SAP tables starting with O

Here you will find a list of all SAP tables with the initial letter O.

Here you will find a list of all SAP tables.

1503 SAP tables were found!
table name description
SAP tables starting with O2
O2APPL O2: BSP Applications
O2APPLT O2: BSP Application Texts
O2BROWSERS Supported Browser Types
O2HTMLATTR Attributes of HTML Tags
O2HTMLDOC Documentation for HTML Tags
O2LANGTYPE HTML Language Dialects
O2NAVGRAPH Navigation Modeler
O2NAVMAP Illustration of Navigation Nodes on Pages
O2PAGCON INDX File for Oxygen Pages
O2PAGDIR Oxygen: Page Directory
O2PAGDIRI Oxygen: Page Directory (Inactive)
O2PAGDIRT Short Text for Oxygen Pages
O2PAGEVH OXYGEN: Event Handler
O2PAGINC Where-Used Table for Page Includes
O2PAGPAR Oxygen: Parameter (for Page/Prolog)
O2PAGPART Oxygen: Parameter (for Page/Prolog)
O2PAGRT Oxygen: INDX File for Static HTML Pool (Runtime)
O2PAGTLIB Use Tables for Tag Libraries in BSP Pages
O2TAG BSP Elements
O2TAGATT BSP Element Attributes
O2TAGLIB BSP Extensions
O2TAGOPTS Tag Library: User Settings
O2TAGREG Registry for Language Type Subtrees
O2THEMECUS O2: Customizing Theme <-> BSP Application
O2THEMEREL O2: Table for Relationship Between LOIOs and Theme LOIOs
O2THEMES O2: Themes for BSP Applications
O2THEMEST O2: Text for Themes
O2XMLDESC XML Description
O2XSLTDESC Storage for XSLT Programs
O2XSLTOTR OTR Texts for XSLT Programs
O2XSLTTEXT Short Descriptions for XSLT Programs
SAP tables starting with OA
OA0817BAR Customizing Table for BUS0817
OA0817IMP Customizing Inplace Display
OABUS0817 Table for ArchiveLink Test Object Types
OABUS817A Attribute Table of BUS0817
OAPRE SAP ArchiveLink: Presettings for early, late entry
OAPRI SAP ArchiveLink: Temporary table for print parameters
SAP tables starting with OB
OBEW Valuated Stock with Subcontractor
OBEWH Valuated Stock with Subcontractor: History
OBGD Assignment of Object Group to Event (Forecast)
OBGV Forecast Object Groups
OBJH Object: Header
OBJK Plant Maintenance Object List
OBJLAN Object: Special Rule for Original Language
OBJM Object Method
OBJS Object: Object List
OBJSL Object: Object List - Logical Object
OBJSUB Subobjects
OBJSUBREP For transact. 0REP: Program to be started (comp. SREPOVARI)
OBJSUBRESN Reserved System Suffixes for Sub-Object Names
OBJSUBT Object: Short Description of Sub-Object
OBJT Description of Type T Objects (Separate Transaction)
OBJ_COMP Object Comparison
SAP tables starting with OC
OCMHOMO_ARCH Backup Table of Homogeneity List in Case of Archiving
OCSCMPLOBJ Complete Information for Objects (with TADIR and Lock Key)
OCSPATNTCI Buffer for Support Package Attributes for Note Admin.
OCS_ALLTABS_INFO Test of CHECK_FREESP. under Informix (Info for all Tables)
OCS_TESTFREE_INF Table for testing CHECK_FREESPACE under Informix
SAP tables starting with OD
ODQDATA Operational Delta Queue: Data Store for Delta
ODQDATA_C Operational Delta Queue: Data Storage for Delta Init.
ODQDATA_F Operational Delta Queue: Data Storage for One-Off Extraction
ODQDATA_V Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
ODQQUEDES Operational DeltaQueue: Queue Selections f. Extractor Delta
ODQREQ Operational DeltaQueue: General Request
ODQREQQUE Operational Delta Queue: General Queue Request
ODQREQQUE_V Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
ODQREQSSN_V Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
ODQRESP Task Response
ODQSSN Operational Delta Queue: Subscription
ODQSSNQUE Operational Delta Queue: Queue Subscription
ODQSSNQUE_V Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
ODQSSNREQ Operational Delta Queue: Queue Subscription Request
ODQSSNREQQUE Operational Delta Queue: Queue Subscription Request
ODQSSNREQQUE_V Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
ODQSTATE Operational Delta Queue: Queue Status
ODQSTATE_V Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
ODQTSN Operational Delta Queue: Last Synchronized Replication - TSN
ODQTSNLOG Operational Delta Queue: Transaction Log
SAP tables starting with OF
OFNUM_IT_1 Official Numbering by Document Class-enabled ranges(IT)
OFNUM_TW_2 Official Numbering by Business Places-enabled ranges(TW)
OFX_BP_MSGS_FIEB Customizing of OFX Message Sets for Business Processes
OFX_LA_MSGS_FIEB Message Sets per Business Process
OFX_VERSION_FIEB Attributes for a DTD Version of OFX
SAP tables starting with OG
OGV1_VAPMA_WSOP Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
SAP tables starting with OI
OI001 Company Code Parameters
OIA01 Exchange header (IS-Oil EXG standard/core object)
OIA02 Exchange item data - sales side
OIA03 Exchange item data - purchasing side
OIA05 Quantity schedule scheduling table - sales side
OIA05H Quantity schedule header table - sales side
OIA06 Quantity schedule scheduling table - purchasing side
OIA06H Quantity schedule header table - purchasing side
OIA07 Logical Inventory Valuation Segment Table
OIA08 LIA Document: Item Data
OIA08H LIA Document: Header Data
OIA10 Exchange - Netting document item
OIA10E Index table to find netting docs. by exchange number
OIA10H Exchange - Netting document header
OIA10L Exchange - Blocked FI-documents by netting process
OIA11 Exchange assignment for deliveries
OIA12 Exchange assignment for bulk shipments
OIA12I Movement Based Netting document item
OIA12ICOND Conditions of OIA12I items
OIAF7 Formula Condition Txn Data-Header (enhance OICF1)
OIAF8 Formula Condition Data - Terms (enhance OICF2)
OIAF9 Formula Condition Data-Term Items (enhance OICF3)
OIAFE Fee history table
OIAMP Price reference plant assignment
OIANF Fee Condition Records
OIAQA Exchange Statement Print Requests
OIAQB Exchange Movements Index
OIB01 Definition of Conversion Groups
OIB01T Conversion Group Text
OIB02 Conversion Mode (Old Transactions)
OIB03 Default value qty.conversion (OBSOLETE,do no use any more)
OIB04 Function module definition (API/AGA/Customer functions)
OIB05 Oil unit of measure groups
OIB06 HPM Unit of Measurement Group: Definition
OIB06T Unit of Measure group description
OIB07 Parameter of the Quantity Conversion Interface
OIB07T Parameter of the Quantity Conversion Interface Text
OIB07_HELP Parameter of the Quantity Conversion Interface
OIB08 Log for HIM Quantities out of sync with SKU
OIB09 Log for missing MSEGO1 and MSEGO2 documents
OIB_ANALYS_CNTRL Silo Management
OIB_AROM_HEADER header data table: Industrial aromatic hydrocarbon vcf
OIB_AROM_VCF Customizing table for Aromatics Volume Correction factors
OIB_CONV_RDGRP Table for classification Conversiongrp - Readinggrp
OIB_DEF Set default table/transaction switch
OIB_DEFAULTS Table for Oil Defaults
OIB_DEF_INDEX_GM Default index for Goods Movement
OIB_DIP_WL_INDEX Worklist for Silo Management Tank Dips
OIB_DIP_WL_USER User Assignment to Silo Man.tank dip worklist
OIB_DIP_WORKLIST Worklist for Silo Management Tank Dips
OIB_MIGO_HHEAD Store the GOHEAD for MIGOs hold/restore feature
OIB_MIGO_HQCI Store the QCI-GOITEM for MIGOs hold/restore feature
OIB_MIGO_HQCI_E Store the QCI-GOITEM-Bapiret for MIGOs hold/restore feature
OIB_MIGO_HQCI_P Store the QCI-GOITEM-Parameter for MIGOs hold/restore featur
OIB_MIGO_HQCI_Q Store the QCI-GOITEM-Quantity for MIGOs hold/restore feature
OIB_MIGO_HTST Store the TST-GOITEM for MIGOs hold/restore feature
OIB_PPP_DATA Physical properties data table
OIB_PPP_HEADER Header data: physical properties of hydrocarbons
OIB_PPP_HEADERT Header table: phys. properties of hydrocarb.: Description
OIB_QTCD_RESID Table for residence time Check
OIB_RDGGROUPT Description of reading group parameter
OIB_RDGRDEF Definition of Reading Groups
OIB_RDGRDEFT Description of Reading Group Definition
OIB_READINGGROUP Reading group : Define parameters for a conversion group
OIB_T156_FIELDS Material-stock field relation with stock type and SOBKZ
OIB_TANKDIP Silo management tank strapping history
OIB_USERPARAM HPM user parameter/defaults/favorites
OICDC Differential Reference Code
OICDT Differential Reference Code - Texts
OICF1_MIGR Results from Pattern Analysis for Structure OICF1
OICF1_MIGR_REQ Header Patterns per Run
OICF2_MIGR Results from Pattern Analysis for Structure OICF2
OICF2_MIGR_REQ Period Patterns per Run
OICF3_MIGR Results from Pattern Analysis for Structure OICF3
OICF3_MIGR_REQ Item Patterns per Run
OICGN Gross/Net Rule Defaulting
OICINT_CAL Interest calculation
OICINT_MASTER Interest master data
OICINT_SPL Special interest table
OICMI Metropolitan Indicator
OICMT Metropolitan Indicator - Texts
OICNU Gross/Net volume UoM relationships
OICPL Customer price list
OICQ1 Formula Repository - Formula Header
OICQ2 Formula Repository - Formula Term
OICQ3 Formula Repository - Formula Term Item
OICQ4 Formula Condition Data - Formula Header
OICQ5 Formula Condition Data - Formula Terms
OICQ6 Formula Condition Data - Formula Term Items
OICQ7 Formula Condition Txn Data-Header (enhance OICF1)
OICQ8 Formula Condition Data - Terms (enhance CI-Include in OICF2)
OICQ9 Formula Condition Data-Term Items (enhance OICF3)
OICQC Quotation Check Table
OICQCNTL Control Table for F&A Repository
OICQCT Quotation description table
OICQOIL F&A Oil Table for Repository Default
OICQP Quotation Price Information Table
OICQS Quotation Source
OICQST Quotation Source Description
OICQT Quotation Type
OICQTT Quotation Type Description
OICRD Second level pricing report output definition table
OICRDT Report column description
OICSDPCDVER Change document version management
OICSL State License Fee Zone
OICST State License Fee Zone - Texts
OICWA Wide Area Pricing Zone
OICWT Wide Area Pricing Zone - Texts
OIC_ANALLVL Pattern analysis level
OIC_ANALLVL_FLDS Fields Used in Pattern Analysis Levels
OIC_ANALLVL_T Description of Level in Pattern Analysis
OIC_CPE_FO_LINK Relationship Between F&A Formula and CPE Formula
OIC_FORM_ATTRIB Attributes of Business Context for F&A Formula
OIC_FO_ITM_MIGR Formula Structure Pattern - Term Item Pattern
