SAP tables starting with W

Here you will find a list of all SAP tables with the initial letter W.

Here you will find a list of all SAP tables.

1145 SAP tables were found!
table name description
SAP tables starting with W0
W000 Condition Table for Rule Determination $
SAP tables starting with W3
W3ADMTX MinApp Text Table
W3ADMX MiniApp catalog
W3ATTRCX Customer Settings for MiniApps
W3ATTRX MiniApp Attributes
W3BHTMCON WAB: Contexts for BHTML Functions
W3BHTMCONT WAB: Texts for Use Contexts (BHTML Functions)
W3BHTMFUNC WAB: Business HTML Functions
W3BHTMFUNT Business HTML Function Texts
W3BHTMPARA WAB: Business HTML Parameters
W3BHTMPART WAB: Business HTML Parameter Texts
W3BHTMVALT WAB: Texts for Business HTML Parameter Values
W3BHTMVALU WAB: Values for Business HTML Parameters
W3BHTMWIZT WAB: Texts for Business HTML Wizards
W3BHTMWIZZ WAB: Business HTML Wizards
W3CONTYPES WAB: Flow Editor Converter
W3CREATPAT ITS: Table of Templates for Creating Templates
W3CROSS WAB: Use in ITS Objects
W3DEVAPP Relationship Between Application and Device Type
W3DEVAPPX Relationship Between Application and Device Type
W3DEVFAV MWP: Favorites for Mobile Terminals
W3DEVTYPE Device types
W3DEVTYPT Device Types Short Text
W3DEVTYPTX Device Types Short Text
W3DEVTYPX Device Types
W3ERROBJECTS ITS: List of Objects with Data Errors (Not Readable)
W3GENSTYLES W3: Generation Styles for HTML Templates
W3HEXCONV ITS: Conversion Table for Data Storage
W3HTMLT WAB: Texts for HTML Files
W3HTMLTAGS Table of Basic HTML Tags
W3HTRCT WAB: Texts for Themes
W3JSCRT WAB: Texts for JavaScript Files
W3MIMET WAB: Texts for MIME Objects
W3MODTYPES WAB: Module Types
W3MODTYPET WAB: Module Type Texts
W3OBJLOINF WAB: Local Information for ITS Objects
W3PARAMX Parameters
W3PARATX MiniApp Parameter Texts
W3PUBDIR WAB: Publish Directory for Objects
W3SERINTP WAB: Interface Parameters for Services
W3SERINTPT WAB: Texts for Interface Parameters for Services
W3SERVICET Short Text for Internet Services
W3SPAR WAB: Possible Service Parameters
W3SPART WAB: Service Parameter Texts
W3TEMPLATE Generated Table for View W3TEMPLATE
W3TREES Internet-enabled Reporting Trees (-> Transaction SERP)
SAP tables starting with WA
WAAL Material-to-vendor assignment in price maintenance (promo.)
WAEL Delivery Phases in Retail Promotion
WAGU Validity of plant groups - IS-R
WAHD Alternative Required Time Series for the Forecast
WAHD_OVAL Original Values for Alternative RPM Time Series for Forecast
WAKC Assignment of Coupons to Promotion
WAKH Promotion Header Data, IS-R
WAKHIND Promotion header data IS-R: index table for conditions
WAKP Promotion Item Data
WAKR Promotion Discounts
WAKRW Promotion discounts by plant
WAKT Promotion description short text, IS-R
WALE Material to store assignment to promotion
WAPPT Appointments
WAPPTV Appointments: Worklist
WAZB Module plant-group assignment
WAZT Promotion/themes assignment
WAZW Promotion/advertising media assignment
SAP tables starting with WB
WB2B_REPORTS Reports @ Web
WB2CLINK Hedging Index
WB2TRANSFER Data Transfer Global Trade
WB2_MAP_CONTROL GT: Generation Status for Field Mapping
WB2_MAP_FIELDS Trading Contract: Mapping of Fields to Follow-On Documents
WB2_V_EKKO_EKPO Generated Table for View
WB2_V_EKKO_EKPO2 Generated Table for View
WB2_V_LIKP_LIPS Generated Table for View
WB2_V_LIKP_LIPS2 Generated Table for View
WB2_V_RBKP_RSEG Generated Table for View
WB2_V_RBKP_RSEG2 Generated Table for View
WB2_V_VBAK_VBAP Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
WB2_V_VBAK_VBAP2 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
WB2_V_VBRK_VBRL Generated Table for View
WB2_V_VBRK_VBRL2 Generated Table for View
WB2_V_VBRK_VBRP Generated Table for View
WB2_V_VBRK_VBRP2 Generated Table for View
WB2_V_WBHK_WBHI Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
WB2_V_WBHK_WBHI2 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
WB2_V_WBRK_WBRL Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
WB2_V_WBRK_WBRL2 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
WB2_V_WBRK_WBRP Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
WB2_V_WBRK_WBRP2 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
WBACTINDEX Update Programs for Navigation Index
WBACTIONS Operations on Repository object types
WBACTIONST Texts for operations on Repository objects
WBASSOC Global Trade: Association Table
WBBCUSO Assortment List Parameters for Specific Optimization
WBBH Assortment list header
WBBL Assort. list control break
WBBP Assortment list item
WBBSTORE Assortment List Job Planning
WBB_MIDOC Assortment List: Header For Merged IDocs
WBB_MIG Assortment List Migration
WBB_SAVE1 Save Changed Assortment List Objects Temporarily
WBB_SAVE2 Temporary Assortment List Objects: Store-Specific
WBB_SAVE3 Temporary Assortment List Objects: AL Type and Check
WBB_SAVE4 Packet Number for Cancelled Packets (Assortment List)
WBB_SAVE_ID Assortment List ID for Saving Changed Objects
WBCROSSGT Index for Global Types - Where-Used List Workbench
WBCROSSGTI Index Global Types for Inactive Objects Where-Used List
WBCROSSI Index for Includes - Where-Used List Workbench
WBCUMUL Global Trade: Aggregation Table
WBEW Active Ingredient Valuation
WBEXTTYPES Workbench: External code for object types
WBGT Global Trade: Generic Document Information
WBHD Trading Contract: Commercial Data
WBHE Trading Contract: Schedule Lines
WBHF Trading Contract: Document Flow
WBHI Trading Contract: Item Data
WBHK Trading Contract: Header Data
WBHP Trading Contract: Partner Assignment
WBIT Association Item at Step Level
WBO1 Log header file for simulative list for load building
WBO2 Log item file for simulative list for load building
WBO3 Log file for investment buy
WBO4 Log, load building, restriction profile used
WBO5 Calculated Actual Vendor Service Level
WBOATTR CTS: Request Attributes
WBOATTRC CTS: Client-Specific Settings for Attributes
WBOATTRT CTS: Attribute Texts
WBOBJECT_DATA Data Table for Workbench Object
WBOBJTYPES Workbench: Types of development objects
WBOBJTYPT Workbench: Text for development object types
WBOSYSCNTRL Transport Organizer: Control Parameters for System Behavior
WBOSYSCUST Transport Organizer: Central Settings
WBO_ADM Administration Tasks in the Workbench Organizer
WBO_ADMT Texts for Table WBO_ADM (Check Table f.Auth.Obj. S_WBO_ADMI)
WBPA Agency business: Assignment of business partner
WBRC Agency Business: Complaints
WBRCCF Agency Business: Complaints - Change Fields
WBREGISTRY Registry ABAP Workbench
WBREGISTRY_P Plug-in Tools for ABAP Workbench (WBREGISTRY)
WBREGISTRY_PT Text Table for WBREGISTRY_P with the Object Type Names
WBRF Document flow vendor billing document/settlement request
WBRFN Document Flow of Reference Document to Agency Document
WBRK Agency business: Header
WBRL Agency business: Item in document list
WBRP Agency business: Item
WBRR AB-RRLE: Extended Remuneration List Data for Agency Document
WBRRE AB-RRLE: Extended Remuneration List Data for External Doc.
