SAP transaction codes starting with N2

Here you will find a list of all SAP transaction codes.

109 SAP transactions were found!
transaction code description
SAP transaction codes starting with N2
N201 IS-H*MED: Create Document
N202 IS-H*MED: Change Document
N203 IS-H*MED: Display document
N204 IS-H*MED: Documents List
N205 IS-H*MED: Maint. diagn. code control
N206 IS-H*MED: Display diagn.code control
N207 IS-H*MED: Create OU Diag. Hit List
N208 IS-H*MED: Maintain OU diagn.hit list
N209 IS-H*MED: Display OU diagn. hit list
N210 IS-H*MED: Display diagnosis groups
N211 IS-H*MED: Maintain diagnosis groups
N212 IS-H*MED: Display class. areas asgmt
N213 IS-H*MED: Maintain class.areas asgmt
N214 IS-H*MED: Displ. nurStd-basCat.asgmt
N215 IS-H*MED: Maint. nurStd-basCat.asgmt
N216 IS-H*MED: Displ. nurStd-serCat.asgmt
N217 IS-H*MED: Maint. nurStd-serCat.asgmt
N218 IS-H*MED: Displ.nurStd-classAr.asgmt
N219 IS-H*MED: Maint.nurStd-classAr.asgmt
N220 IS-H*MED: Displ.basCat-classAr.asgmt
N221 IS-H*MED: Maint.basCat-classAr.asgmt
N222 IS-H*MED: Maint. diagnos. doc./case
N223 IS-H*MED: Displ. diagn. doc./case
N224 IS-H*
N225 IS-H*MED: Maint.serCat-classAr.asgmt
N2AN Number Range Ext. Data References
N2APPLOG IS-H*MED: Application Logging
N2ASPECT_DEF Definition of Aspects
N2AZ IS-H*MED: Maint. task - time asgmt
N2BA IS-H*MED: Assign
N2BASEITEM Base Item Editor
N2BN IS-H*MED: WCA Number Range Interval
N2CATC Process Categories
N2CA_NR Cardiology Number Range
N2COMHIST Transfer History
N2COMIBX Document Inbox
N2COMLOG Communication Log for Admin.
N2COM_DOCIN_WS Release Web Svce for Doc. Confim.
N2COM_DOCOUT_LP Create Logic Port for Doc. Dispatch
N2COM_DOCRESPIN_WS Release Webservice for Doc. Dispatch
N2COM_DOCRESPOUT_LP Logical Port for Confirm. Dispatch
N2DOKTRANS DocCat definition transport client
N2DS_SAPFTP_CUST Customizing for SAPFTP Cardiology
N2DU IS-H*MED: Load and unload docdefs
N2E0 IS-H*MED: Create docCat-SvcItem asgt
N2E1 IS-H*MED: Change docCat-SvcItem asgt
N2E2 IS-H*MED:Display docCat-SvcItem asgt
N2E3 IS-H*MED: Create docCateg.- OU asgmt
N2E4 IS-H*MED: Change docCateg.- OU asgmt
N2E5 IS-H*MED: Display docCategy-OU asgmt
N2E6 Maintain OU-Related Document Profile
N2E7 Display OU-Related Document Profile
N2E8 Maintain Svce-Related Doc. Profile
N2E9 Display Svce-Related Doc. Profile
N2F4 IS-H*MED: Extern. data module maint.
N2FD PMD: EDM Maintenance (General)
N2FN Number Range Ext. Data References
N2G1 IS-H*MED: Menu Service facility mgmt
N2GA Assign Pathway
N2GB Pathway Library
N2GD Treatment Pathway Definition
N2GL Layout Processing Pathways
N2GL_CAT Edit Categories
N2GM Pathway Monitor
N2GR pathways Evaluations
N2GU Patient Pathway
N2HIT Maintain Findings Hit List
N2KA PMD: Combobox Catalogs Maintenance
N2KO IS-H*MED: Maint. complications
N2KZ IS-H*MED: Maint. compl.-compl. asgmt
N2L1 IS-H*MED: OU diagnoses hit list
N2LINKDEF Definition of Link Module
N2LIZENZ License Management
N2MD IS-H*MED: Basic data: medical d
N2ON IS-H*MED: Number range OR
N2OT IS-H*MED: Maintain OR Departments
N2OW ISH-MED DWS: Outpat Clin. Wk Stat.
N2OX Start OR document
N2OZ IS-H*MED: Surgery times
N2PC IS-H*MED: admin. docum. templates
N2PRZ IS-H*MED: Maintain Procedure HitList
N2PRZ_BASIS IS-H*MED: SPC Hit List - Global
N2RO IS-H*MED: Surgery System
N2RP IS-H*MED: Nursing
N2RR IS-H*MED: Radiologie Evaluations
N2RS IS-H*MED: Med.basic data/documentat.
N2RW Findings Work Station
N2S0 IS-H*MED: Create Document Element
N2S1 IS-H*MED: Change document element
N2S2 IS-H*MED: Display document element
N2SW X-Ray Rounds
N2T5 IS-H*MED: Copy Document Category
N2T6 IS-H*MED: Create document category
N2T7 IS-H*MED: Change document category
N2T8 IS-H*MED: Display document category
N2T9 IS-H*MED: Copy Definite Design
N2TBS Management of Text Modules
N2TL IS-H*MED: Param. doc. tool box
N2TOOL PMD Toolbox (New, Unreleased)
N2UX Application Server Utility
N2VD00 Progress Entries Number Range
N2WLD Template Management
N2ZO Time definition
N2ZP Time definition
N2_COM_SCHEMA_DOWNL XML Profile Download for Doc Disp.
N2_F4_SIMPLETREE_ADM Manage Simple Tree Maintenance
N2_FORUM Forum

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