SAP transaction codes starting with NC

Here you will find a list of all SAP transaction codes.

39 SAP transactions were found!
transaction code description
SAP transaction codes starting with NC
NC10 IS-H Create Message Type Copy
NC11 IS-HCM Change Message Type
NC12 IS-HCM Display Message Type
NC20 IS-H Create Message Segment Copy
NC21 IS-HCM Change Message Segment
NC22 IS-HCM Display Message Segment
NC301KK Create ยง301 Message for Hlth Insurer
NCEDI IS-H: EDI Workbench
NCH1 IS-HCO CH: Create Case-Based Orders
NCO1 IS-H: Transfer service to CCenter
NCO2 HCO: Create Case-Based Orders
NCO3 HCO: Assign Preliminary Costing
NCO4 HCO: Status Monitoring Case-Bsd Ord.
NCO7 HCO: Case-Based Order Classification
NCO8 IS-H: Stat. key figure (nursing)
NCO9 IS-H: Stat. Key Figures (Dept.)
NCOA IS-H: Asgmt org.unit to cost centers
NCOB IS-H: Asgmt services to act. types
NCOC IS-H: Revenue accrual billing
NCOD IS-H: Stat.ratio-CO stat.ratio asgmt
NCOE IS-H: Assign Svce to Base ObjCosting
NCOF IS-H: Settings
NCOG IS-H: Supported characteristics
NCOH IS-H: Order characteristics
NCOI IS-H: Org.unit-CCtr asgmt f.rev.acct
NCOJ IS-H: Stat. key figures (inter-dept)
NCOK IS-HCO: Services to be Transferred
NCOL IS-HCO: Transfer Information
NCOM IS-H: Copy NOEK into NO2K
NCON HCO: Stat. Key Figs (Case-Bsd Ord.)
NCOO IS-H: Stat. Key Figs (Case-bsd ord.)
NCOP IS-HCO: Maintain Cost Centers-OU
NCOQ HCO: Stat. Key Figures (Coll.Order)
NCOR HCO: Copy Collective Orders
NCOS HCO: Determine Collective Orders
NCO_COLORD HCO: Define Collective Orders
NCW3 IS-H: EDI Workbench

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