WBTABLE Create Flight: Sample Table for Workbench Tutorial
WBTESTCROSS Cross Reference to Test Classes
WBTOOLTYPE Visualization types for tools
WBWL_TAB User-Specific Worklist
WBXMLCUST Settings for XML Workbench Connection
SAP tables starting with WC
WCA2 WCM: Work and Requirements
WCAAP WCM: Application
WCAB WCM: Valuation
WCABQ WCM: Log (Valuation)
WCACD WCM: Operational Class <-> PM Object
WCACE WCM: Operational Condition <-> Operational Class
WCACG WCM: WCM Object <-> Catalog
WCACH WCM: (Temporary) Log for Tagging/Untagging (Time-Frame)
WCACI WCM: (Temporary) Log for Tagging/Untagging (Conflict Check)
WCACM WCM: Current Operational Condition/Type
WCACN WCM: (Temporary) Log (Tag/Test Tag)
WCACNQ WCM: Log (Operational Tag)
WCACO WCM: (Temporary) Log for Tagging/Untagging (Ref. Object)
WCACQ WCM: Log for Tagging/Untagging (Conflict Check)
WCACS WCM: (Temporary) Log (Protected Area)
WCAD WCM: Approval Group
WCADQ WCM: Log (Approval Group)
WCAE WCM: Order Operation <-> Approval Group
WCAEQ WCM: Log (Order Operation <-> Approval Group)
WCAF WCM: Order Operation <-> Work Clearance Document
WCAFQ WCM: Log (Order Operation <-> Work Clearance Document)
WCAG WCM: Data for Mode-Dependent Tagging
WCAGN WCM: Approvals
WCAGNS WCM: Approval Segment
WCAHE WCM: Work Clearance Document (Header)
WCAIT WCM: Work Clearance Document (Item)
WCAJ WCM: Lineup
WCAK WCM: Verification List (Header Data)
WCALA WCM: WCM Object <-> WCM Object
WCALQ WCM: Log (WCM Object <-> WCM Object)
WCAMA WCM: General User Settings
WCAMB WCM: Plant-Specific User Settings
WCAMC WCM: Log of Operational Lists (Header Data)
WCAME WCM: (Temporary) Log of Operational Lists (Items)
WCAMI WCM: Log of Operational Lists (Items)
WCAOD WCM: Technical Object (Object List)
WCAPL WCM: Print Log
WCAQ WCM: Verification List (Items)
WCAR WCM: Operational Step
WCAS WCM: Application <-> Order Operation
WCASQ WCM: Log (Application <-> Order Operation)
WCAW WCM: Work Approval
WCB_GUID2VBELN Mapping from GUID to Billing Document Number
WCC0 WCM: View Profile
WCC0A WCM: Screen Areas of a View Profile
WCC0B WCM: Tab Pages of a View Profile
WCC0BT WCM: Tab Pages of a View Profile (Texts)
WCC0C WCM: Screen Areas of a Tab Page
WCC0R WCM: WCM Object <-> View Profile
WCC0S WCM: Subscreens for View Profiles
WCC0SR WCM: Restriction Subscreen <-> WCM Object
WCC0ST WCM: Subscreens for View Profiles (Texts)
WCC0SU WCM: Subscreens with Individual Attributes
WCC0SUT WCM: Subscreens with Individual Attributes (Texts)
WCC0T WCM: View Profile (Texts)
WCC1 WCM: Work Permits
WCC2N WCM: Requirements
WCCA WCM: Switching Data
WCCB WCM: Operational Condition
WCCBT WCM: Operational Condition (Texts)
WCCC WCM: Operational Type
WCCCT WCM: Operational Type (Texts)
WCCD WCM: Operational Group
WCCDT WCM: Operational Group (Texts)
WCCE WCM: Conflict Rules
WCCF WCM: Revision Phase
WCCFT WCM: Revision Phase (Texts)
WCCG WCM: Overall Conditions of Technical System
WCCGT WCM: Overall Conditions of Technical System (Texts)
WCCHT WCM: Train (Texts)
WCCI WCM: Tag <-> (Operational Group, Operational Type; Test Tag)
WCCJ WCM: Selection Fields for Creation with Template
WCCK WCM: Operational Class
WCCKT WCM: Operational Class (Texts)
WCCLT WCM: Print (Texts)
WCCLU WCM: Lineup Usage
WCCLUT WCM: Lineup Usage
WCCLX WCM: Print (User-Specific)
WCCM WCM: PM Order <-> WCM Object
WCCMR WCM: Order Operation
WCCMS WCM: Operational Step
WCCMST WCM: Operational Step (Texts)
WCCMU WCM: Operational Step
WCCN WCM: Valuation
WCCOGT WCM: WCM Object (General Texts)
WCCOR WCM: WCM Object (Master) <-> WCM Object (Slave)
WCCOT WCM: WCM Object (Texts)
WCCP WCM: WCM Object <-> Approvals
WCCPN WCM: Approval Group
WCCPV WCM: Approval Groups
WCCQT WCM: Group (Texts)
WCCR WCM: Application Profile
WCCS WCM: Selection Fields for Data Transfer
WCCST WCM: Selection Fields for Data Transfer (Texts)
WCCTA WCM: Grouping (Status)
WCCTB WCM: Grouping (Approval Status)
WCCTC WCM: Grouping (Additional Data)
WCCU WCM: Use of Work Clearance Document
WCCUT WCM: Use of Work Clearance Document (Texts)
WCCV WCM: Physical Blocking Type
WCCVT WCM: Physical Blocking Type (Texts)
WCCWA WCM: Changes (Additional Data) Forbidden
WCCWB WCM: Assignment Forbidden
WCCX WCM: Use of Work Approval
WCCXT WCM: Use of Work Approval (Texts)
WCCY WCM: Use of Application
WCCYT WCM: Use of Application (Texts)
WCCZ WCM: Text Processing
WCMP Category Management: Project
WCMPSD Details for Category Management Step
WCMPT Category Management Project Maintenance: Description
WCMPUSER Category Management: Assignment User to role
WCMTXFLD WCM Taxonomy Folder: Instances of Logical Info Objects
WCMTXLOIOT WCM Taxonomy Folder: Descriptions of Logical Info Objects
WCMTXLOPR WCM Taxonomy Folder: Attribute Values of Logical Info Objs
WCMTXLORE WCM Taxonomy Folder: Outgoing Relationships of LOIOs
WCMTXLORI WCM Taxonomy Folder: Incoming Relationships of LOIOs
WCOCOF Condition Contract: Document Flow Data
WCOCOH Condition Contract: Header
WCOCOI Condition Contract: Eligible Partner
WCOCOP Condition Contract: Partner Assignment
WCVOH Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
WCVP0 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
WCVP1 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
WCVR1 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
WCVU1 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
SAP tables starting with WD
WDBOOK_ARTICLE WD Demo Bookstore: Item List
WDELVERS Valid Avers Components
WDFR1 Requirements Planning for Perishables
WDFR_DISP Perishables Planning Header
WDFR_POET Perishables Planning Item Delivery Phase
WDFR_POS Perishables Planninng Item
WDG_GEN_LOG Web Dynpro Generation Log
WDG_UR_ENUM_VAL Unified Rendering: Events
WDG_UR_WEB_ICOL Icon Collection for Cross-Application Icons
WDG_UR_WEB_ICOLT Texts (Imported from Java Translation - Not Translated)
WDG_UR_WEB_ICON Definition of icons
WDG_UR_WEB_ICONT No longer used texts (replaced by WDG_UR_WEBICONT)
WDHC_CONFIG Help Center Configuration
WDLCOPY Log Table for IDoc Copy Management
WDLCOPYLOG Error Log Table for IDoc Copy Management
WDLS POS outbound log: Status of data preparation
WDLSO POS outbound log: object with errors
WDLSP POS outbound log: IDoc (items)
WDRCSFCHECK Table for Web Dynpro CSF Strings for a Later Analysis
WDRD Delivery Relationships: Recipients per Plant and Material