OIC_FO_MIGR_REQ Formula Patterns per Run
OIC_FO_PER_MIGR Formula Structure Pattern - Header and Period Pattern
OIC_KONV Conditions (Procedure Data)
OIC_LSMW_PROJ Used LSMW Project for Data exchange
OIC_OIANF Fee Condition Records
OID9I Remapping Default Item Categories
OIDAP Automatic Plant Determination
OID_TRIP Pipeline Trip Numbers
OID_WEAG Last Order Ship-to/Sold-to
OIFAAMCSA Subscreen assignments (IS-Oil MRN APPEND maint. concept)
OIFBBP1 Business partner role assignments (IS-Oil MRN)
OIFBPBLT Location type - permissible partner roles (IS-Oil MRN)
OIFBRD1 Link dialogs supported for BP - technical cat. (IS-Oil MRN)
OIFBRD1T Link dialog descriptive text (IS-Oil MRN)
OIFBRD2 SPA/GPA parameters supported for partner link dialog
OIFBRF1 Business partner roles (IS-Oil MRN)
OIFBRF1T Business partner roles - texts (IS-Oil MRN)
OIFBRF2 Bus. par. roles - permissible tech. categories (IS-Oil MRN)
OIFBRT1 Business partner roles - technical category (IS-Oil MRN)
OIFBRT1T Business partner roles - tech. category text (IS-Oil MRN)
OIFCHRS2 Retail Network Contract service hours type
OIFCHRS2S Retail Network Contract service hours type description
OIFCOPT1 Retail Network Contract option type
OIFCOPT1S Retail Network Contract option type description
OIFDD1 Delivery point info for bulk delivery preplannning
OIFDD2 Bulk delivery preplanning version
OIFDD2S Bulk delivery preplanning version description
OIFDDM1 Del. point/material info for bulk delivery planning
OIFDDM2 Del. point/material/tank (bulk delivery planning)
OIFDDM3 Del. point/material/meter (bulk delivery planning)
OIFDTT1 Tank type table - bulk delivery planning
OIFOANLA Object links - FI-AA asset master (IS-Oil MRN)
OIFOCEPC Object links - CO-PCA profit center (IS-Oil MRN)
OIFOCOAS Object links - CO order (IS-Oil MRN)
OIFOCSKS Object links - CO cost center (IS-Oil MRN)
OIFOIFLO Object links - PM functional location (IS-Oil MRN)
OIFOLD1 Link dialogs supported for object link type (IS-Oil MRN)
OIFOLD1T Link dialog descriptive text (IS-Oil MRN)
OIFOLD2 SPA/GPA parameters supported for link dialog
OIFOPBLT Location type - permissible object links (IS-Oil MRN)
OIFOPROJ Object links - PS project or project item (IS-Oil MRN)
OIFORACTIV Activation of Oil-Retail Integration Components
OIFORCAM Conversion of article master to material master data (ALE)
OIFORCOPA Operating Concern fields suppressed for ALE transfer
OIFORCPR Transfer customer expected price into sales condition record
OIFOT001L Object links - CA storage location (IS-Oil MRN)
OIFOT001W Object links - CA Plant (IS-Oil MRN)
OIFPBL Index to point at Business Location
OIFSBLCD Blocking Indicator for Business Locations
OIFSBLCDT Physical business location blocking codes descr. texts
OIFSCTAPPDS Screen configur. tool - Rel. data sections per application
OIFSCTAPPSN Screen configur. tool - relevant screens per application
OIFSCTCAPT SSR BASE: screen configuration tool - caption settings
OIFSCTCAPTT SSR BASE: screen configuration tool - caption texts
OIFSCTDSDEFC Data Section Customizing - Screen Configuration Tool
OIFSCTDSDEFC_C Customer Data Section Customizing -Screen Configuration Tool
OIFSCTDSDEFC_CT Customer Data Section Customizing -Screen Configuration Tool
OIFSCTDSDEFS Data Section Definitions - Screen Configuration Tool
OIFSCTDSDEFST Data Section Definition Texts - Screen Configuration Tool
OIFSCTFDCONFC Field Selection Customizing - Screen Configuration Tool
OIFSCTFDDEFC Field Definition Customizing - Screen Configuration Tool
OIFSCTFDDEFC1 Field Definition Customizing - Screen Configuration Tool
OIFSCTFDDEFS Field Definitions - Screen Configuration Tool
OIFSCTFDDEFST Field Definition Texts - Screen Configuration Tool
OIFSCTSNCONFC Screen Configuration Customizing - Screen Configuration Tool
OIFSCTSNCONFS Screen Configuration Defaults - Screen Configuration Tool
OIFSCTSNDEFC Screen Definition Customizing - Screen Configuration Tool
OIFSCTSNDEFS Screen Definitions - Screen Configuration Tool
OIFSCTSNDEFST Screen Definition Texts - Screen Configuration Tool
OIFSMCADDR Link Table Between OIFSPBL and ADRC for Matchcode
OIFSPBL Physical Location - Master Data
OIFSPBLT Physical Business Location Type
OIFSPBLTAPPL Physical business location type / application assignments
OIFSPBLTS Physical business location type description
OIFXAMCCS AMC possible general data screens (IS-Oil MRN APPEND maint.)
OIFXBPTAB Permissible DDIC tables for technical categories
OIFXBRD2 Fields supp. as SPA/GPA parameters for partner link dialog
OIFXCON Location management system control
OIFXCONT Location management system control texts
OIFXCUAEX CUA function exclusion (IS-Oil MRN)
OIFXEL MRN design element (IS-Oil MRN)
OIFXELT MRN design element descriptive texts (IS-Oil MRN)
OIFXOL Permissible object links (IS-Oil MRN)
OIFXOLT Permissible object links (IS-Oil MRN) - descr. texts
OIFXST Object status table (IS-Oil MRN)
OIFXSTT Object status table texts (IS-Oil MRN)
OIGC TD Transport unit
OIGCC TD Compartment
OIGCCMA Compartment Meter Assignment Table
OIGCM TD Vehicle Meter
OIGCMA TD Transport Unit Meter Assignment
OIGCMH TD Transport Unit Meter History file
OIGCMT TD Vehicle Meter Text
OIGCT TD Transport Unit Text
OIGD TD Driver
OIGDH TD Driver Shift
OIGDL TD Drivers license data
OIGFIIQ TD-F Assignment of document quantities
OIGFIIQS TD-F assignment of quantities to stages
OIGRM TD Rack Meter Master Table
OIGRMH TD Rack Meter History file
OIGRMM TD Rack Meter / Material Assignment
OIGRMPS TD Rack Meter / Storage Location Assignment
OIGRMT TD Rack Meter Text
OIGS TD Shipment Header
OIGSH TD Shipment History
OIGSI Shipment Item
OIGSJ1BH Brazilian Taxes for Delivery Header
OIGSJ1BI Brazilian Taxes for Delivery Item
OIGSM TD Material Allocated to a Shipment
OIGSMS TD Material Samples on a Shipment
OIGSMV TD Material Balance on Vehicle
OIGSPA Partner in TD-shipment
OIGSS TD Shipment Stages
OIGSV TD Vehicles in Transport/Shipment
OIGSVC TD Transport Unit in Shipment
OIGSVCC TD Compartment in Shipment
OIGSVCS TD Vehicle Seals on Transport Units
OIGSVD TD Driver per Vehicle on a Shipment
OIGSVIIS TD Shipment Assignment of Document Items to Stages
OIGSVMQ TD Quantity Item for Material on Vehicle
OIGSVMQM TD On Board Movements References
OIGSVMQO1 TD Quantity Item Calculation Parameters
OIGSVMQO2 TD Quantity Item Additional Quantities
OIGV TD Vehicle Header
OIGVL TD Licenses Needed for Vehicle
OIGVT TD Vehicle Header Text
OIGVTU TD Vehicle - Transport Unit Assignment
OIG_TVFTK TD-F Determination: Valuation Class of Shipment Cost Items
OIH01 Excise Duty Rates Table
OIH03 Excise duty posting control
OIH07 TDP allowed combinations of ED Group and Handling Type
OIH08 Default values for external procurement functions
OIH10 License Requirements Tab
OIH11 Defaults for ext. sales functions
OIH14 Tax rate revaluation - obsolete
OIH16 Internal/external price conditions
OIH18 Price indicator (oih16-INEX) text table
OIH19 Assignment between license regime and reference license typ
OIH2 Excise duty tax group (IS-Oil TDP standard/core object)
OIH20 License types
OIH20T License type text
OIH21 Assignment: License type to condition type
OIH22 Interstate excise table
OIH25 TDP additional checks for purchasing
OIH26 License Requirements Tab
OIH27 TDP additional checks for sales
OIH2C_J1B Check table for customer tax group
OIH2M_J1B Check table for material tax group
OIH2T Duty code/tax group description
OIH2V_J1B Check table for vendor tax group
OIH30 Two-step transfer control table
OIH30H Tracking header
OIH30I Tracking item
OIH31 Material specific tolerance table
OIH4 Excise duty tax status (IS-Oil TDP standard/core object)
OIH40 Excise Duty defaulting table GI/GR for production orders
OIH4T Custom duty/tax key descriptions
OIH5 Definition of Excise Duty Handling Type (IS-OIL-TDP)
OIH5T Handling type description
OIH6 ED postings per ED rate
OIHEDA Actual line item table, IS-OIL Excise Duty Special Ledger
OIHEDC Object table 2, IS-OIL Excise Duty Special Ledger
OIHEDO Object table 1, IS-OIL Excise Duty Special Ledger
OIHEDP Plan line item table, IS-OIL Excise Duty Special Ledger
OIHEDT Summary table, IS-OIL Excise Duty Special Ledger
OIHL License Master Data
OIHLHT Licence allowed handling types
OIHLO Used licenses for orders
OIHLPS License Master Data - Plants
OIHLTG Licence allowed Excise duty tax group for material
OIHLTR Excise license tracking pointer file
OIHSLA TDP (excise duty) special ledger actual line item table
OIHSLO TDP (excise duty) special ledger object table
OIHSLT TDP (excise duty) special ledger summary table
OIH_ETAX_CONDMAP Mapping of Excise Tax Rate into Condition Technique
OIH_ETAX_GRP Definition of Oil-Specific Product Tax Groups
OIH_ETAX_GRP_MAP Mapping of Excise Tax Groups into Product Tax Groups
OIH_ETAX_TB070 Definition of Excise Tax Type per Country
OIH_ETAX_TB070T Description of Excise Tax Type per Country
OIH_J1B_ACSDEF Brazil: Oil Access Defintion
OIH_J1B_ACSVAL Brazil: Oil Access Values
OIH_J1B_ALC Brazil: Percentage of alcohol in gasoline
OIH_J1B_APR Brazil tax: Acquisition price table
OIH_J1B_CON Brazil: Convenio application rules per state
OIH_J1B_COP Brazil: Controled prices table
OIH_J1B_CPR Brazil: Posting exceptions for ICMS complement
OIH_J1B_FAC Brazil: Factor for calculation of PIS / COFINS ST
OIH_J1B_INC Brazil: Incoming taxation table
OIH_J1B_PCK Brazil: Check table for tax codes in Purchasing
OIH_J1B_PIC Brazil: Printing exceptions for ICMS
OIH_J1B_PIS Brazil: PIS/COFINS taxation table (exactly one entry)
OIH_J1B_PPR Brazil Tax: Pondered average price table for final consume
OIH_J1B_RAF Brazil: Refinery taxation table
OIH_J1B_SAL Brazil: Check table for tax codes in sales process
OIH_J1B_SAL_2 Brazil: ICMS Deferment
OIH_J1B_SDTXCD SD tax code for ICMS ST calculation
OIH_J1B_SSTAD Brazil tax: Determines Accounts for posting Split of S. T.
