SAP transaction codes starting with IS

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378 SAP transactions were found!
transaction code description
SAP transaction codes starting with IS
IS00 Number range maintenance: ISMP
IS01 Solution DB - Create/Display/Change
IS02 Text Indexing for Solution Database
IS03 Number range maintenance: ISOL
ISAESCR86EKES Aggregate Vendor Confirmations
ISAESCRME84MD07 Start MD07 via Report
ISAUTO_MRNB Automotive Revaluation
ISAUTO_OMRM ERS Customer-Specific Notifications
ISAUTO_SICASN1 Create Inbound Delivery (Web)
ISAUTO_SICASN2 Update Inbound Delivery (Web)
ISAUTO_SICASN3 Display Inbound Delivery (Web)
ISAUTO_SICASN4 Tracking Inbound Delivery (Web)
ISAUTO_SICBC Communication settings for SWP (Web)
ISAUTO_SICCO Display Purchasing Pricing (Web)
ISAUTO_SICDDL1 Delivery due list
ISAUTO_SICENG Engineering Information (Web)
ISAUTO_SICIV Display Settlement Status (Web)
ISAUTO_SICJIT Display Sequenced JIT Calls (Web)
ISAUTO_SICPDI Display Purchase Document Info (Web)
ISAUTO_SICPH Disp. Inbound Delivery History (Web)
ISAUTO_SICPI Display Packing Instructions (Web)
ISAUTO_SICRL Packaging accounts / postings (Web)
ISAUTO_SICRLRD RL: Postings for Ref. Document (Web)
ISAUTO_SICRPM Display APO-Matrix (Web)
ISAUTO_SICSR Display Schedule Releases (Web)
ISA_CAT_REPLICATION ISA: Product catalog replication
ISA_CAT_REPL_DELETE ISA: Delete replicated indices
ISA_ERSLIST ERS Collective Settlement List
ISA_ESCR_QDP Quantity Difference Profile
ISA_SICALERT Display MRP Alerts (Web)
ISBROK_ACTBAL Broker Balance Display
ISCA Define Symptom Type
ISCB Define Solution Type
ISCC Define Symptom Categories
ISCD Define Solution Categories
ISCDTOOL12 Internal: Payt Plan Simulation Test
ISCDTOOL13 Internal: Payt Plan Tables Display
ISCE Define Application Areas
ISCF Define Validation Categories
ISCG Define BO Types for Symptoms
ISE0 Funds Management
ISHN1 Create Shift Note
ISHN2 Change Shift Note
ISHN3 Display Shift Note
ISHN4 List Shift Notes for Tech. Objects
ISHR1 Create Shift Report for Techn. Obj.
ISHR2 Change Shift Report for Techn. Obj.
ISHR3 Display Shift Report for Techn. Obj.
ISHR4 List Shift Reports for Tech. Objects
ISHRN IMG Shift Report and Shift Note
ISIPI_CP Consignment processing (Web)
ISIPI_CS Display current schedules (Web)
ISIPI_ESP External Service Provider Service
ISIPI_OEPM Ordering packaging material (Web)
ISIPI_POD Proof of Delivery
ISIPI_PUL Display current pickup sheets (WEB)
ISIPI_SM Supplier Address maintenance
ISIPI_SUMJIT Display Summarised JIT calls(web)
ISIPI_TRACK Inbound shipment tracking (Web)
ISISMN Insurance Applications
ISIT_PR Testing Printing of SWP
ISI_BCI Message inbound via BC and SWP
ISI_BCO Message outbound via SWP and BC
ISI_POD Analysis of the POD View Flag
ISI_PR Maintain settings for SWP printing
ISMCA00 Account Assgt for Main Transaction
ISMCA01 Account Assgt for Sub-Transaction
ISMCA03 Derive Transaction from IS-M
ISMCA04 Derive Document Type from IS-M
ISMCA05 Derive Document Type from IS-M
ISMCA06 Derive Document Type from IS-M
ISMCA07 Derive Document Type from IS-M
ISMCA08 Control Incoming Payment for Subs
ISMCA10 Default Settgs for IS-M Acct Display
ISMCA700 Record Doc. Type for Revenue Accrual
ISNR Number range maintenance: ISDB
ISP4 Text
ISSR99 ISSR: Analysis/Correction Program
ISSR_ADMN_ASSET Master Data for Statutory Reporting
ISSR_ANLV_2004 Asset Regulation 2004 Implementation
ISSR_APPL_CTRL Define Statutory Reporting Options
ISSR_ASSET_TYPE Def.Fixed Assets/Current Assets Ind.
