SAP tables starting with AD

Here you will find a list of all SAP tables with the initial letter AD.

Here you will find a list of all SAP tables.

245 SAP tables were found!
table name description
SAP tables starting with AD
AD00PMCL Class Table
AD00PMCLT Text Table for Class
AD00PMEV Class event table
AD00PMEVT Text Table for Events
AD01C_ATTR DIP profile: Characteristics
AD01C_CHK DIP profile: Check function
AD01C_CHKT DIP profile: Check function texts
AD01C_CT Apportionment reason
AD01C_CTT Apportionment reason text
AD01C_MAT DIP profile: Material determination
AD01C_MATA DIP profile: Material determination criteria
AD01C_PROF DIP profile: Usage
AD01C_PRTX DIP profile: Texts
AD01C_SEL DIP profile: Sources
AD01C_SELA DIP profile: Selection criteria
AD01DLI Dynamic items (DI)
AD01DLIEF DI flow: Individual flow
AD01DLISF DI Flow: Totals Flow
AD01DLISFR Resource-related billing: DLI flow totals revenue by rev el
AD01FILTVAR Filter Variants
AD01SETTCH DIP: Saved settings for user 1
AD01SETTMO DIP: Saved settings for user 2
AD01SRC DIP: Sources
AD01SRCARC Residence Time for DIP Sources
AD01SRCTAB DIP: Source <-> Table
AD01SRCTXT DIP: Source Texts
AD01STRUCTVAR Structuring Variants
AD01T000 Settings for A&D billing
AD01VARMASTER Variant Master
AD03OBJTV Plan data handling WBS objects, type and version
AD03PHP Plan data handling profile
AD03PHPT Plan data handling profile text
AD03PHV WBS version type
AD03PHVT version type text
AD04KALSM Additional properties of costing sheet
AD04KSUA Assessment preprocessor: assign CostElem to StKeyFigures
AD04NMC Number Category
AD04NMCT Text element for number category
AD04RELCON Relation between conditions
AD23_LAYTYPED BPP: alternative layout type definition
AD23_LAYTYPET BPP: alternative layout type texts
AD23_LAYTYPE_CT BPP: alternative layout type for output type
ADAA SAP DB: Directory of Valid DBA Actions
ADACACHE Information About SAP DB Cache Access
ADATABSIZE SAP DB: Table Sizes Including Indexes in KB
ADBOS_ECP_CKIS BOS: Enhancement to Detailed Statement
ADBOS_ECP_REL Object Relationship Service: Generic Binary Links
ADCNTRYQU Countries with active quarterly adjustment
ADCOMP PM/PS Reference Element
ADCP Person/Address Assignment (Business Address Services)
ADCPS Shadow Table: Assignment Person/Addr. (Bus. Addr. Services)
ADDONCHECK Relationship Between Enterprise Add-Ons + Check F. Modules
ADDRC_DELI_SERV Address Service Types
ADDRC_DELI_SERVT Text Table for Address Delivery Service Types
ADFDR_CARRIER Airline Carrier Table
ADFDR_CUST Customizing Flight Data Entry: Characteristic Assignment
ADFDR_CUSTT Customizing Flight Data Entry: Texts
ADFDR_FLDAT Flight Data Table
ADFSH_ACFTCAT Flight Scheduling: Aircraft Category
ADFSH_ACFTCAT_T Flight Scheduling: Aircraft Category Description
ADFSH_ACFTYP Flight Scheduling: Aircraft type
ADFSH_ACFTYP_T Flight Scheduling: Aircraft type Description
ADFSH_AIRLNCD Flight Scheduling: IATA Airline Code
ADFSH_AIRLNCD_T Flight Scheduling: IATA Airline Code Description
ADFSH_APTMAS Flight Scheduling: Airport Master
ADFSH_APTMAS_T Flight Scheduling: Airport Description
ADFSH_BAYMAS Flight Scheduling: Bay Master
ADFSH_BAYMAS_T Flight Scheduling: Bay Master Description
ADFSH_CODESHR Flight Scheduling: Code share master
ADFSH_FLGTCAT Flight Scheduling: Flight Category
ADFSH_FLGTCAT_T Flight Scheduling: Flight Category Description
ADFSH_FLGTDET Flight Scheduling: Flight Schedule Details
ADFSH_FLGTMAS Flight Scheduling: Flight Schedule Master
ADFSH_FLGTPAX Flight Scheduling: Flight Type
ADFSH_FLGTPAX_T Flight Scheduling: Flight Type Description
ADFSH_FLGTSTAT Flight Scheduling: Status of Flight
ADFSH_FLGTSTAT_T Flight Scheduling: Status of Flight Description
ADFSH_FLGTTYP Flight Scheduling: Flight Type
ADFSH_FLGTTYP_T Flight Scheduling: Flight Type Description
ADFSH_MODEMAS Flight Scheduling: Mode of Operation
ADFSH_MODEMAS_T Flight Scheduling: Mode of Operation Description
ADFSH_PRTDET Flight Scheduling: PRT Detail
ADFSH_PRTHEAD Flight Scheduling: PRT Master records
ADFSH_PRTHEAD_T Flight Scheduling: PRT Description
ADFSH_PRTMAS Flight Scheduling: PRT Master
ADFSH_SECTMAS Flight Scheduling: Sector Master