OIH_J1B_T001W Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
OIH_J1B_TIN Brazil: Check table for tax codes in Transfer Incoming
OIH_J1B_TOU Brazil: Check table for tax codes in Transfer Outgoing
OIH_J1B_ZFD Brazil tax: Sub. Trib. Discount for Zona Franca de Manaus
OIH_J_1BATL4T Tax Law ICMS - Texts
OIH_J_1BTREGX Tax region
OIH_J_1BTXCI1 Tax calc.: Complement of ICMS rules
OIH_J_1BTXCI2 Tax calc.: Complement of ICMS rules INSIDE CALCULATION
OIH_J_1BTXIC2 Tax calc.: ICMS rules (exceptions)
OIH_J_1BTXIS1 Tax calc.: ISS rules for sales exeptions
OIH_J_1BTXIX1 Tax calc.: ISS rules for sales and purchasing exeptions
OIH_J_1BTXST1 Tax calc.: Sub.Trib. rules
OIH_MIGO_HTDP Store the TDP-GOITEM for MIGOs hold/restore feature
OIH_TAX_REV Excise Duty Revaluation Documents
OIIGMME GMM: Meter event
OIIGMMES GMM: Meter event text
OIIGMMET GMM: General meter history record type
OIIGMMETS GMM: General meter history record type text
OIIGMMH GMM: Meter history
OIIGMMIKN GMM: Index for customer/sequence no. access mode
OIIGMMK GMM: General meter header table
OIIGMMKS GMM: Meter description
OIIGMMM GMM: Meter/Material assignment
OIIGMMS GMM: Meter/Storage object assignment
OIIGMMT GMM: General meter type
OIIGMMTS GMM: General meter type text
OIILGXR SOC: Expiry reason code
OIILGXRT SOC: Expiry reason code texts
OIIOTWSA BDRP-OTWS: Time window applicability (day of the week)
OIIOTWSAT BDRP-OTWS: Time window applicability texts
OIIOTWSIBL BDRP-OTWS: Operations time window set index - business loc.
OIIOTWSIKN BDRP-OTWS: Operations time window set index - customer
OIIOTWSIWK BDRP-OTWS: Operations time window set index - plant
OIIOTWSK BDRP-OTWS: Operations time window set header
OIIOTWSP BDRP-OTWS: Operations time window set item
OIIOTWSRS BDRP-OTWS: Operations time window reference set
OIIOTWSRST BDRP-OTWS: Operations time window reference set text
OIIOTWST BDRP-OTWS: Operations time window set types
OIIOTWSTT BDRP-OTWS: Operations time window set type texts
OIIRFCDEST RFC destination for IS-Oil BDRP remote function calls
OIISCPBL SCP: Site control parameters (business loc) - IS-Oil BDRP
OIISCPKN SCP: Site control parameters (customer) - IS-Oil BDRP
OIISCPLBL Site control: lead time applicabilities - business locatio
OIISCPLKN Site control: lead time applicabilities - customer
OIISCPLTA Site Control Parameters: Lead time applicabilities
OIISCPLTAS Site Control Parameters: Lead time applicabilities: Texts
OIISCPLTT Site Control Parameters: Lead time types
OIISCPLTTS Site Control Parameters: Lead time types: Texts
OIISCPLWK Site control: lead time applicabilities - plant
OIISCPSH SCP: Site control parameters - sales hour sets
OIISCPSHS SCP: Site control parameters - sales hour sets - texts
OIISCPSOE SCP: Sales order entry default group
OIISCPSOET SCP: Sales order entry default group text
OIISCPWK SCP: Site control parameters (plant) - IS-Oil BDRP
OIISLVCH Silo calibration history index
OIISLVCK SOC: Linear/volumetric conversion (strap) set header
OIISLVCKO Silo: Calibration - LVC (strap) set header
OIISLVCP SOC: Linear/volumetric conversion items
OIISLVCPO SOC: Linear/volumetric conversion items
OIISOCAM SOC: Storage object access modes
OIISOCAOI SOC: Storage object characteristic: appl. specific oil & g
OIISOCB1 SOC: Storage object characteristic segment: bulk
OIISOCB2 SOC: Storage object characteristic segment: packaged
OIISOCE SOC: Storage object event
OIISOCES SOC: Storage object event text
OIISOCIBL SOC: Index for business location/sequence no. access mode
OIISOCIKN SOC: Index for customer/sequence no. access mode
OIISOCIMP SOC: Index for measurement point/sequence no. access mode
OIISOCISL SOC: Index for storage location/sequence no. access mode
OIISOCK SOC: Storage object characteristic segment header
OIISOCKL SOC: Storage object characteristic class
OIISOCO1 SOC: Storage object characteristic segment: bulk
OIISOCTSM SOC: time dependent assignment SO <-> material (IS-Oil BDR
OIISOCTSP SOC: Assignment SO <-> Plant/Storage location IS-Oil BDRP
OIISOCTSS SOC: time dependent assignment SO <-> SO (IS-Oil BDRP)
OIISOCTYP SOC: Storage object type
OIISOCVB1 SOC: Enable tank ID entry by sales doc type
OIISOCVB2 SOC: Enable tank ID entry by sales doc item category
OIIX OIL-BDRP: Application control record
OIIXCUAEX CUA Function Exclusion (IS-Oil BDRP)
OIIXCUASO CUA function processing
OII_DIP_MVMT Related stock derived from SOC material assignment
OII_DIP_MVMTO1 Related stock derived from SOC material assignment
OII_DIP_PARAM Tank Dip Conversion Param. (keep table EQ to OIB_DEFAULTS)
OII_DIP_QUAN Appendix: Silo management tank strapping history
OII_MAT_CNTRL Control table for material assignment per plant (custom.)
OIJARC OIL-TSW : Archiving related customizing
OIJBER Berth Table
OIJBERLOC Index table for berths at TSW locations
OIJBERMAT Assignment of material to berths
OIJBERSOC Assignment of berths to tanks
OIJBRD OIL-TSW: Rundown table for Batch
OIJBRDACTUALS IS-OIL TSW: Table to store the actuals
OIJBRDDOC Rundown item / document X-ref table for Batch - WILL EXPIR
OIJBRDH RD header f.batch:Dont use(obsolete) & dont delete(XPRA)
OIJBRDNOM Stock Projection item / nomination X-ref table
OIJBTC_RANGE Oil-TSW: Release profile - Batches range table
OIJCOV OIL-TSW: Safety stock coverage period profile
OIJCOVT OIL-TSW: Safety stock coverage period profile text
OIJCUFCTYPE OIL-TSW: Customisable Rack issue/throughput forecast type
OIJCUFCTYPET OIL-TSW: Customisable rack/throughput forecast types text
OIJDOC_RANGE Oil-TSW: Release profile - Reference documents range table
OIJEDIITYP Assign nomination item type to IDoc item
OIJEDIVNDR Assign EDI account numbers to vendors
OIJERRLOG TSW: Error log of create/change documents
OIJEV TD-Vehicle ~ Berth Master Data Events
OIJFCPRF OIL-TSW: Rack issue forecast profile
OIJFCPRFT OIL-TSW: Rack issue forecast profile texts
OIJHCT01 OIL-TSW: Ticket Holding Table (Draft version 1) - OBSOLETE
OIJHISTIND OIL-TSW: Rack issue / Throughput history horizon indicator
OIJHTNR OIL-TSW: Ticket Number Rules
OIJHTNRT OIL-TSW: Ticket Number Rules Texts
OIJHUOM OIL-TSW: Ticket additional units of measure
OIJIMEX OIL-TSW: Flag for importer/exporter or others
OIJIMEXT OIL-TSW: Flag for importer/exporter or others texts
OIJLOC Location table
OIJLOCMAT OIL-TSW: Location Rundown/Planning material table
OIJLOCT Location type
OIJLOCTS OIL-TSW: Location type texts
OIJLOC_RANGE Oil-TSW: Release profile - Locations range table
OIJMAT_RANGE Oil-TSW: Release profile - Materials range table
OIJNE Nomination Events
OIJNOMC OIL-TSW: Nomination copy table
OIJNOMCOMM Nomination Partner Communication
OIJNOMH Nomination Header
OIJNOMHVERS Nomination Header Version Table
OIJNOMHWL OIL-TSW: Nomination header worklist entries
OIJNOMI Nomination Item
OIJNOMIVERS Nomination Item Version Table
OIJNOMIWL OIL-TSW: Nomination item worklist entries
OIJNOMI_LDS Load / Discharge scheduling for nominations
OIJNOMM Nomination Material Balance
OIJNOMR Nomination Reference Documents
OIJNOMST Nomination status (Header and Item)
OIJNOM_FIELDST Nomination field status locking
OIJNOM_FIELDSTST Nomination field status locking
OIJPEG TSW: Pegging of scheduled movements
OIJPHYINV Physical inventory
OIJPLANLOC OIL TSW: Multiple planning Locations
OIJPLANWL OIJ-TSW: Worklist entries for planning
OIJPLCAL OIL-TSW: Planning Calendar Definitions
OIJPLCALT OIL_TSW: Planning Calendar Texts
OIJPLSEQ OIL-TSW: Planning Functionality : Supply Chain Definitions
OIJRD OIL-TSW: Rundown table
OIJRDACTUALS IS-OIL TSW: Table to store the actuals
OIJRDDOC Rundown item / document X-ref table/ WILL EXPIRE IN FUTURE
OIJRDFILECARD Stock Projection Worksheet filecards customizing
OIJRDFILECARDT Stock Projection Worksheet filecards customizing text
OIJRDH Rundown header: Dont use (obsolete) & dont delete (XPRA)
OIJRDHTPSET OIL-TSW: Rundown Rack issue / throughput settings