ISSR_AV09_DERIV Derivations of Legal Change
ISSR_BENCHMARK Definition of Fund Benchmark
ISSR_BONDTYP Definition of Security Types
ISSR_BONITAET Define Credit Rating Groupings
ISSR_BPV_ANRECH SR Switzerland - Calculation Factor
ISSR_BPV_LSTSUM SR Switzerland - Sort/Tot. List Type
ISSR_BPV_SKZ_SP SR Switz. - Per.Comb. Guar. Fund/LoB
ISSR_COLL_HIST Collateral History Maintenance
ISSR_COLL_POOL Defintion of Collateral Pools
ISSR_COPY_CUST Copy Customizing Entries
ISSR_CTRV_CHECK Setting SR Variants Dep. Check
ISSR_CTR_TO_CTRVAR Assignment Country Var. -> SR Var.
ISSR_CVR ISSR: Field Assignment Rule Mainten.
ISSR_CVRC ISSR: Copy Converter Entries
ISSR_CVRIF ISSR: Maintain Converter Interfaces
ISSR_CV_COPY Copy/Delete: Create DB Table
ISSR_CV_DEL_CFM Delete SR-Var.-Dep. Customizing Data
ISSR_C_RBD1 Activate System for SAP SR
ISSR_C_RBD2 Assign RBD to SR Valuation Area
ISSR_C_RBD3 Assign FS Flow Types to SR FTP
ISSR_DSUMB Transfer Statutory Reporting Data
ISSR_ERI_REL Assignment Price Type to Val. Class
ISSR_EX1 ISSR: Define Application Area
ISSR_EX2 ISSR: CV Interface <-> Appl. Area
ISSR_EX3 ISSR: Define User Exit Variant
ISSR_EX4 ISSR: SR Variant-> User Exit Variant
ISSR_EX5 ISSR: Exit Program-> User Exit Var.
ISSR_FBPATA Assign Import Param. to Func. Module
ISSR_FEE_HIST Maintain Fee History
ISSR_FIAA_AMORT Period. Post. Depreciation/Input Tax
ISSR_FIEPLA ISSR: Define Application Area
ISSR_FILL_NW670_671 Fill Fields in NW670/NW671
ISSR_FIX_VAL Period-End Closing SR Trans. Posting
ISSR_FONDS_CAT Define Fund Types
ISSR_FONDS_TRM Return Periods for Funds
ISSR_FSTRUC_TYP Structure Type
ISSR_GD13 ISSR: Display Totals Records
ISSR_GD20 ISSR: Ledger Line Items
ISSR_GEN_TOPINCL Generate Output Top Include
ISSR_GRP_M1 Define and Assign Groups Sample 1
ISSR_IDENTNR_CORR Conversion of Identification Numbers
ISSR_IF_1 ISSR: Definition of Flow Tables
ISSR_IF_U1 ISSR: PRF Conversion
ISSR_INDEXGRP Definition of Index Groups
ISSR_INVESTMENT Definition of Shareholding Forms
ISSR_INV_STRAT Investment Strategy of Fund
ISSR_LOCK_FIELD Non-Modifiable Fields SR Trans.Post.