ADFSH_SECTMAS_T Flight Scheduling: Sector Master Description
ADFSH_SETTINGS Flight Scheduling: Selection Tree Profile Variants
ADFSH_TERMAS Flight Scheduling: Terminal Master
ADFSH_TERMAS_T Flight Scheduling: Terminal Master Description
ADIC_V_HTNM Generated Table for View
ADIRACCESS Table to store keys for TADIR objects
ADJTC_DFT_ASSIGN Update Types for Position Reconciliation
ADJT_TRANSACTION Treasury: Reconciliation business transactions
ADJV_TRANS_DIF Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
ADLZSN Leading Zeroes in Serial Numbers
ADMI_APPLI Application archive file information table
ADMI_AR_PEXT Created Archive Routing Path Extension
ADMI_BUFFC Buffer table
ADMI_BUFFI Buffer table
ADMI_CRIT Manage critical archiving objects (database conversion)
ADMI_EXAMP Archiving object EXAMPLE archive file info table
ADMI_FIDOC Archive Management for FI_DOCUMNT Object
ADMI_FIDOQ Enhancement to Archive Mgt. for FI_DOCUMNT Object
ADMI_FILES Archive Files of Archive Sessions
ADMI_FILE_DAVLNK Link Between the Archive File and the WebDAV Ressource
ADMI_FILE_RULES IRM Rules Applied for Archive Files
ADMI_HOME_PATH History of Home Paths for Archiving Object
ADMI_JOBS Archive Jobs
ADMI_ORIGINS Collection Properties
ADMI_PROPI Property Indexes
ADMI_RJOBS Read program jobs
ADMI_RUN Archive Runs Header Data
ADMI_SBOOK Archive file - info table for archiving object BC_SBOOK
ADMI_SKIP Address of data objects to be skipped
ADMI_STATS Archiving sessions: Statistics
ADMI_URIS Alternative Paths for Archive Files
ADMI_VARIA Contents of the Variant for the Archiving Program
ADMI_XDOCS Resources
ADMI_XRUN Archiving Session for XML Archiving Objects
ADOWNERREF Temporary reference address storage - Master object (ALE)
ADPIC_HOLD_MIGO Store BADI goitem for MIGO hold / restore functionality
ADPIC_HOLD_MPN Store MPN subitems for MIGO hold / restore functionality
ADPIC_SETTING Material Exchange Settings
ADPIC_T449U MPN-specific additions to table t449u
ADPMIVROTSUB AD: Define inventory structure for rotable parts (subitem)
ADPMORDTXT Customizing : Priority order code description
ADPMPRIOFFF CMC Parameters on FFF Class Level
ADPMPRIOHD Customizing : Priority for rotable orders (Header)
ADPMPRIOPRF Component Maintenance Cockpit Profile
ADPMPRIOPRFT Component Maintenance Cockpit Profile Text Table
ADPMPRIOSUB Customizing Priority ( Priority Level )
ADPMSTAT A&D CMC: Definition of Status Groups
ADPMSTATHD CMC User Status Profile
ADPMSTATHDT Component Maintenance Cockpit Profile Text Table
ADPMSTATPRF CMC User Status Profile
ADPMWHGRPHD Definiton of Inventory Groups ( Master Data )
ADQUINDX INDX-type table for quarterly adjustment addresses
ADR10 Printer (Business Address Services)
ADR10S Shadow Table: Printer (Business Address Services)
ADR10S2 Shadow Table 2: Printer (Business Address Services)
ADR11 SSF (Business Address Services)
ADR11S Shadow Table: SSF (Business Address Services)
ADR11S2 Shadow Table 2: SSF (Business Address Services)
ADR12 FTP and URL (Business Address Services)
ADR12S Shadow Table: FTP and URL (Business Address Services)
ADR12S2 Shadow Table 2: FTP and URL (Business Address Services)
ADR13 Pager (Business Address Services)
ADR13S Shadow Table: Pager (Business Address Services)
ADR13S2 Shadow Table 2: Pager (Business Address Services)
ADR14 Reserve Communication Method (Business Address Services)
ADR15 Reserve Communication Method (Business Address Services)
ADR16 Reserve Communication Method (Business Address Services)
ADR2 Telephone Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR2S Shadow Table: Telephone Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR2S2 Shadow Table 2: Telephone Nos (Business Address Services)
ADR3 Fax Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR3S Shadow table: Fax numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR3S2 Shadow Table 2: Fax Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR4 Teletex Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR4S Shadow Table: Teletex Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR4S2 Shadow Table 2: Teletex Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR5 Telex Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR5S Shadow Table: Fax Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR5S2 Shadow Table 2: Telex Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR6 E-Mail Addresses (Business Address Services)
