SAP tables starting with SH

Here you will find a list of all SAP tables with the initial letter SH.

Here you will find a list of all SAP tables.

79 SAP tables were found!
table name description
SAP tables starting with SH
SHADOW Table for shadow system (during upgrade) exclusively
SHADOW_TOJTD Customizing Object Types (For internal use only)
SHDC Heidelberg: check tables for global fields
SHDCF Global values 3.1: Candidates for domains and fields
SHDDC Global values 3.1: Assignment of domains to components
SHDDCDE Global values: Assign data elements to components
SHDDCDO Global values: Assignment of domains to components
SHDDF Global values 3.1: Assgnmt of depend. text fields to domains
SHDDFDE Global values: Assign dependent fields to data elements
SHDDFDO Global values: Assign dependent fields to domains
SHDFOLTREE Folder structure, image archive
SHDFV Transaction variants: Field contents
SHDFVCI Transaction variants: Field contents (cross-client)
SHDFVGUI Transaction variants: Deactivated function codes
SHDFVGUICI Transaction variants: Deactivated function codes
SHDFVGUICU Transaction variants: Deactivated function codes
SHDFVGUIU Transaction variants: Deactivated function codes
SHDG Heidelberg: Global field pre-assignments
SHDGUIXT Screen variants <--> GuiXT scripts (attributes)
SHDGV Global values
SHDGVDE Global values: Values and flags for data elements
SHDGVDO Global values: Values and flags for domains
SHDGXTCODE Screen variants <--> GuiXT scripts (code)
SHDIPICATR Image attributes
SHDIRSCRD Resource raw data
SHDSCCI Standard variants (screen variants)
SHDST Standard variants (TABLE MAY NOT BE CHANGED!!)
SHDSTCI Cross-client standard variants (TABLE CANNOT BE CHANGED)
SHDSTCIU Active cross-client standard variants
SHDSTNS SHD0: Namenspaces for Standard Variants
SHDSTNST SHD0: Text namespaces for standard variants
SHDSTU Active standard variants
SHDSTUSR Assignment User <--> Namespace Standard Variant
SHDSVCI Screen variants
SHDSVFVCI Screen variants: Field contents
SHDSVTXCI Screen variants: Texts
SHDTT Transaction variants: Texts
SHDTTCI Transaction variants: Texts (cross-client)
SHDTTCIU Transaction variants: Texts (independent)
SHDTTU Transaction variants: Texts
SHDTV Transaction variants
SHDTVCI Cross-client transaction variants
SHDTVCIU Transaction variants independent
SHDTVSV Transaction variant - Screen variant assignment
SHDTVSVCI Transaction variant - Screen variant assignment
SHDTVSVCIU Transaction variant - Screen variant assignment
SHDTVSVU Transaction variant - Screen variant assignment
SHDTVU Transaction Variants
SHDUSR Transaction/Screen Variants: User Settings
SHELPTYPE Help Types Delivered by SAP
SHELPTYPET Text Table: Help Types Delivered by SAP
SHIE_PROP SHIE_PROPN domain value table
SHIE_PROPT Text table for table SHIE_PROP
SHLPADM1 Administration: Display of the SAP Library
SHLPADM2T Text Table for Administration Online Help
SHLPADMP Transfer Log for Online Help
SHLPUSRVAL User Settings for SAP Library (Display)
SHMA_ATTRIBUTES Area Attributes (ABAP Shared Objects)
SHMA_ATTR_RTS Area Properties Changeable W/o Restrict. (ABAP Shared Obj,)
SHMA_START List of Instance Names for Auto Build
SHMA_START_RTS List of Instance Names for Auto Build (Runtime Setting)
SHMM_TRC_GLOBAL Shared Memory Monitor Trace: Global Control
SHMM_TRC_VARIANT Shared Memory Monitor Trace: User Variants
SHMSERVICE ICF: Table for Shared Object Repository - ICFSERVICE
SHP_IDX_CRED Outbound Deliveries in Credit Check: Blocked and Released
SHP_IDX_EXIB Inbound Delivery: External Identification
SHP_IDX_EXOB Outbound Delivery: External Identification
SHP_IDX_GDRC Inbound Deliveries: Not Posted for Goods Receipt
SHP_IDX_GDSI Outbound Deliveries: Not Posted for Goods Issue
SHP_IDX_PICK Outbound Deliveries: Not Picked
SHP_IDX_PUTA Inbound Deliveries: Not Putaway
SHP_IDX_ROGR Rough Goods Receipts for Vendor
SHP_IDX_UNCH Outbound Deliveries: Unchecked
SHP_VIEW_BOLN Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
SHP_VIEW_TRAI Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
SH_PREMS Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
SH_PRIN Generated Table for View SH_PRIN
SH_T706B1 Generierte Tabelle zu einem View

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