ISSR_MAIN1 Create FY Variant SR with 366 Per.
ISSR_MAIN10 Defin. Segment (Assignment Scheme)
ISSR_MAIN11 Assignment of FT to FTP for Segment
ISSR_MAIN12 Assignment VA and Variant to CCode
ISSR_MAIN15 Display Reserved FI-SL Ledgers
ISSR_MAIN16 Automatic Interface Derivations
ISSR_MAIN18 Number Range Maint.: DOCNR for FISL
ISSR_MAIN19 Generate FISL Source Code for SR
ISSR_MAIN2 Control Valuation Areas
ISSR_MAIN20 Manual SR Document Processing
ISSR_MAIN22 Register Module ISSR to Module FISL
ISSR_MAIN3 Manage Product Information
ISSR_MAIN5 Definition - Feeder System Databases
ISSR_MAIN6 Register Feeder System
ISSR_MAIN7 Define Statutory Reporting Variant
ISSR_MAIN8 Definition of Flow Type
ISSR_MAIN9 Def. PRF Transfer Posting Flow Type
ISSR_MAIN_01C Maintain Standard Ledger for SR
ISSR_MAIN_02C Assignment of Ledger to Company Code
ISSR_MAIN_03C Define Statutory Reporting Variant
ISSR_MAIN_04C Control of SR Flow Types
ISSR_MAIN_05AC Ledger Assignment to Company Code
ISSR_MAIN_05C Activate Statutory Reporting
ISSR_MAIN_06C Maintain FI-SL Versions - SR Ledger
ISSR_MAIN_GVTR ISSR: Balance Carryforward
ISSR_MAIN_GVTR_FU ISSR: Field Movement for Balance CF
ISSR_MAIN_GVTR_FUDEF Define Field Movement Automatically
ISSR_MAPC1 Configure User Log
ISSR_MAPC2 Configure Standard Log
ISSR_MIG1 ISSR: Migrate/Import Securities
ISSR_MIG1B ISSR: Migrate Security Positions
ISSR_MIG2 ISSR: Migrate/Import Loans
ISSR_MIG2B ISSR: Migrate Positions for Loans
ISSR_MIG3 ISSR: Migrate/Import Real Estate
ISSR_MIG4 ISSR: Migrate/Import Money Market
ISSR_MIG4B ISSR: Migrate Money Market Positions
ISSR_MIG5 ISSR: Delete Migrations
ISSR_MIG6 ISSR: Migrate/Import TRL Data
ISSR_MIG6B ISSR: Migrate Positions for CFM
ISSR_MIG_01C Register Feeder System
ISSR_MIG_02C Display Defined SR Ledger Type
ISSR_MIG_CONVERT BaFin Statutory Conversion
ISSR_MIG_EXT_ID Copy External IDNR in Mgmt Table
ISSR_MIG_MD_AV09 ISSR: Migration of Master Data
ISSR_MIG_MFT1 Assignment of FS to SR Contract Type
ISSR_MW_GUID Definition of MW_GUID
ISSR_NABU_AV09 Subsequent Posting for Migration
ISSR_NB1 ISSR: Subseq. Post. from Basis Table
ISSR_NB2 ISSR: Delete SR Database Records
ISSR_NW670C NW670 Defin. + Assignment Asset Type
ISSR_NW671C NW671 Defin. + Assignment Asset Type
ISSR_OUT17 Relation. List Type Grp/SR Table Grp
ISSR_OUT_ALV ISSR: Output Control via ALV
ISSR_OUT_ALV_B Statutory Reporting Output
ISSR_OUT_ALV_B2 Statutory Reporting Output - Batch
ISSR_OUT_DEF_CTY_REP ISSR/Output: Global Settings
ISSR_OUT_DEF_LIST ISSR/Output: List Type Definition
ISSR_OUT_DEF_LTG Define and Assign List Group
ISSR_OUT_REPORT ISSR: Statutory Reporting Lists
ISSR_OUT_VAR_FIELD ISSR/Output: Pos. Fields Variably
ISSR_PRIMA Number Range Maint.: ISSR_PRIMA
ISSR_R11_2005 Identifier Conversion to R11 / 2005
ISSR_R59703 Definition Ident. Annex 3 R30/2002
ISSR_R59704 Definition Ident. Annex 4 R30/2002
ISSR_R59705 Definition Ident. Annex 5 R30/2002
ISSR_R59706 Definition Ident. Annex 6 R30/2002
ISSR_R59708 Definition Ident. Annex 8 R30/2002
ISSR_RANTYP_GRP Assignment of FS to SR Contract Type
ISSR_RATE_HIST Collateral History Maintenance
ISSR_RATE_HISTB Collateral History Maintenance
ISSR_RATING Definition BaFin Rating Classific.