ADR6S Shadow Table: SMTP Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR6S2 Shadow Table 2: SMTP Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR7 Remote Mail Addresses (SAP - SAP - Communication; BAS)
ADR7S Shadow Table: RML Addresses (Business Address Services)
ADR7S2 Shadow Table 2: RML Addresses (Business Address Services)
ADR8 X.400 Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR8S Shadow Table: X.400 Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR8S2 Shadow Table 2: X.400 Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR9 RFC Destinations (Business Address Services)
ADR9S Shadow Table: RFC Destinations (Business Address Services)
ADR9S2 Shadow Table 2: RFC Destination (Business Address Services)
ADRC Addresses (Business Address Services)
ADRCITY Postal cities
ADRCITYCCS Division-Dependent Data for City
ADRCITYKON Franch. Contracts for City
ADRCITYPRT Postal districts
ADRCITYT Postal districts (long texts)
ADRCOMC Comm. Data Serial Number Counter (Business Address Services)
ADRCOMCS Shadow table: Counter for current numbers for comm. data
ADRCOMCS2 Shdow Table 2: Comm. data serial number counter
ADRCS Shadow Table: Addresses (Business Address Services)
ADRCS2 Shadow Table 2: Addresses (Business Address Services)
ADRCT Address Texts (Business Address Services)
ADRCTS Shadow Table: Texts for Addresses (Business Addr. Services)
ADRCTS2 Shadow Table 2: Address Texts (Business Address Services)
ADRDIFINFO Control Table for Quarterly Adjustment Difference Tables
ADRDIF_CP District Difference Table for Quarterly Adjustment
ADRDIF_CT City Difference Table for Quarterly Adjustment
ADRDIF_PC Postal Code Difference Table for Quarterly Adjustment
ADRDIF_PO PO Box Difference Table for Quarterly Adjustment
ADRDIF_ST Street Difference Table for Quarterly Adjustment
ADRDYCONTR System table for screen construction for regional structure
ADRG Assignment of Addresses to Other Address Groups (BAS)
ADRGP Assignment of Persons to Further Person Groups (BAS)
ADRGPS Shadow table: Assignment of persons to other person groups
ADRGS Shadow table: Assignment of addresses to other address grps
ADRGS2 Shadow Table 2: Assign Addresses to Other Address groups
ADRP Persons (Business Address Services)
ADRPCDCITY Postal code/city: Assignment table
ADRPS Shadow Table: Persons (Business Address Services)
ADRPSTCODE Postal codes
ADRREGGRP Regional structure grouping
ADRREGGRPT Grouping of the regional structure (long texts)
ADRSTATUS SADR -> ADRC address conversion status per address group
ADRSTRCONV Conversion of Street Sections
ADRSTREETT Streets (long texts)
ADRSTRPCD Street (section)/postal code: Assignment
ADRSTRTCCS Division-Dependent Data for Street
ADRSTRTISU IS-U Applic. Data for Street
ADRSTRTKON Franchise Contracts for Street
ADRSTRTYPE Street type
ADRSTRTYPT Street type (long texts)
ADRT Communication Data Text (Business Address Services)
ADRTS Shadow Table: Texts for Communications Data (BAS)
ADRTS2 Shadow Table 2: Communication Data Texts (BAS)
ADRU Table for Communication Usages
ADRUS Shadow Table: Communication Usages (BAS)
ADRUS2 Shadow Table_2: Communication Usages (BAS)
ADRV Address Where-Used List (Business Address Services)
ADRVP Person Where-Used List (Business Address Services)
ADRVPS Shadow Table: Where-Used List for Persons (BAS)
ADRVS Shadow Table: Where-Used List for Addresses (BAS)
ADS2KIPBRO_CMD SPEC 2000 IP: Key fields for master data creation
ADS2KIPUPL_CLS Spec2000 Upload: Parallel Processing Resumption
ADS2KIPUPL_DTEL SPEC2000 IP Upload: Data Elements
ADS2KIPUPL_GSET Spec2000 Upload: Upload Customizing Settings
ADS2KIPUPL_GSETT Spec2000 Upload: Upload Customizing Settings
ADS2KUPL_CURMAP SPEC2000 IP Upload: Currency Code Mapping
ADSPC_CUSTRNMGR Transactions for Customizing for SPEC 2000

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