SAP transaction codes starting with CM

Here you will find a list of all SAP transaction codes.

348 SAP transactions were found!
transaction code description
SAP transaction codes starting with CM
CM01 Cap. planning, work center load
CM02 Capac. planning, work center orders
CM03 Capac. planning, work center pool
CM04 Capac. planning, work center backlog
CM05 Capacity plan.:Work center overload
CM07 Cap. planning: Variable access
CM0X Capacity planning
CM10 Capacity leveling
CM11 Maintain flow control
CM21 Capacity leveling SFC planning table
CM22 Capacity leveling:SFC planning table
CM23 Capacity leveling: SFC orders tab.
CM24 Capacity leveling: PM indiv. tab.
CM25 Capacity leveling: Variable
CM26 Capacity Leveling: Proj.View Tabular
CM27 Capacity level.: SFC indiv.cap.graph
CM28 Capac.level.: SFC indiv.cap. tab.
CM29 Capacity leveling: PI planning table
CM30 Cap. leveling: PM indiv.cap.graph.
CM31 Cap. leveling: SFC orders graphical
CM32 Cap. leveling: PS graph.
CM33 Cap.leveling: PM work cntr. graphic
CM34 Cap.leveling: PM work cntr. tab.
CM35 Capacity leveling: PI work
CM36 Capacity leveling: PI order graphic.
CM37 Capacity leveling: PI order tab.
CM38 Capacity leveling L-T planning
CM40 Capacity leveling in the background
CM41 Evaluation of leveling in background
CM50 Capacity level.: SFC work cntr list
CM51 Cap.level.: SFC individual.cap. list
CM52 Cap.leveling: SFC orders list
CM53 Capacity leveling: PS elem/version
CM54 Capacity leveling: PS list via vers.
CM55 Cap.leveling: PS list WCntr/version
CM56 Capacity leveling: PI resource list
CM57 Capacity leveling: PI orders list
CM99 Generate basic capacity load
CMAC_FEE_CALC Fee Calculation Report
CMAP0 Configurable Semantic Mapping
CMATRANGE Add CWD Material Range
CMCE Copy Table Contents ResourcePlanning
CMCH Check overall profile
CMCMT Claim Control Maintenance
CMCY Copy table entries, capacity planng.
CMD1 Create Output: Direct Procurement
CMD2 Change output: Direct procurement
CMD3 Display Output: Direct Procurement
CMECUST CME Customizing
CME_CHAR_DSCOPE Assign Definition Scope to Char.
CMFN Number Range Maint: CMF_PROTOK (SAP)
CMIG iPPE Migration Tool
CMMAP01 Planning Hierarchy frm Master Data
CMMAP02 Maintain FM for Master Data Hier.
CMMAP03 Display FMs for Master Data Hier.
CMMAP04 Maintain FMs for Master Data Attribs
CMMAP05 Display FMs for Master Data Attribs
CMOD Enhancements
CMP2 Workforce Planning: Project View
CMP3 Workforce Planning: Work Center View
CMP9 Workforce Planning - Reporting
CMPC Workforce Planning Profile
CMPC1 Cond.: Field Cat. Campaign Determin.
CMPC2 CondTab: Create (Campaign Determ.)
CMPC3 CondTab: Change (Campaign Determ.)
CMPC4 CondTab: Display (Campaign Determ.)
CMPC5 Access: Maintain (Campaign Determ.)
CMPC6 Condition Types: Campaign Determ.
CMPC7 Procedure: Campaign Determination
CMPC8 Optimize Accesses (Campaign Deter.)
CMPC9 Determine Proced. Campaign Determ.
CMPDS1 Customize multiple PDS
CMPERS_CALL Edit User Settings
CMPERS_MAINTAIN_SGL Maintain Personalization Data
CMPERS_MM Personalization: Collective Maint
CMPERS_TEST Test User Settings
CMPP Workforce Planning
CMPRO Category Management:Project Mainten.