ISSR_RATING_COMPANY Definition Rating Agencies
ISSR_READ_FISL SR Variants Dep. Transfer Structures
ISSR_RPNNR Number Range Maintenance: ISSR_RPNNR
ISSR_RWIN1 ISSR: Activate Online Posting
ISSR_SPARTE Definition of Line of Insurance
ISSR_SPEC_ASSET Add. Class. for Asset Acc. RX/2005
ISSR_SPEC_ASSETB Add. Class. Acc to RX/2005 (Not Sec)
ISSR_SPEC_ASSETBO Add. Class.Acc to R30/2002 (Not Sec)
ISSR_SPEC_ASSETO Add. Class. for Asset Acc. R30/2002
ISSR_STOCKFA Def. Stock Indicators for Tax Office
ISSR_SV10UA_2005 Conversion of SS for PRFL 10 2005
ISSR_TAC_MIG_DV Transformation of Old PRF -> New PRF
ISSR_TAC_MIG_DVUA Transformation of Old SS -> New SS
ISSR_TAC_MIG_R59710 Mig. of Identifiers Annex 10 R5/97
ISSR_TAC_PB_FUNDS Ind. Pure Bond Fund for Fund Type
ISSR_TA_ADMIN Initial Screen for SR Master Data
ISSR_TA_ADMIN_DEACT SR Maintenance from Feeder System
ISSR_TA_ADMIN_FCNTL Field Selection for SR Master Data
ISSR_TA_ADMIN_FCODE FCODE Assignment Feeder Sys. <> ISSR
ISSR_TA_ADMIN_FVAL Fixed Value Modification for SR
ISSR_TA_ADMIN_TABSTR Assignment of Subscreen > Screen
ISSR_TA_DEPOT_DIALOG Map Dialog Mode Sec. Account > SR
ISSR_TA_DEPOT_FCNTL Field Selection for SR Master Data
ISSR_TA_DEPOT_FVAL Fixed Val. Modif. Sec. Acc. Data BAV
ISSR_TA_DUEVA_COLMAP Col. Defin. for Data Transfer Format
ISSR_TA_DUEVA_FMT Def. Output Format for Data Transfer
ISSR_TA_DUEVA_HDPARM Def. Parameters Data Transfer Format
ISSR_TA_DUEVA_HD_DE Def. Header for Data Transfer Format
ISSR_TA_DUEVA_ROWMAP Def. Rows for Data Transfer Format
ISSR_TA_DUEVA_ROWSUM Def. Totals for Data Transfer Format
ISSR_TA_DUPL_LISTTYP Edit Tables with List Type
ISSR_TA_DYN_GEN_FN Variable Texts for SR Screens
ISSR_TA_MIG_DEPOT ISSR: Migrate/Import Securities
ISSR_TA_MIG_DV Migration of Prem. Res. Fund Lists
ISSR_TA_MIG_DV_CHECK Define PRF Exclusion Field Check
ISSR_TA_MIG_R59710 Migration of Annex 10 R5/97
ISSR_TA_MIG_R59710_X Definition Check Matrix R5/97 Ann.10
ISSR_TA_MIG_RANTYP Assign. Asset Type Feeder Syst.>ISSR
ISSR_TA_MIG_STOCK_C Exclusion Field Check for Stock Ind.