WDRDEMOIFBAEMAIL Inbox Demo Web Dynpro IFbA E-Mail
WDRD_EXTWG Delivery Relationships: Recipients per Plant and Material
WDR_ACF_WL_AUTO Whitelist for File Extension (defines executable programs)
WDR_ACF_WL_CERT Whitelist: Certificate Storage
WDR_ACF_WL_CTRL IDs of Active Components for Whitelist
WDR_ACF_WL_DLOAD Whitelist for Uploads (from directories to servers)
WDR_ACF_WL_EXEC Whitelist for Executable Programs
WDR_ACF_WL_HEAD Whitelist of Active UI Elements
WDR_ACF_WL_HEADT Whitelist: Description
WDR_ACF_WL_PAR Whitelist: Parameters of Executable Programs
WDR_ACF_WL_PARVL Whitelist: Executable Programs
WDR_ACF_WL_ULOAD Whitelist for Downloads (from servers to directories)
WDR_ACF_WL_XSET Whitelist: General Extended Settings
WDR_ADAPTER_PROP Web Dynpro Runtime: Adapter Properties
WDR_ADP_AGGR_MP Web Dynpro Runtime: Aggregations of Adapter
WDR_ADP_AGR_P_MP Web Dynpro Runtime: Parameter of Adapter Aggregations
WDR_ADP_CHNGLOG Change Log of Web Dynpro Adapter Data
WDR_ADP_CONST_MP Web Dynpro Runtime: Const->Adapter Property
WDR_ADP_ENUM_MP Web Dynpro Runtime: Enum->Adapter Property
WDR_ADP_EVENT_MP Web Dynpro Runtime: Adapter Event
WDR_ADP_GET_MP Web Dynpro Runtime: Get->Property Mapping of Adapters
WDR_ADP_UR_EVENT Web Dynpro: UR Events
WDR_ADP_UR_EVPAR Web Dynpro: UR Event Parameter
WDR_ELEM_APT_MAP Web Dynpro Runtime: Mapping View Element to Adapter
WDR_ENUM_MP_DEF Web Dynpro Runtime: Enum->Adapter Property
WDR_ENUM_MP_ITEM Web Dynpro Runtime: Enum->Adapter Property
WDR_REC_PLG_CND Web Dynpro: Recording Plug-Ins
WDR_REC_PLG_CNDT Web Dynpro: Condition of a Recording Plug-In
WDR_REC_PLUGIN Web Dynpro: Recording Plug-Ins
WDR_REC_PLUGINT Web Dynpro: Recording Plug-Ins
WDR_RR_LOAD Web Dynpro: Runtime Table for Component Metadata
WDR_TEST_SCIRP7 City-Airport assignment
WDR_TEST_SCIRP8 City-Airport assignment
WDR_TEST_SPFLI3 Flight Schedule
WDR_UIEL_ADAPTER Web Dynpro Runtime: Adapter for Elements of UI Libraries
WDY_APPLICATION Web Dynpro: Application
WDY_APPLICATIONT Web Dynpro : Short Text of an Application
WDY_APP_PROPERTY Web Dynpro: Application Properties
WDY_APP_PROP_DEF Web Dynpro: Application Property Definition
WDY_APP_PROP_DFT Web Dynpro: Application Property Definition
WDY_CFG_CMP_WUL Where-Used List for Component Configurations
WDY_CFG_EMPTY WDA Configuration: List of Non-Existing Component Configs
WDY_CHIP_PARAM Parameters of CHIP Port
WDY_CHIP_PARAMT Texts for Parameters of CHIP Ports
WDY_CHIP_PORTT Texts for Ports of a CHIP
WDY_CHIP_TAG Tags for CHIP Parameter
WDY_COMPONENT Web Dynpro: Component
WDY_COMPONENTT Web Dynpro : Short Text of a Component
WDY_COMPO_USAGE Web Dynpro : Component Usages
WDY_CONFIG_APPL Configuration Data for Web Dynpro Components
WDY_CONFIG_COMP Web Dynpro: Configuration: List of Special Processing
WDY_CONFIG_DATA Configuration Data for Web Dynpro Components
WDY_CONF_APPLU Customizing Data for Web Dynpro Applications
WDY_CONF_APPLUT Customizing Data for Web Dynpro Applications
WDY_CONF_DELA Configuration Delegation
WDY_CONF_DELC Configuration Delegation
WDY_CONF_UDEF Web Dynpro: Configuration Data for User
WDY_CONF_USER Web Dynpro: Configuration Data for User
WDY_CONF_USERT Web Dynpro: Configuration Data for User
WDY_CONF_USERT2 Web Dynpro: Configuration Data for User
WDY_CONTROLLER Web Dynpro: Controller
WDY_CONTROLLERT Web Dynpro : Short Text of a Controller
WDY_CTLR_COMPO Web Dynpro: Methods/Events of a Controller
WDY_CTLR_COMPOT Web Dynpro : Short Description Methods/Events
WDY_CTLR_PARAM Web Dynpro: Parameter of a Controller
WDY_CTLR_PARAMT Web Dynpro : Short Texts of Parameters
WDY_CTLR_TEXT Web Dynpro : Text Repository for Controller
WDY_CTLR_USAGE Web Dynpro : Controller Usages
WDY_CTX_ATTRIB Web Dynpro: Context Attributes of Controllers
WDY_CTX_ATT_USE Web Dynpro: Use of Context Attributes
WDY_CTX_CHANGED Web Dynpro: Table to Make Context Changes Persistent
WDY_CTX_MAPPING Web Dynpro: Context Mapping of Controllers
WDY_CTX_NODE Web Dynpro: Context Nodes of Controllers
WDY_DC_SETTINGS Stores selected DCs for each user (settings)
WDY_EXT_CTLR_USE Web Dynpro: Controller Usages for External Context Mapping
WDY_EXT_CTX_MAP Web Dynpro: External Context Mapping of Component Usage
WDY_FIELDGROUP Web Dynpro: Field Groups of Controllers
WDY_IDE_INBOXES Inboxes of Authors (Store for IDE)
WDY_INTF_IMPLEM Web Dynpro : Component Interface Implementation
WDY_IOBOUND_PLGT Web Dynpro : Short Description of Inbound/Outbound Plugs
WDY_IOBOUND_PLUG Web Dynpro: Inbound/Outbound Plugs of Views
WDY_LIBRARY_USE Web Dynpro : UI Library Usages
WDY_MODEL Web Dynpro: Model
WDY_MODEL_CLASS Web Dynpro: Model Class
WDY_MODEL_REL Web Dynpro: Relations of a Model
WDY_MODEL_RELROL Web Dynpro: Role of a Model Relation
WDY_NAV_LINK Web Dynpro: Navigation Link
WDY_NAV_TARGREF Web Dynpro: Navigation Targets
WDY_PLUG_PARAM Web Dynpro : Plug Parameter
WDY_PLUG_PARAMT Web Dynpro : Short Texts of the Plug Parameters
WDY_SETTINGS Global Settings for Web Dynpro ABAP
WDY_TEXTFILE_REF Inbox Text File References (Author Buffer)
WDY_UI_AGGR_DEFT Web Dynpro: Definition of View Element Aggregations
WDY_UI_CTX_BIND Web Dynpro: Context Binding of UI Elements
WDY_UI_DDIC_BIND Web Dynpro : Dictionary Binding of View Elements
WDY_UI_ELEMENT Web Dynpro: UI Element
WDY_UI_ELEM_DEF Web Dynpro: UI Element Definition
WDY_UI_ELEM_DEFT Web Dynpro: UI Element Definition
WDY_UI_ENUM_VALT Enumerations of View Elements
WDY_UI_EVT_BIND Web Dynpro: Event Binding of UI Elements
WDY_UI_PROPERTY Web Dynpro: UI Element
WDY_UI_PROP_DEFT Descriptions for Personalization
WDY_VAREA_DEF Web Dynpro : View Area Definition
WDY_VD_CONTEXT Table of Context Entries in the Painting Area
WDY_VD_CTX_NEW Table of Context Entries in the Painting Area
WDY_VD_DESDEFT Web Dynpro Tools: View Designer Control Tab.: Texts
WDY_VD_DESIGNDEF WebDynpro ViewDesigner: Description of View Elements
WDY_VD_GUIDDELTA Table for Delta HTML Pages
WDY_VD_HTML Web Dynpro: Buffer for HTML Preview
WDY_VD_UI_ELEM_V Generated Table for View WDY_VD_UI_ELEM_V
WDY_VIEW Web Dynpro: View
WDY_VIEWT Web Dynpro : Short Description of a View
WDY_VIEW_CNTR Web Dynpro: View Container
WDY_VIEW_CNTRT Web Dynpro : Short Descriptions of View Containers
WDY_VIEW_TEXT Web Dynpro : Text Repository for Views
WDY_VSET_DEF Web Dynpro : View Set Definition
WDY_VSH_NODE Web Dynpro: Node in the View Set Hierarchy
