SAP tables starting with IE

Here you will find a list of all SAP tables with the initial letter IE.

Here you will find a list of all SAP tables.

10 SAP tables were found!
table name description
SAP tables starting with IE
IE4N_CGP General IE4N Settings for Installation/Dismantling
IE4N_USP Definition of User-Specific Settings
IE4N_USPI Definition of User-Specific Settings: Installation
IE4N_USPR Definition of User-Specific Settings: Dismantling
IEQT_WL_HDR_BAC Interim Statuses - Header Data (Backup)
IEQT_WL_HEADER Interim Statuses - Header Data
IEQT_WL_ITEMS Interim Statuses - Items
IEQT_WL_ITM_BAC Interim Statuses - Items (Backup)
IEQT_WL_MP Interim Statuses: Measurement Objects
IESTA_UISPROT Help Structure for Block ESTA_UISROT (UIS Update)

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