OIJRDNOM Stock Projection item / nomination X-ref table
OIJRDPLAN OIL-TSW: Rundown planning proposal drill-down
OIJRDTYP OIL-TSW : Partner Roles differentiation Types
OIJRDWL Worklist items per Stock Projection object item
OIJREPSTAT OIL-TSW: Reported quantity status
OIJREPSTATT OIL-TSW: Reported quantity status texts
OIJRRA OIL-TSW: Partner roles
OIJRRPART OIL-TSW : Partner Roles -> Role Partner Types
OIJRRT OIL-TSW: Partner role types
OIJRRTT OIL-TSW: Partner role type texts
OIJS435TSW Enhanced S435 LIS Table to hold TSW MoT
OIJSCAL OIL-TSW: Safety stock calendar usage profile
OIJSCALT OIL-TSW: Safety stock calendar usage profile text
OIJSDLOC OIL-TSW: Multiple sources/destinations of location
OIJSFTYP OIL-TSW: Safety stock calculation type
OIJSHIPVALD OIL TSW: Shipper valid for other partner roles
OIJSIMSCHEDWL OIL-TSW: Simulation scheduling ID worklist entries
OIJSRCTYPE OIL-TSW: Physical inventory update type
OIJSRCTYPET OIL TSW: Physical inventory update type texts
OIJSTAT OIL-TSW : Status Table
OIJSTATT OIL-TSW : Status Table Texts
OIJSTATTAB OIL-TSW: Permissible reference tables for stati
OIJSUBSTAT OIL-TSW : Substatus Table
OIJSUBSTT OIL-TSW : Substatus Table Texts
OIJTCAL OIL-TSW: Target stock calendar usage profile
OIJTCALT OIL-TSW: Target stock calendar usage profile text
OIJTE TSW Ticket Events
OIJTGTCOV OIL-TSW: Target stock coverage period profile
OIJTGTCOVT OIL-TSW: Target stock coverage period profile text
OIJTGTYP OIL-TSW: Target stock calculation type
OIJTGTYPTX OIL-TSW: Target stock calculation type texts
OIJTHPUTFC Rack issue / Throughput forecast
OIJTHPUTFCAVG OIL-TSW: Rack issue / Throughput forecast daily average
OIJTHPUTFCEST OIL-TSW: Rack issue / Throughput estimate pop-up
OIJTS Transport system (IS-Oil TSW standard/core object )
OIJTSLOC OIL-TSW: transport system/location assignment table
OIJTSMAT OIL-TSW: TS Rundown/Planning material table
OIJTSMATSEQ Disallowed Material sequence within Transport system
OIJTSWMOT IS-OIL TSW: Mode of transport for rack issues
OIJTSWMVTY IS-OIL TSW: Movement type for rack issues
OIJTSY_RANGE Oil-TSW: Release profile - Transport systems range table
OIJWLRC Worklist reason codes / NOT USED ANYMORE
OIJWLRCC Reason codes customizing / NOT USED ANYMORE
OIJWLRCF TSW Worklist Reason Code to invidual check function
OIJWLRCN OIL-TSW: Worklist Reason codes
OIJWLRCS TSW Worklist Reason Code source Table
OIJWLRCST Worklist reason code source texts
OIJWLRCT OIL-TSW: Reason code text
OIJX TSW control record
OIJ_3WP_SS 3WP Selection Screen BADI filter table
OIJ_3WP_SST 3WP Selection Screen BADI filter text table
OIJ_APOFCST_M_R APO DP Forecast maintenance BADI routine
OIJ_APOFCST_M_RT APO DP Forecast maintenance BADI routine
OIJ_BPB_OPT_R Oil TSW: table of optimization method for BPB
OIJ_BPB_OPT_RT Oil TSW: text table for OIJ_BPB_OPT_RT
OIJ_CONS_TYPE Time-Dependent Constraint Types
OIJ_CONS_TYPET TSW Texts for Time-Dependent Constraint Types
OIJ_EL_CP_LAYT Charter party and laytime and demurrage agreement
OIJ_EL_CP_LOC Charter party contract: load and discharge locations
OIJ_EL_CP_PROD Charter contracts: products and product groups
OIJ_EL_DEALGROUP OIL-TSW: Deal groups (trading system)
OIJ_EL_DEALGRTX OIL-TSW: Deal group texts (trading system)
OIJ_EL_DEALTYPE OIL-TSW: Deal types (trading system)
OIJ_EL_DEALTYPET OIL-TSW: Deal type texts (trading system)
OIJ_EL_DOC_EV Rules for nomination events
OIJ_EL_DOC_FLOW OIL TSW: Document flow
OIJ_EL_DOC_H_REF Oil TSW: Document header reference to nomination; not used
OIJ_EL_DOC_I_REF Document item reference to nomination
OIJ_EL_DOC_MOT Oil TSW: TSW Relevance of order item
OIJ_EL_DOC_M_MOT OIL TSW: TSW Details / Multiple MoTs
OIJ_EL_ERROR_LOG OIL-TSW: Error log for ticketing process
OIJ_EL_EVT_TYPE Event date types
OIJ_EL_EVT_TYPET Event date types - texts
OIJ_EL_LAYT_EV Laytime start and end events
OIJ_EL_LAYT_INF Laytime terms
OIJ_EL_PROD_DATA Production data for locations
OIJ_EL_TCKET_UOM Universal ticket additional units of measure
OIJ_EL_TICKET_H Universal ticket table
OIJ_EL_TICKET_I Universal ticket item table
OIJ_EL_TKT_I_O1 Appendix: TSW Ticket item - Conversion Parameters
OIJ_EL_TKT_I_O2 Appendix: TSW Ticket item - Additional Quantities
OIJ_IF_CIF_IMV IMod Reference Table for TD Vehicle
OIJ_LB_OPENINV Opening inventory table for Location Balancing.
OIJ_LMTIMECON OILTSW: Time dependent constraints by location & material
OIJ_NOMEV_CHK_A Assignment of nomination item check routines to val.grp.
OIJ_NOMEV_CHK_R Nomination item check routines
OIJ_NOMEV_CHK_RT Nomination item check routines
OIJ_NOMEV_PREREQ Event prerequisite check routines
OIJ_NOMEV_PRERET Event prerequisite check routines
OIJ_NOMEV_SUBSEQ Subsequent Event Routines
OIJ_NOMEV_SUBSET Subsequent Event Routines
OIJ_NOMHD_CHK_A Assignment of nomination header check routines to val.grp.
OIJ_NOMHD_CHK_R Nomination header check routines
OIJ_NOMHD_CHK_RT Nomination header check routines
OIJ_NOMIT_CHK_A Assignment of nomination item check routines to val.grp.
OIJ_NOMIT_CHK_R Nomination item check routines
OIJ_NOMIT_CHK_RT Nomination item check routines
OIJ_NOMLDS_CHK_A Assignment of nomination lds check routines to val. groups
OIJ_NOMLDS_CHK_R Nomination Load/Discharge Scheduling check routine
OIJ_NOMLDS_CH_RT Nomination Load/Discharge Scheduling check routine texts
OIJ_NOMLT Laytime and demurrage for groups in nominations
OIJ_NOMMT_CHK_A Assignment of routines with multiple nominations to val.grp.
OIJ_NOMMT_CHK_R Check routines with multiple nominations
OIJ_NOMMT_CHK_RT Check routines with multiple nominations
OIJ_NOMST_PREREQ Status prerequisite check routines
OIJ_NOMST_PRERET Status prerequisite check routines
OIJ_NOMST_SUBSEQ Subsequent Status Routines
OIJ_NOMST_SUBSET Subsequent Status Routines
OIJ_NOM_CHK_A Assignment of complete nomination check rout. to val.grp.
OIJ_NOM_CHK_G Nomination validation groups
OIJ_NOM_CHK_GT Nomination validation groups
OIJ_NOM_CHK_R Complete Nomination check routines
OIJ_NOM_CHK_RT Complete Nomination check routines
OIJ_NOM_UPD_S_R Nomination update sched.line BADI
OIJ_NOM_UPD_S_RT Nomination update sched.line BADI
OIJ_PEG obsolete table (will be cleaned up)
OIJ_PLAN_PRF 3WP Planning Profile
OIJ_PLBUCKPRHD Oil-TSW: Planning Buckets Profile
OIJ_PLBUCKPROF Oil-TSW: Planning Buckets Profile
OIJ_PLBUCKPROFT Oil-TSW: Planning Buckets Profile Text
OIJ_PRORATE_CHK Proration check routines
OIJ_PRORATE_CHKT Proration check routines
OIJ_RDHEAD Stock Projection header
OIJ_RELPROF Oil-TSW: Release profiles for Schedules
OIJ_RELPROFT Oil-TSW: Planning Buckets Profile Text
OIJ_REPORT_QUAN TSW: Reported Nomination quantities into/out of inventory
OIJ_SCHED Planned Schedule Lines
OIJ_SCHEDR Planned Schedule Lines Reference Documents
OIJ_SIM_SCHED obsolete table (will be cleaned up)
OIJ_SIM_SCHED_CB What-if clipboard user access table
OIJ_SPREL Stock projection relevance
OIJ_SPTYPES Stock Projection Types
OIJ_SPTYPEST Stock Projection Type Texts
OIJ_SP_FLTVAL Stock projection filter values for BADI
OIJ_SP_FLTVALT Stock projection filter values for BADI - text table
OIJ_SS_RT Stores the Shipshore calculation routine types
OIJ_SS_RTT Description of the Shipshore Filter values
OIJ_STAGES TSW (&TD) Shipment Stages
OIJ_TGTSFTTIME Time dependent target and safety levels
OIJ_TKTEV_CHK_A Assignment of ticket event check routines to val.grp.
OIJ_TKTEV_CHK_R Ticket Event check routines
OIJ_TKTEV_CHK_RT Ticket event check routines
OIJ_TKTHD_CHK_A Assignment of Ticket header check routines to val.grp.
OIJ_TKTHD_CHK_R Ticket header check routines
OIJ_TKTHD_CHK_RT Ticket header check routines
OIJ_TKTIT_CHK_A Assignment of Ticket item check routines to val.grp.
OIJ_TKTIT_CHK_R Ticket item check routines
OIJ_TKTIT_CHK_RT Ticket item check routines
OIJ_TKT_CHK_A Assignment of complete ticket check rout. to val.grp.