WDY_VSH_PHOLDER Web Dynpro: Placeholder in the View Set Hierarchy
WDY_VS_PROPERTY Web Dynpro : View Set Property
WDY_VS_PROP_DEF Web Dynpro : View Set Definition
WDY_WB_C_TEMPL Web Dynpro: Table of All Custom Templates
WDY_WB_GENINFO WebDynpro: Generation Information
WDY_WB_GENINF_VS WebDynpro: Generation Information for Viewsets
WDY_WB_SOURCEMAP WebDynpro: Mapping WebDynpro Source <-> Gen. ABAP Code
WDY_WB_VD_ACCCHK Web Dynpro: Tab for UI Element-Based Accessibility Checks
WDY_WB_VD_ADD_F Contains Special Functions for UI Elements
WDY_WB_VD_CD Web Dynpro: Chart Designer Customizing
WDY_WB_VD_CHECK Contains UI Element Info and Error Info for View Checker
WDY_WB_VD_CTX Contains Language-Dependent Texts for VD Function Code
WDY_WB_VD_CTXPRO Web Dynpro Viewdesigner: Mapping UI Property -> Ctx Property
WDY_WB_VD_FAV Contains User-Specific Favorites for VD Toolbar
WDY_WB_VD_IDE Defines Relation Between UI Element Def. and IDE Class
WDY_WB_VD_IMPLIC Web Dynpro Tools View Designer: Implications During Creation
WDY_WB_VD_TXT Contains Language-Dependent Texts for VD Function Code
WDY_WINDOW Web Dynpro: Window of a Component
WDY_WINDOWT Web Dynpro : Short Description of a Window
SAP tables starting with WE
WEBSERVICE_TAB Table for Web Service Access
WELK Competitor: Price Entry Document (Header)
WELP Competitor: Price Entry Document (Item)
WEST IS-R Labeling: Master Data for Control
WEWU EMU: Planning of currency conversions
SAP tables starting with WF
WFAS Workflow: Process linking
WFCS_WRFT Movement Data for Store Forecasts
WFERR Workflow: Error in processes
WFIUT Workflow: Processes "in UPDATE TASK"
WFMCMSGENQ Special Handling for System Messages
WFMC_KOTAB Generated Table for View WFMC_KOTAB
WFPRC Workflow: Process object: Definition
WFQUE Workflow: Queue for background processing
WFSTO Workflow: Work list
SAP tables starting with WG
WGMH_SRS Head for SRS PDC Goodsmovement
WGMP_SRS Items for SRS PDC Goodsmovement
WGRC_ACT Current Capacity Data for Doors or Staging Areas
WGRC_ACT_PO Assignment of Times to Door/Area Capacities
WGRC_ASS Vendors Door/Area Appointment
WGRC_ASS_ACT_PO Assignment of Times to Door/Area Capacities
WGRC_ASS_RASTER Resource Table Grid
WGRC_PO_REWORK Number of Incorrect Documents for Which Reworking Required
WGRC_RES_AREA Resources in a Staging Area
WGRC_RES_DOOR Door Resources for a Specific Period
WGRC_RES_RASTER Resource Table Grid
WGRC_TLOAD Load table for calculating workload
WGRC_TSETTINGS Customizing Settings for Goods Receipt Capacity Check
SAP tables starting with WI
WIND Document Index: Conditions for Automatic Document Adjustment
WITH_CTNCL Numbering class for withholding tax certificate numbers
WITH_CTNCLT Numbering class text table for withholding tax certificate
WITH_CTNCO1 Withholding tax certificate numbering concept 1
WITH_CTNCO2 Withholding tax certificate numbering concept 2
WITH_CTNCO3 Withholding tax certificate numbering concept 3
WITH_CTNCOKEY Withholding tax certificate numbering: Concepts
WITH_CTNCOKEYTXT Texts: Withholding tax certificate numbering concepts
WITH_CTNGR Numbering group for withholding tax certificate numbers
WITH_CTNGRT Numbering group text table for withholding tax certificate
WITH_CTNUM Allocation of numbering group to numbering class
WITH_ITEM Witholding tax info per W/tax type and FI line item
WIZ_DEF Definition of Wizard Object
WIZ_MODUL Function Modules for the Wizard Tool
WIZ_STAT Wizard Status
WIZ_TEXT Definition of Wizard Object
SAP tables starting with WK
WKBK Pricing document: header
WKBP Pricing document: item
SAP tables starting with WL
WLBM Layout area item
WLC_OPTIONS Load Control/Ext. Parallel Processing: Options
WLC_PRESEL_CRIT Load Control/Ext. Paral. Proc.: Preselection Criteria
WLC_PRESEL_CRITT Load Control/Ext. Paral. Proc.: Preselection Criteria
WLC_SELOPT_ENTRY Load Control/Ext. Parallel Processing: Entries in SelectOpt.
WLISTPROT Logging of listing activities
WLK1 Listing Conditions SAP Retail Assortments
WLK11 Listing Conditions SAP Retail / Folder per Distrib. Chain
WLK2 Article Master Data SAP Retail / Part POS Control Data
WLMT Texts for layout area item
WLMV Validity and Status of Layout Module Versions
WLOSITEREF Plant grouping for logistic data
WLVA Assignment Table for Layout Module Variants for Stores
SAP tables starting with WM
WMD_ADJ_EXEC_PRO Adjust and Execute Distribution: Profiles
WMD_ADJ_EXEC_WM Adjust and Execute Distribution at WM Level
WMFF Markdown Planning - Stores
WMFH Markdown Planning - header data
WMFHT Description of a markdown plan
WMFL Markdown Planning - Price Lists
WMFP Markdown Planning - item data (materials)
WMFU Markdown planning - price phases per material/un
WMPK Markdown rule header
WMPR Markdown rule item
WMPRT Text table for markdown rules
WMQK Quota Scale: Header Data
WMQKT Quota Scale: Header Texts
WMQP Quota Scale: Item Data
WMWK Value Scale: Header Data
WMWKT Value Scale: Header Texts
WMWP Value Scale: Item Data
SAP tables starting with WO
WOSA SAP Retail Store, Store Orders: Entities Table
WOSAV SAP Retail Store, Store Orders: Document Links
WOSCR_CBL_COCODE Cash Balancing: Settings for Each Company Code
WOSCR_CBL_VAL Add-In Filter Value Table: Postings in Cash Balancing
WOSCR_CBL_VALT Add-In Filter Value Table: Postings in Cash Balancing
WOSCR_EXI_001 SRS Conv. Retailing - Groups for Expense Invoice Accounts
WOSCR_EXI_001T Text Table - Groups for Expense Invoice Accounts
WOSCR_EXI_002 G/L Accounts for Expense Invoice
WOSCR_EXI_002T Text Table - G/L Accounts for Expense Invoice
WOSCR_EXI_003 Tax Code Lines for Expense Invoice
WOSCR_EXI_003T Text Table - Tax Code Lines for Expense Invoice
WOSCR_EXI_COCODE Vendor Invoice - Assignment for Each Company Code
WOSCR_EXI_CURR Currencies for Expense Invoice
WOSCR_EXI_SITE Expense Invoice - General Store Settings
WOSCR_EXI_ST_02 Vendor Invoice - Store Settings (FI/CO)
WOSCR_EXI_VAL Add-In Filter Value Talbe: Expense Invoice Postings
WOSCR_EXI_VALT Add-In Filter Value Talbe: Expense Invoice Postings
WOSCR_GRP_001 SRS Convenience Retailing - Grouping of Accounts
WOSCR_GRP_001T SRS Convenience Retailing - Grouping of Accounts/Texts
WOSCR_GRP_002 SRS Convenience Retailing - Subgrouping of Accounts
WOSCR_GRP_002T SRS Convenience Retailing - Subgrouping of Accounts
WOSCR_GRP_003 SRS Convenience Retailing - Account Lines
WOSCR_GRP_003T SRS Convenience Retailing - Account Lines
