Clearing Oldest Debt
VYAC0 Bill Scheduling Archiving
VYAC1 Maintain General Scheduling Runtime
VYAC2 Archiving Business Case Reversal PP
VYAC21 Coinsurance Reporting Archiv.
VYAC22 Maintain General Coins. Runtime
VYAC23 Activate AS for Coinsurance
VYAC3 Durations Bus. Case Reversal PP
VYAC4 Activate AS for Bill Scheduling
VYAC5 Activate AS Bus. Case Reversal PPlan
VYAF Invoicing History Archiving
VYAF0 Define General Invoicing Runtime
VYAF1 Define Runtime for Invoicing Types
VYAG0 Archiving Money Laundering Laws
VYAG1 Maintain Money Laundering Runtime
VYAITAG0 Archiving Agency Collections
VYAITAG1 Duration Agency Collections
VYAITAG2 AS Activate Agency Collections
VYAM0 Archiving of Broker Reports
VYAM1 Maintain Gen. Broker Report Runtime
VYAR FS-CD: Posting Data Archiving
VYAS01 Display ISCD Broker Report Info Str.
VYAS21 Activate AS for Broker Report Arch.
VYAS31 Activate AS for invoicing history
VYAS41 Bal. Int. Calc. Hist. Archive
VYAS42 Maintain Gen. AcctBalIntCalcRuntime
VYAS43 Activate AS for Acct Bal. Int. Calc.
VYAUG Clrg Restrictions for Transactions
VYAV0 Archiving Insurance Integration
VYAV2 AS Insurance Integration Active
VYBEZ Item Is Regarded as Cleared, if:
VYBT Field Status Setting for Doc Cat.
VYCA Customizing: Cancel. Reason
VYCB Customizing: Posting reasons
VYCC Customizing: Document type
VYCD Bank Acct Customizing
VYCE Customizing Selection for Clearing
VYCF Customizing: Invoice Types
VYCH Customizing: Notes to the Clerk
VYCM Customizing: Doc Dunning Procedure
VYCO Posting Specs for Coins. Shares
VYCOV004 Create Insurance Invoices
VYCOV008 Create Insurance Quotations
VYCOV018 Create Tax Office Certificates
VYCOV032 Create Balanced Contract Statements
VYCOV033 Create Ins. Balance Notifications
VYCQ Customizing: Doc Type Deter.
VYCR Customizing: Returns Reasons
VYCS Customizing: Line Table TKKVSPAR
VYCU Customizing for Sublines of Bus.
VYCV Customizing: Summarization
VYCW Customizing - Money Laundering Rptg
VYCX Maintain Customer LR Enhancements
VYEV Define External Transactions
VYFS Cust Structures for Post Data Transf
VYIE Assign External Transactions
VYIV Define Internal Transactions
VYKO Open Item Accounting Carryforward
VYM10 Contract Dun. Status
VYM7 FI-CA Dunning History Archvg
VYM9 Define Dunning Archiving Runtime
VYSA Reconcil. Progr. for Posting Run
VYSP Parallelized Debit Entry
VYSPA Insurance Debit Entry
VYT1 Note to Clerk from Clearing
VYTAX01 Doc. Evaluation for Ins. Tax. Reptg
VYTAX02 List Creation for Tax Report
VYTAX1 Insurance Tax Schedule Specs
VYTAX2 Transaction-Relevant Tax Code
VYTAX3 Main/Subtransaction for Payt on Acct
VYZ0 Customizing: Bank Clearing Accts
VYZ1 Customizing: Payment Frequency
VYZ10 Customizing POKEN -> Payt lock rsn
VYZ2 Customizing: Automatic Payments
VYZ3 Customizing: FMs for Due Dates
VYZ6 Customizing Act. Commission
VYZ9 Start Workflows for Clarif. Cases
VY_TT_1 Transaction for TKKV_T1
VY_V011 Cust. Receivables/Payables
VY_V021 Cust. Revenues/Expenses
VY_V050 Customizing Posting Area V050
VY_V131 Transaction-Relevant Tax Code
VY_V132 Activity Code/Distribution Type Arg.
VY_V133 Classification Determination (Taxes)
SAP transaction codes starting with V_
V_ATVO66 Assign Commodity ID
V_AUGL_AS Clearing for Oldest Debt
V_BPID003_E Identification Number Categories
V_BPUM_CTL BP: Activate Parallel Maintenance
V_FMAC Table maintenance for FMAC
V_FMITPOC1 View Maintenance V_FMITPOC1
V_FMITPOC2 View Maintenance V_FMITPOC2
V_FMITPOC3 View Maintenance V_FMITPOC3
V_FMITPOC4 View Maintenance V_FMITPOC4
V_FMPY Table maintenance for FMPY
V_I7 Condit: Pricing SD - Index in Backgr
V_I8 Conditions: Pricing SD - Index
V_MACO Manual Completion Sales Documents
V_NL Edit net price list
V_R1 List of Backorders
V_R2 Display List of Backorders
V_RA Backorder Processing: Selection List
V_SA Collective Proc. Analysis (Deliv.)
V_TBC001 Business Partner: Grpng to Acct Grp
V_TBD001 Business Partner: Grpng to Acct Grp
V_TBPID Characteristics of ID Numbers Cat.s
V_TD05_AT_FS OeNB Target Groups
V_TP019 Values Table Group Category Fields
V_TP19 BP: Maintain Acquisn. Add.Data Types
V_TP23 Maintain Diff. Type Criterion
V_TP23S Control Diff. Type Criterion
V_TP24 Define Grouping Characteristic
V_TPR1 Assignment Categories
V_TPR2 BP: Assignment Category- Application
V_TPR4 BP: Assign modules to time periods
V_TPR5 BP: Role categories - application
V_TPR6 BP: Role categories - application
V_TPR9 BPR: Role for Grouping/Address Type
V_TPZ18 Category of Additional Data Fields
V_TPZ20 Set Information Category
V_TPZ6_N Role Types
V_UC Incomplete SD Documents
V_UC_7 Incomplete SD Documents
V_UKMCOMM_TYPES_PI Credit Exposure Categories
V_V1 Updating Unconfirmed Sales Documents
V_V2 Updating Sales Documents by Material

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