ISSR_TA_REDEMP_ACT Activation of PRF Repayment List
ISSR_TA_TABL_LISTTYP Define List Type-Dependent Tables
ISSR_TOOL_MIG_ALLA10 Change Annex 10 Identifiers
ISSR_TOOL_MIG_AMOUNT Compare Positions: BAFin <> CFM
ISSR_TOOL_MIG_AMTCFM ISSR: Position Comp. to Paral. CFM
ISSR_TOOL_MIG_ANL10 Change Identifiers Ann.10 - Contract
ISSR_TOOL_MIG_EMP_DV Search for BaFin Master Rec. Errors
ISSR_TOOL_MIG_FTP Check Configured FTPs
ISSR_TOOL_MIG_PTYP Fill New Product Category from CFM
ISSR_TP_GENERAL Gen. Settings for SR Identif. Change
ISSR_TP_MESSAGES Message Log for SR Transfer Posting
ISSR_TP_PROT Log Control for Statutory Reporting
ISSR_TP_STRUC Assign. Struct. to Function Module
ISSR_TRANSF_GRP_M1B Data Trans. Old Table -> New Table
ISSR_TR_S_IDENT Assignment ID Definition Old - New
ISSR_VAR_SELSCR Assignment of FS to SR Contract Type
ISSR_VC101 Maintain NW101 Identifiers
ISSR_VC102 Maintain NW102 Identifiers
ISSR_VC201 Maintain NW201 Identifiers
ISSR_VC59710 Maintain Identifiers R5/97 Annex 10
ISSR_VC59710_OLD Maintain Ident. R5/97 Annex 10 (Old)
ISSR_VC600 Maintain NW600 Identifiers
ISSR_VCANLART Assign. Prod.Cat.Asset Type P54a VAG
ISSR_VC_ALV Settings for ALV Objects
ISSR_VC_CHANGE_DYN Screen Control SR Transfer Posting
ISSR_VC_CHANGE_DYNS Control of Selection Screens
ISSR_VC_DVUA Assignment Product Cat.-> DVUA -> DV
ISSR_VC_FG_FIELD Definition of Fld Groups and Fields
ISSR_VC_MAACRE Settings for Ident. No Assignment
ISSR_VC_STOCKBAV Def. and Assignment of STOCKBAV
ISSR_V_ALVFMT Format Settings for ALV Grid
ISSR_V_ALVGRID Settings for ALV Grid
ISSR_V_ALVNODE Settings for Sort Seq. in ALV Grid
ISSR_V_ALVSORT Settings for ALV Tree
ISSR_V_ANLARTB Assignment Prod.Cat.-> SR Asset Type
ISSR_V_CDYN Assignment of Report - Screen
ISSR_V_CDYNBD Text Assignment to Screen Blocks
ISSR_V_CDYNFD Screen Field Control
ISSR_V_CDYNFS Texts for Fields on Selection Screen
ISSR_V_CDYNS Assignment of Report to Sel. Screen
ISSR_V_CDYNSB Texts for Selection Screen Blocks
ISSR_V_CDYNT Text Assignment to Sel. Screen Tabs
ISSR_V_CDYNTD Text Assignment to Screen Tab Pages
ISSR_V_DVUA Assignment of Subsection to PRF
ISSR_V_DVUAB Assignment Product Category to DVUA
ISSR_V_DV_LT_REL Assignment of List Type to Lists
ISSR_V_DV_PT Assignment PRF to Product Category
ISSR_V_FGFIELD Assignment of Fields to Field Group
ISSR_V_GP_CHANGE Comments for BP Change
ISSR_V_IDENT_NR Definition of Ident. No. Assignment
ISSR_V_IFBPCPTRT Desc.Tab.Prod.Cat,Prod.Type,Asset.Ty
ISSR_V_MIGTP_EWR Conv. Ident. 10 R5/97: Special Fund
ISSR_V_NODELEV Definition of Node Levels ALV Tree