OIJ_TKT_CHK_G Ticketing validation groups
OIJ_TKT_CHK_GT Ticketing validation groups
OIJ_TKT_CHK_R Complete Ticket check routines
OIJ_TKT_CHK_RT Complete Ticket check routines
OIJ_TKT_TMST_PR Ticket Timestamp Transfer Control Table
OIJ_VEH_PERF Marine Scheduling - Table to Store vehicle Performanace
OIK01 IS-OIL/TAS: LID Document Data
OIK01D IS-OIL/TAS: deactivated LID Document Data
OIK02A IS-OIL/TAS: Status of processed functions
OIK02B IS-OIL/TAS: Status of processed functions - messages
OIK03 IS-OIL/TAS: Deliveries open for goods issue
OIK04 IS-OIL/TAS: Idoc data segment
OIK29 IS-OIL/TPI: Status of processed inbound IDoc OILSHI01
OIK29A IS-OIL/TPI: Status of processed functions
OIK29B IS-OIL/TPI: Status of processed functions - messages
OIK29C IS-OIL/TPI: Status of processed functions - messages
OIK29D IS-OIL/TPI: Status of processed inbound IDoc OILSHI01
OIK37 IS OIL: Shadow table for SD document processing
OIKCF TAS - Control Field Data
OIKCFW TAS - Control Field Data
OIKCGFP TAS LID-Control structure definition fields
OIKDCP Delivery confirmation
OIKDCS Delivery confirmation status
OIKDCSTEP Delivery confirmation steps (temporary data)
OIKEDPP1 OIL-TPI: Configuration data for EDP logical system
OIKIFTYP OIL-TPI: Interface type
OIKIFTYPT OIL-TPI: Interface type description
OIKIFTYPTX OIL-TPI: Interface type - level control (text objects etc.
OIKLID TAS active LIDs(NOTE:keep eq to DB OIKLIDW->append includes)
OIKLIDR TD - TAS Reference Table
OIKLIDW TAS LID Working version (NOTE: keep DB eq to DB OIKLID)
OIKLOG01 Log Table for Shipment planning
OIKLR TAS Reason Definition
OIKLRT TAS Reason Definition Texts
OIKLTC Load ID Types
OIKLTCG TD - LID Type Control Structure
OIKLTCGT TD - LID Type Control Structure Texts
OIKLTT Load ID - Type Texts
OIKPEXLOC OIL: Status of gen. Location in ext. Transport Planning Sy
OIKPEXORD Status of Orders Within Transportation Planning
OIKSD TAS/TPI: Shipment scheduling
OIKSSL TPI: Log table
OIKTPIDC TPI Relevance Fields and Ranking (by VBTYP)
OIKTPIPD TPI Rel.Fields - obsolete - but needed for XPRA ROIKXTPIREL
OIKTPIRD TPI: SD doc. - obsolete - but needed for XPRA ROIKXTPIREL
OIKTT TPI:Trip planning times-for customer use (Enhancem.OIKSHPSV)
OIKTTDS OIL-TPI: Transportation planning point additional data
OIKTTDSTX OIL-TPI: Text IDs per TPP and interface type
OIKVD TPI: Vehicle/Driver assignment
OIKXTPI OIL-TPI: TPI control record
OIO_C1_CNTNR RLM Oil and gas container master data
OIO_C1_CNTNR_TX Container descriptions
OIO_C1_CTCAT Container categories
OIO_C1_CTCAT_TX Container category texts
OIO_C1_FLDST Field status for RLM container master (not used)
OIO_C1_FLDST_2 Container field status group assignment
OIO_C1_STATUS RLM container status
OIO_C1_STATUS_TX RLM container status descriptions
OIO_CM_DOC_FLOW RLM document flow index
OIO_CM_MAIN RLM system parameters
OIO_CM_OBJGP Object type groups
OIO_CM_OBJGP_CT Object group contents
OIO_CM_OBJGP_TX Object type group names
OIO_CM_OBJST Document flow object type status codes
OIO_CM_OBJST_TX Document flow object type status code names
OIO_CM_OBJTY Object types for RLM
OIO_CM_OBJTY_TX Object type texts
OIO_CM_OPLNT Plants relevant to RLM
OIO_CM_OSLOC Store locations relevant to RLM
OIO_CM_SPROC RLM Supply Process (IS-Oil Remote Logistics Management)
OIO_CM_SPROC_DVP Supply process derivation from plant
OIO_CM_SPROC_DVS Supply process derivation from store location
OIO_CM_SPROC_TX RLM Supply process texts
OIO_CM_SPTYP_TX RLM Supply type descriptions
OIO_CNTNR_HST Container history
OIO_CNTNR_MTL Container materials (OBSOLETE ->use table oio_cntnr_mtl_2)
OIO_CNTNR_MTL_2 Container material assignments
OIO_CNTNR_TYP Container types
OIO_CNTNR_TYP_TX Container type texts
OIO_CU_OBJTY RLM Object type customer values
OIO_CU_OBJTY_TX RLM Object type customer texts
OIO_FS_APP Application
OIO_FS_APP_TX Application names
OIO_FS_FGP Field status groups
OIO_FS_FGP_TX Field status group names
OIO_FS_FLD Field status screen fields
OIO_FS_FST Field status assignments
OIO_FS_SGP Field status selection groups
OIO_FS_SGP_TX Field status selection group names
OIO_MT_DFLOW Material tracking document flow definition
OIO_MT_DFPROF Document flow profile
OIO_MT_DFPROF_TX Document flow profile description
OIO_MT_FDMAP Field mapping for tracking program
OIO_MT_MTPROF Material tracking profiles
OIO_MT_MTPROF_TX Material tracking profiles
OIO_MT_STATUS Material tracking status
OIO_MT_STATUS_TX Material tracking status descriptions
OIO_MT_TRGRP Tracking groups
OIO_MT_TRGRP_ST Tracking group status
OIO_MT_TRGRP_TX Tracking group descriptions
OIO_MX_FLOW RLM tracking extract flow data
OIO_MX_INDEX RLM material tracking extract index
OIO_MX_MTSTA_HI RLM tracking extract object status - high
OIO_MX_MTSTA_LO RLM tracking extract object status - low
OIO_MX_OBJECT RLM tracking extract object data
OIO_NA_OUTTY RLM output - output types
OIO_NA_OUTTY_TX RLM output - output type descriptions
OIO_RN_SVCAT Service categories relevant to RLM rentals
OIO_RT_ACTIT Recommended action for returns document item
OIO_RT_ACTIT_TX Recommended action descriptions
OIO_RT_DLPRC Delivery processes
OIO_RT_DOCTY Returns document types
OIO_RT_DOCTY_TX Returns document types
OIO_RT_EVENT Returns events
OIO_RT_EVENT_TX Returns event names
OIO_RT_FSGRP Returns field status group assignment
OIO_RT_RSPIT Responsibility groups
OIO_RT_RSPIT_TX Responsibility group descriptions
OIO_RT_RTDOC RLM returns document - header
OIO_RT_RTDOC_CT Returns document - container items
OIO_RT_RTDOC_MT Returns document - material items
OIO_RT_SBSBR RLM returns BDC rules
OIO_RT_SBSBR_TX RLM Returns BDC rule names
OIO_RT_SBSDC RLM returns processes
OIO_RT_SBSDC_TX RLM returns process names
OIO_RT_SBSDY RLM returns: Dynpros for subsequent postings
OIO_RT_SBSFM RLM returns: Field mapping for subsequent postings
OIO_RT_SBSPR Automatic processes
OIO_RT_STATUS Returns status
OIO_RT_STATUS_TX Returns status descriptions
OIO_RT_STPEV Recommended action step
OIO_RT_STPIT Recommended action step
OIO_RT_STPIT_AL Recommended action step - allowed processes
OIO_RT_STPIT_TX Recommended action step descriptions
OIO_SH_SHTYP Shipment types for offshore logistics
OIO_SH_VGCUS Customs number use codes
OIO_SH_VGCUS_TX Customs number use codes names
OIO_SH_VGSTA Voyage statuses
OIO_SH_VGSTA_TX Voyage status texts
OIO_SH_VGTYP Voyage types
OIO_SH_VGTYP_TX Voyage type texts
OIO_SH_VOYAGE_CN Customs serial numbers
OIO_SP_DFLDA Default loading areas
OIO_SR_ROUTE Shipment receipt - allowed routes
OIO_SR_SRSTA RLM Shipment status for shiment receipt
OIO_VG_FLDST Voyage master field status assignment
OIRADBT Document base table
OIRADBTCFLD Customer specifc fields for he document base table (OIRADB
OIRADBTCOMPSTR Completion strategy for the document base table
OIRADBTCOMPSTRT Completion strategy description
OIRADBTCSPROC Link subsequent processes to a completion strategy
OIRADBTSUBPROC Subsequent processes for the document base table
OIRADTLT Document transaction link table
OIRAMATHANDGRP Material handling group material assignment (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRAMATHANDGRPD Material handling group definition (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRAMATHANDGRPDT Material handling group definition text (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRAPBLHEAD General Location header Subscreen assignments (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRAPBLHEADCS General Location header possible screens (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRAPBLTRNBT Link Location type - Business type (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRAPCG Process Control Group (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRAPCGP Process Grouping (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRAPCGT Process Control Group description (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRAPCSTAT Process Control Status Definition (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRAPCSTATT Process Control Status Description (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRAPROCCHK Process Dependancy Definition (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRAPROCDEF Process Definition (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRAPROCDEFT Process Description (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRAPROCEXE Assign process to transaction code (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRAPROCRNBT Link Business type to Process ID
OIRAPROCTECH Process Control performance settings (no transport)
OIRAPROCTECHACT Process optimization activation
OIRAPROC_OBJ_ID Processing object type
OIRAPROC_OBJ_IDT Processing object type description
OIRAREPSUMCOL SSR Reporting: Subtotal column definition
OIRAREPSUMCOLS SSR Reporting: Subtotal column definition
OIRAREPSUMCOLST SSR Reporting: Subtotal column deinition
OIRAREPSUMCOLT SSR Reporting: Subtotal column deinition
OIRAREPSUMCOLV SSR Reporting: Subtotal column value assignments
OIRARNBT Retail Network Business Types
OIRARNBTMATKL Link Business type - Materialgroup (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRARNBTST Link Business type - Service type (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRARNBTT Retail Network Business Types
OIRASTYP Service type (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRASTYPT Service type description (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRA_AGGIN_VAL Value table for methods to transfer data into the aggr tab
OIRA_AGGIN_VALT Text table for BADI to transfer data into the pre-agg tabl
OIRA_AGGSCHDEF Pre-aggregation schema definition parameters
OIRA_AGGSCHEMA Define pre-aggregation schema and key parameters
OIRA_AGGSCHEMAT Text table for aggregation schema definition
OIRA_ALVPRN_VAL SSR Print - ALV output table methods for disp/chg print pg
OIRA_ALVPRN_VALT SSR Print - ALV output table methods for disp/chg print pg
OIRA_AP_VAL Process after process Routines
OIRA_AP_VALT Process after process Routines
OIRA_ARCH_CUST SSR - Archiving customizing
OIRA_ARCH_TABLES SSR - Archiving tables
OIRA_CALLUP_ASSN Assignment of print index call-up points
OIRA_CUSTIND_FLD Print group index customer fields
