SAP transaction codes starting with MG

Here you will find a list of all SAP transaction codes.

27 SAP transactions were found!
transaction code description
SAP transaction codes starting with MG
MGMT Device Configuration
MGMT_ADMIN Device Configuration
MGMT_AUTHORITY Edit Authorizations
MGMT_CUSTOMIZING Screen Control for Device Config.
MGMT_DEV_IDTXT Assign Text to Device ID
MGMT_PARA Assign Configuration Parameters
MGMT_PARA_COND Parameter Conditions
MGMT_PARA_PATT Set Device Configuration Parameters
MGMT_PARA_PROP Get Parameter Properties
MGMT_SERVICE Assign Agents to Monitoring Function
MGMT_TYPES Device Configuration - Types
MGVEXTOBJ Maintain Mass Maintenance Objects
MGV_CORRECT Checks + Corrects Quantity Structure
MGV_MAPALE Mapping externa/internal number ALE
MGV_OMSL Maintain TMCNV for long material no.
MGW0 Create Components for Set Material
MGW1 Display Components for Set Material
MGW2 Create Components for Display Matl
MGW3 Display Components for Display Matl
MGW4 Create Components for Prepack Matl
MGW5 Display Components for Prepack Matl
MGW6 Create Components for Full Product
MGW7 Display Components for Full Product
MGW8 Change Components for Set Material
MGW9 Change Components for Display Matl
MGWA Change Components for Prepack
MGWB Change Components for Full Product

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