ISSR_V_NODELEV2 Definition of Node Levels ALV Tree
ISSR_V_NW101B Assignment NW101 Product Category
ISSR_V_NW102B Assignment NW102 Product Category
ISSR_V_NW201B Assignment NW201 Product Category
ISSR_V_NW600B Assignment NW600 Product Category
ISSR_V_R59710B Assignment Product Cat. to R5/97 10
ISSR_V_R59710Q Assign. Quota Ident. Ann.10 R30/2002
ISSR_V_R5973B Assignment Prod. Cat. to R5/97 3
ISSR_V_R5974B Assignment Product Cat. to R5/97 4
ISSR_V_R5975B Assignment Product Cat. to R5/97 5
ISSR_V_R5976B Assignment Product Cat. to R5/97 6
ISSR_V_R5978B Assignment Product Cat. to R5/97 8
ISSR_V_STOCKBAV_C Definition of Statutory Asset Names
ISSR_V_STOCK_FIAA Assignment Dep. Area FIAA Stock Ind.
ISSR_V_TGRP_TO_MFT Assignment of Tab Group to MFT Table
ISSR_V_UMSR59710 Conversion of Ident. Annex 10 R5/97
ISSR_V_UMS_DV Conversion of Identifier for PRF
ISSR_V_UMS_R5973 Conversion Ident. Annex 3 R5/97
IST01 Generate Phone Number Reconnect File
ISTCA00 Account Determ.: IS-T Receiv. Accnts
ISTCA01 Account Determ.: IS-T Revenue Accnts
ISTCA10 IS-T Account Display: Specifications
ISTCA31 Cash Desk: Specifications
ISTCA32 Cash Desk: Specifications
ISTCA40 Data for IS-T collective bill
ISTCAFHIST Disconnec.and Reconnec.File History
ISTCAXT900 Mass Generate Tel. No. Reconn. File
ISTCAXT910 Generate Reconnection File
ISTCA_T100 Def. Info. for Payment Medium ID
ISTMFCA IS-U Contract Accounts R/P
ISTMMF1 IS-T Business Master Data
ISTMNET IS-T Network Manag.
ISTMREG IS-T Regional Structure
ISTMSRV IS-T Customer Service
ISTNBTDOC Number Range Maintenance: IST_BTDOC
ISTNBTELNR Number Range Maintenance: IST_BTELNR
ISTUNLT930 Reconn./Disconn. Services Using XI
IST_EBS_ARC Link Documents with External Bills
IST_EBS_ARC_E Postprocessing Run: Link Bills
IST_EBS_MRD Reversal of Bills from Billing Sys.
IST_EBS_MRD_E Postprocessing Run: External Reversa
IST_EBS_POI Create Additional Information
IST_EBS_POI_E Postprocessing Run: Additional Info.
IST_EBS_TOI Transfer Documents from Billing Sys.
IST_EBS_TOI_COPA Transfer Doc./CO-PA Characteristics
IST_EBS_TOI_COPA_E Postprocessing Run: Transfer Docs
IST_EBS_TOI_E Postprocessing Run: Transfer Docs
IST_EVAL Evaluate Reconnection Proposals
IST_TDATA_DELETE Delete Terminated Telephone Nos
ISUBDMARK Configuration marker function
ISUCC CIC customizing menu
ISU_CRM_IL_REMOTE Dummy for Remote IL Access
ISU_PPM_JOB_NR Number Range Maintenance: PPM_JOB_NR
ISU_SALES_ORDER Create Order for Utility Products
ISU_SALES_QUOTATION Create Quotation for Utility Prods

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