SAP tables starting with AE

Here you will find a list of all SAP tables with the initial letter AE.

Here you will find a list of all SAP tables.

17 SAP tables were found!
table name description
SAP tables starting with AE
AEDT Engineering Change Management: Alternative Dates
AEEF ECM: effectivity
AEHI Change hierarchy
AENR Change Master
AENRCNV Data for Converting Change Numbers
AENV ECH: Object Types for Change Master
AEOI ECH: Object Management Records for Change Master
AEPF ECM: effectivity
AEPLST Identical object in explosion (item)
AEPREC Identical object in explosion (header)
AESERVICES Name Reservation for Address Enhancement Services
AEXPM ALV Example: Printer Maintenance Personnel
AEXPRN ALV Example: Printer Data
AEXUP ALV Example: User Printer Connection
AEXUSR ALV Example: User
AEZU ECH: Assign Material to Effectivity Profile

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