OIRA_DBT_LOCK Virtual locking table for the document base table (OIRADBT
OIRA_DESTSTR_VAL Check table for destination structure of pre-aggregation
OIRA_DOCTYPE_VAL Values for doctype
OIRA_DOCTYP_VALT Text table for DBT document types
OIRA_IN_VAL Value table for methods to fill aggregation table
OIRA_IN_VALT Text table for methods to fill aggregation table
OIRA_MAIN_VAL Value table for manipulation after pre-aggregation
OIRA_MAIN_VALT Text table for BADI to manipulate entries after pre-agg
OIRA_MSG_SUP SSR: Message supression
OIRA_MS_VAL SSR: Message supression routines
OIRA_MS_VALT SSR: Message supression routines
OIRA_OUT_VAL Value table for transfer from aggregated table BADI
OIRA_OUT_VALT Text for BADI to transfer from aggregated table
OIRA_PC_VAL Process Prerequisite Check Routines
OIRA_PC_VALT Process Prerequisite Check Routines
OIRA_PD_VAL Process Date Check Routines
OIRA_PD_VALT Process Date Check Routines
OIRA_PE_VAL Process Execution Routines
OIRA_PE_VALT Process Execution Routines
OIRA_PGC_VAL Process Prerequisite Group Check Routines
OIRA_PGC_VALT Process Prerequisite Group Check Routines
OIRA_PRINTCALL Definition of print index update call-up points
OIRA_PRINTCALLT Text table for print index update call-up points
OIRA_PRINTGP Print type group definition
OIRA_PRINTGPT Text table for print type group
OIRA_PRINTINDEX Print group index data
OIRA_PRINTPROC Procedure for updating the print group index table
OIRA_PRINTPROCT Text table for Print update procedure
OIRA_PRNDOC_HEAD Print document header data
OIRA_PRNDOC_ITEM Print document item data
OIRA_PRNFLD_ASSN Assignment of sources for index fields
OIRA_PRNSRC_VAL Value table to fill print index table fields
OIRA_PRNSRC_VALT Text table for print index table fields filling
OIRA_PRNTYP_ASSN Print index update procedure assignment
OIRA_PRPROC_VAL SSR Print - ALV output table population methods
OIRA_PRPROC_VALT SSR Print - ALV output table population methods
OIRA_PRUPD_VAL Value table to print skip update routine
OIRA_PRUPD_VALT Text table for print skip update routine
OIRA_PU_VAL Process Status Update Routines
OIRA_PU_VALT Process Status Update Routines
OIRA_SRCDOC_CAT Source document categories
OIRA_SRCDOC_CATT Text table for Source document categories
OIRA_SRCESTR_VAL Check table for destination structure of pre-aggregation
OIRBAMCS Subscreen assignments (IS-Oil SSR APPEND maint. concept)
OIRBAREAM Area Manager assignment (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRBAREAT Location Area Description (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRBBP1PF Location partner role SD partner functions (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRBBRANDT Location Brand description (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRBCSTORE C-Store/Retail specific data (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRBDSRNBT_C Lead RNBT for SCT data section (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRBDSSORT Sort definition table for table control (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRBLAA Location area assignment (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRBLAAT Location area assignment description (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRBMATMET Business Location material/meter assignment (IS-Oil, SSR)
OIRBOANLA Object links - FI-AA asset master (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRBOCEPC Object links - CO-PCA profit center (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRBOCOAS Object links - CO order (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRBOCSKS Object links - CO cost center (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRBOIFLO Object links - PM functional location (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRBOMMT001L Object links - CA storage location (IS-Oil MRN)
OIRBOPROJ Object links - PS project or project item (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRBOT001L Object links - CA storage location (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRBOT001W Object links - CA Plant (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRBPBLB Business location at business type level (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRBPBLPBL Link Table Location-Loc(Competitor assgnmnt)(IS-OIL,SSR)
OIRBPBLSTAT Location Status definition (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRBPBLTRNBT Dummy table for run-time field RNBT per location type
OIRBPBLVAL Relative Location Value (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRBPBLVALD Location Value differentiator (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRBPBLVALDT Location Value differentiator description (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRBPBLVALT Relative Location Value description (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRBREG Location region indicator (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRBREGM Region Manager assignment (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRBREGT Location Region Description (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRBSAREA Location sub area (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRBSAREAM Sub Area Manager assignment (IS-OIL SSR)
OIRBSNRNBT_C Lead RNBT for SCT screen (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRBSTATDEF Location Status definition (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRBSTATDEFT Location Status definition text (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRBSTATPROC Allowed processes per location status (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRBTTXID SSR Service Station Base: Text ID Activation
OIRBTTXIT SSR Service Station Base: Text ID Titles
OIRCCOMPD SSR Pricing - Competitor price differences
OIRCCOMPDM SSR Pricing - Competitor price differences/Material
OIRCLPC SSR Pricing - Location price cluster
OIRCLPCD SSR Pricing - Location price cluster differences
OIRCLPCDM SSR Pricing - Location price cluster differences/Material
OIRCLPCT SSR Pricing - Location price cluster: Texts
OIRCMDPG SSR Pricing - Material difference price group
OIRCMDPGR SSR Pricing - Material differences rates
OIRCMDPGT SSR Pricing - Material difference price group: Texts
OIRCPCR SSR Pricing - Change reason
OIRCPCRT SSR Pricing - Change reason: Texts
OIRCPRCHHEAD SSR Pricing - Change header details
OIRCPRUPD SSR Pricing - Update type definition
OIRCSCTFDDEFS Field Definitions - Meter Maintenance
OIRCSCTFDDEFST Field Definition Texts - Meter Maintenance
OIRCSDPG SSR Pricing - Service type difference price group
OIRCSDPGR SSR Pricing - Service type differences rates
OIRCSDPGT SSR Pricing - Service type differences group: Texts
OIRCT683V SSR Pricing - Margin procedure determination
OIRCT685 SSR Pricing - Condition type definition
OIRCT685_H SSR Pricing - Condition type definition
OIRCTVKD SSR Pricing - Location Margin Procedure
OIRCTVKDT SSR Pricing - Location Margin Procedure: Texts
OIRCTVKV SSR Pricing - Business type Margin Procedure
OIRCTVKVT SSR Pricing - Business type Margin Procedure: Texts
OIRC_ACCESS SSR Meters - Access type
OIRC_ACCESST SSR Meters - Access type text
OIRC_ACCGR SSR Meters - Meter access profile
OIRC_ACCGRT SSR Meters - Meter access profile texts
OIRC_ACT_HEADER SSR Fuels - Active checks - Header
OIRC_ACT_STATUS SSR Fuels - Active checks - Status
OIRC_APR_HEADER SSR Pricing - Active checks - Header
OIRC_APR_STATUS SSR Pricing - Active checks - Status
OIRC_CP_VAL SSR Pricing - Screenwise price proposal methods
OIRC_CP_VALT SSR Pricing - Screenwise price proposal methods texts
OIRC_DB_VAL SSR Pricing - Customisable reset button
OIRC_DB_VALT SSR Pricing - Customisable reset button texts
OIRC_DC_VAL SSR Stocks - User checks methods
OIRC_DC_VALT SSR Stocks - User checks methods: texts
OIRC_DESTSTRUC Check table for comm. structures for logistics documents
OIRC_DRREJ SSR Stocks - Dip readings rejected records
OIRC_DRREJ_ERR SSR Stocks - Dip readings rejected records - Error list
OIRC_DR_COMPST SSR Stocks - Completion strategy for the DBT
OIRC_DS_VAL SSR Stocks - Schedule determination methods
OIRC_DS_VALT SSR Stocks - Schedule determination methods: texts
OIRC_DT_VAL SSR Stocks - Tolerance quantity base methods
OIRC_DT_VALT SSR Stocks - Tolerance quantity base methods: texts
OIRC_EM_VAL SSR Pricing - 2-dimensional matrx edit methods
OIRC_EM_VALT SSR Pricing - 2-dimensional pricing matrix edit methods
OIRC_FD_VAL SSR Pricing - Footer definition methods
OIRC_FD_VALT SSR Pricing - Footer definition methods
OIRC_FUELS_PR SSR - Processing profile
OIRC_FUELS_PRMAT SSR - Processing profile/Material
OIRC_FUELS_PRT SSR - Processing profile texts
OIRC_GMME SSR: Meter event
OIRC_GMMES SSR: Meter event text
OIRC_GMMH SSR Meters - History
OIRC_GMMH_AGG01 SSR Meters - Aggregated history (Monthly)
OIRC_GMMH_AGG011 SSR Meters - Aggregated history (Monthly)
OIRC_GMMH_DEL SSR Meters - Deleted meter readings history
OIRC_GMMH_PRNR SSR Meters - History / Maximum process number
OIRC_HD_VAL SSR Pricing - Header definition methods
OIRC_HD_VALT SSR Pricing - Header definition methods
OIRC_HS_VAL SSR Pricing - History selection
OIRC_HS_VALT SSR Meters - User checks methods: texts
OIRC_LD_PBLIND Logistics document definition location indicator
OIRC_LD_PBLINDT Logistics document definition location indicator
OIRC_LOGDDR_VAL Logistics documents - Schedule determination methods
OIRC_LOGDDR_VALT SSR Meters - Schedule determination methods
OIRC_LOGDOCDEFH Logistics document definition schema header
OIRC_LOGDOCDEFHT Logistics document definition schema header
OIRC_LOGDOCDEFI Logistics document definition schema items
OIRC_LOGDOCS_VAL Logistics documents - Schedule determination methods
OIRC_LOGDOCS_VAT SSR Meters - Schedule determination methods
OIRC_LOGDOC_ASS Logistics document schema assignment
OIRC_LOGDOC_ASSC Logistics document schema assignment card exceptions
OIRC_LOG_DOCTYP Logistics document type
OIRC_LOG_DOCTYPT Logistics document type description
OIRC_MC_VAL SSR Meters - User checks methods
OIRC_MC_VALT SSR Meters - User checks methods: texts
OIRC_MD_VAL SSR Pricing - Margin definition methods
OIRC_MD_VALT SSR Pricing - Margin definition methods texts