CMP_CHECK Code Composer Template Check
CMP_CUST IMG Campaign Determination
CMP_PROCESSING Complaints Processing
CMP_REASON Customizing for Complaints Reasons
CMS1 Create set (PPC)
CMS2 Change Set
CMS3 Display Set
CMS4 Delete Set
CMSORG Organizational Unit in CMS
CMS_ACG_01 Coverage Gap
CMS_ACG_02 Coverage Gap
CMS_ACG_03 Coverage Gap
CMS_AST_01 Create Asset
CMS_AST_02 Change Asset
CMS_AST_03 Display Asset
CMS_BCM Coverage gap monitoring
CMS_BCM_ACG_DISPLAY Display BCM Res. with Appr. Cov. Gap
CMS_BCM_DEL Delete Coverage gap results
CMS_BCM_DISPLAY Display BCM results for Specific Run
CMS_BII_CUS_01 Maintain Extraction Process Type
CMS_BII_DEX_PR_START CMS Data Extraction Process
CMS_CAG_01 Create Collateral Agreement
CMS_CAG_02 Change Collateral Agreement
CMS_CAG_03 Display Collateral Agreement
CMS_COR_REQ_PRINT Start correspondence print
CMS_CREATE_CHG_PTR Create chg ptr for entities in const
CMS_CS Collateral Sheet
CMS_CUS_01 Object Systems
CMS_CUS_02 Credit Systems
CMS_CUS_03 Risk Codes
CMS_CUS_04 Document Types
CMS_CUS_05 Business Partner Roles
CMS_CUS_06 Transactions
CMS_CUS_07 BDT Field Grouping for Asset Type
CMS_CUS_08 BDT Field Grouping for CAG Type
CMS_CUS_09 BDT Field Grouping for a Product
CMS_CUS_11 Asset Types
CMS_CUS_12 Collateral Agreement Types
CMS_CUS_13 Products
CMS_CUS_14 Product Sets
CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_001 CMS Control: Applications
CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_002 CMS Control: Field Groups
CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_003 CMS Control: Views
CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_004 CMS Control: Sections
CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_005 CMS Control: Screens
CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_006 CMS Control: Screen Seq.
CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_007 CMS Control: Events
CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_008 CMS Control: GUI Standard Functions
CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_009 CMS Control: GUI Addl Functions
CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_015 CMS Control: Appl. Transactions
CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_018 CMS Control: Activities
CMS_CUS_ACG_REL Assign Rel Object to Rel Procedure
CMS_CUS_ASSET_NR Number range maintenance: CMS_ASSET
CMS_CUS_BDT_001 CMS Control: Applications
CMS_CUS_BDT_002 CMS Control: Field Groups
CMS_CUS_BDT_003 CMS Control: Views
CMS_CUS_BDT_004 CMS Control: Sections
CMS_CUS_BDT_005 CMS Control: Screens
CMS_CUS_BDT_006 CMS Control: Screen Seq.
CMS_CUS_BDT_007 CMS Control: Events
CMS_CUS_BDT_008 CMS Control: GUI Standard Functions
CMS_CUS_BDT_009 CMS Control: GUI Addl Functions
CMS_CUS_BDT_011 CMS Control: Asn.scrn.fld->dbase fld
CMS_CUS_BDT_012 CMS Control: Field Grp. Criteria
CMS_CUS_BDT_013 CMS Control: BP Roles
CMS_CUS_BDT_014 CMS Control: BP Role Groupings
CMS_CUS_BDT_015 CMS Control: Appl. Transactions
CMS_CUS_BDT_016 CMS Control: Tables
CMS_CUS_BDT_017 CMS-Control: External applications
CMS_CUS_BDT_018 CMS Control: Activities
CMS_CUS_BDT_019 CMS Control: FuncMod. Activity(Ctrl)
CMS_CUS_BDT_020 CMS Control: Search Help
CMS_CUS_BDT_021 CMS control: Assign.DI field->DB fld
CMS_CUS_BDT_022 CMS Control: Where-Used List Struct.
CMS_CUS_BDT_023 CMS Tax: Data Sets
CMS_CUS_BDT_100 CMS Cust: Field Grouping Activity
CMS_CUS_BDT_101 CMS Cust: BP Role Field Grouping
CMS_CUS_BDT_102 CMS Cust: Authorization Types
CMS_CUS_BDT_103 CMS Cust: Field Grps f.Authorization
CMS_CUS_BDT_104 CMS-Cust: Screen Configuration
CMS_CUS_BDT_105 CMS-Cust:Fld.modif.exter.application
CMS_CUS_BDT_106 CMS-Cust: Notes on Roles
CMS_CUS_BDT_107 CMS Cust: Where-Used List
CMS_CUS_CAG_NUMRANGE Number range maintenance: CMS_CAGMT
CMS_CUS_COM_NR Number range maintenance: CMS_MOV
CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_001 CMS Control: Applications
CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_002 CMS Control: Field Groups
CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_003 CMS Control: Views
CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_004 CMS Control: Sections
CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_005 CMS Control: Screens
CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_006 CMS Control: Screen Seq.
CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_007 CMS Control: Events
CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_008 CMS Control: GUI Standard Functions
CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_009 CMS Control: GUI Addl Functions
CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_011 CMS Control: Asn.scrn.fld->dbase fld
CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_012 CMS Control: Field Grp. Criteria
CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_015 CMS Control: Appl. Transactions
CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_016 CMS Control: Tables
CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_018 CMS Control: Activities
CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_019 CMS Control: FuncMod. Activity(Ctrl)
CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_104 CMS-Cust: Screen Configuration
CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_001 CMS Control: Applications
CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_002 CMS Control: Applications
CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_003 CMS Control: Applications
CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_004 CMS Control: Applications
CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_005 CMS Control: Applications
CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_006 CMS Control: Applications
CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_007 CMS Control: Applications
CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_008 CMS Control: Applications
CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_009 CMS Control: Applications
CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_011 CMS Control: Applications
CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_012 CMS Control: Applications
CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_015 CMS Control: Applications
CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_016 CMS Control: Applications
CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_018 CMS Control: Applications
CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_100 CMS Control: Applications
CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_103 CMS Control: Applications
CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_104 CMS Control: Applications
CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_105 CMS Control: Applications
CMS_CUS_LOC_01 Search Application Customizing
CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_001 CMS Control: Applications
CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_002 CMS Control: Field Groups
CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_003 CMS Control: Views
CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_004 CMS Control: Sections
CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_005 CMS Control: Screens
CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_006 CMS Control: Screen Seq.
CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_007 CMS Control: Events
CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_008 CMS Control: GUI Standard Functions
CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_009 CMS Control: GUI Addl Functions
CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_011 CMS Control: Asn.scrn.fld->dbase fld
CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_012 CMS Control: Field Grp. Criteria
CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_013 CMS Control: BP Roles
CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_014 CMS Control: BP Role Groupings
CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_015 CMS Control: Appl. Transactions
CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_016 CMS Control: Tables
CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_017 CMS-Control: External applications
CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_018 CMS Control: Activities
CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_019 CMS Control: FuncMod. Activity(Ctrl)
CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_020 CMS Control: Search Help
CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_021 CMS control: Assign.DI field->DB fld
CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_022 CMS Control: Where-Used List Struct.
CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_023 CMS Tax: Data Sets
CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_100 CMS Cust: Field Grouping Activity
CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_101 CMS Cust: BP Role Field Grouping
CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_102 CMS Cust: Authorization Types
CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_103 CMS Cust: Field Grps f.Authorization
CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_104 CMS-Cust: Screen Configuration
CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_105 CMS-Cust:Fld.modif.exter.application
CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_106 CMS-Cust: Notes on Roles
CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_107 CMS Cust: Where-Used List
CMS_CUS_PCN_ASTC_REL Assign Rel Object to Rel Procedure
CMS_CUS_PCN_AST_REL Assign Rel Object to Rel Procedure
CMS_CUS_PCN_CAGC_REL Assign Rel Object to Rel Procedure
CMS_CUS_PCN_CAG_REL Assign Rel Object to Rel Procedure
CMS_CUS_PCN_OMSC_REL Assign Rel Object to Rel Procedure
CMS_CUS_PCN_OMS_REL Assign Rel Object to Rel Procedure
CMS_CUS_RBL_NUMRANGE Number range maintenance: CMS_RBL
CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_001 CMS-RE Control:Applications
CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_002 CMS-RE Control: Field Groups
CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_003 CMS-RE Control: Views
CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_004 CMS-RE Control: Sections
CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_005 CMS-RE Control: Screens
CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_006 CMS-RE Control: Screen Seq.
CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_007 CMS-RE Control: Events
CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_008 CMS-RE Control:GUI Standard Function
CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_009 CMS-RE Control:GUI Addl Function
CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_011 CMS-RE Control:Asn scrn fld->DB fld
CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_012 CMS-RE Control: Field Grp. Criteria
CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_013 CMS-RE Control: BP Roles
CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_014 CMS-RE Control: BP Role Grouping
CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_015 CMS-RE Control: Appl Transactions
CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_016 CMS-RE Control: Tables
CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_017 CMS-RE Control: External Application
CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_018 CMS-RE Control: Activities
CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_019 CMS-RE Control:FuncMod. Activity
CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_020 CMS-RE Control: Search help
CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_021 CMS-RE Control:Asn DI fld->DB fld
CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_022 CMS-RE Control:Where used-list
CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_023 CMS-RE Tax: Data Sets
CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_100 CMS-RE Cust: Fld Grouping Activity
CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_101 CMS-RE Cust: BP Role Fld Grouping
CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_102 CMS-RE Cust: Authorization types
CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_103 CMS-RE Cust: Fld Grouping Auth.
CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_104 CMS-RE Cust: Screen Configuration
CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_105 CMS-RE Cust:Fld Mod ext application
CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_106 CMS-RE Cust: Notes on rules
CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_107 CMS-RE Cust: Where used list
CMS_CUS_RE_OBJECT_NR Number range maintenance: CMS_RE_OBJ
CMS_DEL_CAG_RBL Deletion of invalid CAG-RBL links
CMS_DEL_SUBAST_MOV Delete wrong subassets for Movables
CMS_DEL_SUBAST_RE Delete wrong subassets for RE
CMS_DEL_SUBAST_SEC Delete wrong subassets for Sec acc
CMS_INS_01 Insurance Create
CMS_INS_02 Insurance Maintain
CMS_INS_03 Display Insurance
CMS_LIQ_01 Create Liquidation
CMS_LIQ_02 Change Liquidation
CMS_LIQ_03 Display Liquidation Measure
CMS_LIQ_CFL Maintain Liq. Cash Flows (Rel 3.0)
CMS_LIQ_MOV Liquidation Measure: MOV handle
CMS_LIQ_RE Liquidation Measure:RE handle
CMS_LIQ_RIG Liquidation Measure: RIG handle
CMS_LR_DE_CHANGE Change German Land Register
CMS_LR_DE_CREATE Create German Land Register
CMS_LR_DE_DISPLAY Display German Land Register
CMS_LR_DE_MAINTAIN Maintain Land Register
CMS_OVER Collateral Overview
CMS_RBL_01 Create Receivable
CMS_RBL_02 Change Receivable
CMS_RBL_03 Display Receivable
CMS_RBL_SYNC Synchronize receivables
CMS_REP_CAG_VLDT_01 Collateral Expiry Report
CMS_RE_CHANGE Change real estate
CMS_RE_COPY Create real estate
CMS_RE_CREATE Create real estate
CMS_RE_DISPLAY Display real estate
CMS_SEC_ISIN Maintain class master data for ISINs
CMS_SEC_ISIN_PRICE Maintain price data for ISINs
CMS_WB CMS Workbench
CMTCUS01 CM application: General settings
CMTCUS11 Maintaining life cycle profile
CMTCUS21 Configuration definition
CMTCUS22 Maintain number range for CM product
CMTCUS31 Configuration folder: Gen. settings
CMTCUS32 Maintain number range for CM folder
CMTCUS41 Baseline: General settings
CMTCUS42 Maintain number ranges for Baseline
CMTCUSEX Maintain explosion profile
CMTCUSMEM CM Application: General Settings
CMV1 Create variable
CMV2 Change variable
CMV3 Display variable
CMV4 Delete value variable
CMWO Configuration Management Workbench
CMWODISP CM Workbench - Display transaction
CMX01 XSteps: Register Applications
CMX02 XSteps: Define BAdI Filter Values
CMX03 XSteps: Register Services
CMX04 XSteps: Release Namespaces
CMX05 XSteps: BADI Monitor
CMX10 XSEditor:Maintain BAdI Filter Values
CMX20 SXS Repository: Authorization Groups
CMX21 SXS Repository: Customizing
CMX22 Define Reference Plant
CMX23 XSteps: Translatable PI Characts
CMX24 XSteps: Desired Standard Language
CMXSV Standard XStep Repository
CMXSVN Cross-Plant SXS Repository
CMX_XS_ARC XSteps: Generate Archive Files
CMX_XS_ARCHIVE Archiving XSteps
CMX_XS_DEL XSteps: Start Delete Program
CMX_XS_MANAGE XSteps: Management
CM_TEST_0 Control Tests (Internal)
CM_TEST_1 Test for Single IO Test
CM_TEST_2 Test Program for KW Document Bridge
CM_TEST_3 Demo Program for Composite Control
CM_TEST_4 Test for single IO test

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