WOSCR_GRP_004 SRS Convenience Retailing - Breakdown of Accounts
WOSCR_GRP_004T SRS Convenience Retailing - Breakdown of Accounts
WOSCR_RSN Reasons for Deviations (SRS Cash Balancing)
WOSCR_RSNT Reasons for Deviations (SRS Cash Balancing)
WOSCR_RSN_GRP Group for Reasons for Deviations
WOSCR_RSN_GRPT Group for Reasons for Deviations
WOSCR_SITE_GRP Cash Balancing: Settings for Each Group of Accounts
SAP tables starting with WP
WP3ROLEAGR Portal Roles: Assignment to Authorization Roles
WP3ROLEDEF Portal Roles: Definition
WP3ROLEDEFLONG Long Portal Role Names
WP3ROLEDEFT Portal Roles: Short and Long Texts
WP3ROLEHIER Role Data Read from Child Systems for User Assignment
WP3ROLESRV Portal Roles: Services
WP3ROLESRVT Portal Roles: Services Short Texts
WP3ROLESYS Portal Roles: Responsibilities
WP3ROLEUSR Portal Roles: User Assignments
WP3ROLEUSRH Portal Roles: User Assignments Header
WP3ROLEUSRHLONG Long Portal Role Names for Role Assignment
WPAB Material Order Number (Dummy Table for Blocked Objects)
WPFAM Family Pricing: Definition of Families
WPFAMT Family Pricing: Definition of Families (Texts)
WPFDO Family Pricing: Diff. Dist. Chain-Depnd. Price Relationships
WPFGA Family Pricing: Assignment of Articles to Family Groups
WPFGR Family Pricing: Defintion of Family Groups
WPFGRT Family Pricing: Definition of Family Groups (Texts)
WPLST POS interface: processing log
WPOSN_CSGMT Stock Determination Entries for Consignment Processing
WPPERSAPPL Personalization: Application Hierarchy
WPPERSINDX Personalization: Field Catalog
WPPERSPARM Personalization: User Settings
WPPERSSCRN Personalization: Maintenance Dialogs
WPPERSTABS Personalization: Tabs for Maintenance Dialog
WPPERSTABT Personalization: Texts for Tabs
WPSORR Conversion rules for work centers
WPTOTLIUSR User settings in global work process overview
WPTST POS interface: restart log for upload processing
WPXST POS interface: status external subsystems (error messages)
SAP tables starting with WR
WRC_CUST Set Values for Recording Web Dynpro
WRC_DATA Definition Table for Recording Objects
WRC_DATUSR Definition Table for Recording Objects
WRC_DEFINE Definition Table for Recording Objects
WRC_DEFUSR Definition Table for Recording Objects
WRC_TEXTS Definition Table for Recording Objects
WRC_TXTUSR Definition Table for Recording Objects
WREFA Assigning Plants to Reference Plants
WRF1 Plant data
WRF12 Plant / receiving points
WRF3 Delivering plant, time-dependent
WRF4 Plant/ Departments
WRF5 Plant / Merchant ID of Credit Card Company
WRF6 Plant / material group
WRFAPV_WRS1 Generated Table for View WRFAPV_WRS1
WRFMATBSTAT Creation Status - Seasonal Procurement
WRFMATBSTATT Creation Status - Seasonal Procurement
WRFMATFGROUP Field Groups - Seasonal Procurement
WRFMATFGROUPT Field Group Names - Seasonal Procurement
WRFMATFIELD Permitted Fields - Seasonal Procurement
WRFMATTEMPLATE Reference Values: Core Material Master Data Maintenance
WRFST_DIM Assortment Dimensions
WRFST_DIMT Texts for Assortment Dimensions
WRFST_DIMVAL Permitted Values for Assortment Dimensions
WRFST_DIMVALT Texts for Values of Assortment Dimensions
WRFST_TYP Assortment Types
WRFST_TYPT Texts for Assortment Types
WRFT1 Transport of objects Object definition
WRFT2 Tables for an Object
WRFT_62A General Settings for Allocation Table Application
WRFT_ACTFLD Keys of Activity Folders
WRFT_ACTFLDT Text Table for Activity Folder
WRFT_ACT_PROF Activity Profile
WRFT_ACT_PROFT Description of Activity Profile
WRFT_APC_AKF Operational APC: Active Key Figures
WRFT_APC_CDT Operational APC: Relevant Article Hierarchy Level
WRFT_APC_CHAR Operational APC: Characteristics Position on Screen
WRFT_APC_GEN Operational APC: General Customizing
WRFT_APC_KFIG Operational APC: Key Figures
WRFT_APC_KFIGT Operational APC: Key Figure Descriptions
WRFT_APC_LAYOUT Operational APC: Screen Structure Definition
WRFT_APC_MSG Operational APC: Settings for System Messages
WRFT_APC_TABSTRP Operational APC: Active Tab Pages on Screen
WRFT_AT620 Enhancement: Allocation Table Document Types w/Master Data
WRFT_BUDG_KS Set of Key Figures
WRFT_BUDG_LEV Budget Level
WRFT_BUDG_TYPET Description of Budget Type
WRFT_CAL_DS Customizing for Calendar Use and Date Shift
WRFT_CONS_PROCG Seasonal Procurement: Consignment Control
WRFT_CONS_PROCGT Seasonal Procurement: Name of Consignment Control
WRFT_CUSTFLD Headers of the 10 Customer Fields
WRFT_DMAIN Date Maintenance
WRFT_DMAINT Dates, Text Table
WRFT_INCO_HO_D Assignment of Transfer Date to Incoterm
WRFT_MPA General Customizing: Markdown Profile Assignment
WRFT_MPA_SWITCH Indicator: Activate SAP Markdown Profile Assignment
WRFT_OTB_CHECK Customizing OTB Check
WRFT_POHF_APPL Obsolete: Please do not use
WRFT_POHF_APPL_T Obsolete: Please do not use
WRFT_POHF_CHCK Obsolete: Please do not use
WRFT_POHF_CHCK_T Obsolete: Please do not use
WRFT_POHF_CHCK_V Obsolete: Please do not use
WRFT_POHF_EKGRP Cross-Purchasing-Group Purchasing in Seasonal Procurement
WRFT_POHF_GEN Obsolete: Please do not use
WRFT_POHF_GEN_T Generation Types Short Text
WRFT_POHF_GEN_V Obsolete: Please do not use
WRFT_POHF_GROUP Control Table for Grouping
WRFT_POHF_INBD Order List Settings Document Types
WRFT_POHF_POLCHK Field Selection Check Variants, Groups
WRFT_POHF_POLF Order List Screen Layout
WRFT_POHF_POL_FD Seasonal Procurement: Field Dependencies in the Order List
WRFT_POHF_SCHED Several Schedule Lines within Seasonal Procurement
WRFT_POHF_SOURCE Value Table for Source ID
WRFT_POHF_SRC_TX Value Table Source ID Texts
WRFT_POHF_SUBMI Creation of Single-Store Purch. Orders in Seas. Procurement
WRFT_POTB_DB2 Customizing Table for OTB Special Release
WRFT_POTB_DB2T Text Table Short and Long Texts for OTB Special Release
WRFT_PPWCUS General Settings for Price Planning
WRFT_PPW_BUDGCUS PPW: Assignment: Budget Type to Process ID
WRFT_PPW_LAYDEF Definition of Default Layouts for ALV Grids
WRFT_PPW_PPDCUS Price Planning Type
WRFT_PPW_TSHP_C Tree Profile Column Attributes
WRFT_PPW_TSHP_CD Default for Tree Profile Column Attributes
WRFT_PPW_TSHP_H Tree Profile Hierarchy
WRFT_PPW_TSHP_HD Default for Hierarchy Tree Profile
WRFT_PREPAYMENT Prepayment Control at Company Code Level
WRFT_PREPAY_ACCT Account Determination: Prepayment Clearing Account
WRFT_PREPAY_FCHG Control Input of Header Fields in Logistics Invoice Verif.