OIRC_MMR_VAL SSR Meters - Dialog save methods
OIRC_MMR_VALT SSR Meters - Dialog save methods: texts
OIRC_MRREJ SSR Meters - Meter readings rejected records
OIRC_MRREJ_ERR SSR Meters - MR rejected records - Error list (OBSOLETE)
OIRC_MRREJ_ERRL SSR Meters - Meter readings rejected records - Error list
OIRC_MR_COMPST SSR Meters - Completion strategy for the DBT
OIRC_MR_FDEF_CF SSR Meters - Field Selection Customizing - SCT
OIRC_MR_FDEF_KEY SSR Meters - Field Selection Customizing - Key definition
OIRC_MR_SUBSCR SSR Meters - Subscreen assignments maintenance
OIRC_MS_VAL SSR Meters - Schedule determination methods
OIRC_MS_VALT SSR Meters - Schedule determination methods: texts
OIRC_OUT_VAL Value table for transfer from aggregated table BADI
OIRC_OUT_VALT Value table for transfer from aggregated table BADI
OIRC_PASS Fuels pricing pass prices export table
OIRC_PC_VAL SSR Pricing - Commnuication structure population methods
OIRC_PC_VALT SSR Pricing - Commnuication structure population methods
OIRC_PD_VAL SSR Pricing - Period defintion methods
OIRC_PD_VALT SSR Pricing - Period defintion methods texts
OIRC_PISPC_VAL SSR Pricing - Data transfer from report to 2D pr. function
OIRC_PISPC_VALT SSR Pricing - Data transfer from report to 2D pr. function
OIRC_PK_VAL SSR Pricing - User price check methods
OIRC_PK_VALT SSR Pricing - User price check methods texts
OIRC_PPD_VAL SSR Pricing - Columnwise price proposal methods
OIRC_PPD_VALT SSR Pricing - Columnwise price proposal methods texts
OIRC_PP_VAL SSR Pricing - Rowwise price proposal methods
OIRC_PP_VALT SSR Pricing - Rowwise price proposal methods texts
OIRC_PRCHK SSR Pricing - Price check
OIRC_PRLOG_DIF SSR Pricing - Price update differences
OIRC_PRLOG_OBJ SSR Pricing - Price update location list
OIRC_PRLOG_PRL SSR Pricing - Old and new prices
OIRC_PRLOG_PRM SSR Pricing - Price update parameter log
OIRC_PROC_LOG SSR Fuels - Process log
OIRC_PRPROC_DF SSR Pricing - Process definition
OIRC_PRPROC_DFT SSR Pricing - Process definition - texts
OIRC_PRPROC_EX SSR Pricing - Excluded function codes
OIRC_PR_CHECKS SSR Pricing - Check codes
OIRC_RC_VAL SSR Meters - Rollover control methods
OIRC_RC_VALT SSR Meters - Rollover control methods: texts
OIRC_RD_VAL SSR Pricing - Row definition methods
OIRC_RD_VALT SSR Pricing - Row definition methods
OIRC_SD_VAL SSR Pricing - Screen definition methods
OIRC_SD_VALT SSR Pricing - Screen definition methods
OIRC_SOCDIP SSR Stocks - Dip readings history
OIRC_SRCESTRUC Check table for logistics documents source structure
OIRC_STATUS SSR Fuels - Status
OIRC_STATUST SSR Fuels - Status - Description
OIRC_STATUST_USR SSR Fuels - Status (User checks) - Description
OIRC_STATUS_USR SSR Fuels - Status (User checks)
OIRC_SV_VAL SSR Pricing - Save command method
OIRC_SV_VALT SSR Pricing - Save command method: texts
OIRC_TL_VAL SSR Pricing - Method to identify target line for pasting
OIRC_TL_VALT SSR Pricing - Method to identify target line for pasting
OIRC_VCDEF SSR Pricing - List variant/condition type definition
OIRC_VCDEFT SSR Pricing - List variant/condition type def. - Texts
OIRC_VCDEF_COLDF SSR Pricing - Column definition
OIRC_VCDEF_COLFD SSR Pricing - Column definition: Fields
OIRC_VCDEF_COLHD SSR Pricing - Column definition: Header
OIRC_VCDEF_F SSR Pricing - List variant/cond. type - field definition
OIRC_VCDEF_F_VAL SSR Pricing - List variant/condition type - field values
OIRC_VCDEF_VAL SSR Pricing - List variant/condition type definition heade
OIRC_WST SSR Pricing - List Variants
OIRC_WSTT SSR Pricing - List Variants - Texts
OIREBLSTPL SSR PC: Black List Storage Place
OIREBLSTPLT SSR PC: Black List Storage Place Texts (IS-Oil SSR)
OIREBR SSR PC: Block reasons (IS-Oil SSR)
OIREBRT SSR PC: Block Reason Text (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRECCTYP SSR PC: Company code / credit card types
OIRECCTYPAOBJ Assignm.card type/CC to archiving object (obsolete rel.472)
OIRECH SSR PC: Clearing House table (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRECHBPA Clearing house bus. partner role assignments (IS-Oil MRN)
OIRECHPR SSR PC: Initial procedures (CH determ., stat. group...)
OIRECHSETTFMT CH Settlement Format Table
OIRECHSETTFMTT Report column description
OIRECHT SSR PC: Clearing House Texts (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRECH_APPL SSR PC: Clearing House application data (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRECH_RECON SSR PC Reconciliation Cusotmizing by Clearing House
OIRECOMPACT SSR PC: Complaint action
OIRECOMPACTT SSR PC: Complaint action text
OIRECOMPRES SSR PC: Complaint results
OIRECOMPREST SSR PC: Complaint result text
OIREDISC SSR PC: Clearing house discounts by cardtype/co code/CH
OIREDTFCAPT SSR PC: Controls the tabstrips in the DTF transaction
OIREDTFCAPTS SSR PC: Controls the tabstrips in the DTF transaction
OIREDTFCAPTST SSR PC: Texts for the tabstrip captions in the DTF program
OIREDTFCAPTT SSR PC: Texts for the tabstrip captions in the DTF program
OIREDTFSCRN SSR PC: Control of the tabstips shown - customizing
OIREDTFSCRNS SSR PC: Control of the tabstips shown - system table
OIREDTF_INFOSCRN Assignment of infoscreen for SAPMOIREDTF
OIRELPCGROUP Location Payment Card Grouping - Group Definitions
OIRELPCGROUPT Location Payment Card Grouping - Group Definition Texts
OIREMATKL SSR PC: Material groups allowed/not allowed, CoCode/PC typ
OIREMATNR SSR PC: Material numbers allowed/not allowed, CoCode/PC ty
OIREPBL SSR PC: Types per business location
OIREPCTYP SSR PC: Payment Card Type
OIREPCTYPT SSR PC: Payment Card Type Texts
OIREPOSTTYPET SSR PC: Payment card header for document posting
OIRERESACT SSR PC: Link between complaint result and complaint action
OIRESETTDOCFMT CH Settlement Format Table
OIRESETTDOCFMTT Settlement Document Report column description
OIRESETT_HEAD Payment Cards: Settlement Run Log
OIRESETT_ITEM Payment Cards: Settlement Run Log
OIRESLSTA SSR PC: Sales status of the PC transactions
OIRESLSTAT SSR PC: Text of the PC sales status
OIRESPCR SSR PC: Splitting criteria
OIRESPLIT SSR PC: Splitting Indicator
OIRESPLITS SSR PC: Splitting routine assignment to splitting indicato
OIRESPLITT SSR PC: Splitting Indicator text
OIRESPRES SSR PC: Splitting Result
OIRESPREST SSR PC: Splitting result texts
OIREUPLKXXXX SSR PC: Template for generated DTF tables (header)
OIREUPLPXXXX SSR PC: DTF table for item information
OIREVALGP SSR PC: Upload Validation Group
OIREVALGPT SSR PC: Upload Validation Group
OIREVALS SSR PC: Upload Validation assignment to Validation Groups
OIRE_CCODE_CR Complaint Result Handling
OIRE_CHCAL_VAL SSR PC: BADI filter values - CH processing calendar check
OIRE_CHCAL_VALT SSR PC: BADI filter values - CH processing calendar check
OIRE_COMP_VAL SSR PC: Complaint routine
OIRE_COMP_VALT SSR PC: Complaint routine text
OIRE_CP_VAL Complaint Processing Routines
OIRE_CP_VALT Complaint processing text table
OIRE_DIFFTOL_VAL SSR PC Reconciliation Difference Tolerance BADI
OIRE_DIFTOL_VALT SSR PC Reconciliation Difference Tolerance BADI Texts
OIRE_DISC_VAL SSR PC: clearing house discounts BADI filters
OIRE_DISC_VALT SSR PC: clearing house discounts BADI filters text table
OIRE_DTF_CMPLETX SSR PC: Texts for the incompletion handling
OIRE_DTF_LOCK Virtual locking table for certain DTF objects
OIRE_KSCHL_CLA SSR: Condition classification
OIRE_KSCHL_CLAT SSR: Condition classification
OIRE_MATCHKEY PC Reconciliation: Matching keys
OIRE_MATCHKY_FLD SSR PC Reconciliation Matching Key Fields
OIRE_PCSTAT_VAL Value table for methods to fill dynamic PC statistic value
OIRE_PCSTAT_VALT Text table for methods to fill dynamic PC statistics
OIRE_RECON_ADM Administration data for the reconciliation files
OIRE_RECON_AGG Aggregated reconciliation data
OIRE_RECON_CUS SSR PC Reconciliation Customizing by Cl. House & Card Type
OIRE_RECON_DET Detailed reconciliation data
OIRE_RECON_LOCK Virtual locking table for the document base table (OIRADBT
OIRE_RECON_RUN Reconciliation run results
OIRE_RECON_VAL SSR PC Reconciliation Logic BADI
OIRE_RECON_VALT SSR PC Reconciliation Logic BADI Texts
OIRE_SPLIT_VAL SSR PC: Splitting routine
OIRE_SPLIT_VALT SSR PC: Splitting routine text
OIRE_SRCE1_VAL SSR PC Reconciliation Table Values for Data Source 1
OIRE_SRCE1_VALT SSR PC Reconciliation Table Values Texts for Data Source 1
OIRE_SRCE2_VAL SSR PC Reconciliation Table Values for Data Source 2
OIRE_SRCE2_VALT SSR PC Reconciliation Table Value Texts for Data Source 2
OIRE_VAL_VAL SSR PC: Validation routine
OIRE_VAL_VALT SSR PC: Validation routine text
OIRHCHSFDDEFS Clearing House Settlement - Field Catalog (IS-OIL,SSR)
OIRHCHSFDDEFST Clearing House Settlement-Field cat descriptions(IS-OIL,SS
OIRHCHSMSC Clearing House Settlement - Message structures (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRHCHSMSCONFC Clearing House Settlement-message configurations(IS-OIL,SS
OIRHCHSMSCT Clearing House Settlement - Message structures (IS-Oil SSR
OIRHCHSSGCONFC Clearing House Settlement Msg sgmnt struc config(IS-OIL,SS
OIRHCHSSGCONFCT Clearing House Settlement Msg sgmnt struc config(IS-OIL,SS
OIRHCHSSGDEFS Clearing House Settlement - Segment definitions (IS-Oil SSR)
OIRHCHSSGDEFST Clearing House Settlement - Segment definitions (IS-Oil SS
OIRHCHSTRNSMN Clearing House Transmission-Message log(IS-OIL, SSR)
OIRHCVDEFC Field Conversion--Interface Customer field declarations
OIRHCVDEFS Field conversion -Interface field declarations (IS-Oil, SS
OIRHCVFDDEFC Field Conversion Activation Table (IS-Oil, SSR)
OIRHCVFDDEFS Field Catalog (IS-Oil, SSR)
OIRHCVFDDEFST Field Conversion - Field catalog descriptions (IS-Oil, SSR
OIRHCVGRDEFC Conversion Group Definitions(IS-Oil, SSR)
OIRHCVGRDEFCT Group definition texts (IS-OIL,SSR)
OIRHCVRDDEFC Field Conversion Records Inbound(IS-Oil, SSR)
OIRHCVRDDEFOC Field Conversion Records Outbound(IS-Oil, SSR)
OIRHPRBAPI Process link to BAPI and business types - BAPIs
OIRHPRBAPIT Process link to BAPI and business types - BAPI texts
OIRHPRCONFC BAPI Business type Process linking
OIRHREPORTSSTWB Reports used in Storeworkbench
OIRHTCODESTWB Maintain Executable Services in Store Workbench
OIRIADAG Link and define additional agg. procs.