WRFT_PREPAY_FCHS System Table: Control Header Field Readiness for Input
WRFT_VKTRA_ICON Assignment of an Icon to a Mode of Transport
WRFV_BETRL Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
WRFV_LMVF_ASMT Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
WRFV_MALG Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
WRFV_WLMV Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
WRFV_WLMVT Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
WRF_AL_ARTICLE Material Update
WRF_AL_SELECT Update Selection Criterion
WRF_APC_IBID Purchasing List Inbound Interface Detailed Totals
WRF_APC_IBIT Purchasing List Inbound Interface Totals
WRF_APC_MPA Markdown Profile Assignment
WRF_APC_PABD Planned Article Basic Data
WRF_APC_PACDT Planned Article Assignment into CDT
WRF_APC_PACHR Planned Article Characteristics and Characteristic Values
WRF_APC_PADA Planned Article Dynamic Attributes
WRF_APC_PADSC Planned Article Descriptions
WRF_APC_PALT Planned Article Long Texts
WRF_APC_PAPUR Planned Article Purchasing Data and Prices
WRF_APC_PASD Planned Article Sales Data
WRF_APC_PAUOM Planned Article Units of Measure
WRF_APC_PAVAR Planned Article Variants
WRF_APC_PLAS Purchasing List Assigned Quantities
WRF_APC_PLDC Purchasing List Supplying DCs
WRF_APC_PLH Purchasing List Header Data
WRF_APC_PLI Purchasing List Items
WRF_APC_PLIP OAPC: Purchasing List Item Prepack Information
WRF_APC_PLPL Purchasing List Planned Data
WRF_APC_PLPOQ Purchasing List Purchase Order Quantities
WRF_APC_PPCMP Planned Article Prepack Components
WRF_APC_SELQS Operational APC: Select Quota Scales per Hierarchy Node
WRF_APPL_SET Hierarchy Control Table
WRF_ASGMT_DEL Deletion Table for Fixture Assignments
WRF_ASORT_CREA Assign Attachment Mode to Number Range Assortments
WRF_ASORT_CREA_T Text Table Assignment Creation Mode for No. Range Assortment
WRF_ASSIGN_GRP Assignment Test Group
WRF_ASSIGN_RBKPV Generated Table for View
WRF_AT_GEN_REFER Allocation Table: References to Generated Allocation Tables
WRF_BRANDS_T Brand Names
WRF_CARE_CODES Convert Internal Care Codes to Regional Care Codes
WRF_CARE_TYPES Textile Care Types
WRF_CARE_TYPES_T Names for Textile Care Types
WRF_CCODES_REG Regional, Standardized Textile Care Codes
WRF_CCODES_REG_T Texts for Regional, Standardized Textile Care Codes
WRF_CHARVAL Characteristic Values with Customer Fields
WRF_CHARVALT Foreign-Language Texts for Characteristic Values
WRF_CHARVAL_HEAD Header Table for Controlling Characteristics
WRF_CMMD_CDT1 Category
WRF_CMMD_CDT1T Category Texts
WRF_CMMD_CDT2 Subcategory
WRF_CMMD_CDT2T Subcategory Texts
WRF_CMMD_CDT3T Segment Texts
WRF_CMMD_CDT4 Subsegment
WRF_CMMD_CDT4T Subsegment Texts
WRF_CMMD_CDT5 Sub-Subsegment
WRF_CMMD_CDT5T Sub-Subsegment Texts
WRF_CMMD_CDT6 Product Group
WRF_CMMD_CDT6T Product Group Texts
WRF_CMMD_CDT7T Brand Texts
WRF_CMMD_SKU CDT-SKU Assignment Table
WRF_DISCONT_ERR Error Log and Valuation Levels - Seas. Proc. Discontinuation
WRF_DISCONT_HDR Worklist for Discontinuation for Seasonal Procurement
WRF_DISCONT_POS Worklist Items: Discontinuation for Seasonal Procurement
WRF_EXTRAKT_CUST Customizing Extraction
WRF_FIBER_CODES Fiber Codes for Textiles (e.g. Wool, Silk, Etc.)
WRF_FIBER_CODEST Names for Fiber Codes (e.g. Wool, Silk, Etc.)
WRF_FOLUP_TYP Follow-Up Categories
WRF_FOLUP_TYPT Texts of Follow-Up Categories
WRF_FOLUP_TYP_A Follow-Up Relationships to Original Material
WRF_HIER_ID Hierarchy Table
WRF_HIER_ID_T Hierarchy Text
WRF_HIER_NODES Hierarchy Node
WRF_HIER_OBJ Objects of a Hierarchy
WRF_HIER_OBJBOX Object Container
WRF_HIER_OBJ_T Object Descriptions
WRF_LMVF Definition of Fixtures
WRF_LMVFT Table for Language-Dependent Description of Fixtures
WRF_LMVF_ASGMT Assignment of Fixture to Layout Module Version
WRF_LMVF_DEL Deletion Table for Fixtures
WRF_LMVF_TYPE Table of Fixture Categories
WRF_LMVF_TYPET Language-Dependent Table for Fixture Category Descriptions
WRF_LMVF_USE System Table for Use of Fixtures
WRF_MALG_DEL Deletion Table for Material Assignments
WRF_MARC_MA06V Generated Table for View
WRF_MATGRP_COL Article Hierarchy: Table of Tree Columns
WRF_MATGRP_COLT Table of Tree Column Texts
WRF_MATGRP_HIER Article Hierarchy Properties
WRF_MATGRP_HIERT Article Hierarchy Description
WRF_MATGRP_MD1 Hierarchy Level 1 - Time-Dependent
WRF_MATGRP_MD10 Hierarchy Level 10 - Time-Dependent
WRF_MATGRP_MD10T Hierarchy Level 10 Texts
WRF_MATGRP_MD1T Hierarchy Level 1 Texts
WRF_MATGRP_MD2 Hierarchy Level 2 - Time-Dependent
WRF_MATGRP_MD2T Hierarchy Level 2 Texts
WRF_MATGRP_MD3 Hierarchy Level 3 - Time-Dependent
WRF_MATGRP_MD3T Hierarchy Level 3 Texts
WRF_MATGRP_MD4 Hierarchy Level 4 - Time-Dependent
WRF_MATGRP_MD4T Hierarchy Level 4 Texts
WRF_MATGRP_MD5 Hierarchy Level 5 - Time-Dependent
WRF_MATGRP_MD5T Hierarchy Level 5 Texts
WRF_MATGRP_MD6 Hierarchy Level 6 - Time-Dependent
WRF_MATGRP_MD6T Hierarchy Level 6 Texts
WRF_MATGRP_MD7 Hierarchy Level 7 - Time-Dependent
WRF_MATGRP_MD7T Hierarchy Level 7 Texts
WRF_MATGRP_MD8 Hierarchy Level 8 - Time-Dependent
WRF_MATGRP_MD8T Hierarchy Level 8 Texts
WRF_MATGRP_MD9 Hierarchy Level 9 - Time-Dependent
WRF_MATGRP_MD9T Texts - Hierarchy Level 9
WRF_MATGRP_PARAM Article Hierarchy: Table of Control Parameters
WRF_MATGRP_PROD Hierarchy-Product Assignment Table
WRF_MATGRP_RESP Responsibility
WRF_MATGRP_SKU Article Assignments Table
WRF_MATGRP_STRA Category Strategy
WRF_MATGRP_STRCT Language-Dependent Name of a Hierarchy Node
WRF_MATGRP_STRUC Category Structure
WRF_MATGRP_TREE Table of Hierarchy Levels
WRF_MATGRP_TREET Table of Hierarchy Level Texts
WRF_MPA_REORG Reorganization of Markdown Profile Assignments in SAP
WRF_PCON_INRAT Internal Contract Apportionment
WRF_POHF_POL Order list
WRF_POTB_DB1 Worklist OTB Procurement
WRF_POTB_TRF Log Table OTB Transfer, Header Data
WRF_POTB_TRF_KEY Log Table OTB Transfer, Key ID Data
WRF_POTB_TRF_PO Log Table OTB Transfer, Document Data
WRF_PPW_LAYUSGPT Layout Group Text Table
WRF_PPW_PPDOS PPD Organization Set - Header
WRF_PPW_PPDOSIT PPD Organization Set - Item
WRF_PPW_PPDPA PPD Price Activation Level
WRF_PPW_PPDVERS Version-Dependent Header Data
WRF_PPW_USLAYUSG Assign Parameters to Layout User Group
WRF_PPW_USRGRP Price Planner Groups
WRF_PPW_USRGRPT Price Planner Group Text Table
WRF_PPW_US_USGP Assign Processors to Processor Group
WRF_PPW_WORKLERR PPW Worklist Error Table
WRF_PRCT_WL_ITEM Original Table for Worklist Items
WRF_PRCT_WL_SHDW Shadow Table for Worklist Items
WRF_PREPAY_RBKPV Generated Table for View
WRF_PRGRP Price Level Groups
WRF_PRGRPCAT Price Level Group Categories
WRF_PRGRPCATT Descriptions Price Level Group Categories
WRF_PRGRPLEVELS Price Levels of a Price Pattern
WRF_PRGRPT Names of Price Groups
WRF_PRICAT_000 Controls if Old or New PRICAT Inbound Is Used
WRF_PRICAT_001 Assign Purch. Grp, Default Purch Org. and History f. Vendor
WRF_PRICAT_002 Assign External Material Group - SAP Material Group
WRF_PRICAT_010 Price Catalog Inbound: Generic Field Storage
WRF_PRICAT_010A Price Catalog Generic Structures per Catalog
WRF_PRICAT_010S Price Catalog Generic Structures and Fields per Catalog
WRF_PRICAT_AUTOM Price Catalog Automatic Posting
WRF_PRICAT_PRE Price Catalog Default
WRF_PRICAT_PRE_C Price Catalog Default Customizing for Client Level
WRF_PRICAT_PRE_R Price Catalog Default
WRF_PRICAT_PRF Price Catalog: Profiles for Online Processing
WRF_PRICAT_PRF_T Price Catalog: Profiles for Online Processing
WRF_PRICAT_PRO Price Catalog: Selection Programs for PRICAT Dialog
WRF_PRICAT_PROC Price Catalog Value Table for Processing Status
WRF_PRICAT_PROCT PRICAT Inbound: Texts for Processing Status
WRF_PRICAT_TAX Price Catalog Conversion Percent -> Classification
WRF_PRICAT_TAX_V Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
WRF_PRICAT_TRIG Price Catalog Inbound: Trigger Table for Scheduled Data
WRF_PRICE_CHECK Seas. Proc. Consigm.: Customizing: Price Test Configuration
WRF_PRICOND_READ Define: Reading of Prices
WRF_PRI_CONDTYPE PRICAT Inbound: Condition Category and Type for PP and SP
WRF_PRI_COND_EK PRICAT Inbound: Create Purchasing Conditions
WRF_PRI_COND_VK PRICAT Inbound: Creation of Sales Conditions
WRF_PSCD_DLHD Date Line, Header Data
WRF_PSCD_DLIT Date Line, Dates
WRF_PSCD_DLIT_SH Date Line: Dates, Shadow Table
WRF_PSCD_MSTG Vendor/Material-Specific Staging Time
WRF_PSCD_ROUTE Transportation Times Table
WRF_PSCD_TCHAINH Transportation Chain, Header
WRF_PSCD_TCHAINR Transportation Chain, Legs
WRF_PSCD_TCH_MD Monitoring Adherence to Dates
WRF_REF_CNTRL General Settings for Multiple References
WRF_REF_HEAD Assignment of a Reference Module to Material/Plant
WRF_REF_ITEM Reference
WRF_REF_MODULE Header Data for a Reference Module
WRF_REF_RFS Reference Determination Schema
WRF_REF_RFST Description of the Reference Determination Schema
WRF_RKTYP2 Ranking Type for Material Hierarchy
WRF_RKTYP2T Sales price calculation: price point groups (text)
WRF_RPR_WAPG Assignment of Plant Grouping to Local Plant Group No.
WRF_RPR_WAPGT Plant Group Descr. Short Text
WRF_RPR_WAPL Assignment of Plants to Local Plant Groups
WRF_STOCK_SITUAT Stock Situation Table
WRF_USER_CUSTOM Personal settings
WRF_V_T001W Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
WRF_WLMV_DEL Deletion Table for LayMod. Versions
WRF_WPPGRHIER Assignment of Price Point Group to Mat. Hierarchy Node
WRF_WRS1_DEL Deletion Table for Assortments
WRF_WRSZ_DEL Deletion Table for Assortment Assignments
WRF_WTAD_AD_WL Additionals: Temporary Storage of Work Data
WRKCP_DT_V Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
WRMA_DIAG_R3 Diagnosis support with RMA
WRMA_EVALIDOC Document flow for RMA revaluations
WRMA_EVALPER Completed RMA Periods
WRMA_LINVDAT Last Inventory Date per Material Group (for RMA Evaluation)
WRMA_MANDT Single Client Settings for RMA
WRMA_T001W Define plant-dependent parameter for RMA
WRMA_T023 RMA Value-Only Article Assignment for Merchandise Category
WRMA_V_MBEW Generated Table for View
WRMA_V_MBEWH Generated Table for View
WRMA_V_RECAST_MH Generated Table for View
WRPD Replenishment: documents created
WRPE Replenishment: Error messages
WRPL Replenishment: quantities per customer/material
WRPP Replenishment: parameters at material/req. group level
WRPR Replenishment: replenishment runs
WRPT Replenishment: movement data
WRS1 Assortment
WRS1_LAYCONV Assortments Where Layout Listing Conditions Checked and Conv
WRS6 Material groups in the assortment
WRST Assortment description
WRSZ Assignment of assortment user to assortment
SAP tables starting with WS
WSAF_APPL_LOG Log Table for Application Logs
WSAF_ARTMAST_REM Note Table: All Articles Currently Transferred to SAF
WSAF_CONFIG Configuration Settings for SAF file CONFIG.INI
WSAF_CONFIG_DEF Configuration Settings for SAF File CONFIG.INI Default
WSAF_DSX_FILE Table for Maintaining the SAF Configuration Files *.dsx
WSAF_EVENTS Definition of Calendar Events
WSAF_EVENTS_OC Definition of Calendar Events Occurred
WSAF_EVENTS_OC_T Definition of Calendar Effects Occurred (Text)
WSAF_EVENTS_TEXT Definition of Calendar Effects (Text)
WSAF_EXCEPT Message Entries in SAF File EXCEPT.INI for Each Plant
WSAF_FIELDS Additional Usable SAF Parameters
WSAF_FIX_FIELDS Additional Usable SAF Parameters
WSAF_PRED Definition of Predictors
WSAF_PRED_AKTYP Assignments of Promotion Types to Predictors (SAF)
WSAF_PRED_TEXT Definition of Predictors (Text)
WSAF_PROMO_DELTA Change Information for Promotions
WSAH Worklist Season wind-up - header
WSAM_DB_PRICAT SRS Article Master: Entering Site
WSAO_T439 SRS STO: Order Times in Planning Calendar
WSAO_WORK_CTRL Retail Store Store Order: Worklist Control
WSCONTENT Workspace Content (Unit Costing)
WSFOLDERS Workspace Folders - Unit Costing
WSHEADER Web Services Definition Administrative Data
WSHEADER_DARK Dark table of WSHEADER (only for transport reasons)
WSI_CALLSTRUC Call Structure for Web Services with own UI (OCI/OPI)
WSI_CALLSTRUC_IF Call Structure for Calls in Application Frame
WSI_DESCRIPTION Description of a Web Service with Own UI (OCI/OPI)
WSI_ENTITY Entity Table for Web Services With Own UI (OCI/OPI)
WSI_OCI_BGSEARCH Temporary Storage of Search Results (INDX Structure)
WSMAN_PT_BUFFER Store Manager Portal: Buffer for Availability Display
WSOF Module Assignment (SAP Retail) to Plants
WSOH Assortment Modules SAP Retail
WSOJOB Definition of Jobs for Assigning a Plant to an Assortment
WSOJOBMAP MAP: Temporary Listing Table from Planning
WSOJOBP Item Data for Updating a Job
WSOK Assortment objects
WSOP Modules SAP Retail / Item Data
WSORP Control Parameters for Assortments and Listing
WSOT SAP Retail Modules - Descriptions
WSRM_CREA_SID WSRM: Control Table for Created SIDs
WSRM_CSR WSRM: BIZTALK CreateSequenceResponse and ACKS
WSRM_DOMAIN_SEQN WSRM: Assignment of Domain Name, Sequence Name, and SID
WSRM_EH WSRM: Event Handler
WSRM_EH_CONFIG Configuration of Event Handler Behavior
WSRM_EH_SID WSRM: Event Handler
WSRM_ERROR WSRM: Error Information
WSRM_EVENT_TABLE WSRM: Table for Storing Events
WSRM_INTERVAL WSRM: Sequence Interval Definitions
WSRM_IO_PROCESS WSRM: Table for In-Order Processing (Only Receiver EP)
WSRM_PID_SID_MNR WSRM: Assignment of Persistence ID, SID, and Message Number
WSRM_SEQU_STATUS WSRM: Sequence Status Table
WSRM_SEQ_ENQ_TAB List of Lock Objects in TUCC Scenario
WSRM_TXH_WATCHER Parameter Table for Watcher of Transaction Handler
WSRS_DB_PLNT_CC SAP Retail Store: Assignment of Cost Centers to Plants
WSSOAPPROP Web Services: Soap Application Properties for Features
WSSOAPPROP_DARK Transport Table as Replacement fo WSSOAPPROP (Only Transp.)