OIRIADAGPAR Definition of additional aggregation parameters
OIRIADAGT Text for additional aggregation procedures
OIRIAGGCHAR Define aggregation procedure and key parameters
OIRIAGGPAR SSR Invoicing and settlement aggregation procedure parms.
OIRIAGGT SSR Invoicing - Aggregation procedures : Texts
OIRIDCPAR SSR Invoicing - Document parameters
OIRIDCT SSR Invoicing - invoicing document type : Texts
OIRIDESTSTRUCC Check table for communication structures for gn_inv_cr
OIRIMETHDC SSR Invoicing - Link inv document type to an inv method
OIRIMETHT SSR Invoicing - Invoicing method : Texts
OIRIMTYP SSR Invoicing - Invoicing method parameters
OIRIOBJDEF Object and subobject definition for aggregation procedure
OIRIPGRP SSR SD/FI Invoice posting group
OIRIPGRPD SSR SD/FI Invoice posting group definition
OIRIPGRPDT SSR SD/FI Invoice posting group description
OIRIREVAGG Aggregation schema for reversals
OIRIREVCOMP Assign completion strategy for periodic invoice reversals
OIRISRCESTRUCC Check table for destination structure
OIRITYPC SSR Invoicing - invoicing type definition
OIRITYPT Text table for additional invoicing information
OIRI_ADDAT_VAL Value table for addittional data routine
OIRI_ADDAT_VALT Text table for additional invoicing information
OIRI_ADDRT_VAL Value table for addittional invoicing data routine
OIRI_ADDRT_VALT Text table for additional invoicing information
OIRI_DAILY_VAL Values for BADI to select information for daily report
OIRI_DAILY_VALT Text table for values for BADI to select daily report info
OIRI_DIST_VAL Value table for fee cost distribution routines
OIRI_DIST_VALT Text table for values for distribution routines.
OIRI_DOCDET_VAL Document determination BADI
OIRI_DOCDET_VALT Text table for document determination BADI
OIRI_FILCOM_VALT Text table for I&S SSR Fill communication structure BADI
OIRI_FILLCOM_VAL I&S SSR Fill communication structure BADI
OIRI_OUT_VAL Value table for transfer from aggregated table BADI
OIRI_OUT_VALT Text for BADI to transfer from aggregated table
OIRI_QVOUT_VAL Value table for methods to fill quantity and value
OIRI_QVOUT_VALT Text table for methods to fill quantity and value
OIRI_QV_VAL Value table for methods to fill quantity and value
OIRI_QV_VALT Text table for methods to fill quantity and value
OIRI_VNDDET_VAL Value table for vendor determination BADI
OIRI_VNDDET_VALT Text table for vendor determination BADI
OIRPBL Sales Index: Billing by Business Location
OIUCM_T8JV PRA Joint Venture Master Data
OIUCM_T8JVT PRA Joint Venture Description
OIUF6 Group items
OIUF6_DEFAULT Group items
OIUGT_BASECONFIG Upstream Graphics Base Configuration
OIUGT_INDX Upstream Graphics INDX Table
OIUH_REP_HIST Reporting History old Razorfish
OIUOW_ORP_TWB ORP test workbench comparison history
OIUQ3 Formula Repository - Formula Group Item
OIUQ6 Quotation group items
OIUQ9 Formula Condition Data - Formula group items
OIUREP_REG_HIST Reporting history (System table INDX)
OIU_CM_MPCAT Measurement Point Type Category
OIU_CM_MPTYPGRP Measurement Point Type Group
OIU_GRVDEF Gravity scale default table
OIU_PR_MP PRA Measurement Points
OIU_PR_MPTYP Measurement Point Types - Tblpr002
OIU_QUOGRP Quotation group definition
OIU_QUOGRPT Quotation group description
OIU_RV_OICQP Quotation Price Information Table
SAP tables starting with OJ
OJDEF Objects in the SAP System: definitions source
OJDEFL Objects in the SAP System: definitions load
OJDEFS Objects in the SAP System: definition source
SAP tables starting with OL
OLELOAD OLE type Information load
OLR3_DMS_OBJLNK Default Document Types per cProjects System
SAP tables starting with OM
OMCONFI Table with Configuration Data for COM Objects
OMC_BASIC Basic Settings: Enhanced Dependency Editor
OMC_CDEP Table is obsolete (no longer used)
OMC_DEP Table is obsolete (no longer used)
OMC_MCDEP Define Scheme for Enhanced Dependency Editor
OMC_MDEP Enhanced Dependency Editor: Assign Scheme
OMIS_IS_PID Allocation of InfoSource to InfoSourceViewer ProGID
OMOPTIONS OM: Options: View
SAP tables starting with ON
ONR00 General Object Number
ONRAN Object number index for system
ONRAO Object Number Index (Reconciliation Object)
ONRBP Object number index: Business process
ONRDO Object number index for documents
ONRFS Object number index for commitment funds center
ONRHP Object number index for process manufacturing hierarchy
ONRIA Calculation unit object number index
ONRIM Rental unit object number index
ONRIV Rental agreement item object number index
ONRKL Object Number Index, Cost Center/Activity Type
ONRKS Object Number Index, Cost Center
ONRO2 Refer KBED internal object number back to KBED
ONROF Object number index for production resource order
ONROK Object number index for material component/reservation
ONROR Object Number Index, Order
ONROS Object number index for order sequence
ONROV Object number index for order process
ONRPD Object number index for project
ONRPR Object number index for project structure element
ONRQA Object number index for quality message - measures
ONRQB Object number index quality message - immediate measures
ONRQM Object number index for quality message
ONRVB Object number index for sales document item
ONSTATOPT Options for INFORMIX Tool "onstat"
SAP tables starting with OP
OPDEV Order Operation - Schedule Deviations
OPER_VIEW Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
OPIT Schedule record for planned order
OPN_J1 Japanese DME Foreign Payment Accounting Data (Open FI)
OPROL AVO Link to Object List Entry
OPSYSTEM Operating Systems of Application and Presentation Servers
OPS_SE_SI_COMP Table for Assignment of Application to Namespace
OPTEXT Operating System Names
SAP tables starting with OR
ORAINDINFO Information About the Storage Quality of the Indexes
ORAISQCTRL RSORAISQ Index Storage Quality Maintenance Control Table
ORATSPINFO Tablespace Information
ORBRELTPA Object Relationship: attributes of binary link types
ORBRELTYP Object relationship binary link type
ORDCOM Communication control Operation download
ORDLY Table of delays for production order
ORF2CUST Customising Profils for Optimal Rotable Float ORF1,2,4
ORF2CUSTT Customising Profils for Optimal Rot. Float ORF1,2,4 Text
ORF5CUST Customising Profils for Optimal Rotable Float ORF5,6
ORF5CUSTT Customising Profils for Optimal Rot. Float ORF1,2,4 Text
ORFAIRC Master Data Aircraft for ORF
ORFECT ORF: Essentiality-Code Table
ORGCRACT Organizational criteria activation
ORGCRATT Organization criteria attribute
ORGCRATT_T Organization criteria
ORGCRFLD Organization criteria attribute
ORGCRIT Organization criteria
ORGCRIT_T Organization criteria
ORIG_PR_MBEW Sales Price Origin of Last Total Revaluation at Retail
OROBJROLES Object relationship : valid role types of an object type
ORROLETYP Object Relationship Service object role types
ORTBRELTPA Attributes of binary link types text
ORTBRELTYP Object relationship of binary link types text
ORTROLETYP Object relationship: role types text
SAP tables starting with OS
OSEXNODE01 OS: Examples Node 01
OSEXTREE01 OS: Examples Tree 01
OSMON Operating system monitoring data
SAP tables starting with OT
OTBPARAM Parameters for OTB Control
OTBPARAM2 Parameters for OTB Purchase Order Warning
OTC_CONV_AFINKO Backup Table for Fin. Transaction Alternative Conditions
OTC_CONV_FHAPO Backup Table for Financial Transaction Flows
OTC_CONV_FHAZU Backup Table for Financial Transaction Activities
OTC_CONV_FINKO Backup Table for Financial Transaction Conditions
OTC_CONV_IAFINKO Backup Table for Transaction Underlying Old Conditions
OTC_CONV_IFHAPO Backup Table for Underlying Transaction Flows
OTC_CONV_IFINKO Backup Table for Financial Transaction Underlying Conditions
OTR_BVOC OTR: Basic Vocabulary
OTR_COMM OTR: Comment for Concept
OTR_VOTE OTR: Voting Result
SAP tables starting with OX
OXT_CUS_DEVCLASS Packages and Systems
OXT_CUS_EXT Customer Extension Header
OXT_CUS_EXTVER Customer Extension Versions
OXT_CUS_PPROC Postprocessing Activities
OXT_CUS_PRJ Object Extension Projects
OXT_CUS_PRJUSR Project User Assignment
OXT_CUS_TRANS EEW Project Transports
OXT_ER_BUSOBJ OXT Business Objects
OXT_ER_BUSOBJT Text Table for OXT Business Objects
OXT_ER_EXTACT Action for Extension Type
OXT_ER_EXTACTT Long Texts for Extension Action
OXT_ER_EXTTYP OXT Business Object Extension
OXT_ER_EXTTYPREL OXT Business Object Extension
OXT_ER_EXTTYPT Text Table for OXT Business Object Extension
OXT_ER_GOBJDEF Description Template for Objects to be Generated
OXT_ER_GOBJDEFT Long Text for Objects to be Generated
OXT_ER_GOBJDTL Generated Object Substitution Details
OXT_ER_GOBJRPL OXT Generator Substitutions
OXT_ER_KNOWLEDGE Applications Knowledge Base
OXT_ER_PPROC OXT Postprocessing Definition
OXT_ER_SUBOBJ OXT Business Object Subobject
OXT_ER_TASKDEF OXT Extension Type Task Definition
OXT_ER_TASKSEQ OXT Extension Type Task Sequence
OXT_ER_TTYP_PP PostProcessing: Definition per Task Type
OXT_GENOBJDEF OXT Object Template Description
OXT_GENOBJDEFT Description of Objects to be Generated
OXT_GENOBJDTL Generated Object Substitution Details
OXT_GENOBJRPL OXT Generator Substitutions
OXT_GENTABHDR OXT Object Template Description
OXT_GENTABLIN OXT Object Template Description
OXT_PARAMLIN OXT Parameter Set Row
OXT_PICTURE Repository for OXT Pictures
OXT_SYSTAB OXT Tool System Table
OXT_SYSTYPES System Types for EEW
OXT_SYSTYPEST Text Table for EEW Systems
OXT_TASKLINK Interlinkage OXT_CUS_EXT -> OXT_TASKLIST (local+global)
OXT_TASKLIST OXT Tasklist (local)

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