WSS_PROFILE WS Security Profiles
WSS_PROFILE_T WS Security Profile (Texts)
WSS_TEMPLATE WS Security Templates
WSS_TEMPLATE_T WS Security Templates (Texts)
WSTI_PDC_EVENT Retail Store Physical Inventory: PDC Transactions
WSTI_POS_EVENT Physical Inventory in an Opened Store: POS Trans by Receipt
WSTN_AL_ALLOC Prepack allocation planning lines
WSTN_AL_AULW Prepack allocation planning delivery phases
WSTN_AL_AUVW Prepack DC put away planning delivery phases
WSTN_AL_DFTLW Prepack allocation planning default delivery phases
WSTN_AL_FILGRP Prepack allocation planning site group assignation
WSTN_AL_LINK Relation between alloc table created and generic article
WSTN_AL_MSG Prepack allocation table posting messages
WSTN_AL_POSI Prepack allocation table item reference
WSTN_AL_PTWAY Prepack DC put away planning lines
WSTN_AL_SGROUP Prepack allocation planning site group definition
WSTN_BW_EXTRACT Sample DB Table that contains pre-extracted data from B.W.
WSTN_CTL_POST Prepack creation and allocation - posting control
WSTN_PP_DESC Prepack definition - Description table
WSTN_PP_HEADER Prepack definition - Header table
WSTN_PP_PURCH Prepack definition - Purchasing price table
WSTN_PP_STRUC Prepack definition - Components table
WSUBST_CONTAB Assignment Table (successfully substituted items)
WSUBST_CTRL Customizing Table Extension Logic
WSUBST_SWITCHDAT Switch/Switch Back Data
WSUBST_WORKLST Worklist Substitution Proposals
WSURLREF Cross References: Web Services
WSUSER User-Dependent Workspaces
WSVD_DB_VNDR_PLT SRS Vendor Master: Maint. Authorization for Store-Vendor
SAP tables starting with WT
WTAD Cumulative values for accounts receivable
WTADAB Additionals: Documents
WTADABT Additionals: Documents: Supplementary texts
WTADDI Additionals for a material
WTADFMCU Additional: External/Internal Procedure for Additionals
WTADP Cumulative values for accounts receivable (payment proposal)
WTADPN Cumulative values for accounts receivable (payment proposal)
WTAD_EK_SUP_LTS Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
WTAD_SUP_FM Additionals: Vendor-specific Procedure for Additionals
WTAK Cumulative values for accounts payable
WTAKP Cumulative values for accounts payable (payment proposal)
WTAKPN Cumulative values for accounts payable (payment proposal)
WTMIGBK Withholding Tax Changeover - Selected Company Codes
WTMIGCOUNT Current Number Level of Withholding Tax Conversion Runs
WTMIGGJAHR Withholding Tax Changeover: Year-Dependent Document Convers.
WTMIGIF Withholding Tax Changeover: Commands Executed by Tool
WTMIGJOB Withholding Tax Changeover: Last Job Started
WTMIGMATCH Withholding Tax Changeover: Creation of Code -> Type/Code
WTMIGMESS Messages Logged for Withholding Tax Changeover
WTMIGMESSEXC Withholding Tax Changeover: Alternative Message Types
WTMIGRUN Withholding Tax Conversion Run
WTMIGSTEP Steps in Conversion Run
WTMIGTC Changeover - Assgt of Classic W/Tax Code to Ext.Type/Code
WTMIGTEXT Text for Withholding Tax Changeover Run
WTMIGTYP W/Tax Changeover: Number of W/Tax Types in Master Record
WTMIG_PROT1 Withholding Tax Changeover: Global Log Data
WTMIG_PROT2 Withholding Tax Changeover: Detailed Log Data
WTMIG_TABKEY Withholding Tax Changeover: Keys of Table Entries Added
WTRAD Runtime Measurement: Log: Item Data
WTRAH Runtime Measurement: Log: Header Data
WTREE Version Management for Reclassification Trees
WTYBWC Times of Last BW Extraction
WTYBWH Processed Objects
WTYMPG Claims that Have Been Successfully Saved
WTYSCC_CLAIM_MAP Claim and sales order mapping
WTYSCC_CLM_CONT Instance when the Claim can be created from the Order
WTYSCC_CLM_CONTT Text table for Claim control
WTYSCC_DOCTYPES Document types for Service integration with warranty
WTYSCC_DOCTYPEST Text table for document types
WTYSCC_FUNC_MAP Function code with Function module mapping for WTYSC
WTYSCC_FUNC_MAPT Function code with Function module mapping for WTYSC
WTYSCC_LAYOUT Layout mapping to Profile and Document Type
WTYSCC_MAPPING Map Claim Control indicators to Order Type
WTYSCC_PROFILE User Profile for Service Integration-Warranty Workbench
WTYSCC_PROFILET User Profile for Service Integration-Warranty Workbench
WTYSCC_STATMAP Claim status mapping
WTYSCC_SWITCH Application switch
WTYSCC_UPDT_CNTT Text table for Claim update control
WTYSCC_UPDT_CONT Update control points for claim update from service order
WTYSCC_USER_PROF Mapping Profile with User id
WTYSCC_VIEWMAP View mapping to Profile
WTYSCC_VIEWTYPET Text table for view Type
WTYV_IMRG Measurement Documents for Version of Warranty Claim
WTY_ARCH_IDX Index Table for Archiving Warranty Claims
WTY_ARCH_IDX_2 Index Table for Archiving Warranty Claims
WTY_BP1 Document Type Determination for Warranty
WTY_COND_ACCOUNT Auxiliary Account Assignment of Conditions
WTY_FIELD_ATTR1 Setting Fields for ALV Warranty Check
WTY_OBJNR_INDEX Object Number Index for Warranty Objects
WTY_PARTNER_TAB Partner for Warranty Claim
WTY_RCLHST Recall Actions
WTY_RCLOBJ Objects for Recalls
WTY_RELOB_TAB Possible Object Types for the Warranty Claim
WTY_RELOB_TAB_TX Descriptions Object Types Warranty Claim
WTY_TABLE_ALV Allowed Table WTY for Generic Field Attributes
SAP tables starting with WU
WUSL1 Where-Used List: Entity Table
WUSL10 Where-Used List: Dependent Tables
WUSL11 Where-Used List: Fields to be Output
WUSL2 Where-Used List: Text Table
WUSL3 Where-Used List: Transfer Values
WUSL4 Where-Used List: Application Assignment
WUSL5 Where-Used List: Application Entity Table
WUSL5A Where-Used List: Exit Modules for the Applications
WUSL5B Where-Used List: Dependent Tables for Primary Selection
WUSL6 Where-Used List: Text Tables for the Applications
WUSL7 Where-Used List: Fields for Database Access
WUSL8 Where-Used List: Table for Key Reassignments
WUSL9 Where-Used List: Comparison Fields for Indirect Selection
WUSL9B Where-Used List: Determination of Field to be Located
WUSLEXIT Where-used list: Possible exit events
SAP tables starting with WV
WVFB DRS Interface, Intermediate Buffer, Order Item FM
WVFB2 SRS: received external requirement numbers/phys. inv. nos
SAP tables starting with WW
WWKK Market-Basket Pricing Document: Header
WWKP Market-Basket Pricing Document: Item
WWKT Market-Basket Pricing Document: Short Texts
WWMI Product catalog
WWMIT Prod. catalog texts
WWMV Product catalog variant
WWVT Product catalog variant text
WWWDATA INDX-type table for storing WWW objects
WWWFUNC Release table for function modules in WebReporting
WWWLANGRES Language resources for ITS objects
WWWPARAMS Parameter settings for Web Reporting
WWWREPS Release table for reports in WebReporting
SAP tables starting with WY
WYT1 Vendor Subrange
WYT1T Vendor Sub-Range Description
WYT2 Vendor-dependent char. value conversion
WYT2M Vendor-Dependent Characteristic Value Conversion
WYT3 Partner Functions
WYT4 Operative Control
WYT5 Changes to Vendor Master Record
WYT6 Characteristics for characteristic value conversion
SAP tables starting with WZ
WZRE_WBRK_WBRL Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
WZRE_WBRK_WBRP Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
SAP tables starting with W_
W_KNA1 Generated Table for View
W_T024W_ASSIGN Generierte Tabelle zu einem View

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